982 resultados para Operational readiness (Military science)


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Laws of war have been carefully defined by individual nations’ own codes of law as well as by supranational bodies. Yet the international scene has seen an increasing movement away from traditionally declared war toward multinational peacekeeping missions geared at containing local conflicts when perceived as potential threats to their respective regions’ political stability. While individual nations’ laws governing warfare presuppose national sovereignty, the multinational nature of peacekeeping scenarios can blur the lines of command structures, soldiers’ national loyalties, occupational jurisdiction, and raise profound questions as to which countries’ moral sense/governmental system is to be the one upheld. Historically increasingly complex international relations have driven increasingly detailed internationally drafted guidelines for countries’ interactions while at war, yet there are operational, legislative, and moral issues arising in multinational peacekeeping situations which these laws do not address at all. The author analyzes three unique peacekeeping operations in light of these legislative voids and suggests systematic points to consider to the end of protecting the peacekeepers, the national interests of the countries involved, operational matters, and clearly delineating both the objective and logical boundaries of a given multinational peacekeeping mission.


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Large-scale disasters are constantly occurring around the world, and in many cases evacuation of regions of city is needed. ‘Operational Research/Management Science’ (OR/MS) has been widely used in emergency planning for over five decades. Warning dissemination, evacuee transportation and shelter management are three ‘Evacuation Support Functions’ (ESF) generic to many hazards. This thesis has adopted a case study approach to illustrate the importance of integrated approach of evacuation planning and particularly the role of OR/MS models. In the warning dissemination phase, uncertainty in the household’s behaviour as ‘warning informants’ has been investigated along with uncertainties in the warning system. An agentbased model (ABM) was developed for ESF-1 with households as agents and ‘warning informants’ behaviour as the agent behaviour. The model was used to study warning dissemination effectiveness under various conditions of the official channel. In the transportation phase, uncertainties in the household’s behaviour such as departure time (a function of ESF-1), means of transport and destination have been. Households could evacuate as pedestrians, using car or evacuation buses. An ABM was developed to study the evacuation performance (measured in evacuation travel time). In this thesis, a holistic approach for planning the public evacuation shelters called ‘Shelter Information Management System’ (SIMS) has been developed. A generic allocation framework of was developed to available shelter capacity to the shelter demand by considering the evacuation travel time. This was formulated using integer programming. In the sheltering phase, the uncertainty in household shelter choices (either nearest/allocated/convenient) has been studied for its impact on allocation policies using sensitivity analyses. Using analyses from the models and detailed examination of household states from ‘warning to safety’, it was found that the three ESFs though sequential in time, however have lot of interdependencies from the perspective of evacuation planning. This thesis has illustrated an OR/MS based integrated approach including and beyond single ESF preparedness. The developed approach will help in understanding the inter-linkages of the three evacuation phases and preparing a multi-agency-based evacuation planning evacuation


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Este trabalho tem por objetivo apresentar o gênero textual parte e suas implicações para o ensino. Para isso, fizemos uma descrição do gênero, tendo por base a perspectiva de Mikhail Bakhtin de análise do discurso em um diálogo com a perspectiva de análise do discurso de Patrick Charaudeau. A parte segundo as Instruções Gerais para a Correspondência, as Publicações e os Atos Administrativos no âmbito do Exército (IG 10-42), é a correspondência que tramita no âmbito de uma OM, por meio da qual o militar se comunica com um de seus pares ou superior hierárquico, em objeto de serviço, podendo ser utilizado suporte eletrônico (...), ou ser substituída por mensagem eletrônica, sempre que houver meios físicos adequados. (BRASIL, 2002, p. 18). Portanto, ele é um documento oficial de circulação interna que exige uma linguagem formal para relatar, solicitar ou informar algo a alguma autoridade, dentre outras possibilidades, ou seja, o propósito comunicativo da parte, de maneira genérica, é relatar uma ocorrência, solicitar algum direito, informar dados necessários para a confecção de algum outro documento etc. Por estar inserido no domínio discursivo militar, em que as formas padronizadas orientam a produção dos gêneros que neles estão circunscritos, deve seguir regras para a sua escrita. Por essa razão, o ensino da parte está presente no currículo da Academia Militar das Agulhas Negras, que forma o oficial combatente de carreira do Exército Brasileiro em bacharel em Ciências Militares. Dessa forma, apresentamos neste trabalho uma proposta para o ensino do gênero, tendo como aporte teórico as sequências didáticas postuladas pela Escola de Genebra. Apesar de essa Escola trazer uma proposta didática para o ensino de gêneros no ensino fundamental, observamos que a teoria é adequada ao ensino de um gênero em qualquer nível de escolaridade àquele que está sendo inserido em um domínio discursivo


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This paper drawing from audit reports reflects upon the post-Iraq war administration the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA). It argues that the CPA’s compliance with basic levels of decent public administration were akin to Guantanamo’s compliance with basic levels of natural justice. The audit reports demonstrate that the CPA was a chaotic administration which spent billions without proper controls or procedures and left precious Iraqi oil revenues open to fraudulent acts. The CPA failed to comply with its obligations under UN resolutions. It identifies the geopolitical/economic implications of the US government which was partly motivated by economic concerns but it was also motivated by political concerns—the imposition of US hegemony. It then turns to the broader economic imperatives of the falling rate of profit and the imposition of neoliberalism (market fundamentalism).