998 resultados para Optical instrument transformer
Instrument transformers serve an important role in the protection and isolation of AC electrical systems for measurements of different electrical parameters like voltage, current, power factor, frequency, and energy. As suggested by name these transformers are used in connection with suitable measuring instruments like an ammeter, wattmeter, voltmeter, and energy meters. We have seen how higher voltages and currents are transformed into lower magnitudes to provide isolation between power networks, relays, and other instruments. Reducing transient, suppressing electrical noises in sensitive devices, standardization of instruments and relays up to a few volts and current. Transformer performance directly affects the accuracy of power system measurements and the reliability of relay protection. We classified transformers in terms of purpose, insulating medium, Voltage ranges, temperature ranges, humidity or environmental effect, indoor and outdoor use, performance, Features, specification, efficiency, cost analysis, application, benefits, and limitations which enabled us to comprehend their correct use and selection criteria based on our desired requirements. We also discussed modern Low power instrument transformer products that are recently launched or offered by renowned companies like Schneider Electric, Siemens, ABB, ZIV, G&W etc. These new products are innovations and problem solvers in the domain of measurement, protection, digital communication, advance, and commercial energy metering. Since there is always some space for improvements to explore new advantages of Low power instrument transformers in the domain of their wide linearity, high-frequency range, miniaturization, structural and technological modification, integration, smart frequency modeling, and output prediction of low-power voltage transformers.
Desde seu lançamento, em 2002, a Norma IEC 61850 vem evoluindo para se tornar o padrão adotado nos Sistemas de Automação de Subestações. Dentre seus vários aspectos, destacam- se os serviços de tempo real, que permitem a implementação de funções de automação e de proteção dentro da subestação através da troca de mensagens específicas entre Dispositivos Eletrônicos Inteligentes através de um barramento digital de rede de dados. O objetivo central deste trabalho é explorar algumas das questões que envolvem a implementação de uma classe de serviços de tempo real: a transmissão de valores amostrados através de Serviços SMV, definidos pela Norma IEC 61850-9. Primeiramente, apresenta-se um breve resumo das principais características da Norma IEC 61850 que possibilitam o atendimento dos três requisitos por ela estabelecidos como base: a interoperabilidade entre dispositivos de diferentes fabricantes, a versatilidade na configuração e reconfiguração do Sistema de Automação da Subestação, e a possibilidade de implementação de novas tecnologias. Em seguida, explora-se com maior profundidade todos os aspectos relevantes à implementação dos Serviços SMV. Devido à complexidade deste assunto, o autor propõe abordá-lo sob a ótica de cinco tópicos interdependentes: variações da Norma IEC 61850-9, confiabilidade do barramento de processo, sincronismo de tempo, análise da qualidade da medição e segurança cibernética. Com base nos resultados apresentados neste estudo, propõem-se duas plataformas, um protótipo de Transformador de Potencial Óptico e um protótipo de Relé de Proteção Diferencial para transformadores de potência, com o objetivo de explorar alguns dos aspectos pertinentes à implementação de um barramento de processo de acordo com a Norma IEC 61850-9. Também foram realizados testes de geração e transmissão de mensagens contendo valores de amostras de tensão/corrente do sistema elétrico (denominadas de SV Messages) com a finalidade de implementá-las de fato e avaliar as ferramentas de mercado disponíveis. Por fim foi proposto um modelo para a simulação do sistema de potência em conjunto com a rede de comunicação utilizando o programa Matlab/Simulink. O autor espera que este trabalho contribua para esclarecer os vários conceitos envolvidos na implementação do barramento de processo definido pela Norma IEC 61850-9, auxiliando na pesquisa e no desenvolvimento de novas ferramentas e dispositivos, e no aprimoramento da Norma IEC 61850.
