999 resultados para Opportunistic networks


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We consider a setting in which a single item of content is disseminated in a population of mobile nodes by opportunistic copying when pairs of nodes come in radio contact. The nodes in the population may either be interested in receiving the content (referred to as destinations) or not yet interested in receiving the content (referred to as relays). We consider a model for the evolution of popularity, the process by which relays get converted into destinations. A key contribution of our work is to model and study the joint evolution of content popularity and its spread in the population. Copying the content to relay nodes is beneficial since they can help spread the content to destinations, and could themselves be converted into destinations. We derive a fluid limit for the joint evolution model and obtain optimal policies for copying to relay nodes in order to deliver content to a desired fraction of destinations, while limiting the fraction of relay nodes that get the content but never turn into destinations. We prove that a time-threshold policy is optimal for controlling the copying to relays, i.e., there is an optimal time-threshold up to which all opportunities for copying to relays are exploited, and after which relays are not copied to. We then utilize simulations and numerical evaluations to provide insights into the effects of various system parameters on the optimally controlled co-evolution model.


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Recent advances in processor speeds, mobile communications and battery life have enabled computers to evolve from completely wired to completely mobile. In the most extreme case, all nodes are mobile and communication takes place at available opportunities – using both traditional communication infrastructure as well as the mobility of intermediate nodes. These are mobile opportunistic networks. Data communication in such networks is a difficult problem, because of the dynamic underlying topology, the scarcity of network resources and the lack of global information. Establishing end-to-end routes in such networks is usually not feasible. Instead a store-and-carry forwarding paradigm is better suited for such networks. This dissertation describes and analyzes algorithms for forwarding of messages in such networks. In order to design effective forwarding algorithms for mobile opportunistic networks, we start by first building an understanding of the set of all paths between nodes, which represent the available opportunities for any forwarding algorithm. Relying on real measurements, we enumerate paths between nodes and uncover what we refer to as the path explosion effect. The term path explosion refers to the fact that the number of paths between a randomly selected pair of nodes increases exponentially with time. We draw from the theory of epidemics to model and explain the path explosion effect. This is the first contribution of the thesis, and is a key observation that underlies subsequent results. Our second contribution is the study of forwarding algorithms. For this, we rely on trace driven simulations of different algorithms that span a range of design dimensions. We compare the performance (success rate and average delay) of these algorithms. We make the surprising observation that most algorithms we consider have roughly similar performance. We explain this result in light of the path explosion phenomenon. While the performance of most algorithms we studied was roughly the same, these algorithms differed in terms of cost. This prompted us to focus on designing algorithms with the explicit intent of reducing costs. For this, we cast the problem of forwarding as an optimal stopping problem. Our third main contribution is the design of strategies based on optimal stopping principles which we refer to as Delegation schemes. Our analysis shows that using a delegation scheme reduces cost over naive forwarding by a factor of O(√N), where N is the number of nodes in the network. We further validate this result on real traces, where the cost reduction observed is even greater. Our results so far include a key assumption, which is unbounded buffers on nodes. Next, we relax this assumption, so that the problem shifts to one of prioritization of messages for transmission and dropping. Our fourth contribution is the study of message prioritization schemes, combined with forwarding. Our main result is that one achieves higher performance by assigning higher priorities to young messages in the network. We again interpret this result in light of the path explosion effect.


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Opportunistic networks or OppNets refer to a number of wireless nodes opportunistically communicating with each other in a form of “Store-Carry-Forward”. This occurs when they come into contact with each other without proper network infrastructure. In OppNets there is no end-to-end connection between the source node and the destination node. OppNets grow from a single node (seed) to become large networks by inviting new nodes (helpers) to join the network. Due to these characteristics, OppNets are subject to real routing challenges. In this paper, we have presented an overview of the main available three families of OppNet routing protocols. Further, we have evaluated one protocol from each family (Epidemic, Direct Delivery and PRoPHET) in terms of complexity and scalability. Simulation results show that for small and medium complexity, the three protocols perform better than large complexity. As for scalability, simulation results show that Epidemic and PRoPHET perform better than Direct Delivery in terms of delivery rates and delays, but at a very high cost while Direct Delivery achieved lower delivery rates with a low cost.


