991 resultados para Ordinary psychoses


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A psicose ordinária se insere em um programa de investigação do Campo freudiano que relê a transmissão de Lacan a partir das ferramentas teóricas de seu último ensino. Ela se apoia na constatação de casuísticas onde não acontece o desencadeamento clássico e ruidoso, tal como o da psicose extraordinária. Ao contrário, a sintomatologia é discreta e exige do psicanalista uma atenção redobrada em relação à referência estrutural de uma psicose clássica. Partimos da investigação desta clínica estruturalista das psicoses, do primeiro ensino de Lacan, e avaliamos se o significante Nome-do-Pai persiste como operador único no diagnóstico diferencial. Ou se, desde as modificações introduzidas por Lacan a partir da pluralização do Nome-do-Pai, da inserção dos conceitos de lalíngua e falasser, e da valorização do gozo na clínica mais fluída, borromeana, o operador em questão pode ser substituído pelo sinthoma. A categoria de psicose ordinária reconsidera de uma forma diferenciada a foraclusão deste significante a partir do objeto de gozo, e esclarece a pluralidade de significantes-mestres, que falam do sujeito fora do discurso estabelecido pelo Nome-do-Pai. Em seguida, estudamos dois aforismos lacanianos. O primeiro, todo mundo é louco, isto é, delirante, convoca uma clínica ordenada pela foraclusão generalizada, na qual se inscreve algo da ordem de um não orientado. O segundo, o aforismo a relação sexual não existe, causa impasse em todos os sujeitos. Ambos requerem a resposta do falasser face ao indizível e a construção de uma saída singular, que não passa de um delírio apreendido em uma positividade. Afinal, se a psicanálise de orientação lacaniana institui que todos os discursos são defesas contra o real, e todas as construções da realidade são delirantes, é necessário que cada um invente um modo de saber-fazer com o real.


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Esta dissertação tem como proposta investigar as psicoses ordinárias e suas invenções. Partimos dos impasses de nossa prática clínica relativo ao diagnóstico diferencial, buscando identificar quais seriam os principais conceitos utilizados em referência ao mesmo. Sobretudo, apuramos de que maneira estes conceitos se mostram operativos no tratamento possível das psicoses. De forma que o esclarecimento da noção da psicose em psicanálise favorece a compreensão das psicoses ordinárias. Deduzimos que as psicoses, de forma ampla, possuem um aspecto multifacetário e, neste sentido, que as psicoses ordinárias pertencem à diversidade do campo. Estas últimas possuem uma apresentação discreta de fenômenos elementares. Embora a psicose ordinária não seja uma categoria de Jacques Lacan, averiguamos que pode ser depreendida da clínica lacaniana, extraída de uma perspectiva original do autor. Lacan nos faz avançar na ideia de uma direção de tratamento que privilegia a invenção de um significante novo que cumpre a função de sinthoma, exemplificado a partir das elaborações sobre James Joyce e o nó borromeano. O sinthoma é um artifício inventado para dar sustentação ao nó borromeano que é composto pelas instâncias separadas do imaginário, simbólico e real. Supomos que o mais específico das psicoses ordinárias se encontra no modo pelo qual ocorrem suas invenções de amarração do nó borromeano, ou seja, como surgem as compensações da foraclusão do Nome-do-Pai. Nossos dados indicam que a noção de compensação ou suplência que comportam as psicoses ordinárias produz uma forma inédita de apurar suas singularidades, facilitando não apenas o diagnóstico como também a direção do tratamento.


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In this paper, a singularly perturbed ordinary differential equation with non-smooth data is considered. The numerical method is generated by means of a Petrov-Galerkin finite element method with the piecewise-exponential test function and the piecewise-linear trial function. At the discontinuous point of the coefficient, a special technique is used. The method is shown to be first-order accurate and singular perturbation parameter uniform convergence. Finally, numerical results are presented, which are in agreement with theoretical results.