In recent years, energy modernization has focused on smart engineering advancements. This entails designing complicated software and hardware for variable-voltage digital substations. A digital substation consists of electrical and auxiliary devices, control and monitoring devices, computers, and control software. Intelligent measurement systems use digital instrument transformers and IEC 61850-compliant information exchange protocols in digital substations. Digital instrument transformers used for real-time high-voltage measurements should combine advanced digital, measuring, information, and communication technologies. Digital instrument transformers should be cheap, small, light, and fire- and explosion-safe. These smaller and lighter transformers allow long-distance transmission of an optical signal that gauges direct or alternating current. Cost-prohibitive optical converters are a problem. To improve the tool's accuracy, amorphous alloys are used in the magnetic circuits and compensating feedback. Large-scale voltage converters can be made cheaper by using resistive, capacitive, or hybrid voltage dividers. In known electronic voltage transformers, the voltage divider output is generally on the low-voltage side, facilitating power supply organization. Combining current and voltage transformers reduces equipment size, installation, and maintenance costs. These two gadgets cost less together than individually. To increase commercial power metering accuracy, current and voltage converters should be included into digital instrument transformers so that simultaneous analogue-to-digital samples are obtained. Multichannel ADC microcircuits with synchronous conversion start allow natural parallel sample drawing. Digital instrument transformers are created adaptable to substation operating circumstances and environmental variables, especially ambient temperature. An embedded microprocessor auto-diagnoses and auto-calibrates the proposed digital instrument transformer.
The biological and physical processes contributing to planktonic thin layer dynamics were examined in a multidisciplinary study conducted in East Sound, Washington, USA between June 10 and June 25, 1998. The temporal and spatial scales characteristic of thin layers were determined using a nested sampling strategy utilizing 4 major types of platforms: (1) an array of 3 moored acoustical instrument packages and 2 moored optical instrument packages that recorded distributions and intensities of thin layers; (2) additional stationary instrumentation deployed outside the array comprised of meteorological stations, wave-tide gauges, and thermistor chains; (3) a research vessel anchored 150 m outside the western edge of the array; (4) 2 mobile vessels performing basin-wide surveys to define the spatial extent of thin layers and the physical hydrography of the Sound. We observed numerous occurrences of thin layers that contained locally enhanced concentrations of material; many of the layers persisted for intervals of several hours to a few days. More than one persistent thin layer may be present at any one time, and these spatially distinct thin layers often contain distinct plankton assemblages. The results suggest that the species or populations comprising each distinct thin layer have responded to different sets of biological and/or physical processes. The existence and persistence of planktonic thin layers generates extensive biological heterogeneity in the water column and may be important in maintaining species diversity and overall community structure.
Data on zooplankton abundance and biovolume were collected in concert with data on the biophysical environment at 9 stations in the North Atlantic, from the Iceland Basin in the East to the Labrador Sea in the West. The data were sampled along vertical profiles by a Laser Optical Plankton Counter (LOPC, Rolls Royce Canada Ltd.) that was mounted on a carousel water sampler together with a Conductivity-Temperature-Depth sensor (CTD, SBE19plusV2, Seabird Electronics, Inc., USA) and a fluorescence sensor (F, ECO Puck chlorophyll a fluorometer, WET Labs Inc., USA). Based on the LOPC data, abundance (individuals/m**3) and biovolume (mm3/m**3) were calculated as described in the LOPC Software Operation Manual [(Anonymous, 2006), http://www.brooke-ocean.com/index.html]. LOPC data were regrouped into 49 size groups of equal log10(body volume) increments, see Edvardsen et al. (2002, doi:10.3354/meps227205). LOPC data quality was checked as described in Basedow et al. (2013, doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2012.10.005). Fluorescence was roughly converted into chlorophyll based on filtered chlorophyll values obtained from station 10 in the Labrador Sea. Due to the low number of filtered samples that was used for the conversion the resulting chlorophyll values should be considered with care. CTD data were screened for erroneous (out of range) values and then averaged to the same frequency as the LOPC data (2 Hz). All data were processed using especially developed scripts in the python programming language. The LOPC is an optical instrument designed to count and measure particles (0.1 to 30 mm equivalent spherical diameter) in the water column, see Herman et al., (2004, doi:10.1093/plankt/fbh095). The size of particles as equivalent spherical diameter (ESD) was computed as described in the manual (Anonymous, 2006), and in more detail in Checkley et al. (2008, doi:10.4319/lo.2008.53.5_part_2.2123) and Gaardsted et al. (2010, doi:10.1111/j.1365-2419.2010.00558.x).