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Opportunistic networks (OppNets) are an interesting topic that are seen to have a promising future. Many protocols have been developed to accommodate the features of OppNets such as frequent partitions, long delays, and no end-to-end path between the source and destination nodes. Embedding security into these protocols is challenging and has taken a lot of attention in research. One of the attacks that OppNets are exposed to is the packet dropping attack, where the malicious node attempts to drop some packets and forwards an incomplete number of packets which results in the distortion of the message. To increase the security levels in OppNets, this paper presents an algorithm developed to detect packet dropping attacks, and finds the malicious node that attempted the attack. The algorithm detects the attack by using an indicative field in the header section of each packet; the indicative field has 3 sub fields - the identification field, the flag field, and the offset field. These 3 fields are used to find if a node receives the complete original number of packets from the previous node. The algorithm will have the advantage of detecting packets dropped by each intermediate node, this helps solve the difficulties of finding malicious nodes by the destination node only.


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Opportunistic networks or OppNets refer to a number of wireless nodes opportunistically communicating with each other in a form of “Store–Carry–Forward”. This occurs when they come into contact with each other without proper network infrastructure. OppNets use wireless technologies, such as IEEE 802.11, WiMAX, Bluetooth, and other short-range radio communication. In OppNets, there is no end-to-end connection between the source and the destination nodes, and the nodes usually have high mobility, low density, limited power, short radio range, and often subject to different kinds of attacks by malicious nodes. Due to these characteristics and features, OppNets are subject to serious security challenges. OppNets strongly depend on human interaction; therefore, the success of securing such networks is based on trust between people. This survey includes the security approaches in OppNets and techniques used to increase their security levels.


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Security is a major challenge in Opportunistic Networks (OppNets) because of its characteristics, such as open medium, dynamic topology, no centralized management and absent clear lines of defense. A packet dropping attack is one of the major security threats in OppNets since neither source nodes nor destination nodes have the knowledge of where or when the packet will be dropped. In our previous novel attack (Packet Faking Attack [1]) we presented a special type of packet dropping where the malicious node drops one or more packets and then injects new fake packets instead. In this paper, we present an efficient detection mechanism against this type of attack where each node can detect the attack instead of the destination node. Our detection mechanism is very powerful and has very high accuracy. It relies on a very simple yet powerful idea, that is, the packet creation time of each packet. Simulation results show this robust mechanism achieves a very high accuracy, detection rate and good network traffic reduction.


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Security is a major challenge in Opportunistic Networks (OppNets) because of its characteristics, such as open medium, dynamic topology, no centralized management and absent clear lines of defense.A packet dropping attack is one of the major security threats in OppNets since neither source nodes nor destination nodes have the knowledge of where or when the packet will be dropped. In this paper, we present a novel attack and traceback mechanism against a special type of packet dropping where the malicious node drops one or more packets and then injects new fake packets instead. We call this novel attack a Catabolism Attack and we call our novel traceback mechanism against this attack Anabolism Defense. Our novel detection and traceback mechanism is very powerful and has very high accuracy. Each node can detect and then traceback the malicious nodes based on a solid and powerful idea that is, hash chain techniques. In our defense techniques we have two stages. The first stage is to detect the attack, and the second stage is to find the malicious nodes. Simulation results show this robust mechanism achieves a very high accuracy and detection rate.


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Security is a major challenge in Opportunistic Networks because of its characteristics, such as open medium, dynamic topology, no centralized management and absent clear lines of defense. A packet dropping attack is one of the major security threats in OppNets since neither source nodes nor destination nodes have the knowledge of where or when the packet will be dropped. In this paper, we present a malicious nodes detection mechanism against a special type of packet dropping attack where the malicious node drops one or more packets and then injects new fake packets instead. Our novel detection and traceback mechanism is very powerful and has very high accuracy. Each node can detect and then traceback the malicious nodes based on a solid and powerful idea that is, Merkle tree hashing technique. In our defense techniques we have two stages. The first stage is to detect the attack, and the second stage is to find the malicious nodes. We have compared our approach with the acknowledgement based mechanisms and the networks coding based mechanism which are well known approaches in the literature. Simulation results show this robust mechanism achieves a very high accuracy and detection rate.


