889 resultados para Open Data, Dati Aperti, Open Government Data
This thesis investigates how Open Government Data (OGD) concepts and practices might be implemented in the State of Qatar to achieve more transparent, effective and accountable government. The thesis concludes with recommendations as to how Qatar, as a developing country, might enhance the accessibility and usability of its OGD and implement successful and sustainable OGD systems and practices.
In diesem Working Paper sollen wesentliche Erkenntnisse und Forderungen aus der - bisher vor allem englischsprachigen - Diskussion über die webgerechte Freigabe öffentlicher Daten zusammengefaßt werden. Das Paper versteht sich als Ausgangspunkt für Diskussion und Strategieentwicklung, ohne letztere selbst leisten zu können. Die Entwicklungspotentiale von Open Government Data (OGD) sollen zunächst aus der Sicht verschiedener Beteiligter dargestellt werden. Mit den in den Sebastopol-Prinzipien formulierten grundlegenden Anforderungen an OGD wird der Begriff schließlich definiert. Anhand von Veröffentlichungen des W3C kann schließlich die Bedeutung der Verwendung und (Weiter-)Entwicklung offener Standards für OGD gezeigt werden, daneben aber auch die Hauptprobleme eines entsprechenden Change Managements im öffentlichen Sektor. Abschließend werden einige modellhafte Beispiele für die praktische Umsetzung von OGD angeführt.
Linked Open data – a platform for modern science, engineering, education and business. In the more recent talk, Sir Nigel Shadbolt speaks about "The Value of Openess - The Open Data Institute and Publically Funded Open Data" during the Natural History Museum of London Informatics Horizons event.
Predicting sense of community and participation by applying machine learning to open government data
Community capacity is used to monitor socio-economic development. It is composed of a number of dimensions, which can be measured to understand the possible issues in the implementation of a policy or the outcome of a project targeting a community. Measuring community capacity dimensions is usually expensive and time consuming, requiring locally organised surveys. Therefore, we investigate a technique to estimate them by applying the Random Forests algorithm on secondary open government data. This research focuses on the prediction of measures for two dimensions: sense of community and participation. The most important variables for this prediction were determined. The variables included in the datasets used to train the predictive models complied with two criteria: nationwide availability; sufficiently fine-grained geographic breakdown, i.e. neighbourhood level. The models explained 77% of the sense of community measures and 63% of participation. Due to the low geographic detail of the outcome measures available, further research is required to apply the predictive models to a neighbourhood level. The variables that were found to be more determinant for prediction were only partially in agreement with the factors that, according to the social science literature consulted, are the most influential for sense of community and participation. This finding should be further investigated from a social science perspective, in order to be understood in depth.
[ES]Los ayuntamientos cada vez están más interesados en lo que piensan sus ciudadanos y cómo poder entre todos hacer un gobierno con mayor participación de estos en algunas decisiones, mejorando los canales de comunicación. En este sentido, no cabe duda de que los principios del gobierno abierto, es decir, la transparencia, la participación y la colaboración, están siendo, demandados tanto por los organismos públicos como por los ciudadanos. Para conseguir este objetivo se desarrollará un portal web llamado Actívate por Galdar 2.0 en el cual los ciudadanos podrán pertenecer a una comunidad donde dialogarán en foros y propondrán proyectos. Además el portal les administrará una serie de herramientas que serán de utilidad para que participen en la ejecución del mismo.
Abstract to be posted.
Waehrend zu Public Governance eine breite wissenschaftliche Debatte existiert und die Analyse staatlicher Aufgabeerfuellung davon profitiert, so steht die praxisnahe Umsetzung weniger im Zentrum der wissenschaftlichen Betrachtungen. Open Government hingegen entwickelt sich als relevante Praktikerbewegung ohne in die wissenschaftliche Diskussion eingeflossen zu sein. Dieser Artikel verbindet die beiden bislang unabhaengig voneinander existierenden Ansaetze und zeigt den Mehrwert von Open Government zur Umsetzung von Public Governance auf.
"Serial no. 96-H58."
Mode of access: Internet.
Pt. 4: "January 16, 1980, Orlando, Fla."
Mode of access: Internet.
Dieses Paper geht auf eine Prüfungsleistung vom 14.02.2016 in der Lehrveranstaltung „Aktuelle Entwicklungen im Informationsmanagement“ im Wintersemester 2015/16 aus dem Studiengang Informationsmanagement (berufsbegleitend) der Hochschule Hannover unter Frau Dr. Ina Blümel zurück. Das Ergebnis dieser Untersuchung ist eine umfassenden Literatur- und Internetrecherche zum Thema Open Government in Deutschland. Hierbei steht die Fragestellung "Welche Ziele hat die aktuelle Bundesregierung bis jetzt erreicht?" auf Basis des Koalitionsvertrags der 18.Legislaturperiode im Mittelpunkt. Es wird eine Übersicht über die Gesetzesgrundlage mit einem Fokus auf dem e-Government-Gesetz gegeben. Zudem wird der aktuelle Sachstand des Koalitionsvertrags betreffend Open Government an neun Punkten betrachtet und abschließend bewertet.
La tesi si propone di mettere in evidenza alcuni esempi pratici di utilizzo degli Open Data sia in ambito delle pubbliche amministrazioni sia in quello più ampio della sensibilità ambientale, con esempi anche di utilizzi particolarmente interessanti.
As support grows for greater access to information and data held by governments, so does awareness of the need for appropriate policy, technical and legal frameworks to achieve the desired economic and societal outcomes. Since the late 2000s numerous international organizations, inter-governmental bodies and governments have issued open government data policies, which set out key principles underpinning access to, and the release and reuse of data. These policies reiterate the value of government data and establish the default position that it should be openly accessible to the public under transparent and non-discriminatory conditions, which are conducive to innovative reuse of the data. A key principle stated in open government data policies is that legal rights in government information must be exercised in a manner that is consistent with and supports the open accessibility and reusability of the data. In particular, where government information and data is protected by copyright, access should be provided under licensing terms which clearly permit its reuse and dissemination. This principle has been further developed in the policies issued by Australian Governments into a specific requirement that Government agencies are to apply the Creative Commons Attribution licence (CC BY) as the default licensing position when releasing government information and data. A wide-ranging survey of the practices of Australian Government agencies in managing their information and data, commissioned by the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner in 2012, provides valuable insights into progress towards the achievement of open government policy objectives and the adoption of open licensing practices. The survey results indicate that Australian Government agencies are embracing open access and a proactive disclosure culture and that open licensing under Creative Commons licences is increasingly prevalent. However, the finding that ‘[t]he default position of open access licensing is not clearly or robustly stated, nor properly reflected in the practice of Government agencies’ points to the need to further develop the policy framework and the principles governing information access and reuse, and to provide practical guidance tools on open licensing if the broadest range of government information and data is to be made available for innovative reuse.