Data on zooplankton abundance and biovolume were collected in concert with data on the biophysical environment at 9 stations in the North Atlantic, from the Iceland Basin in the East to the Labrador Sea in the West. The data were sampled along vertical profiles by a Laser Optical Plankton Counter (LOPC, Rolls Royce Canada Ltd.) that was mounted on a carousel water sampler together with a Conductivity-Temperature-Depth sensor (CTD, SBE19plusV2, Seabird Electronics, Inc., USA) and a fluorescence sensor (F, ECO Puck chlorophyll a fluorometer, WET Labs Inc., USA). Based on the LOPC data, abundance (individuals/m**3) and biovolume (mm3/m**3) were calculated as described in the LOPC Software Operation Manual [(Anonymous, 2006), http://www.brooke-ocean.com/index.html]. LOPC data were regrouped into 49 size groups of equal log10(body volume) increments, see Edvardsen et al. (2002, doi:10.3354/meps227205). LOPC data quality was checked as described in Basedow et al. (2013, doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2012.10.005). Fluorescence was roughly converted into chlorophyll based on filtered chlorophyll values obtained from station 10 in the Labrador Sea. Due to the low number of filtered samples that was used for the conversion the resulting chlorophyll values should be considered with care. CTD data were screened for erroneous (out of range) values and then averaged to the same frequency as the LOPC data (2 Hz). All data were processed using especially developed scripts in the python programming language. The LOPC is an optical instrument designed to count and measure particles (0.1 to 30 mm equivalent spherical diameter) in the water column, see Herman et al., (2004, doi:10.1093/plankt/fbh095). The size of particles as equivalent spherical diameter (ESD) was computed as described in the manual (Anonymous, 2006), and in more detail in Checkley et al. (2008, doi:10.4319/lo.2008.53.5_part_2.2123) and Gaardsted et al. (2010, doi:10.1111/j.1365-2419.2010.00558.x).
Data on zooplankton abundance and biovolume were collected in concert with data on the biophysical environment at 9 stations in the North Atlantic, from the Iceland Basin in the East to the Labrador Sea in the West. The data were sampled along vertical profiles by a Laser Optical Plankton Counter (LOPC, Rolls Royce Canada Ltd.) that was mounted on a carousel water sampler together with a Conductivity-Temperature-Depth sensor (CTD, SBE19plusV2, Seabird Electronics, Inc., USA) and a fluorescence sensor (F, ECO Puck chlorophyll a fluorometer, WET Labs Inc., USA). Based on the LOPC data, abundance (individuals/m**3) and biovolume (mm3/m**3) were calculated as described in the LOPC Software Operation Manual [(Anonymous, 2006), http://www.brooke-ocean.com/index.html]. LOPC data were regrouped into 49 size groups of equal log10(body volume) increments, see Edvardsen et al. (2002, doi:10.3354/meps227205). LOPC data quality was checked as described in Basedow et al. (2013, doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2012.10.005). Fluorescence was roughly converted into chlorophyll based on filtered chlorophyll values obtained from station 10 in the Labrador Sea. Due to the low number of filtered samples that was used for the conversion the resulting chlorophyll values should be considered with care. CTD data were screened for erroneous (out of range) values and then averaged to the same frequency as the LOPC data (2 Hz). All data were processed using especially developed scripts in the python programming language. The LOPC is an optical instrument designed to count and measure particles (0.1 to 30 mm equivalent spherical diameter) in the water column, see Herman et al., (2004, doi:10.1093/plankt/fbh095). The size of particles as equivalent spherical diameter (ESD) was computed as described in the manual (Anonymous, 2006), and in more detail in Checkley et al. (2008, doi:10.4319/lo.2008.53.5_part_2.2123) and Gaardsted et al. (2010, doi:10.1111/j.1365-2419.2010.00558.x).