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Information Centric Networking (ICN) as an emerging paradigm for the Future Internet has initially been rather focusing on bandwidth savings in wired networks, but there might also be some significant potential to support communication in mobile wireless networks as well as opportunistic network scenarios, where end systems have spontaneous but time-limited contact to exchange data. This chapter addresses the reasoning why ICN has an important role in mobile and opportunistic networks by identifying several challenges in mobile and opportunistic Information-Centric Networks and discussing appropriate solutions for them. In particular, it discusses the issues of receiver and source mobility. Source mobility needs special attention. Solutions based on routing protocol extensions, indirection, and separation of name resolution and data transfer are discussed. Moreover, the chapter presents solutions for problems in opportunistic Information-Centric Networks. Among those are mechanisms for efficient content discovery in neighbour nodes, resume mechanisms to recover from intermittent connectivity disruptions, a novel agent delegation mechanisms to offload content discovery and delivery to mobile agent nodes, and the exploitation of overhearing to populate routing tables of mobile nodes. Some preliminary performance evaluation results of these developed mechanisms are provided.


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In this paper, we describe agent-based content retrieval for opportunistic networks, where requesters can delegate content retrieval to agents, which retrieve the content on their behalf. The approach has been implemented in CCNx, the open source CCN framework, and evaluated on Android smart phones. Evaluations have shown that the overhead of agent delegation is only noticeable for very small content. For content larger than 4MB, agent-based content retrieval can even result in a throughput increase of 20% compared to standard CCN download applications. The requester asks every probe interval for agents that have retrieved the desired content. Evaluations have shown that a probe interval of 30s delivers the best overall performance in our scenario because the number of transmitted notification messages can be decreased by up to 80% without significantly increasing the download time.


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 In this thesis, we have identified a novel attack in OppNets, a special type of packet dropping attack where the malicious node(s) drops one or more packets (not all the packets) and then injects new fake packets instead. We name this novel attack as the Catabolism attack and propose a novel attack detection and traceback approach against this attack referred to as the Anabolism defence. As part of the Anabolism defence approach we have proposed three techniques: time-based, Merkle tree based and Hash chain based techniques for attack detection and malicious node(s) traceback. We provide mathematical models that show our novel detection and traceback mechanisms to be very effective and detailed simulation results show our defence mechanisms to achieve a very high accuracy and detection rate.


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The increased capabilities (e.g., processing, storage) of portable devices along with the constant need of users to retrieve and send information have introduced a new form of communication. Users can seamlessly exchange data by means of opportunistic contacts among them and this is what characterizes the opportunistic networks (OppNets). OppNets allow users to communicate even when an end-to-end path may not exist between them. Since 2007, there has been a trend to improve the exchange of data by considering social similarity metrics. Social relationships, shared interests, and popularity are examples of such metrics that have been employed successfully: as users interact based on relationships and interests, this information can be used to decide on the best next forwarders of information. This Thesis work combines the features of today's devices found in the regular urban environment with the current social-awareness trend in the context of opportunistic routing. To achieve this goal, this work was divided into di erent tasks that map to a set of speci c objectives, leading to the following contributions: i) an up-to-date opportunistic routing taxonomy; ii) a universal evaluation framework that aids in devising and testing new routing proposals; iii) three social-aware utility functions that consider the dynamic user behavior and can be easily incorporated to other routing proposals; iv) two opportunistic routing proposals based on the users' daily routines and on the content traversing the network and interest of users in such content; and v) a structure analysis of the social-based network formed based on the approaches devised in this work.


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Wireless networks rapidly became a fundamental pillar of everyday activities. Whether at work or elsewhere, people often benefits from always-on connections. This trend is likely to increase, and hence actual technologies struggle to cope with the increase in traffic demand. To this end, Cognitive Wireless Networks have been studied. These networks aim at a better utilization of the spectrum, by understanding the environment in which they operate, and adapt accordingly. In particular recently national regulators opened up consultations on the opportunistic use of the TV bands, which became partially free due to the digital TV switch over. In this work, we focus on the indoor use of of TVWS. Interesting use cases like smart metering and WiFI like connectivity arise, and are studied and compared against state of the art technology. New measurements for TVWS networks will be presented and evaluated, and fundamental characteristics of the signal derived. Then, building on that, a new model of spectrum sharing, which takes into account also the height from the terrain, is presented and evaluated in a real scenario. The principal limits and performance of TVWS operated networks will be studied for two main use cases, namely Machine to Machine communication and for wireless sensor networks, particularly for the smart grid scenario. The outcome is that TVWS are certainly interesting to be studied and deployed, in particular when used as an additional offload for other wireless technologies. Seeing TVWS as the only wireless technology on a device is harder to be seen: the uncertainity in channel availability is the major drawback of opportunistic networks, since depending on the primary network channel allocation might lead in having no channels available for communication. TVWS can be effectively exploited as offloading solutions, and most of the contributions presented in this work proceed in this direction.