14 resultados para Onchocerca gibsoni.


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We report here the first complete mitochondria genome of Onchocerca volvulus from a focus outside of Africa. An O. volvulus mitogenome from the Brazilian Amazonia focus was obtained using a combination of highthroughput and Sanger sequencing technologies. Comparisons made between this mitochondrial genome and publicly available mitochondrial sequences identified 46 variant nucleotide positions and suggested that our Brazilian mitogenome is more closely related to Cameroon-origin mitochondria than West African-origin mitochondria. As well as providing insights into the origins of Latin American onchocerciasis, the Brazilian Amazonia focus mitogenome may also have value as an epidemiological resource.


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Jokisokeus eli onkosersiaasi on ihmisen loismatotauti, jota aiheuttaa Onchocerca volvulus -rihmamato. Tautia esiintyy trooppisilla alueilla Afrikassa ja Latinalaisessa Amerikassa. Tartunnan saaneita on noin 37 miljoonaa. Jokisokeus ilmenee iho- ja silmäoireina. Oireet johtuvat loisen nuorimmista muodoista eli mikrofilarioista. Jokisokeutta vastaan on käyty jakamalla lähinnä mikrofilarioihin tehoavaa ivermektiiniä. Tarvetta olisi lääkkeelle, joka tappaisi aikuiset madot tai steriloisi naaraat. Rokote olisi vielä parempi vaihtoehto. Antibiootit on uusi hoitokeino, sillä O. volvuluksella on elintärkeänä symbionttina Wolbachia-bakteeri. Doksisykliini tappaa vähintään 60 prosenttia aikuisista madoista ja steriloi naaraita, mutta kuuri kestää viikkoja. Yksi lupaava yhdiste on emodepsidi, jolla on loismatolääkkeille uusi vaikutusmekanismi. Rihmamatolääkkeiksi on testattu lukuisia yhdisteitä. Jotkut niistä inhiboivat entsyymejä, joilla madot kiertävät ihmisen immuunipuolustusta. Toiset häiritsevät neljä kertaa tapahtuvaa nahanvaihtoa. Hyvä lääkkeiden vaikutuskohde on loiselle välttämätön mutta puuttuu nisäkkäiltä. Betuliini on triterpeeni, jota on runsaasti koivun tuohessa. Betuliini ja monet sen johdannaiset ovat farmakologisesti aktiivisia yhdisteitä, joita tutkitaan etenkin syöpä- ja HIV-lääkkeiksi. Helsingin yliopiston lääkekemian ryhmä on syntetisoinut ja tutkinut lukuisia johdoksia. Jotkin niistä ovat lupaavia esimerkiksi Leishmania-alkueläimiin, Chlamydia pneumoniae -bakteeriin ja alfaviruksiin. Siksi yhdisteitä kannattaisi tutkia muihinkin taudinaiheuttajiin, kuten rihmamatoihin. Sekä Wolbachialla että C. pneumoniaella on sama lipidisynteesireitti, joka on kummallekin elintärkeä. Betuliinista syntetisoitiin johdoksia, joissa betuliinin alkoholeja on hapetettu karbonyyleiksi ja joihin on liitetty typpiheterorengas. Sekä Leishmania donovani että L. braziliensis -tutkimuksissa tehokkain oli formyylibetuliinin heterosykli. Vaikka valmistettuja yhdisteitä ei ole tutkittu rihmamatotesteissä, jatkossa voisi syntetisoida johdannaisia, joissa karbonyylien tilalla on typpirakenteita, koska C. pneumoniaehen hyvin tehonneessa yhdisteessä betuliinin OH-ryhmien tilalla on oksiimi.


