973 resultados para OmNet Inet mobile host collegamento wireless reti


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I due obiettivi principali del lavoro svolto sono simulazione di un centro cittadino con n mobile host, che si spostano seguendo percorsi casuali. La simulazione è stata realizzata su OmNet++


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Wireless sensor networks with mobile data collectors have been recently proposed for extending the sensor network lifetime. Powerful mobile collectors are deployed to patrol the network and approach the static sensors for collecting their data buffers using single hop communication. The route followed by the mobile collector is very crucial for the data collection operation performed in the network and highly impacts the data collection time. This paper presents a practically efficient algorithm for constructing the mobile collector route. The route is constructed dynamically during the network operational time regardless of the sensors data generation rates. The algorithm acts on minimizing the sleeping time and the number of sensors waiting for the arrival of the mobile collector. Simulation results demonstrate that the presented algorithm can effectively reduce the overall data collection time.


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Location service provides location information of robots to sensors, to enable event reporting. Existing protocols apply partial flooding to trace robots, leading to poor scalability. We propose a novel scalable location service, which applies hierarchical rings to update robot location and guide routing toward it. Each mobile robot creates a set of hierarchical update rings of doubling radii. Whenever the robot leaves its k-th ring, it updates its new location to sensors along its newly defined k-th ring, and re-defines all smaller rings for future decisions. When a sensor needs to route to the mobile robot, it starts searching from its smallest ring and sends location query to the sensors along the ring. If the query fails, the search then extends to the next larger ring, until it intersects an existing update ring, from which the search can be directed towards reported center. The location of destination is updated whenever another more recent ring is intersected. Our scheme guarantees message delivery if robot remains connected to sensors during its move. The theoretical analysis and simulation results demonstrate better scalability than previous protocols for the similar goal. © 2014 IEEE.


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Traditional tracking solutions in wireless sensor networks based on fixed sensors have several critical problems. First, due to the mobility of targets, a lot of sensors have to keep being active to track targets in all potential directions, which causes excessive energy consumption. Second, when there are holes in the deployment area, targets may fail to be detected when moving into holes. Third, when targets stay at certain positions for a long time, sensors surrounding them have to suffer heavier work pressure than do others, which leads to a bottleneck for the entire network. To solve these problems, a few mobile sensors are introduced to follow targets directly for tracking because the energy capacity of mobile sensors is less constrained and they can detect targets closely with high tracking quality. Based on a realistic detection model, a solution of scheduling mobile sensors and fixed sensors for target tracking is proposed. Moreover, the movement path of mobile sensors has a provable performance bound compared to the optimal solution. Results of extensive simulations show that mobile sensors can improve tracking quality even if holes exist in the area and can reduce energy consumption of sensors effectively.


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Il presente elaborato tratta il lavoro di studio, analisi e sperimentazione effettuato dal sottoscritto, Giovanni Sitta, in conclusione al Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Informatica presso l'Università degli Studi di Bologna. Questo ha dapprima previsto un periodo di approfondimento di alcune architetture di supporto alla mobilità dei terminali di rete, in particolare di due protocolli allo stato dell'arte, Mobile IPv6 (MIPv6) e Locator/Identifier Separation Protocol (LISP), e di una terza architettura sperimentale denominata Always Best Packet Switching (ABPS). Sono stati in seguito esaminati tre simulatori, uno per ciascuna architettura di supporto alla mobilità considerata, realizzati come estensioni della libreria INET del framework OMNeT++, assicurandosi che fossero conformi alle specifiche del protocollo implementato (almeno entro i limiti di semplificazione rilevanti ai fini del lavoro), e correggendone eventuali problematiche, mancanze e anomalie in caso questi non le rispettassero. Sono poi stati configurati alcuni scenari simulativi utilizzando le tre librerie, in prima battuta di natura molto semplice, utilizzati per verificare il corretto funzionamento dei simulatori in condizioni ideali, e successivamente più complessi, allestendo un ambiente di esecuzione più verosimile, dotato di un maggior numero di host connessi alla rete e di ostacoli per i segnali radio usati nelle comunicazioni wireless. Tramite i risultati sperimentali ottenuti da queste simulazioni è stato infine possibili realizzare un confronto tra le prestazioni di MIPv6, LISP e ABPS.


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In this work, we will give a detailed tutorial instruction about how to use the Mobile Multi-Media Wireless Sensor Networks (M3WSN) simulation framework. The M3WSN framework has been published as a scientific paper in the 6th International Workshop on OMNeT++ (2013) [1]. M3WSN framework enables the multimedia transmission of real video se- quence. Therefore, a set of multimedia algorithms, protocols, and services can be evaluated by using QoE metrics. Moreover, key video-related information, such as frame types, GoP length and intra-frame dependency can be used for creating new assessment and optimization solutions. To support mobility, M3WSN utilizes different mobility traces to enable the understanding of how the network behaves under mobile situations. This tutorial will cover how to install and configure the M3WSN framework, setting and running the experiments, creating mobility and video traces, and how to evaluate the performance of different protocols. The tutorial will be given in an environment of Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and OMNeT++ 4.2.