Data on zooplankton abundance and biovolume were collected in concert with data on the biophysical environment at 9 stations in the North Atlantic, from the Iceland Basin in the East to the Labrador Sea in the West. The data were sampled along vertical profiles by a Laser Optical Plankton Counter (LOPC, Rolls Royce Canada Ltd.) that was mounted on a carousel water sampler together with a Conductivity-Temperature-Depth sensor (CTD, SBE19plusV2, Seabird Electronics, Inc., USA) and a fluorescence sensor (F, ECO Puck chlorophyll a fluorometer, WET Labs Inc., USA). Based on the LOPC data, abundance (individuals/m**3) and biovolume (mm3/m**3) were calculated as described in the LOPC Software Operation Manual [(Anonymous, 2006), http://www.brooke-ocean.com/index.html]. LOPC data were regrouped into 49 size groups of equal log10(body volume) increments, see Edvardsen et al. (2002, doi:10.3354/meps227205). LOPC data quality was checked as described in Basedow et al. (2013, doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2012.10.005). Fluorescence was roughly converted into chlorophyll based on filtered chlorophyll values obtained from station 10 in the Labrador Sea. Due to the low number of filtered samples that was used for the conversion the resulting chlorophyll values should be considered with care. CTD data were screened for erroneous (out of range) values and then averaged to the same frequency as the LOPC data (2 Hz). All data were processed using especially developed scripts in the python programming language. The LOPC is an optical instrument designed to count and measure particles (0.1 to 30 mm equivalent spherical diameter) in the water column, see Herman et al., (2004, doi:10.1093/plankt/fbh095). The size of particles as equivalent spherical diameter (ESD) was computed as described in the manual (Anonymous, 2006), and in more detail in Checkley et al. (2008, doi:10.4319/lo.2008.53.5_part_2.2123) and Gaardsted et al. (2010, doi:10.1111/j.1365-2419.2010.00558.x).
Data on zooplankton abundance and biovolume were collected in concert with data on the biophysical environment at 9 stations in the North Atlantic, from the Iceland Basin in the East to the Labrador Sea in the West. The data were sampled along vertical profiles by a Laser Optical Plankton Counter (LOPC, Rolls Royce Canada Ltd.) that was mounted on a carousel water sampler together with a Conductivity-Temperature-Depth sensor (CTD, SBE19plusV2, Seabird Electronics, Inc., USA) and a fluorescence sensor (F, ECO Puck chlorophyll a fluorometer, WET Labs Inc., USA). Based on the LOPC data, abundance (individuals/m**3) and biovolume (mm3/m**3) were calculated as described in the LOPC Software Operation Manual [(Anonymous, 2006), http://www.brooke-ocean.com/index.html]. LOPC data were regrouped into 49 size groups of equal log10(body volume) increments, see Edvardsen et al. (2002, doi:10.3354/meps227205). LOPC data quality was checked as described in Basedow et al. (2013, doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2012.10.005). Fluorescence was roughly converted into chlorophyll based on filtered chlorophyll values obtained from station 10 in the Labrador Sea. Due to the low number of filtered samples that was used for the conversion the resulting chlorophyll values should be considered with care. CTD data were screened for erroneous (out of range) values and then averaged to the same frequency as the LOPC data (2 Hz). All data were processed using especially developed scripts in the python programming language. The LOPC is an optical instrument designed to count and measure particles (0.1 to 30 mm equivalent spherical diameter) in the water column, see Herman et al., (2004, doi:10.1093/plankt/fbh095). The size of particles as equivalent spherical diameter (ESD) was computed as described in the manual (Anonymous, 2006), and in more detail in Checkley et al. (2008, doi:10.4319/lo.2008.53.5_part_2.2123) and Gaardsted et al. (2010, doi:10.1111/j.1365-2419.2010.00558.x).