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O objetivo desta Tese é realizar o levantamento taxonômico e avaliar a dinâmica populacional de Simuliidae em localidades sob influência do Aproveitamento Hidrelétrico de Peixe Angical, TO. Os simulídeos possuem abrangente distribuição geográfica, e os estágios imaturos utilizam ambientes lóticos como sítios de criação. Algumas espécies podem atuar como vetores de vírus, protozoários e helmintos, o que confere ao grupo importância médica e veterinária. O hábito hematofágico das fêmeas de simulídeos pode acarretar sérios prejuízos ao turismo; ocasiona baixa no rendimento escolar; e na agropecuária dificulta a execução do trabalho o que reduz a produtividade. Durante a construção de grandes empreendimentos ocorre em pouco tempo à introdução de contingente populacional com drástica transformação do meio. A intervenção do homem sobre os ecossistemas e o crescimento desordenado pode provocar desequilíbrio ecológico que propicia a proliferação de espécimes vetores com consequentes problemas médico sanitários. A maior parte dos trabalhos realizados com insetos vetores em áreas sob influência da construção de hidrelétricas se refere aos culicídeos. O estudo dos aspectos taxonômicos permitirá o levantamento da biodiversidade e o diferencial deste projeto está no estabelecimento da sazonalidade e dinâmica das populações de imaturos e adultos de simulídeos. As amostras foram obtidas em áreas de influência direta e indireta da UHE Peixe no rio Tocantins, em 12 pontos diferentes de coleta, nos municípios deJaú do Tocantins, Peixe, Palmeirópolis, Paranã e São Salvador do Tocantins. Foram realizadas bimestralmente de 2004 a 2007, um total de 24 campanhas para coleta em criadouros pré-selecionados, que acompanharam todas as fases de construção início das obras, formação do lago, funcionamento da Usina. OS dados abióticos foram aferidos, e os imaturos removidos do substrato manualmente por 10 minutos e posteriormente preparados para eclosão dos adultos. Parte do material foi identificado no Laboratório de Simulídeos e Oncocercose do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, onde foram verificados novos registros específicos para a ocorrência de Simuliidae em Tocantins, além do assinalamento de espécies antropofílicas e/ou vetores de Onchocerca volvulus. Nas áreas usadas para a formação do lago houve desaparecimento de criadouros. O desmatamento ocorrido aliado ao vigor dos simulídeos que conseguem realizar voos de longas distâncias na procura de alimento ou locais adequados a oviposição devem ter contribuído para a dispersão de espécimes. Há relatos sobre a da ocorrência de oncocercose na área estudada, um foco foi demarcado na divisa de Goiás com Tocantins, municípios Paranã e Minaçu investigado a partir de um caso autóctone de oncocercose. Este estudo é relevante uma vez que o Brasil possui potencial hidroenergético e prevê a construção de inúmeras hidrelétricas nos próximos anos. É importante estudas as áreas impactadas, conhecer a sua biodiversidade e os aspectos bioecológicos de Simuliidae no país.


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Spatio-temporal data on cytotaxonomic identifications of larvae of different members of the Simulium damnosum complex collected from rivers in southern Ghana and south-western Togo from 1975 until 1997 were analysed. When the data were combined, the percentages of savannah blackflies (S. damnosum sensu stricto and S. sirbanum) in the samples were shown to have been progressively increasing since 1975. The increases were statistically significant (P < 0·001), but the rates of increase were not linear. Further analyses were conducted according to the collection seasons and locations of the samples, to account for possible biases such as savannah flies occurring further south in the dry season or a preponderance of later samples from northern rivers having more savannah flies. These analyses showed that the increasing trend was statistically significant (P< 0·0001) only during the periods April to June and October to December. The presence of adult savannah flies carrying infective larvae (L3) indistinguishable from those of Onchocerca volvulus in the study zone was confirmed by examinations of captured flies. The percentages of savannah flies amongst the human-biting populations and the percentages with L3s in the head were higher during dry seasons than wet seasons and the savannah species were found furthest south (5 °25′N) in the dry season. Comparisons of satellite images taken in 1973 and 1990 over a study area in south-western Ghana encompassing stretches of the Tano and Bia rivers demonstrated that there have been substantial increases in urban and savannah areas, at the expense of forest. This was so not only for the whole images but also for subsamples of the images taken at 1, 2, 4, 8 and 16 km distant from sites alongside the River Tano. At every distance from the river, the percentages of pixels classified as urban or savannah have increased in 1990 compared with 1973, while those classified as degraded or dense forest have decreased. The possibility that the proportionate increases in savannah forms of the vectors of onchocerciasis, and hence in the likelihood of the transmission of savannah strains of the disease in formerly forested areas, were related to the decreases in forest cover is discussed.


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Entomología Médica) U.A.N.L.


