1000 resultados para Ontology Design
The growing use of a variety of information systems in crisis management both by non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and emergency management agencies makes the challenges of information sharing and interoperability increasingly important. The use of semantic web technologies is a growing area and is a technology stack specifically suited to these challenges. This paper presents a review of ontologies, vocabularies and taxonomies that are useful in crisis management systems. We identify the different subject areas relevant to crisis management based on a review of the literature. The different ontologies and vocabularies available are analysed in terms of their coverage, design and usability. We also consider the use cases for which they were designed and the degree to which they follow a variety of standards. While providing comprehensive ontologies for the crisis domain is not feasible or desirable there is considerable scope to develop ontologies for the subject areas not currently covered and for the purposes of interoperability.
Knowledge graphs (KGs) and ontologies have been widely adopted for modelling numerous domains. However, understanding the content of an ontology/KG is far from straightforward: existing methods partially address this issue. This thesis is based on the assumption that identifying the Ontology Design Patterns (ODPs) in an ontology or a KG contributes to address this problem. Most times, the reused ODPs are not explicitly annotated, or their reuse is unintentional. Therefore, there is a challenge to automatically identify ODPs in existing ontologies and KGs, which is the main focus of this research work. This thesis analyses the role of ODPs in ontology engineering, through experiences in actual ontology projects, placing this analysis in the context of existing ontology reuse approaches. Moreover, this thesis introduces a novel method for extracting empirical ODPs (EODPs) from ontologies, and a novel method for extracting EODPs from knowledge graphs, whose schemas are implicit. The first method groups the extracted EODPs in clusters: conceptual components. Each conceptual component represents a modelling problem, e.g. representing collections. As EODPs are fragments possibly extracted from different ontologies, some of them will fall in the same cluster, meaning that they are implemented solutions to the same modelling problem. EODPs and conceptual components enable the empirical observation and comparison of modelling solutions to common modelling problems in different ontologies. The second method extracts EODPs from a KG as sets of probabilistic axioms/constraints involving the ontological entities instantiated. These EODPs may support KG inspection and comparison, providing insights on how certain entities are described in a KG. An additional contribution of this thesis is an ontology for annotating ODPs in ontologies and KGs.
The goal of the ontology requirements specification activity is to state why the ontology is being built, what its intended uses are, who the end users are, and which requirements the ontology should fulfill. This chapter presents detailed methodological guidelines for specifying ontology requirements efficiently. These guidelines will help ontology engineers to capture ontology requirements and produce the ontology requirements specification document (ORSD). The ORSD will play a key role during the ontology development process because it facilitates, among other activities, (1) the search and reuse of existing knowledge resources with the aim of reengineering them into ontologies, (2) the search and reuse of ontological resources (ontologies, ontology modules, ontology statements as well as ontology design patterns), and (3) the verification of the ontology along the ontology development.
In contrast to other approaches that provide methodological guidance for ontology engineering, the NeOn Methodology does not prescribe a rigid workflow, but instead it suggests a variety of pathways for developing ontologies. The nine scenarios proposed in the methodology cover commonly occurring situations, for example, when available ontologies need to be re-engineered, aligned, modularized, localized to support different languages and cultures, and integrated with ontology design patterns and non-ontological resources, such as folksonomies or thesauri. In addition, the NeOn Methodology framework provides (a) a glossary of processes and activities involved in the development of ontologies, (b) two ontology life cycle models, and (c) a set of methodological guidelines for different processes and activities, which are described (a) functionally, in terms of goals, inputs, outputs, and relevant constraints; (b) procedurally, by means of workflow specifications; and (c) empirically, through a set of illustrative examples.
Development of educational ontologies is a step towards creation of sharable and reusable adaptive educational systems. Ontology as a conceptual courseware structure may work as a mind tool for effective teaching and as a visual navigation interface to the learning objects. The paper discusses an approach to the practical ontology development and presents the designed ontology for teaching/learning C programming.
WWW is a huge, open, heterogeneous system, however its contents data is mainly human oriented. The Semantic Web needs to assure that data is readable and “understandable” to intelligent software agents, though the use of explicit and formal semantics. Ontologies constitute a privileged artifact for capturing the semantic of the WWW data. Temporal and spatial dimensions are transversal to the generality of knowledge domains and therefore are fundamental for the reasoning process of software agents. Representing temporal/spatial evolution of concepts and their relations in OWL (W3C standard for ontologies) it is not straightforward. Although proposed several strategies to tackle this problem but there is still no formal and standard approach. This work main goal consists of development of methods/tools to support the engineering of temporal and spatial aspects in intelligent systems through the use of OWL ontologies. An existing method for ontology engineering, Fonte was used as framework for the development of this work. As main contributions of this work Fonte was re-engineered in order to: i) support the spatial dimension; ii) work with OWL Ontologies; iii) and support the application of Ontology Design Patterns. Finally, the capabilities of the proposed approach were demonstrated by engineering time and space in a demo ontology about football.
In order to improve the management of copyright in the Internet, known as Digital Rights Management, there is the need for a shared language for copyright representation. Current approaches are based on purely syntactic solutions, i.e. a grammar that defines a rights expression language. These languages are difficult to put into practise due to the lack of explicit semantics that facilitate its implementation. Moreover, they are simple from the legal point of view because they are intended just to model the usage licenses granted by content providers to end-users. Thus, they ignore the copyright framework that lies behind and the whole value chain from creators to end-users. Our proposal is to use a semantic approach based on semantic web ontologies. We detail the development of a copyright ontology in order to put this approach into practice. It models the copyright core concepts for creation, rights and the basic kinds of actions that operate on content. Altogether, it allows building a copyright framework for the complete value chain. The set of actions operating on content are our smaller building blocks in order to cope with the complexity of copyright value chains and statements and, at the same time, guarantee a high level of interoperability and evolvability. The resulting copyright modelling framework is flexible and complete enough to model many copyright scenarios, not just those related to the economic exploitation of content. The ontology also includes moral rights, so it is possible to model this kind of situations as it is shown in the included example model for a withdrawal scenario. Finally, the ontology design and the selection of tools result in a straightforward implementation. Description Logic reasoners are used for license checking and retrieval. Rights are modelled as classes of actions, action patterns are modelled also as classes and the same is done for concrete actions. Then, to check if some right or license grants an action is reduced to check for class subsumption, which is a direct functionality of these reasoners.