999 resultados para Optimal experience
The aim of this study is to assess the experience of flow and its relationship with the personality traits and the age of the adolescents. For this purpose, 224 participants of both sexes were selected, aged 12-20 years, who were examined with various tools: Flow State in adolescents (Leibovich de Figueroa; Schmidt, 2013). This is a self-report technique of 28 items that assesses the Flow State, covering all the aspects theoretically listed as components in the optimal experience of enjoyment. And a self-report Being a teenager nowadays, which evaluates 33 pairs of opposite personality characteristics that represent the personality domains of the NEO-PI-R (Costa; McCrae, 1992. Costa; McCrae, 2005, Leibovich; Schmidt, 2005). Among the found results, it was observed that in the adolescents with high scores on the scale of Flow State, the main personality trait was extroversion. Also, the influence of age on optimal flow experience appears in the chosen activities
The aim of this study is to assess the experience of flow and its relationship with the personality traits and the age of the adolescents. For this purpose, 224 participants of both sexes were selected, aged 12-20 years, who were examined with various tools: Flow State in adolescents (Leibovich de Figueroa; Schmidt, 2013). This is a self-report technique of 28 items that assesses the Flow State, covering all the aspects theoretically listed as components in the optimal experience of enjoyment. And a self-report Being a teenager nowadays, which evaluates 33 pairs of opposite personality characteristics that represent the personality domains of the NEO-PI-R (Costa; McCrae, 1992. Costa; McCrae, 2005, Leibovich; Schmidt, 2005). Among the found results, it was observed that in the adolescents with high scores on the scale of Flow State, the main personality trait was extroversion. Also, the influence of age on optimal flow experience appears in the chosen activities
The aim of this study is to assess the experience of flow and its relationship with the personality traits and the age of the adolescents. For this purpose, 224 participants of both sexes were selected, aged 12-20 years, who were examined with various tools: Flow State in adolescents (Leibovich de Figueroa; Schmidt, 2013). This is a self-report technique of 28 items that assesses the Flow State, covering all the aspects theoretically listed as components in the optimal experience of enjoyment. And a self-report Being a teenager nowadays, which evaluates 33 pairs of opposite personality characteristics that represent the personality domains of the NEO-PI-R (Costa; McCrae, 1992. Costa; McCrae, 2005, Leibovich; Schmidt, 2005). Among the found results, it was observed that in the adolescents with high scores on the scale of Flow State, the main personality trait was extroversion. Also, the influence of age on optimal flow experience appears in the chosen activities
La modélisation de l’expérience de l’utilisateur dans les Interactions Homme-Machine est un enjeu important pour la conception et le développement des systèmes adaptatifs intelligents. Dans ce contexte, une attention particulière est portée sur les réactions émotionnelles de l’utilisateur, car elles ont une influence capitale sur ses aptitudes cognitives, comme la perception et la prise de décision. La modélisation des émotions est particulièrement pertinente pour les Systèmes Tutoriels Émotionnellement Intelligents (STEI). Ces systèmes cherchent à identifier les émotions de l’apprenant lors des sessions d’apprentissage, et à optimiser son expérience d’interaction en recourant à diverses stratégies d’interventions. Cette thèse vise à améliorer les méthodes de modélisation des émotions et les stratégies émotionnelles utilisées actuellement par les STEI pour agir sur les émotions de l’apprenant. Plus précisément, notre premier objectif a été de proposer une nouvelle méthode pour détecter l’état émotionnel de l’apprenant, en utilisant différentes sources d’informations qui permettent de mesurer les émotions de façon précise, tout en tenant compte des variables individuelles qui peuvent avoir un impact sur la manifestation des émotions. Pour ce faire, nous avons développé une approche multimodale combinant plusieurs mesures physiologiques (activité cérébrale, réactions galvaniques et rythme cardiaque) avec des variables individuelles, pour détecter une émotion très fréquemment observée lors des sessions d’apprentissage, à savoir l’incertitude. Dans un premier lieu, nous avons identifié les indicateurs physiologiques clés qui sont associés à cet état, ainsi que les caractéristiques individuelles qui contribuent à sa