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Quantitative radiolarian assemblage analysis has been conducted on middle and upper Eocene sediments (Zones RP16 to RP18) from Ocean Drilling Program Site 1052 in order to establish the radiolarian magnetobiochronology and determine the nature of the faunal turnover across the middle/late Eocene boundary in the western North Atlantic Ocean. We recognize and calibrate forty-five radiolarian bioevents to the magneto- and cyclo-stratigraphy from Site 1052 to enhance the biochronologic resolution for the middle and late Eocene. Our data is compared to sites in the equatorial Pacific (Leg 199) to access the diachrony of biostratigraphic events. Eleven bioevents are good biostratigraphic markers for tropical/subtropical locations (south of 30°N). The primary markers (lowest occurrences of Cryptocarpium azyx and Calocyclas bandyca) which are tropical zonal boundary markers for Zones RP17 and RP18 provide robust biohorizons for correlation and age determination from the low to middle latitudes and between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Some other radiolarian bioevents are highly diachronous (<1 million years) between oceanic basins. A significant faunal turnover of radiolarians is recognized within Chron C17n.3n (37.7 Ma) where 13 radiolarian species disappear rapidly in less than 100 kyr and 4 new species originate. The radiolarian faunal turnover coincides with a major extinction in planktonic foraminifera. We name the turnover phase, the Middle/Late Eocene Turnover (MLET). Assemblage analysis reveals the MLET to be associated with a decrease in low-mid latitude taxa and increase in cosmopolitan taxa and radiolarian accumulation rates. The MLET might be related to increased biological productivity rather than to surface-water cooling.


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A cDNA from adult female Onchocerca volvulus encoding the C-terminal portion of a tropomyosin isoform (termed MOv-14) has been shown previously to confer protective immunity in rodent models of onchocerciasis. The full-length sequence (designated Ov-tmy-1) obtained by PCR amplification, codes for a protein of 33 kDa and shares 91% identity with tropomyosins from other nematodes, falling to 57% identity with human α-tropomyosin. Ov-TMY-1 migrates with an apparent molecular mass of 42 kDa on SDS/PAGE and is present in all life-cycle stages, as determined by immunoblotting. Immunogold electron microscopy identified antigenic sites within muscle blocks and the cuticle of microfilariae and infective larvae. Anti-MOv14 antibodies were abundant in mice exhibiting serum-transferable protection against microfilariae conferred by vaccination with a PBS-soluble parasite extract. In contrast, little or no MOv14-specific antibody was present in mice inoculated with live microfilariae, in which resistance is mediated by antibody-independent mechanisms. In human infections, there was an inverse correlation between anti-tropomyosin IgG levels and densities of microfilariae in the skin. Seropositivity varied with the relative endemicity of infection. An immunodominant B cell epitope within Ov-TMY-1 (AQLLAEEADRKYD) was mapped to the N terminus of the MOv14 protein by using sera from protectively vaccinated mice. Intriguingly, the sequence coincides with an IgE-binding epitope within shrimp tropomyosin, believed to be responsible for hypersensitivity in individuals exhibiting allergy to shellfish. IgG and IgE antibodies reacting with the O. volvulus epitope were detected in human infections. It is concluded that antibody responses to tropomyosin may be important in limiting microfilarial densities in a proportion of individuals with onchocerciasis and have the potential to mediate hypersensitivity reactions to dead microfilariae, raising the possibility of a link with the immunopathology of infection.


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The thelastomatoid fauna of two species of wood-burrowing cockroach (Blattodea, Blaberidae), Panesthia cribrata and Panesthia tryoni tryoni, from Lamington National Park, Australia, is described. The following eight new species and three new genera of thelastomatid are proposed: Bilobostoma exerovulva n. g., n. sp.; Cordonicola gibsoni n. sp.; Coronostoma australiae n. sp.; Desmicola ornata n. sp.; Hammerschmidtiella hochi n. sp.; Malaspinanema goateri n. g., n. sp.; Travassosinema jaidenae n. sp.; and Tsuganema cribratum n. g., n. sp. Additional data are given for Blattophila sphaerolaima and Leidynemella fusiformis. Of the 11 species reported, nine were found in P. cribrata and ten in P. tryoni tryoni. Such levels of thelastomatoid species richnessness in single host species are exceptional. Only the mole cricket, Gryllotalpa africana (23), and the domestic cockroach, Periplaneta americana (20), have higher reported richness. Three species, T jaidenae, C. australiae and D. ornata, were found either exclusively or significantly more prevalently in P tryoni tryoni than in R cribrata. Species of Travassosinema, Coronostoma and Desmicola have been found previously only in millipedes (Diplopoda), a fact that suggests that there is a greater degree of niche overlap between R tryoni tryoni and millipedes than for R cribrata.


