988 resultados para Olfactory Transduction


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The sources of noise that limit olfactory signal detection were investigated in dissociated rat olfactory receptor cells. Near-threshold odorant-evoked currents exhibited large random fluctuation. However, similar fluctuations were observed in the absence of applied odorants when currents were induced by elevating the intracellular cyclic AMP concentration. This suggests that the fluctuations reflect noise intrinsic to the transduction mechanism, rather than the quantal nature of an odorant stimulus. For many odorants, this intrinsic noise may preclude the reliable detection of single odorant molecules.


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This study compared the effects of zinc and odorants on the voltage-gated K+ channel of rat olfactory neurons. Zinc reduced current magnitude, depolarized the voltage activation curve and slowed activation kinetics without affecting inactivation or deactivation kinetics. Zinc inhibition was potentiated by the NO compound, S-nitroso-cysteine. The pH- and diethylpyrocarbonate-dependence of zinc inhibition suggested that zinc acted by binding to histidine residues. Cysteine residues were eliminated as contributing to the zinc-binding site. The odorants, acetophenone and amyl acetate, also reduced current magnitude, depolarized the voltage activation curve and selectively slowed activation kinetics. Furthermore, the diethylpyrocarbonate- and pH-dependence of odorant inhibition implied that the odorants also bind to histidine residues. Zinc inhibitory potency was dramatically diminished in the presence of odorants, implying competition for a common binding site. These observations indicate that the odorants and zinc share a common inhibitory binding site on the external surface of the voltage-gated K+ channel.


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Although the polyunsaturated fatty acids arachidonic acid (AA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are enriched in the olfactory mucosa, their possible contribution to olfactory transduction has not been investigated. This study characterized their effects on voltage-gated K+ and Na+ channels of rat olfactory receptor neurons. Physiological (3-10 mum) concentrations of AA and DHA potently and irreversibly inhibited the voltage-gated K+ current in a voltage-independent manner. In addition, both compounds significantly reduced the inhibitory potency of the odorants acetophenone and amyl acetate at these channels. By comparison, the steady-state effects of both AA and DHA on the voltage-gated Na+ channel were relatively weak, with half-maximal inhibition requiring approximate to 35 mum of either compound. However, a surprising finding was that the initial application of 3 mum AA to a naive neuron caused a strong but transient inhibition of the Na+ current. The channels became almost completely resistant to this inhibition within 1 min, and a 2-min wash in control solution was insufficient to restore the strong inhibitory effect. These observations suggest that polyunsaturated fatty acids have the potential to strongly influence the coding of odorant information by olfactory receptor neurons.


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The olfactory system of Drosophila has become an attractive and simple model to investigate olfaction because it follows the same organizational principles of vertebrates, and the results can be directly applied to other insects with economic and sanitary relevance. Here, we review the structural elements of the Drosophila olfactory reception organs at the level of the cells and molecules involved. This article is intended to reflect the structural basis underlying the functional variability of the detection of an olfactory universe composed of thousands of odors. At the genetic level, we further detail the genes and transcription factors (TF) that determine the structural variability. The fly's olfactory receptor organs are the third antennal segments and the maxillary palps, which are covered with sensory hairs called sensilla. These sensilla house the odorant receptor neurons (ORNs) that express one or few odorant receptors in a stereotyped pattern regulated by combinations of TF. Also, perireceptor events, such as odor molecules transport to their receptors, are carried out by odorant binding proteins. In addition, the rapid odorant inactivation to preclude saturation of the system occurs by biotransformation and detoxification enzymes. These additional events take place in the lymph that surrounds the ORNs. We include some data on ionotropic and metabotropic olfactory transduction, although this issue is still under debate in Drosophila.


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Temporal changes in odor concentration are vitally important to many animals orienting and navigating in their environment. How are such temporal changes detected? Within the scope of the present work an accurate stimulation and analysis system was developed to examine the dynamics of physiological properties of Drosophila melanogaster olfactory receptor organs. Subsequently a new method for delivering odor stimuli was tested and used to present the first dynamic characterization of olfactory receptors at the level of single neurons. Initially, recordings of the whole antenna were conducted while stimulating with different odors. The odor delivery system allowed the dynamic characterization of the whole fly antenna, including its sensilla and receptor neurons. Based on the obtained electroantennogram data a new odor delivery method called digital sequence method was developed. In addition the degree of accuracy was enhanced, initially using electroantennograms, and later recordings of odorant receptor cells at the single sensilla level. This work shows for the first time that different odors evoked different responses within one neuron depending on the chemical structure of the odor. The present work offers new insights into the dynamic properties of olfactory transduction in Drosophila melanogaster and describes time dependent parameters underlying these properties.