Data on zooplankton abundance and biovolume were collected in concert with data on the biophysical environment at 9 stations in the North Atlantic, from the Iceland Basin in the East to the Labrador Sea in the West. The data were sampled along vertical profiles by a Laser Optical Plankton Counter (LOPC, Rolls Royce Canada Ltd.) that was mounted on a carousel water sampler together with a Conductivity-Temperature-Depth sensor (CTD, SBE19plusV2, Seabird Electronics, Inc., USA) and a fluorescence sensor (F, ECO Puck chlorophyll a fluorometer, WET Labs Inc., USA). Based on the LOPC data, abundance (individuals/m**3) and biovolume (mm3/m**3) were calculated as described in the LOPC Software Operation Manual [(Anonymous, 2006), http://www.brooke-ocean.com/index.html]. LOPC data were regrouped into 49 size groups of equal log10(body volume) increments, see Edvardsen et al. (2002, doi:10.3354/meps227205). LOPC data quality was checked as described in Basedow et al. (2013, doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2012.10.005). Fluorescence was roughly converted into chlorophyll based on filtered chlorophyll values obtained from station 10 in the Labrador Sea. Due to the low number of filtered samples that was used for the conversion the resulting chlorophyll values should be considered with care. CTD data were screened for erroneous (out of range) values and then averaged to the same frequency as the LOPC data (2 Hz). All data were processed using especially developed scripts in the python programming language. The LOPC is an optical instrument designed to count and measure particles (0.1 to 30 mm equivalent spherical diameter) in the water column, see Herman et al., (2004, doi:10.1093/plankt/fbh095). The size of particles as equivalent spherical diameter (ESD) was computed as described in the manual (Anonymous, 2006), and in more detail in Checkley et al. (2008, doi:10.4319/lo.2008.53.5_part_2.2123) and Gaardsted et al. (2010, doi:10.1111/j.1365-2419.2010.00558.x).
Data on zooplankton abundance and biovolume were collected in concert with data on the biophysical environment at 9 stations in the North Atlantic, from the Iceland Basin in the East to the Labrador Sea in the West. The data were sampled along vertical profiles by a Laser Optical Plankton Counter (LOPC, Rolls Royce Canada Ltd.) that was mounted on a carousel water sampler together with a Conductivity-Temperature-Depth sensor (CTD, SBE19plusV2, Seabird Electronics, Inc., USA) and a fluorescence sensor (F, ECO Puck chlorophyll a fluorometer, WET Labs Inc., USA). Based on the LOPC data, abundance (individuals/m**3) and biovolume (mm3/m**3) were calculated as described in the LOPC Software Operation Manual [(Anonymous, 2006), http://www.brooke-ocean.com/index.html]. LOPC data were regrouped into 49 size groups of equal log10(body volume) increments, see Edvardsen et al. (2002, doi:10.3354/meps227205). LOPC data quality was checked as described in Basedow et al. (2013, doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2012.10.005). Fluorescence was roughly converted into chlorophyll based on filtered chlorophyll values obtained from station 10 in the Labrador Sea. Due to the low number of filtered samples that was used for the conversion the resulting chlorophyll values should be considered with care. CTD data were screened for erroneous (out of range) values and then averaged to the same frequency as the LOPC data (2 Hz). All data were processed using especially developed scripts in the python programming language. The LOPC is an optical instrument designed to count and measure particles (0.1 to 30 mm equivalent spherical diameter) in the water column, see Herman et al., (2004, doi:10.1093/plankt/fbh095). The size of particles as equivalent spherical diameter (ESD) was computed as described in the manual (Anonymous, 2006), and in more detail in Checkley et al. (2008, doi:10.4319/lo.2008.53.5_part_2.2123) and Gaardsted et al. (2010, doi:10.1111/j.1365-2419.2010.00558.x).