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A molecular approach was used to genetically characterize 5 species (Aoruroides queenslandensis. Blattophila sphaerolaima, Cordonicola gibsoni, Desmicola ornato and Leidynemella fusiformis) belonging to the superfamily. Thelastomatoidea fi (Nematoda: Oxyurida), a group of pinworms that parasitizes terrestrial arthropods. The D3 domain of the large subunit Of nuclear ribosomal RNA (LSU) was sequenced for individual specimens, and the analysis of the sequence data allowed the genetic relationships of the 5 species to be studied dagger. The sequence variation in the D3 domain within individual species (0-1-8%) was significantly less than the differences among species (4(.)3-12(.)4%). Phylogenetic analyses, Using maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and neighbour-joining, tree-building methods, established relationships among the 5 species of Thelastomatoidea and Oxyuris equi (a species of the order Oxyurida). The molecular approach employed provides the prospect for developing DNA tools for the specific identification of the Thelastomatoidea, irrespective of developmental stage and sex, as a basis for systematic, ecological and/or population genetic investigations of members within this superfamily.


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The thelastomatoid fauna of Macropanesthia rhinoceros was examined from 13 localities across its range in Queensland, Australia. Nine species of thelastomatoids, including two representing new genera, Geoscaphenema megaovum n. g., n. sp. and Jaidenema rhinoceratum n. g., n. sp., were found. Macropanesthia rhinoceros is reported as a new host for seven species previously recorded from Panesthia cribrata (Blaberidae: Panesthiinae) and P. tryoni tryoni, viz, Blattophila sphaerolaima, Leidynemella fusiformis, Cordonicola gibsoni, Travassosinema jaidenae, Coronostoma australiae, Hammerschmidtiella hochi and Desmicola ornata. Overall estimated richness for the system ranged from 10.1-13.5 species. The high degree of parasite faunal overlap between M. rhinoceros and the two Panesthia species is surprising given the disparate ecological niches that they occupy; P. cribrata and P. tryoni tryoni burrow in, and feed upon, moist decaying wood and require a climate that is moist all year round, whereas M. rhinoceros burrows in loose soil, feeds on fallen leaf litter and is tolerant of much drier environments.


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Las enfermedades parasitarias o parasitosis son un conjunto de enfermedades infecciosas producidas por protozoos, helmintos, e incluso artrópodos. La enfermedad parasitaria más importante es la malaria que está incluida en la lista de enfermedades de la pobreza. Otras enfermedades parasitarias han sido incluidas en las denominadas enfermedades olvidadas o desatendidas (NTD: Neglected Tropical Diseases) entre las que se encuentran las filariosis linfática y onchocercosis. La malaria está causada por el género Plasmodium (protozoos apicomplexo) Las especies que pueden causar la infección en humanos son: P. falciparum. P. vivax, P. malariae, P. ovale y P. knowlesi. Las filarias son nematodos finos y largos, parásitos de la sangre, la linfa y los tejidos subcutáneos y conectivos que producen en el humano la filariosis. Su transmisión se produce por insectos hematófagos (mosquitos y moscas) que actúan como vectores. Las especies de filarias de interés clínico para los humanos son Wuchereria. bancrofti, Brugia. malayi y B. timori (filariosis linfática), Onchocerca volvulus, Loa. loa y Mansonella streptocerca (filarias dérmicas), y Mansonella perstans y M. ozzardi (mansonelosis). Todas ellas presentan estadios larvales, conocidos como microfilarias (L1), que circulan en sangre o en tejido subcutáneo que son las formas infectivas para los vectores. En el Laboratorio de Malaria & otras Parasitosis Emergentes se ha desarrollado una PCR en tiempo real para malaria (Malaria RT-PCR), una Nested-PCR para filarias (Nested-Filaria PCR) y una PCR en tiempo real para filarias (RT-Filaria-PCR) como Sistemas de Análisis Múltiple para la detección de varias especies de plasmodios y varias especies de filarias en muestras de cualquier índole como indicador que los Sistemas de Análisis Múltiple son comparativamente superiores a los métodos de detección individual y a la microscopía sin perder sensibilidad y especificidad. Todos los métodos desarrollados han dado muy buenos resultados en cuanto a sensibilidad y especificidad frente a los métodos tradicionales, de tal manera que hoy en día se usan en el Laboratorio de Malaria & otras Parasitosis Emergentes como métodos de referencia, planteando la posibilidad de usar el método de las filarias para un estudio actualizado de la distribución y prevalencia de las filarias en las zonas endémicas.