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PURPOSE: To compare changes in corneal hysteresis (CH) and the corneal resistance factor (CRF) in myopic and hyperopic laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) and evaluate their relationship to the number of photoablative pulses delivered, a surrogate for ablation volume. SETTING: Cleveland Clinic Cole Eye Institute, Cleveland, Ohio, USA. METHODS: Preoperative and 1-week postoperative Ocular Response Analyzer measurements in eyes that had femtosecond-assisted LASIK were studied retrospectively. Changes in CH and CRF were compared and tested for correlation with the number of excimer laser pulses. RESULTS: Thirteen myopic eyes and 11 hyperopic eyes were evaluated. Preoperative corneal thickness, CH, CRF, programmed correction magnitude, flap thickness, and total number of fixed spotsize photoablative pulses were similar in the 2 groups (P>.1). Decreases in CH and CRF were greater after myopic LASIK than after hyperopic LASIK (P<.005), and changes in CRF were correlated with the number of excimer laser pulses in the myopic group only (r = -0.63, P = .02). Regardless of ablation profile, changes in CH were more strongly correlated with preoperative CH values than with attempted ablation volume. CONCLUSIONS: With comparable flap thickness and attempted ablation volumes, myopic photoablation profiles were associated with greater decreases in CRF and CH than hyperopic profiles. Results indicate that preoperative corneal biomechanical status, ablation volume, and the spatial distribution of ablation are important factors that affect corneal resistance and viscous dissipative properties differently. Preferential tissue removal in the natively thicker paracentral cornea in hyperopia may partially account for the rarity of ectasia after hyperopic LASIK.
Until the year 2000, only three Rickettsia species were known in South America: (i) Rickettsia rickettsii, transmitted by the ticks Amblyomma cajennense, and Amblyomma aureolatum, reported in Colombia, Argentina, and Brazil, where it is the etiological agent of Rocky Mountain spotted fever; (ii) Rickettsia prowazekii, transmitted by body lice and causing epidemic typhus in highland areas, mainly in Peru; (iii) Rickettsia typhi, transmitted by fleas and causing endemic typhus in many countries. During this new century, at least seven other rickettsiae were reported in South America: Rickettsia felis infecting fleas and the tick-associated agents Rickettsia parkeri, Rickettsia massiliae, Candidatus ""Rickettsia amblyommii,"" Rickettsia bellii, Rickettsia rhipicephali, and Candidatus ""Rickettsia andeanae. "" Among these other rickettsiae, only R. felis, R. parkeri and R. massiliae are currently recognized as human pathogens. R. rickettsii is a rare agent in nature, infecting : <= 1% individuals in a few tick populations. Contrastingly, R. parkeri, Candidatus ""R. amblyommii, "" R. rhipicephali, and R. bellii are usually found infecting 10 to 100% individuals in different tick populations. Despite rickettsiae being transmitted transovarially through tick generations, low infection rates for R. rickettsii are possibly related to pathogenic effect of R. rickettsii for ticks, as shown for A. aureolatum under laboratory conditions. This scenario implies that R. rickettsii needs amplifier vertebrate hosts for its perpetuation in nature, in order to create new lines of infected ticks (horizontal transmission). In Brazil, capybaras and opossums are the most probable amplifier hosts for R. rickettsii, among A. cajennense ticks, and small rodents for A. aureolatum.
Six and seven addicts treated with racemic methadone (MTD) were comedicated with fluvoxamine (FLV) and fluoxetine (FLX), respectively. The plasma concentrations of both (R)- (the active enantiomer) and (S)-MTD were increased by FLV, whereas only (R)-MTD concentrations were increased by the addition of FLX. This suggests that cytochrome P450IID6 (CYP2D6), an enzyme that is strongly inhibited by FLX, preferentially metabolizes (R)-MTD, whereas CYP1A2, which is strongly inhibited by FLV, metabolizes both enantiomers. The choice of a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor in depressive addicted patients treated with MTD and the possible use of FLX or FLV to potentiate the effects of MTD in some cases of therapeutic failure are discussed.