Data on zooplankton abundance and biovolume were collected in concert with data on the biophysical environment at 9 stations in the North Atlantic, from the Iceland Basin in the East to the Labrador Sea in the West. The data were sampled along vertical profiles by a Laser Optical Plankton Counter (LOPC, Rolls Royce Canada Ltd.) that was mounted on a carousel water sampler together with a Conductivity-Temperature-Depth sensor (CTD, SBE19plusV2, Seabird Electronics, Inc., USA) and a fluorescence sensor (F, ECO Puck chlorophyll a fluorometer, WET Labs Inc., USA). Based on the LOPC data, abundance (individuals/m**3) and biovolume (mm3/m**3) were calculated as described in the LOPC Software Operation Manual [(Anonymous, 2006), http://www.brooke-ocean.com/index.html]. LOPC data were regrouped into 49 size groups of equal log10(body volume) increments, see Edvardsen et al. (2002, doi:10.3354/meps227205). LOPC data quality was checked as described in Basedow et al. (2013, doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2012.10.005). Fluorescence was roughly converted into chlorophyll based on filtered chlorophyll values obtained from station 10 in the Labrador Sea. Due to the low number of filtered samples that was used for the conversion the resulting chlorophyll values should be considered with care. CTD data were screened for erroneous (out of range) values and then averaged to the same frequency as the LOPC data (2 Hz). All data were processed using especially developed scripts in the python programming language. The LOPC is an optical instrument designed to count and measure particles (0.1 to 30 mm equivalent spherical diameter) in the water column, see Herman et al., (2004, doi:10.1093/plankt/fbh095). The size of particles as equivalent spherical diameter (ESD) was computed as described in the manual (Anonymous, 2006), and in more detail in Checkley et al. (2008, doi:10.4319/lo.2008.53.5_part_2.2123) and Gaardsted et al. (2010, doi:10.1111/j.1365-2419.2010.00558.x).
Data on zooplankton abundance and biovolume were collected in concert with data on the biophysical environment during the development of the phytoplankton spring bloom at 4 stations in the North Atlantic. Station 1 in the Icelandic Basin was visited four times (26 March, 8 April, 18 April, 27 April), Station 2 in the southern Norwegian Sea was visited three times (30 March, 13 April, 23 April), Station 3 in the North Sea was visited twice (2 April, 15 April) and one intermediate station was visited once. The data were sampled by a Laser Optical Plankton Counter (LOPC, Rolls Royce Canada Ltd.) that was mounted on a carousel water sampler together with a Conductivity-Temperature-Depth sensor (CTD, SBE19plusV2, Seabird Electronics, Inc., USA). Based on the LOPC data, abundance (individuals/m**3) and biovolume (mm3/m**3) were calculated as described in the LOPC Software Operation Manual [(Anonymous, 2006), http://www.brooke-ocean.com/index.html]. LOPC data were regrouped into 49 size groups of equal log10 (body volume) increments (Edvardsen et al., 2002, doi:10.3354/meps227205). LOPC data quality was checked as described in Basedow et al. (2013, doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2012.10.005). CTD data were screened for erroneous (out of range) values and then averaged to the same frequency as the LOPC data (2 Hz). All data were processed using especially developed scripts in the python programming language. The LOPC is an optical instrument designed to count and measure particles (0.1 to 30 mm equivalent spherical diameter) in the water column (Herman et al., 2004; doi:10.1093/plankt/fbh095). The size of particles as equivalent spherical diameter (ESD) was computed as described in the manual (Anonymous, 2006), and in more detail in Checkley et al. (2008, doi:10.4319/lo.2008.53.5_part_2.2123) and Gaardsted et al. (2010, doi:10.1111/j.1365-2419.2010.00558.x).