manifestation. Puis, nous avons développé des modèles prédictifs permettant de détecter automatiquement cet état à partir des différentes variables analysées, à travers l’entrainement d’algorithmes d’apprentissage machine. Notre deuxième objectif a été de proposer une approche unifiée pour reconnaître simultanément une combinaison de plusieurs émotions, et évaluer explicitement l’impact de ces émotions sur l’expérience d’interaction de l’apprenant. Pour cela, nous avons développé une plateforme hiérarchique, probabiliste et dynamique permettant de suivre les changements émotionnels de l'apprenant au fil du temps, et d’inférer automatiquement la tendance générale qui caractérise son expérience d’interaction à savoir : l’immersion, le blocage ou le décrochage. L’immersion correspond à une expérience optimale : un état dans lequel l'apprenant est complètement concentré et impliqué dans l’activité d’apprentissage. L’état de blocage correspond à une tendance d’interaction non optimale où l'apprenant a de la difficulté à se concentrer. Finalement, le décrochage correspond à un état extrêmement défavorable où l’apprenant n’est plus du tout impliqué dans l’activité d’apprentissage. La plateforme proposée intègre trois modalités de variables diagnostiques permettant d’évaluer l’expérience de l’apprenant à savoir : des variables physiologiques, des variables comportementales, et des mesures de performance, en combinaison avec des variables prédictives qui représentent le contexte courant de l’interaction et les caractéristiques personnelles de l'apprenant. Une étude a été réalisée pour valider notre approche à travers un protocole expérimental permettant de provoquer délibérément les trois tendances ciblées durant l’interaction des apprenants avec différents environnements d’apprentissage. Enfin, notre troisième objectif a été de proposer de nouvelles stratégies pour influencer positivement l’état émotionnel de l’apprenant, sans interrompre la dynamique de la session d’apprentissage. Nous avons à cette fin introduit le concept de stratégies émotionnelles implicites : une nouvelle approche pour agir subtilement sur les émotions de l’apprenant, dans le but d’améliorer son expérience d’apprentissage. Ces stratégies utilisent la perception subliminale, et plus précisément une technique connue sous le nom d’amorçage affectif. Cette technique permet de solliciter inconsciemment les émotions de l’apprenant, à travers la projection d’amorces comportant certaines connotations affectives. Nous avons mis en œuvre une stratégie émotionnelle implicite utilisant une forme particulière d’amorçage affectif à savoir : le conditionnement évaluatif, qui est destiné à améliorer de façon inconsciente l’estime de soi. Une étude expérimentale a été réalisée afin d’évaluer l’impact de cette stratégie sur les réactions émotionnelles et les performances des apprenants.
In der Dissertation wird der Frage nachgegangen, welche globalen bildungspolitischen Maßnahmen erforderlich sind, um auch bislang exkludierten Menschen den Kompetenzerwerb zu ermöglichen, der benötigt wird, eine positive User Experience in benutzergenerierten, digitalen Lernumgebungen auszubilden, damit sie an der modernen Weltgesellschaft selbstbestimmt teilhaben können. Zu diesem Zweck wurden Castells ‘Netzwerkgesellschaft’ und Csikszentmihalys ‘Theorie der optimalen Erfahrung’ als analytische Grundlagen zur Einordnung der sozialen Netzwerk-Aktivitäten herangezogen. Dies ermöglichte es, unter Rückgriff auf aktuelle Lerntheorien, Kompetenzdebatten, ökonomische Analysen des Bildungssystems und User Experience-Forschungen, einige individuelle und gesamtgesellschaftliche Voraussetzungen abzuleiten, um in der Netzwerkgesellschaft konstruktiv überleben zu können. Mit Blick auf unterschiedliche sozio-kulturelle Bedingungen für persönlichen Flow im ‘space of flows’ liessen sich schließlich differenzierte Flow-Kriterien entwickeln, die als Grundlage für die Operationalisierung im Rahmen einer Real-Time Delphi (RTD)-Studie mit einem internationalen Expertinnen-Panel dienen konnten. Ziel war es, bildungspolitische Ansatzpunkte zu finden, den bislang Exkludierten bis zum Jahre 2020 erste Rahmenbedingungen zu bieten, damit sie potentiell teilhaben können an der Gestaltung der zukünftigen Netzwerkgesellschaft. Das Ergebnis der Expertinnen-Befragung wurde unter Rückgriff auf aktuelle Global und Educational Governance-Studien und das Einflusspotenzial der Zivilgesellschaft auf den Digital Divide reflektiert. Vor diesem Hintergrund konnten abschließend vier bildungspolitische Verlaufsszenarien entworfen werden, die es ermöglichen könnten, bis 2020 die Kluft zu den global Exkludierten wenigstens etwas zu schließen.