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The prevailing paradigm for G protein-coupled receptors is that each receptor is narrowly tuned to its ligand and closely related agonists. An outstanding problem is whether this paradigm applies to olfactory receptor (ORs), which is the largest gene family in the genome, in which each of 1,000 different G protein-coupled receptors is believed to interact with a range of different odor molecules from the many thousands that comprise “odor space.” Insights into how these interactions occur are essential for understanding the sense of smell. Key questions are: (i) Is there a binding pocket? (ii) Which amino acid residues in the binding pocket contribute to peak affinities? (iii) How do affinities change with changes in agonist structure? To approach these questions, we have combined single-cell PCR results [Malnic, B., Hirono, J., Sato, T. & Buck, L. B. (1999) Cell 96, 713–723] and well-established molecular dynamics methods to model the structure of a specific OR (OR S25) and its interactions with 24 odor compounds. This receptor structure not only points to a likely odor-binding site but also independently predicts the two compounds that experimentally best activate OR S25. The results provide a mechanistic model for olfactory transduction at the molecular level and show how the basic G protein-coupled receptor template is adapted for encoding the enormous odor space. This combined approach can significantly enhance the identification of ligands for the many members of the OR family and also may shed light on other protein families that exhibit broad specificities, such as chemokine receptors and P450 oxidases.


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In mammals, olfactory stimuli are detected by sensory neurons at two distinct sites: the olfactory epithelium (OE) of the nasal cavity and the neuroepithelium of the vomeronasal organ (VNO). While the OE can detect volatile chemicals released from numerous sources, the VNO appears to be specialized to detect pheromones that are emitted by other animals and that convey information of behavioral or physiological importance. The mechanisms underlying sensory transduction in the OE have been well studied and a number of components of the transduction cascade have been cloned. Here, we investigated sensory transduction in the VNO by asking whether VNO neurons express molecules that have been implicated in sensory transduction in the OE. Using in situ hybridization and Northern blot analyses, we found that most of the olfactory transduction components examined, including the guanine nucleotide binding protein alpha subunit (G-alpha-olf), adenylyl cyclase type III, and an olfactory cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) channel subunit (oCNC1), are not expressed by VNO sensory neurons. In contrast, VNO neurons do express a second olfactory CNG channel subunit (oCNC2). These results indicate that VNO sensory transduction is distinct from that in the OE but raise the possibility that, like OE sensory transduction, sensory transduction in the VNO might involve cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channels.


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Insects are the most diverse group of animals on the planet, comprising over 90% of all metazoan life forms, and have adapted to a wide diversity of ecosystems in nearly all environments. They have evolved highly sensitive chemical senses that are central to their interaction with their environment and to communication between individuals. Understanding the molecular bases of insect olfaction is therefore of great importance from both a basic and applied perspective. Odorant binding proteins (OBPs) are some of most abundant proteins found in insect olfactory organs, where they are the first component of the olfactory transduction cascade, carrying odorant molecules to the olfactory receptors. We carried out a search for OBPs in the genome of the parasitoid wasp Nasonia vitripennis and identified 90 sequences encoding putative OBPs. This is the largest OBP family so far reported in insects. We report unique features of the N. vitripennis OBPs, including the presence and evolutionary origin of a new subfamily of double-domain OBPs (consisting of two concatenated OBP domains), the loss of conserved cysteine residues and the expression of pseudogenes. This study also demonstrates the extremely dynamic evolution of the insect OBP family: (i) the number of different OBPs can vary greatly between species; (ii) the sequences are highly diverse, sometimes as a result of positive selection pressure with even the canonical cysteines being lost; (iii) new lineage specific domain arrangements can arise, such as the double domain OBP subfamily of wasps and mosquitoes.