Data on zooplankton abundance and biovolume were collected in concert with data on the biophysical environment during the development of the phytoplankton spring bloom at 4 stations in the North Atlantic. Station 1 in the Icelandic Basin was visited four times (26 March, 8 April, 18 April, 27 April), Station 2 in the southern Norwegian Sea was visited three times (30 March, 13 April, 23 April), Station 3 in the North Sea was visited twice (2 April, 15 April) and one intermediate station was visited once. The data were sampled by a Laser Optical Plankton Counter (LOPC, Rolls Royce Canada Ltd.) that was mounted on a carousel water sampler together with a Conductivity-Temperature-Depth sensor (CTD, SBE19plusV2, Seabird Electronics, Inc., USA). Based on the LOPC data, abundance (individuals/m**3) and biovolume (mm3/m**3) were calculated as described in the LOPC Software Operation Manual [(Anonymous, 2006), http://www.brooke-ocean.com/index.html]. LOPC data were regrouped into 49 size groups of equal log10 (body volume) increments (Edvardsen et al., 2002, doi:10.3354/meps227205). LOPC data quality was checked as described in Basedow et al. (2013, doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2012.10.005). CTD data were screened for erroneous (out of range) values and then averaged to the same frequency as the LOPC data (2 Hz). All data were processed using especially developed scripts in the python programming language. The LOPC is an optical instrument designed to count and measure particles (0.1 to 30 mm equivalent spherical diameter) in the water column (Herman et al., 2004; doi:10.1093/plankt/fbh095). The size of particles as equivalent spherical diameter (ESD) was computed as described in the manual (Anonymous, 2006), and in more detail in Checkley et al. (2008, doi:10.4319/lo.2008.53.5_part_2.2123) and Gaardsted et al. (2010, doi:10.1111/j.1365-2419.2010.00558.x).
Data on zooplankton abundance and biovolume were collected in concert with data on the biophysical environment during the development of the phytoplankton spring bloom at 4 stations in the North Atlantic. Station 1 in the Icelandic Basin was visited four times (26 March, 8 April, 18 April, 27 April), Station 2 in the southern Norwegian Sea was visited three times (30 March, 13 April, 23 April), Station 3 in the North Sea was visited twice (2 April, 15 April) and one intermediate station was visited once. The data were sampled by a Laser Optical Plankton Counter (LOPC, Rolls Royce Canada Ltd.) that was mounted on a carousel water sampler together with a Conductivity-Temperature-Depth sensor (CTD, SBE19plusV2, Seabird Electronics, Inc., USA). Based on the LOPC data, abundance (individuals/m**3) and biovolume (mm3/m**3) were calculated as described in the LOPC Software Operation Manual [(Anonymous, 2006), http://www.brooke-ocean.com/index.html]. LOPC data were regrouped into 49 size groups of equal log10 (body volume) increments (Edvardsen et al., 2002, doi:10.3354/meps227205). LOPC data quality was checked as described in Basedow et al. (2013, doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2012.10.005). CTD data were screened for erroneous (out of range) values and then averaged to the same frequency as the LOPC data (2 Hz). All data were processed using especially developed scripts in the python programming language. The LOPC is an optical instrument designed to count and measure particles (0.1 to 30 mm equivalent spherical diameter) in the water column (Herman et al., 2004; doi:10.1093/plankt/fbh095). The size of particles as equivalent spherical diameter (ESD) was computed as described in the manual (Anonymous, 2006), and in more detail in Checkley et al. (2008, doi:10.4319/lo.2008.53.5_part_2.2123) and Gaardsted et al. (2010, doi:10.1111/j.1365-2419.2010.00558.x).