Este estudo procura entender as variáveis que possam determinar a fidelidade dos alunos a uma rede de ensino de idiomas (a empresa Y), líder no mercado há 50 anos. Partindo da hipótese de que a motivação do professor possa exercer um efeito positivo com relação à fidelidade dos alunos, são abordadas as questões referentes à motivação profunda do profissional, através do conceito de flow, teoricamente descrito e analisado por Mihalyi Csikszentmihalyi (1991, 1992, 1994, 1996, 1997). Numa perspectiva sócio-histórica, são trazidas informações do universo pessoal e profissional do professor, referentes a seu perfil psicológico, sua formação e seu desenvolvimento. Questões relativas a metodologias de ensino de língua estrangeira e a teorias de aprendizagem são também analisadas, com o objetivo de melhor situar e surtir melhor compreensão dos resultados da pesquisa. Coletaram-se os dados por meio de um questionário aplicado em 99 professores de 26 escolas da empresa Y (localizadas nos estados de Santa Catarina e Rio Grande do Sul) e sua análise foi feita a partir de testes de correlação das variáveis pertinentes ao modelo teórico. O problema principal estudado na pesquisa é a existência, a freqüência e a profundidade de atividades autotélicas, geradoras de flow no contexto dos professores da empresa Y, testando a seguinte hipótese: quanto maior o flow, maior a fidelidade dos alunos. Na ótica de Csikszentmihalyi, a atividade autotélica é uma atividade que, por si só, gera prazer, satisfação, recompensa, e que atende às necessidades profundas do indivíduo, levando-o à experiência máxima (ou ao flow).
The goal of this work was to provide professional and amateur writers with a new way of enhancing their productivity and mental well-being, by helping them overcoming writers block and being able to achieve a state of optimal experience while writing. Our approach is based on bringing together different components to create what we call a creative moment. A creative moment is composed by an image, a text, a mood, a location and a color. The color presented in the creative moment varied according to the mood that was associated to the creative moment. With the creative moments we hoped that our users could have a way to easily trigger their creativity and have a kick start in their work. The prototyping of a web crowdsourcing platform, named CreativeWall, and a Microsoft Word Add-In, that was used on the user study performed, is described and their implementations are discussed. The user study reveals that our approach does have a positive influence in the productivity of the participants when compared with another existing approach. The study also revealed that our approach can ease the process of achieving a state of optimal experience by enhancing one of the dimensions presented on the Flow Theory. At the end we present what we consider would be some possible future developments for the concept created during the development of this work.
The goal of this work was to provide professional and amateur writers with a new way of enhancing their productivity and mental well-being, by helping them overcoming writers block and being able to achieve a state of optimal experience while writing. Our approach is based on bringing together different components to create what we call a creative moment. A creative moment is composed by an image, a text, a mood, a location and a color. The color presented in the creative moment varied according to the mood that was associated to the creative moment. With the creative moments we hoped that our users could have a way to easily trigger their creativity and have a kick start in their work. The prototyping of a web crowdsourcing platform, named CreativeWall, and a Microsoft Word Add-In, that was used on the user study performed, is described and their implementations are discussed. The user study reveals that our approach does have a positive influence in the productivity of the participants when compared with another existing approach. The study also revealed that our approach can ease the process of achieving a state of optimal experience by enhancing one of the dimensions presented on the Flow Theory. At the end we present what we consider would be some possible future developments for the concept created during the development of this work.
