913 resultados para Open Research Data
Poster at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014
Open Research Data - A step by step guide through the research data lifecycle, data set creation, big data vs long-tail, metadata, data centres/data repositories, open access for data, data sharing, data citation and publication.
Overview of the growth of policies and a critical appraisal of the issues affecting open access, open data and open science policies. Example policies and a roadmap for open access, open research data and open science are included.
Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014
In the last decade the principle of Open Access to publicly funded research has been getting a growing support from policy makers and funders across Europe, both at national level and within the European Union context. At European level some of the first relevant steps taken by the European Research Council (ERC) with a statement supporting Open Access (2006), shortly followed by guidelines for researchers funded by the ERC (2007) stating that all peer-reviewed publications from ERC funded projects should be made openly accessible shortly after their publication. Those guidelines were revised in October 2013, reinforcing the mandatory character of the requirements and expanding them to monographs.
This dissertation proposes an analysis of the governance of the European scientific research, focusing on the emergence of the Open Science paradigm: a new way of doing science, oriented towards the openness of every phase of the scientific research process, able to take full advantage of the digital ICTs. The emergence of this paradigm is relatively recent, but in the last years it has become increasingly relevant. The European institutions expressed a clear intention to embrace the Open Science paradigm (eg., think about the European Open Science Cloud, EOSC; or the establishment of the Horizon Europe programme). This dissertation provides a conceptual framework for the multiple interventions of the European institutions in the field of Open Science, addressing the major legal challenges of its implementation. The study investigates the notion of Open Science, proposing a definition that takes into account all its dimensions related to the human and fundamental rights framework in which Open Science is grounded. The inquiry addresses the legal challenges related to the openness of research data, in light of the European Open Data framework and the impact of the GDPR on the context of Open Science. The last part of the study is devoted to the infrastructural dimension of the Open Science paradigm, exploring the e-infrastructures. The focus is on a specific type of computational infrastructure: the High Performance Computing (HPC) facility. The adoption of HPC for research is analysed from the European perspective, investigating the EuroHPC project, and the local perspective, proposing the case study of the HPC facility of the University of Luxembourg, the ULHPC. This dissertation intends to underline the relevance of the legal coordination approach, between all actors and phases of the process, in order to develop and implement the Open Science paradigm, adhering to the underlying human and fundamental rights.
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia e Gestão de Sistemas de Informação
El artículo revisa los temas principales en la preservación y reuso de los datos de investigación (beneficios, ciclo de vida, proyectos, normativas ) e identifica la falta de un registro mundial de bancos, repositorios y bibliotecas de datos. Expone la creación de una herramienta web que recoja este tipo de depósitos y los clasifique por áreas disciplinares: ODiSEA International Registry on Research Data. Ofrecemos resultados sobre número y tipología temática de este tipo de depósitos a escala mundial. Esta aportación facilita el descubrimiento de nuevos conjuntos de datos cuya recombinación desde una perspectiva multidisciplinar fomentará la innovación y la rentabilidad de la inversión en ciencia.
Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014
Poster at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014
Poster at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014
Workshop at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014
Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014
Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014