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Alle bisher untersuchten Lebewesen besitzen (circadiane) innere Uhren, die eine endogene Perioden-länge von ungefähr 24 Stunden generieren. Eine innere Uhr kann über Zeitgeber mit der Umwelt synchronisiert werden und ermöglicht dem Organismus, rhythmische Umweltveränderungen vorweg zu nehmen. Neben einem zentralen Schrittmacher, der Physiologie und Verhalten des Organismus steuert, gibt es in unterschiedlichen Organen auch periphere Uhren, die die zeitlichen Abläufe in der spezifischen Funktion dieser Organe steuern. In dieser Arbeit sollten zentrale und periphere Schrittmacherneurone von Insekten physiologisch untersucht und verglichen werden. Die Neurone der akzessorischen Medulla (AME) von Rhyparobia maderae dienten als Modellsystem für zentrale Schrittmacher, während olfaktorische Rezeptorneurone (ORNs) von Manduca sexta als Modellsystem für periphere Schrittmacher dienten. Die zentralen Schrittmacherneurone wurden in extrazellulären Ableitungen an der isolierten AME (Netzwerkebene) und in Patch-Clamp Experimenten an primären AME Zellkulturen (Einzelzellebene) untersucht. Auf Netzwerkebene zeigten sich zwei charakteristische Aktivitätsmuster: regelmäßige Aktivität und Wechsel zwischen hoher und niedriger Aktivität (Oszillationen). Es wurde gezeigt, dass Glutamat ein Neurotransmitter der weitverbreiteten inhibitorischen Synapsen der AME ist, und dass in geringem Maße auch exzitatorische Synapsen vorkommen. Das Neuropeptid pigment-dispersing factor (PDF), das von nur wenigen AME Neuronen exprimiert wird und ein wichtiger Kopplungsfaktor im circadianen System ist, führte zu Hemmungen, Aktivierungen oder Oszillationen. Die Effekte waren transient oder langanhaltend und wurden wahrscheinlich durch den sekundären Botenstoff cAMP vermittelt. Ein Zielmolekül von cAMP war vermutlich exchange protein directly activated by cAMP (EPAC). Auf Einzelzellebene wurde gezeigt, dass die meisten AME Neurone depolarisiert waren und deshalb nicht feuerten. Die Analyse von Strom-Spannungs-Kennlinien und pharmakologische Experimente ergaben, dass unterschiedliche Ionenkanäle vorhanden waren (Ca2+, Cl-, K+, Na+ Kanäle sowie nicht-spezifische Kationenkanäle). Starke, bei hohen Spannungen aktivierende Ca2+ Ströme (ICa) könnten eine wichtige Rolle bei Ca2+-abhängiger Neurotransmitter-Ausschüttung, Oszillationen, und Aktionspotentialen spielen. PDF hemmte unterschiedliche Ströme (ICa, IK und INa) und aktivierte nicht-spezifische Kationenströme (Ih). Es wurde angenommen, dass simultane PDF-abhängige Hyper- und Depolarisationen rhythmische Membranpotential-Oszillationen verursachen. Dieser Mechanismus könnte eine Rolle bei PDF-abhängigen Synchronisationen spielen. Die Analyse peripherer Schrittmacherneurone konzentrierte sich auf die Charakterisierung des olfaktorischen Corezeptors von M. sexta (MsexORCO). In anderen Insekten ist ORCO für die Membran-Insertion von olfaktorischen Rezeptoren (ORs) erforderlich. ORCO bildet Komplexe mit den ORs, die in heterologen Expressionssystemen als Ionenkanäle fungieren und Duft-Antworten vermitteln. Es wurde die Hypothese aufgestellt, dass MsexORCO in pheromonsensitiven ORNs in vivo nicht als Teil eines ionotropen Rezeptors sondern als Schrittmacherkanal fungiert, der unterschwellige Membranpotential-Oszillationen generiert. MsexORCO wurde mit vermeintlichen Pheromonrezeptoren in human embryonic kidney (HEK 293) Zellen coexprimiert. Immuncytochemie und Ca2+ Imaging Experimente zeigten sehr schwache Expressionsraten. Trotzdem war es möglich zu zeigen, dass MsexORCO wahrscheinlich ein spontan-aktiver, Ca2+-permeabler Ionenkanal ist, der durch den ORCO-Agonisten VUAA1 und cyclische Nucleotide aktiviert wird. Außerdem wiesen die Experimente darauf hin, dass MsexOR-1 offensichtlich der Bombykal-Rezeptor ist. Eine weitere Charakterisierung von MsexORCO in primären M. sexta ORN Zellkulturen konnte nicht vollendet werden, weil die ORNs nicht signifikant auf ORCO-Agonisten oder -Antagonisten reagierten.


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Ischemia/reperfusion injury (IRI) is a leading cause of acute renal failure. The definition of the molecular mechanisms involved in renal IRI and counter protection promoted by ischemic pre-conditioning (IPC) or Hemin treatment is an important milestone that needs to be accomplished in this research area. We examined, through an oligonucleotide microarray protocol, the renal differential transcriptome profiles of mice submitted to IRI, IPC and Hemin treatment. After identifying the profiles of differentially expressed genes observed for each comparison, we carried out functional enrichment analysis to reveal transcripts putatively involved in potential relevant biological processes and signaling pathways. The most relevant processes found in these comparisons were stress, apoptosis, cell differentiation, angiogenesis, focal adhesion, ECM-receptor interaction, ion transport, angiogenesis, mitosis and cell cycle, inflammatory response, olfactory transduction and regulation of actin cytoskeleton. In addition, the most important overrepresented pathways were MAPK, ErbB, JAK/STAT, Toll and Nod like receptors, Angiotensin II, Arachidonic acid metabolism, Wnt and coagulation cascade. Also, new insights were gained about the underlying protection mechanisms against renal IRI promoted by IPC and Hemin treatment. Venn diagram analysis allowed us to uncover common and exclusively differentially expressed genes between these two protective maneuvers, underscoring potential common and exclusive biological functions regulated in each case. In summary, IPC exclusively regulated the expression of genes belonging to stress, protein modification and apoptosis, highlighting the role of IPC in controlling exacerbated stress response. Treatment with the Hmox1 inducer Hemin, in turn, exclusively regulated the expression of genes associated with cell differentiation, metabolic pathways, cell cycle, mitosis, development, regulation of actin cytoskeleton and arachidonic acid metabolism, suggesting a pleiotropic effect for Hemin. These findings improve the biological understanding of how the kidney behaves after IRI. They also illustrate some possible underlying molecular mechanisms involved in kidney protection observed with IPC or Hemin treatment maneuvers.