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The solution of linear ordinary differential equations (ODEs) is commonly taught in first year undergraduate mathematics classrooms, but the understanding of the concept of a solution is not always grasped by students until much later. Recognising what it is to be a solution of a linear ODE and how to postulate such solutions, without resorting to tables of solutions, is an important skill for students to carry with them to advanced studies in mathematics. In this study we describe a teaching and learning strategy that replaces the traditional algorithmic, transmission presentation style for solving ODEs with a constructive, discovery based approach where students employ their existing skills as a framework for constructing the solutions of first and second order linear ODEs. We elaborate on how the strategy was implemented and discuss the resulting impact on a first year undergraduate class. Finally we propose further improvements to the strategy as well as suggesting other topics which could be taught in a similar manner.


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Objective: Expressed emotion (EE) and substance use disorder predict relapse in psychosis, but there is little research on EE in comorbid samples. The current study addressed this issue. Method: Sixty inpatients with a DSM-IV psychosis and substance use disorder were recruited and underwent diagnostic and substance use assessment. Key relatives were administered the Camberwell Family Interview. Results: Patients were assessed on the initial symptoms and recent substance use, and 58 completed the assessment over the following 9 months. High EE was observed in 62% of households. Expressed emotion was the strongest predictor of relapse during follow up and its predictive effect remained in participants with early psychosis. A multivariate prediction of a shorter time to relapse entered EE, substance use during follow up Q1 and (surprisingly) an absence of childhood attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Conclusions: Since high EE is a common and important risk factor for people with comorbid psychosis and substance misuse, approaches to address it should be considered by treating clinicians.


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The Intention to Notice: the collection, the tour and ordinary landscapes is concerned with how ordinary landscapes and places are enabled and conserved through making itineraries that are framed around the ephemera encountered by chance, and the practices that make possible the endurance of these material traces. Through observing and then examining the material and temporal aspects of a variety of sites/places, the museum and the expanded garden are identified as spaces where the expression of contemporary political, ecological and social attitudes to cultural landscapes can be realised through a curatorial approach to design, to effect minimal intervention. Three notions are proposed to encourage investigation into contemporary cultural landscapes: To traverse slowly to allow space for speculations framed by the topographies and artefacts encountered; to [re]make/[re]write cultural landscapes as discursive landscapes that provoke the intention to notice; and to reveal and conserve the fabric of everyday places. A series of walking, recording and making projects undertaken across a variety of cultural landscapes in remote South Australia, Melbourne, Sydney, London, Los Angeles, Chandigarh, Padova and Istanbul, investigate how communities of practice are facilitated through the invitation to notice and intervene in ordinary landscapes, informed by the theory and practice of postproduction and the reticent auteur. This community of practice approach draws upon chance encounters and it seeks to encourage creative investigation into places. The Intention to Notice is a practice of facilitating that also leads to recording traces and events; large and small, material and immaterial, that encourages both conjecture and archive. Most importantly, there is an open-ended invitation to commit and exchange through design interaction.


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The Balanced method was introduced as a class of quasi-implicit methods, based upon the Euler-Maruyama scheme, for solving stiff stochastic differential equations. We extend the Balanced method to introduce a class of stable strong order 1. 0 numerical schemes for solving stochastic ordinary differential equations. We derive convergence results for this class of numerical schemes. We illustrate the asymptotic stability of this class of schemes is illustrated and is compared with contemporary schemes of strong order 1. 0. We present some evidence on parametric selection with respect to minimising the error convergence terms. Furthermore we provide a convergence result for general Balanced style schemes of higher orders.


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Families of 52 first-admission patients diagnosed with a severe psychiatric disorder were videotaped interacting with the patient. Behavioral coding was used to derive several indices of interaction: base rates of positive and negative behavior by patients and relatives, cumulative affect of patients and relatives (the difference between the rates of positive and negative behaviors), and classification of families as affect-regulated or unregulated. Family-affect regulation reflects positive cumulative affect by both people in a given interaction. Six months after hospital discharge patients were assessed on occurrence of relapse, global functioning, severity of psychiatric symptoms, and quality of life. Relative to affect-unregulated family interaction, affect-regulated interaction predicted significantly fewer relapses, better global functioning, fewer positive and negative psychiatric symptoms, and higher patient quality of life. Most of the predictions by family-affect regulation were independent of


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In this work we discuss the effects of white and coloured noise perturbations on the parameters of a mathematical model of bacteriophage infection introduced by Beretta and Kuang in [Math. Biosc. 149 (1998) 57]. We numerically simulate the strong solutions of the resulting systems of stochastic ordinary differential equations (SDEs), with respect to the global error, by means of numerical methods of both Euler-Taylor expansion and stochastic Runge-Kutta type.