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Recent in vitro studies have suggested an important role of cytochrome P450 (CYP) 2B6 and CYP2C19 in methadone metabolism. We aimed to determine the influence of CYP2B6, CYP2C9, and CYP2C19 genetic polymorphism on methadone pharmacokinetics and on the response to treatment. METHODS: We included 209 patients in methadone maintenance treatment on the basis of their response to treatment and their daily methadone dose. Patients were genotyped for CYP2B6, CYP2C9, and CYP2C19. Steady-state trough and peak (R)-, (S)-, and (R,S)-plasma levels and peak-to-trough plasma level ratios were measured. RESULTS: CYP2B6 genotype influences (S)-methadone and, to a lesser extent, (R)-methadone plasma levels, with the median trough (S)-methadone plasma levels being 105, 122, and 209 ng . kg/mL . mg for the noncarriers of allele *6, heterozygous carriers, and homozygous carriers (*6/*6), respectively (P = .0004). CYP2C9 and CYP2C19 genotypes do not influence methadone plasma levels. Lower peak and trough plasma levels of methadone and higher peak-to-trough ratios were measured in patients considered as nonresponders [median (R,S)-methadone trough plasma levels of 183 and 249 ng . kg/mL . mg (P = .0004) and median peak-to-trough ratios of 1.82 and 1.58 for high-dose nonresponders and high-dose responders, respectively (P = .0003)]. CONCLUSION: Although CYP2B6 influences (S)-methadone plasma levels, given that only (R)-methadone contributes to the opioid effect of this drug, a major influence of CYP2B6 genotype on response to treatment is unlikely and has not been shown in this study. Lower plasma levels of methadone in nonresponders, suggesting a higher clearance, and higher peak-to-trough ratios, suggesting a shorter elimination half-life, are in agreement with the usual clinical measures taken for such patients, which are to increase methadone dosages and to split the daily dose into several intakes.
ABSTRACT The objective of this research was to evaluate the occurance of multiple resistance of Sagittaria montevidensis (SAGMO) biotypes to acetolactate synthase (ALS) and photosystem II (PSII) inhibiting herbicides through dose-response experiments. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse from October 2012 to March 2013, in Pelotas, RS. The experimental design was completely randomized, with four replications. Treatments were arranged in a triple factorial design: two biotypes of S. montevidensis(SAGMO 35 - susceptible to herbicides and SAGMO 32 - suspected to be multiple resistance to ALS and PSII inhibiting herbicides), four herbicides (penoxsulam, (imazethapyr+imazapic), bentazon and saflufenacil) and 8 rates of these herbicides (1/32x, 1/16x, 1/8x, 1/4x, 1/2x, 0x, 1x, 2x, 4x, 8x, 16x, 32x and 64x). SAGMO 32 biotype presented high levels of resistance to penoxsulam, (imazethapyr+imazapic) and bentazon. For a 50% reduction in dry matter of the resistant biotype rate of 138 and 2.46 times higher than the label required for the susceptible biotype of the herbicides (imazethapyr+imazapic) and bentazon, respectively, are required. Saflufenacil may be used successfully to controlSagittaria montevidensis resistant in irrigated rice.
Chez le chien, les thromboses représentent une complication majeure de nombreuses conditions qui sont revues dans ce manuscrit. L’arsenal thérapeutique actuel présente certaines limites: des effets anticoagulants variables d’un patient à l’autre, des hémorragies et une administration par voie sous-cutanée pour l’héparine. Le rivaroxaban est un nouvel anticoagulant oral approuvé pour la prévention et le traitement des thromboses chez l’humain. C’est un inhibiteur direct du facteur Xa. La présente étude a pour objectif d’évaluer les effets hémostatiques du rivaroxaban chez des chiens en santé, en utilisant les tests de coagulation suivants: temps de prothrombine (PT), temps partiel de thromboplastine (aPTT), activité anti-facteur X, génération de thrombine (GT) et thromboélastographie (TEG®). Tout d’abord, l’effet anticoagulant du rivaroxaban a été évalué in vitro : le plasma citraté pauvre en plaquettes provenant de 20 Beagle en santé a été aliquoté et enrichi avec des solutions de rivaroxaban à des concentrations de 0 à 1000 mg/L d’anticoagulant. Une prolongation concentration-dépendante de tous les tests de coagulation a été notée. Les concentrations de 0.024 et 0.053 mg/L diminuent respectivement de 50% la vitesse de propagation de la GT et la densité optique de l’activité anti-facteur X. Ces derniers tests sont les plus sensibles et précis pour détecter l’effet anticoagulant du rivaroxaban. Ensuite, 24 Beagle en santé ont été répartis aléatoirement en 3 groupes (n=8). Chaque groupe a reçu par voie orale un placebo, ou 20 mg de rivaroxaban une ou deux fois à 8h d’intervalle. Quinze échantillons sanguins ont été prélevés pour chaque chien sur 30 heures. Pour tous les tests de coagulation excepté la TEG®, une différence significative a été notée dans les résultats entre les groupes traités et le groupe placebo (p<0.0001). La durée de l’effet anticoagulant du rivaroxaban était de 7.9-18.7h dans le groupe traité une fois; et de 17.5-26.8h dans le groupe traité deux fois. Le pic d’action de l’effet anticoagulant était d’environ 2h. Seul le paramètre R de la TEG® était significativement affecté dans les groupes traités. En conclusion, le rivaroxaban exerce un effet anticoagulant chez le chien à la dose de 2 mg/kg. Une administration biquotidienne semble appropriée pour un effet de 24h.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
