37 resultados para Opossums
The adaptive potential of a species to a changing environment and in disease defence is primarily based on genetic variation. Immune genes, such as genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC), may thereby be of particular importance. In marsupials, however, there is very little knowledge about natural levels and functional importance of MHC polymorphism, despite their key role in the mammalian evolution. In a previous study, we discovered remarkable differences in the MHC class II diversity between two species of mouse opossums (Gracilinanus microtarsus, Marmosops incanus) from the Brazilian Atlantic forest, which is one of the most endangered hotspots for biodiversity conservation. Since the main forces in generating MHC diversity are assumed to be pathogens, we investigated in this study gastrointestinal parasite burden and functional associations between the individual MHC constitution and parasite load. We tested two contrasting scenarios, which might explain differences in MHC diversity between species. We predicted that a species with low MHC diversity would either be under relaxed selection pressure by low parasite diversity (`Evolutionary equilibrium` scenario), or there was a recent loss in MHC diversity leading to a lack of resistance alleles and increased parasite burden (`Unbalanced situation` scenario). In both species it became apparent that the MHC class II is functionally important in defence against gastrointestinal helminths, which was shown here for the first time in marsupials. On the population level, parasite diversity did not markedly differ between the two host species. However, we did observe considerable differences in the individual parasite load (parasite prevalence and infection intensity): while M. incanus revealed low MHC DAB diversity and high parasite load, G. microtarsus showed a tenfold higher population wide MHC DAB diversity and lower parasite burden. These results support the second scenario of an unbalanced situation.
Considering that Toxoplasma gondii is a parasite of global importance which affects several animal species including humans, the current study aimed to investigate the prevalence of antibodies against T. gondii among 72 white-eared opossums (Didelphis albiventris) from Botucatu Municipality (22 degrees 53'S 48 degrees 26'W), São Paulo State, Brazil. The investigation was carried out from January 2008 to December 2009, when the animals had their blood samples collected and subjected to the modified agglutination test (MAT); 12 specimens had brain samples bioassayed in mice. Seroprevalence was 5.5% (n = 4) and bioassays were negative. Older animals had higher prevalence of antibodies against T. gondii. Opossums in closer contact with the urban environment are likely more exposed to T. gondii than animals from the sylvatic environment. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A new parasite species of Leishmania is described, L. (Leishmania) forattinii sp. n., which was isolated from a pooled triturate of liver and spleen of a opossum (Didelphis marsupialis aurita) and from skin samples from a rodent (Proechmys iheringi denigratus), captured in primary forest on the Atlantic Cost of Brazil. Our results on the basis of biological and molecular criteria indicate that this taxonomically distinct parasite ias a new species of the L. mexicana complex, but closely related to L. (L.) aristidesi Laison & shaw, 1979, as revelated by phenetic and phylogenetic numerical analyses of the enzyme data. L. forattinii was clearly distinguishable from other Leishmania species of the genus usisng enzyme electrophoresis, monoclonal antibodies, molecular karyotypes, analysis of restriction enzyme digestion patterns of kinetoplast DNA (kDNA), as well as the use of kDNA hybridization procedures.
Previous cytochrome B (CytB) mtDNA studies have suggested four species for the opossum genus Philander (four-eyed opossums), three (P. mcilhennyi, P. andersoni and P. opossum) from the Amazon and one (P. frenata) from the Brazilian Atlantic forest. During a faunal survey nine specimens of Philander sp. and four of Didelphis marsupialis were collected in the Mamirauá Sustainable Reserve, Amazonas State, Brazil. Preliminary analyses based on morphology and geographical distributions were not conclusive, suggesting that Philander specimens could belong to either P. andersoni or P. opossum. In order to elucidate the relationship of this taxon to the remaining Amazonian taxa, seven Philander and two Didelphis specimens animals were sequenced for the cytB mtDNA gene and compared to other previously studied taxa. The maximum likelihood (ML), neighbor-Joining (NJ) and maximum parsimony (MP) consensus bootstrap trees depicted six groups: Didelphis., P. frenata, P andersoni, P. mcilhennyi, P.o. opossum and Philander sp. and Philander canus in a common assemblage supported by significant bootstrap values, suggesting that the Philander sp. from Mamiraua in fact belongs to the species Philander canus.