This thesis investigates the design of optimal tax systems in dynamic environments. The first essay characterizes the optimal tax system where wages depend on stochastic shocks and work experience. In addition to redistributive and efficiency motives, the taxation of inexperienced workers depends on a second-best requirement that encourages work experience, a social insurance motive and incentive effects. Calibrations using U.S. data yield higher expected optimal marginal income tax rates for experienced workers for most of the inexperienced workers. They confirm that the average marginal income tax rate increases (decreases) with age when shocks and work experience are substitutes (complements). Finally, more variability in experienced workers' earnings prospects leads to increasing tax rates since income taxation acts as a social insurance mechanism. In the second essay, the properties of an optimal tax system are investigated in a dynamic private information economy where labor market frictions create unemployment that destroys workers' human capital. A two-skill type model is considered where wages and employment are endogenous. I find that the optimal tax system distorts the first-period wages of all workers below their efficient levels which leads to more employment. The standard no-distortion-at-the-top result no longer holds due to the combination of private information and the destruction of human capital. I show this result analytically under the Maximin social welfare function and confirm it numerically for a general social welfare function. I also investigate the use of a training program and job creation subsidies. The final essay analyzes the optimal linear tax system when there is a population of individuals whose perceptions of savings are linked to their disposable income and their family background through family cultural transmission. Aside from the standard equity/efficiency trade-off, taxes account for the endogeneity of perceptions through two channels. First, taxing labor decreases income, which decreases the perception of savings through time. Second, taxation on savings corrects for the misperceptions of workers and thus savings and labor decisions. Numerical simulations confirm that behavioral issues push labor income taxes upward to finance saving subsidies. Government transfers to individuals are also decreased to finance those same subsidies.
This thesis investigates the design of optimal tax systems in dynamic environments. The first essay characterizes the optimal tax system where wages depend on stochastic shocks and work experience. In addition to redistributive and efficiency motives, the taxation of inexperienced workers depends on a second-best requirement that encourages work experience, a social insurance motive and incentive effects. Calibrations using U.S. data yield higher expected optimal marginal income tax rates for experienced workers for most of the inexperienced workers. They confirm that the average marginal income tax rate increases (decreases) with age when shocks and work experience are substitutes (complements). Finally, more variability in experienced workers' earnings prospects leads to increasing tax rates since income taxation acts as a social insurance mechanism. In the second essay, the properties of an optimal tax system are investigated in a dynamic private information economy where labor market frictions create unemployment that destroys workers' human capital. A two-skill type model is considered where wages and employment are endogenous. I find that the optimal tax system distorts the first-period wages of all workers below their efficient levels which leads to more employment. The standard no-distortion-at-the-top result no longer holds due to the combination of private information and the destruction of human capital. I show this result analytically under the Maximin social welfare function and confirm it numerically for a general social welfare function. I also investigate the use of a training program and job creation subsidies. The final essay analyzes the optimal linear tax system when there is a population of individuals whose perceptions of savings are linked to their disposable income and their family background through family cultural transmission. Aside from the standard equity/efficiency trade-off, taxes account for the endogeneity of perceptions through two channels. First, taxing labor decreases income, which decreases the perception of savings through time. Second, taxation on savings corrects for the misperceptions of workers and thus savings and labor decisions. Numerical simulations confirm that behavioral issues push labor income taxes upward to finance saving subsidies. Government transfers to individuals are also decreased to finance those same subsidies.
Posttransplantation lymphoproliferative disorder (PTLD) is a serious complication following solid organ transplantation that has been linked to Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection. The aim of this article was to describe a single-center experience with the multiplicity of clinical presentations of PTLD. Among 350 liver transplantations performed in 303 children, 13 survivor children displayed a histological diagnosis of PTLD (13/242 survivors; 5.4%). The age at diagnosis ranged from 12 to 258 months (median, 47), and the time from transplantation ranged from 1 to 84 months (median, 13). Ten of these children (76.9%) were EBV-naive prior to transplantation. Fever was present in all cases. The clinical signs at presentation were anemia (92.3%), diarrhea and vomiting (69.2%), recurrent upper airway infections (38.4%), Waldeyer ring lymphoid tissue hypertrophy (23.0%), abdominal mass lesions (30.7%), massive cervical and mediastinal adenopathy (15.3%), or gastrointestinal and respiratory symptoms (30.7%). One child developed fulminant hepatic allograft failure secondary to graft involvement by PTLD. Polymorphic PTLD was diagnosed in 6 patients; 7 had the diagnosis of lymphoma. Treatment consisted of stopping immunosuppression as well as starting intravenous gancyclovir and anti-CD20 monoclonal antibody therapy. The mortality rate was 53.8%. The clinical presentation of PTLD varied from fever of unknown origin to fulminant hepatic failure. The other symptoms that may be linked to the diagnosis of PTLD are pancytopenia, tonsil and adenoid hypertrophy, cervical or mediastinal lymph node enlargement, as well as abdominal masses. Despite numerous advances, the optimal treatment approach for PTLD is not completely known and the mortality rate is still high.