To compare the short version of International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) and the accelerometer measurement of physical activity (PA) in patients undergoing hemodialysis. Sample consisted of 40 patients (19 men) aged 45 ± 16 years. Patients reported their PA using the IPAQ during a face-to-face interview, and wore an Actigraph GT3-X accelerometer for 1 week to obtain minutes per day of light PA, moderate-to-vigorous PA (MVPA) and total PA as well as raw counts per day (vector magnitude). All PA-related variables were significantly correlated among instruments (r = 0.34-0.47) when analyzed as a group. However, when analyzed separately by gender, the relationships were present for women only (r = 0.46-0.62). IPAQ significantly underestimated light PA (IPAQ vs. accelerometer: 180.0 vs. 251.1 min/day, p = 0.019), but no differences were found between methods for MVPA and total PA. Modest correlations were found between self-reported PA time by IPAQ (short version) and accelerometer, but only in women. However, the IPAQ may underestimate light PA, which is the main form of PA in this population.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Math anxiety levels and performance outcomes were compared for bilingual and monolingual community college Intermediate Algebra students attending a culturally diverse urban commuter college. Participants (N = 618, 250 men, 368 women; 361 monolingual, 257 bilingual) completed the Abbreviated Math Anxiety Scale (AMAS) and a demographics instrument. Bilingual and monolingual students reported comparable mean AMAS scores (20.6 and 20.7, respectively) and comparable proportions of math anxious individuals (50% and 48%, respectively). Factor analysis of AMAS scores, using principal component analysis by varimax rotation, yielded similar two-factor structures for both populations -- assessment and learning content -- accounting for 65.6% of the trace for bilingual AMAS scores. Statistically significant predictor variables for levels of math anxiety for the bilingual participants included (a) preparatory course enrollment (β = .236, p = .041) with those enrolled in prior preparatory courses scoring higher, (b) education major (β = .285, p = .018) with education majors scoring higher, and (c) business major (β = .252, p = .032) with business majors scoring higher. One statistically significant predictor variable emerged for monolingual students, gender (β = -.085, p = .001) with females ranking higher. Age, income, race, ethnicity, U.S. origin, science or health science majors did not emerge as statistically significant predictor variables for either group.^ Similarities between monolingual and bilingual participants included statistically significant negative linear correlations between AMAS scores and course grades for both bilingual (r = -.178, p = .017) and monolingual participants (r = -.203, p = .001). Differences included a statistically significant linear correlation between AMAS scores and final exam grades for monolingual participants only (r = -.253, p < .0009) despite no statistically significant difference in the strength the linear relationship of the AMAS scores and the final exam scores between groups, z = 1.35, p = .1756.^ The findings show that bilingual and monolingual students report math anxiety similarly and that math anxiety has similar associations with performance measures, despite differences between predictor variables. One of the first studies on the math anxiety of bilingual community college students, the results suggest recommendations for researchers and practitioners.^
A planar reconfigurable linear (also rectilinear) rigid-body motion linkage (RLRBML) with two operation modes, that is, linear rigid-body motion mode and lockup mode, is presented using only R (revolute) joints. The RLRBML does not require disassembly and external intervention to implement multi-task requirements. It is created via combining a Robert’s linkage and a double parallelogram linkage (with equal lengths of rocker links) arranged in parallel, which can convert a limited circular motion to a linear rigid-body motion without any reference guide way. This linear rigid-body motion is achieved since the double parallelogram linkage can guarantee the translation of the motion stage, and Robert’s linkage ensures the approximate straight line motion of its pivot joint connecting to the double parallelogram linkage. This novel RLRBML is under the linear rigid-body motion mode if the four rocker links in the double parallelogram linkage are not parallel. The motion stage is in the lockup mode if all of the four rocker links in the double parallelogram linkage are kept parallel in a tilted position (but the inner/outer two rocker links are still parallel). In the lockup mode, the motion stage of the RLRBML is prohibited from moving even under power off, but the double parallelogram linkage is still moveable for its own rotation application. It is noted that further RLRBMLs can be obtained from the above RLRBML by replacing Robert’s linkage with any other straight line motion linkage (such as Watt’s linkage). Additionally, a compact RLRBML and two single-mode linear rigid-body motion linkages are presented.