L’inhibition est nécessaire à la génération d’outputs coordonnés entre muscles antagonistes lors de la locomotion. Une baisse de la concentration neuronale en ions chlorure au cours du développement des mammifères conduit à l’émergence de l’inhibition. Cette baisse repose sur l’équilibre entre deux cotransporteurs cation-chlorure, KCC2 et NKCC1. KCC2 expulse Cl- de la cellule alors que NKCC1 pompe Cl- dans la cellule. L’opossum Monodelphis domestica naît dans un état très immature. Le seul comportement locomoteur qu’il présente à la naissance consiste en des mouvements rythmiques et alternés des membres antérieurs pour grimper le long du ventre de la mère vers une tétine. Les membres postérieurs sont des bourgeons immobiles dont le développement est en grande partie postnatal. Pour cette raison, cette espèce constitue un modèle idéal pour l’étude du développement locomoteur. Afin d’étudier les mécanismes conduisant à l’émergence de l’inhibition durant le développement moteur, nous avons décrit l’expression développementale de KCC2 et NKCC1 chez l’opossum postnatal par immunohistochimie au niveau des renflements spinaux. Les motoneurones et afférences primaires ont été identifiés en utilisant un marquage rétrograde au TRDA. Le marquage pour KCC2 et NKCC1 est détecté dans la moelle épinière ventrale dans la matière grise et blanche présomptive dès la naissance, ce qui suggère que l’inhibition serait déjà mise en place avant la naissance, permettant subséquemment l’alternance des membres antérieurs observée chez les nouveau-nés. L’expression développementale de KCC2 et NKCC1 suit des gradients ventrodorsal et médiolatéral, tels qu’observés chez les rongeurs (rats et souris). Le patron mature d’expression de ces cotransporteurs est observé aux alentours de la 5ème semaine postnatale lorsque la locomotion de l’opossum est mature. Enfin, entre la naissance et P5, les dendrites exprimant KCC2 au niveau de la corne dorsale sont retrouvées en apposition aux afférences primaires ce qui suggère un rôle de KCC2 dans la formation des circuits sensori-moteurs.
Rôle du système du trijumeau dans la locomotion chez le nouveau-né d’opossum (Monodelphis domestica)
L’opossum Monodelphis domestica naît très immature et grimpe sans aide de la mère, du sinus urogénital à une mamelle où il va s’attacher pour poursuivre son développement. Des informations sensorielles sont nécessaires pour guider le nouveau-né vers la mamelle et les candidats les plus probables sont le toucher, l’équilibre et l’olfaction. Pour tester l’action des différents systèmes sur la motricité chez l’opossum nouveau-né, des régions céphaliques du trijumeau, du vestibulaire et de l’olfaction ont été stimulées électriquement sur des préparations in vitro en comparaison avec une stimulation seuil T (intensité minimale de la stimulation à la moelle épinière cervicale induisant le mouvement des membres antérieurs). Par comparaison, un mouvement similaire était induit par des stimulations à ~2T du ganglion du trijumeau, à ~20 T du complexe vestibulaire, et à ~600 T des bulbes olfactifs. L’étude de l'innervation de la peau faciale et des voies relayant les informations du trijumeau vers la moelle épinière (ME) a été approfondie en utilisant de l’immunohistochimie pour les neurofilament-200 et du traçage rétrograde avec du Texas-Red couplé à des Dextrans Aminés. De nombreuses fibres nerveuses ont été révélées dans le derme de plusieurs régions de la tête. Quelques cellules du ganglion trigéminal projettent à la ME rostrale, mais la majorité projette vers la médulla caudale où se trouvent les neurones secondaires du trijumeau ou des cellules réticulospinales. Les résultats de cette étude indiquent une influence significative des systèmes du trijumeau et du vestibulaire, mais pas de l'olfaction, sur le mouvement des membres antérieurs des opossums nouveau-nés.
L’opossum nait dans un état très immature, mais rampe avec ses membres antérieurs (MA) de l’orifice urogénital de la mère à une tétine, où il s’attache pour poursuivre son développement. Des informations sensorielles sont nécessaires pour guider le nouveau-né vers une tétine et déclencher son attachement. Des expériences précédentes ont montré que le système du trijumeau, dont dépend l’innervation somesthésique du museau, influence les mouvements précoces des MA. Le présent projet vise à déterminer si les mécanorécepteurs faciaux sont fonctionnels et exercent une influence sur les MA. On s’intéresse particulièrement aux cellules de Merkel, un mécanorécepteur épidermique innervé par des fibres à adaptation lente de type I (SA I). Ces cellules ont été localisées sur le pourtour du museau de l’opossum nouveau-né en utilisant un traceur cellulaire, l’AM1-43. Nous avons analysé les réponses musculaires des MA consécutives à l’application de forces calibrées au museau sur des préparations in vitro. Ces réponses sont bilatérales et simultanées, très variables, et leur intensité augmente avec la force de la stimulation. Lors de stimulations répétitives pendant 60 min, les réponses diminuent avec le temps. Le retrait de la peau faciale abolit presque ces réponses. De plus, l’application d’un antagoniste des récepteurs métabotropiques du glutamate, qui affecte l’activité des fibres SA I, ou d’un antagoniste des récepteurs purinergiques les diminue fortement, suggérant une participation des cellules de Merkel. Ces résultats soutiennent que le sens du toucher facial relayé par le système du trijumeau est fonctionnel chez l’opossum nouveau-né et qu’il pourrait influencer les mouvements des MA.