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The pioneering work of Runge and Kutta a hundred years ago has ultimately led to suites of sophisticated numerical methods suitable for solving complex systems of deterministic ordinary differential equations. However, in many modelling situations, the appropriate representation is a stochastic differential equation and here numerical methods are much less sophisticated. In this paper a very general class of stochastic Runge-Kutta methods is presented and much more efficient classes of explicit methods than previous extant methods are constructed. In particular, a method of strong order 2 with a deterministic component based on the classical Runge-Kutta method is constructed and some numerical results are presented to demonstrate the efficacy of this approach.


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Stochastic differential equations (SDEs) arise fi om physical systems where the parameters describing the system can only be estimated or are subject to noise. There has been much work done recently on developing numerical methods for solving SDEs. This paper will focus on stability issues and variable stepsize implementation techniques for numerically solving SDEs effectively. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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In recent years considerable attention has been paid to the numerical solution of stochastic ordinary differential equations (SODEs), as SODEs are often more appropriate than their deterministic counterparts in many modelling situations. However, unlike the deterministic case numerical methods for SODEs are considerably less sophisticated due to the difficulty in representing the (possibly large number of) random variable approximations to the stochastic integrals. Although Burrage and Burrage [High strong order explicit Runge-Kutta methods for stochastic ordinary differential equations, Applied Numerical Mathematics 22 (1996) 81-101] were able to construct strong local order 1.5 stochastic Runge-Kutta methods for certain cases, it is known that all extant stochastic Runge-Kutta methods suffer an order reduction down to strong order 0.5 if there is non-commutativity between the functions associated with the multiple Wiener processes. This order reduction down to that of the Euler-Maruyama method imposes severe difficulties in obtaining meaningful solutions in a reasonable time frame and this paper attempts to circumvent these difficulties by some new techniques. An additional difficulty in solving SODEs arises even in the Linear case since it is not possible to write the solution analytically in terms of matrix exponentials unless there is a commutativity property between the functions associated with the multiple Wiener processes. Thus in this present paper first the work of Magnus [On the exponential solution of differential equations for a linear operator, Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 7 (1954) 649-673] (applied to deterministic non-commutative Linear problems) will be applied to non-commutative linear SODEs and methods of strong order 1.5 for arbitrary, linear, non-commutative SODE systems will be constructed - hence giving an accurate approximation to the general linear problem. Secondly, for general nonlinear non-commutative systems with an arbitrary number (d) of Wiener processes it is shown that strong local order I Runge-Kutta methods with d + 1 stages can be constructed by evaluated a set of Lie brackets as well as the standard function evaluations. A method is then constructed which can be efficiently implemented in a parallel environment for this arbitrary number of Wiener processes. Finally some numerical results are presented which illustrate the efficacy of these approaches. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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In many modeling situations in which parameter values can only be estimated or are subject to noise, the appropriate mathematical representation is a stochastic ordinary differential equation (SODE). However, unlike the deterministic case in which there are suites of sophisticated numerical methods, numerical methods for SODEs are much less sophisticated. Until a recent paper by K. Burrage and P.M. Burrage (1996), the highest strong order of a stochastic Runge-Kutta method was one. But K. Burrage and P.M. Burrage (1996) showed that by including additional random variable terms representing approximations to the higher order Stratonovich (or Ito) integrals, higher order methods could be constructed. However, this analysis applied only to the one Wiener process case. In this paper, it will be shown that in the multiple Wiener process case all known stochastic Runge-Kutta methods can suffer a severe order reduction if there is non-commutativity between the functions associated with the Wiener processes. Importantly, however, it is also suggested how this order can be repaired if certain commutator operators are included in the Runge-Kutta formulation. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. and IMACS. All rights reserved.