Math anxiety levels and performance outcomes were compared for bilingual and monolingual community college Intermediate Algebra students attending a culturally diverse urban commuter college. Participants (N = 618, 250 men, 368 women; 361 monolingual, 257 bilingual) completed the Abbreviated Math Anxiety Scale (AMAS) and a demographics instrument. Bilingual and monolingual students reported comparable mean AMAS scores (20.6 and 20.7, respectively) and comparable proportions of math anxious individuals (50% and 48%, respectively). Factor analysis of AMAS scores, using principal component analysis by varimax rotation, yielded similar two-factor structures for both populations -- assessment and learning content -- accounting for 65.6% of the trace for bilingual AMAS scores. Statistically significant predictor variables for levels of math anxiety for the bilingual participants included (a) preparatory course enrollment (β = .236, p = .041) with those enrolled in prior preparatory courses scoring higher, (b) education major (β = .285, p = .018) with education majors scoring higher, and (c) business major (β = .252, p = .032) with business majors scoring higher. One statistically significant predictor variable emerged for monolingual students, gender (β = -.085, p = .001) with females ranking higher. Age, income, race, ethnicity, U.S. origin, science or health science majors did not emerge as statistically significant predictor variables for either group. Similarities between monolingual and bilingual participants included statistically significant negative linear correlations between AMAS scores and course grades for both bilingual (r = -.178, p = .017) and monolingual participants (r = -.203, p = .001). Differences included a statistically significant linear correlation between AMAS scores and final exam grades for monolingual participants only (r = -.253, p < .0009) despite no statistically significant difference in the strength the linear relationship of the AMAS scores and the final exam scores between groups, z = 1.35, p = .1756. The findings show that bilingual and monolingual students report math anxiety similarly and that math anxiety has similar associations with performance measures, despite differences between predictor variables. One of the first studies on the math anxiety of bilingual community college students, the results suggest recommendations for researchers and practitioners.
The objective of this study is to examine the relations of familismo to academic functioning and mental health among non-citizen Latina/o college students. The study utilizes both quantitative self-report surveys to explore attitudinal family obligations, and qualitative interviews to explore behavioral family obligations. One hundred and eighty citizen students (M = 21.30, SD = 2.92) and 84 non-citizen students (M = 21.13, SD = 2.98) completed surveys. Correlational analyses found that family obligation attitudes were linked to academic emotional engagement for non-citizen students only (r = .305, p = .005, n = 84). Cluster analyses revealed risk, resilience, and protected clusters from stress and family obligation groupings. Twenty-one non-citizen students also completed interviews. Narrative analysis of the interviews revealed that family obligation behaviors may be linked to motivation and stress. Overall, this study illustrates the complex nature of family obligations and achievement in the lives of non-citizen Latina/o college students.
The objective of this study was to propose an alternative method (MAOD(ALT)) to estimate the maximal accumulated oxygen deficit (MAOD) using only one supramaximal exhaustive test. Nine participants performed the following tests: (a) a maximal incremental exercise test, (b) six submaximal constant workload tests, and (c) a supramaximal constant workload test. Traditional MAOD was determined by calculating the difference between predicted O(2) demand and accumulated O(2) uptake during the supramaximal test. MAOD(ALT) was established by summing the fast component of excess post-exercise oxygen consumption and the O(2) equivalent for energy provided by blood lactate accumulation, both of which were measured during the supramaximal test. There was no significant difference between MAOD (2.82 +/- 0.45 L) and MAOD(ALT) (2.77 +/- 0.37 L) (p = 0.60). The correlation between MAOD and MAOD(ALT) was also high (r = 0.78; p = 0.014). These data indicate that the MAOD(ALT) can be used to estimate the MAOD.