An organism is built through a series of contingent factors, yet it is determined by historical, physical, and developmental constraints. A constraint should not be understood as an absolute obstacle to evolution, as it may also generate new possibilities for evolutionary change. Modularity is, in this context, an important way of organizing biological information and has been recognized as a central concept in evolutionary biology bridging on developmental, genetics, morphological, biochemical, and physiological studies. In this article, we explore how modularity affects the evolution of a complex system in two mammalian lineages by analyzing correlation, variance/covariance, and residual matrices (without size variation). We use the multivariate response to selection equation to simulate the behavior of Eutheria and Metharia skulls in terms of their evolutionary flexibility and constraints. We relate these results to classical approaches based on morphological integration tests based on functional/developmental hypotheses. Eutherians (Neotropical primates) showed smaller magnitudes of integration compared with Metatheria (didelphids) and also skull modules more clearly delimited. Didelphids showed higher magnitudes of integration and their modularity is strongly influenced by within-groups size variation to a degree that evolutionary responses are basically aligned with size variation. Primates still have a good portion of the total variation based on size; however, their enhanced modularization allows a broader spectrum of responses, more similar to the selection gradients applied (enhanced flexibility). Without size variation, both groups become much more similar in terms of modularity patterns and magnitudes and, consequently, in their evolutionary flexibility. J. Exp. Zool. (Mol. Dev. Evol.) 314B:663-683, 2010. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Here we describe the stomach contents of nine small mammal species (seven rodents and two didelphid marsupials) co-occurring in an old-growth Atlantic forest area. For four terrestrial rodents, we also compared the importance of arthropods in the diet and the selection of arthropod groups by comparing consumption with availability. Small mammals and arthropods were sampled in a 36-ha grid containing 25 sampling stations spaced every 150 m, and 47 stomach contents were analysed. While plant matter was the predominant item in the stomach contents of two rodents (Oligoryzomys nigripes and Rhipidomys mastacalis), four species presented arthropods as the main food item (the rodents Brucepattersonius soricinus and Oxymycterus dasytrichus, and the marsupials Monodelphis n. sp. and Marmosops incanus) and three consumed more plant matter than arthropods, but had significant amounts of both items (the rodents Delomys sublineatus, Euryoryzomys russatus and Thaptomys nigrita). Our results suggest that differences in diet, coupled with differences in habit and microhabitat preferences, are important factors allowing resource partition among species of the diverse group of co-occurring terrestrial small mammals in Atlantic forest areas. Moreover, arthropods were not preyed opportunistically by any of the four terrestrial rodents, since consumption was not proportional to availability. Rather, selection or rejection of arthropod groups seems to be determined by aspects other than availability, such as nutritional value, easiness of capture and handling or palatability.
The anatomical characteristics of the South American opossum diaphragm were described. Five male and seven female adult opossums, weighing between 700 and 1110 g, were used. Animals were killed by ether inhalation saturation. The abdominal and thoracic walls were dissected and opened, the viscerae were removed and the diaphragm anatomy was described and photographed in situ . After diaphragm removal, some dimensional data were taken and tabled. Primary branches of the phrenic nerves were dissected under a surgical microscope. The secondary branches were studied and described by transillumination after clarification in acetic acid. The opossum diaphragm is domed and has a mean area of 54.33 +/- 3.8 cm(2) . Well-identified costal, sternal and lumbar parts form the peripheral muscular region. The central tendinous region presents with a V-like form. Three folioles comprise the phrenic centre and present different dimensions. The caudal vena cava passes through its foramen between the ventral and right dorsal folioles. Both right and left phrenic nerves present one ventral branch and one dorsolateral trunk in 50.0% and 66.67% of the cases, respectively.
In the present study the different types of muscle fibers of the retractor ocular bulbi muscle of the South American opossum were classified according to their ultrastructural characteristics. The tridimensional characteristics of the neuromuscular junctions present: in this muscle were also demonstrated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Five adult opossums, three males and two females, were perfused with fixative solution through the left ventricle and their right retractor ocular bulbi muscle was prepared for the ultrastructural study of muscle fibers. The contralateral muscle was used for the study of neuromuscular junctions by SEM. Three types of fibers were detected, denoted 1r, 2r and 3r. Only simple neuromuscular junctions of the plate type were visualized by SEM.
Toxoplasmosis is a worldwide distributed zoonosis that affects man and most warm-blooded animals, with a great economic impact in animal and public health. Serum samples from nine 9-banded armadillos, three 6-banded armadillos, three coatimundis, two opossums and one nutria were submitted for anti-Toxoplasma gondii antibody detection by means of a modified direct agglutination method. Encephalic tissue of three 6-banded armadillos, one 9-banded armadillo, one coatimundi and one nutria were digested in acid pepsin solution and inoculated into Swiss mice for parasite isolation. Only one serum sample from a nine-banded armadillo and two from six-banded armadillos reacted producing titers equal to 256, 512 and 512, respectively. T gondii was isolated in two 6-banded armadillos, one of which was not positive in the serological test. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Millipedes are toxic preys for many vertebrates. Two individuals of the opossum species D. albiventris were videorecorded when feeding on the millipedes G. olivaceus and L. dentellus. Data were compared with feeding behavior on Tenebrio larvae. The opossums are resistant to intoxication by millipedes. Although chemical defenses of the millipedes were not effective against the opossum predation, they make them less attractive.