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Nell'ambito dell'architettura RWMA per l'aumento della qualità del servizio in ambiente wireless, si colloca la ritrasmissione asimmetrica anticipata su wifi. Lo scopo è migliorare ed ottimizzare la comunicazione nel livello datalink tra Access Point e Nodo Mobile per quanto riguarda le connessioni TCP. Il progetto è sviluppato nell'ambiente simulativo OMNET++/INET.


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L'utilizzo sempre crescente di dispositivi mobili, lo sviluppo di applicazioni mobile in continuo aumento, e la necessità di una sempre migliore qualità della comunicazione, ha portato grande interesse ad analizzare i protocolli di supporto alla mobilità dei terminali. Questi, tra i quali il più conosciuto è forse Mobile IP, vengono posti in esame utilizzando diverse metriche per valutarne le prestazioni. Si confrontano dunque due protocolli: LISP e ABPS; per ognuno dei quali ne viene presentata e descritta l'architettura e le principali funzionalità; entrambe queste architetture per il supporto alla mobilità, prevedono delle specifiche per fornire continuità nella comunicazione durante il roaming di un nodo multihomed. Vengono presentati poi gli strumenti con i quali verrà effettuata il l'analisi: il simulatore a eventi discreti OMNeT++ e il suo framework INET. Successivamente sono descritte le principali componenti dei simulatori per LISP e ABPS, che modellano le meccaniche dei due protocolli analizzati. Questi sono stati sottoposti a modifiche mirate a correggerne eventuali anomalie di comportamento, e ad introdurre nuove funzionalità, soprattutto per quanto riguarda ABPS, che era solo parzialmente implementato. Sono mostrati gli scenari in cui verranno effettuati i test per il confronto delle prestazioni: uno scenario semplice e uno che cerca di proporre una rete urbana verosimile; di seguito vengono elencati i parametri e le configurazioni utilizzate per ognuno dei due scenari. Infine vengono presentati i risultati mettendo a confronto due aspetti della mobilità dei terminali: durata dell'intervallo di indisponibilità e latenza dei pacchetti.


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The technological environment in which contemporary small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) operate can only be described as dynamic. The seemingly exponential nature of technological change, characterised by perceived increases in the benefits associated with various technologies, shortening product life cycles and changing standards, provides for the small and medium-sized enterprise a complex and challenging operational context. The development of infrastructures capable of supporting the Wireless Application Protocol (WAP)and associated 'wireless' applications represents the latest generation of technological innovation with potential appeal to SMEs and end-users alike. The primary aim of this research was to understand the mobile data technology needs of SMEs in a regional setting. The research was especially concerned with perceived needs across three market segments; non-adopters of new technology, partial-adopters of new technology and full-adopters of new technology. Working with an industry partner, focus groups were conducted with each of these segments with the discussions focused on the use of the latest WP products and services. Some of the results are presented in this paper.


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Wireless Mobility Usage: A Preliminary Qualitative Study for Management in Two Australian University Settings, Neville Meyers, Heather Gray, Greg Hearn, Louis Sanzogni, and Sandra Lawrence.


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For the past decade, at least, varieties of small, hand held networked instruments have appeared on the global scene, selling in record numbers, and being utilized by all manner of persons from the old to the young; children, women, men, the wealthy and the poor and in all countries. Their presences bespeak a radical shift in telecommunications infrastructure and the future of communications. They are particularly visible in urban areas where mobile transmission network infrastructure (3G, 4G, cellular and Wi-Fi) is more established and substantial, options more plentiful, and density of populations more dramatic. These end user products—I phones, cell phones, Blackberries, DSi, DS, IPads, Zooms, and others – of the mobile communications industry are the latest, hottest globalized commodities. At the same time, wirelessness, or the state of being wireless, and therefore capable of taking along one's networks, communicating from unlikely spaces, and navigating with GPS, is a complex social, political and economic communications phenomenon of early 21st century life. This thesis examines the specter of being wireless in cities. It lends the entire idea an experimentally envisioned, historical and planned context wherein personalization of media tools is seen both as a design development of corporate, artistic, and military imagination, as well as a profound social phenomenon enabling new forms of sharing, belonging, and urban community. In doing that it asserts the parameters of a new mobile space which, aside from clear benefits to humankind by way of mobility, has reinscribed numerous categories including gender. Moreover, it posits the recognition of other, more nuanced theoretical spaces for complex readings of gender and gendered use, including some instantiation of the notion of 'network' itself as a cyborgian and gendered social form. Additionally, cities are studied as places where technology is not only quickly popularized, but is connected to larger political interests, such as the reading of data, tracking of information, and the new security culture. In so doing the work has been undertaken as an urban spatial analysis and experimental ethnography, utilizing architectural, feminist, techno-utopian, industrial and theoretical literatures as discursive underpinnings from whence understandings and interpretations of mobile space, the mobile office, networked mobility, and personal media have come, linking the space of cities to specific, pioneering urban public art projects in which voice, texting and MMS have been utilized in expressions of ubiquitous networks and urban history. Through numerous examples of techno art, the thesis discusses the 'wireless city' as an emerging cultural, socially constructed economic and spatial entity, both conceived and formed through historic processes of urbanization.