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Pancreatic cancer is the 4th most common cause for cancer death in the United States, accompanied by less than 5% five-year survival rate based on current treatments, particularly because it is usually detected at a late stage. Identifying a high-risk population to launch an effective preventive strategy and intervention to control this highly lethal disease is desperately needed. The genetic etiology of pancreatic cancer has not been well profiled. We hypothesized that unidentified genetic variants by previous genome-wide association study (GWAS) for pancreatic cancer, due to stringent statistical threshold or missing interaction analysis, may be unveiled using alternative approaches. To achieve this aim, we explored genetic susceptibility to pancreatic cancer in terms of marginal associations of pathway and genes, as well as their interactions with risk factors. We conducted pathway- and gene-based analysis using GWAS data from 3141 pancreatic cancer patients and 3367 controls with European ancestry. Using the gene set ridge regression in association studies (GRASS) method, we analyzed 197 pathways from the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) database. Using the logistic kernel machine (LKM) test, we analyzed 17906 genes defined by University of California Santa Cruz (UCSC) database. Using the likelihood ratio test (LRT) in a logistic regression model, we analyzed 177 pathways and 17906 genes for interactions with risk factors in 2028 pancreatic cancer patients and 2109 controls with European ancestry. After adjusting for multiple comparisons, six pathways were marginally associated with risk of pancreatic cancer ( P < 0.00025): Fc epsilon RI signaling, maturity onset diabetes of the young, neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction, long-term depression (Ps < 0.0002), and the olfactory transduction and vascular smooth muscle contraction pathways (P = 0.0002; Nine genes were marginally associated with pancreatic cancer risk (P < 2.62 × 10−5), including five reported genes (ABO, HNF1A, CLPTM1L, SHH and MYC), as well as four novel genes (OR13C4, OR 13C3, KCNA6 and HNF4 G); three pathways significantly interacted with risk factors on modifying the risk of pancreatic cancer (P < 2.82 × 10−4): chemokine signaling pathway with obesity ( P < 1.43 × 10−4), calcium signaling pathway (P < 2.27 × 10−4) and MAPK signaling pathway with diabetes (P < 2.77 × 10−4). However, none of the 17906 genes tested for interactions survived the multiple comparisons corrections. In summary, our current GWAS study unveiled unidentified genetic susceptibility to pancreatic cancer using alternative methods. These novel findings provide new perspectives on genetic susceptibility to and molecular mechanisms of pancreatic cancer, once confirmed, will shed promising light on the prevention and treatment of this disease. ^


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SUBPOPULATIONS of olfactory receptor neurons, which are dispersed throughout the olfactory neuroepithelium, express specific cell surface carbohydrates and project to discrete regions of the olfactory bulb. Cell surface carbohydrates such as N-acetyl-lactosamine have been postulated to mediate sorting and selective fasciculation of discrete axon subpopulations during development of the olfactory pathway. Substrate-bound N-acetyl-lactosamine promotes neurite outgrowth by both clonal olfactory receptor neuron cell lines and olfactory receptor neurons in vitro, indicating that cell surface carbohydrates may be ligands for receptor-mediated stimulation of axon growth in vivo. In the present study, the role of transmembrane signaling in N-acetyl-lactosamine-stimulated neurite outgrowth was examined in the clonal olfactory neuron cell line 4.4.2. Substrate-bound N-acetyl-lactosamine stimulated neurite outgrowth which was specifically inhibited by antagonists to N- and L-type calcium channels and to tyrosine kinase phosphorylation. These results indicate that N-acetyl-lactosamine can evoke transmembrane receptor-mediated responses capable of influencing neurite outgrowth.


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Neben der Verbreitung von gefährlichen Krankheiten sind Insekten für enorme agrarwirtschaftliche Schäden verantwortlich. Ein Großteil der Verhaltensweisen bei Insekten wird über den Geruchssinn gesteuert, der somit einen möglichen Angriffspunkt zur Bekämpfung von Schadinsekten darstellt. Hierzu ist es allerdings nötig, die Mechanismen der olfaktorischen Signalübertragung im Detail zu verstehen. Neben den duftstoffbindenden olfaktorischen Rezeptoren spielt hier auch ein konservierter Korezeptor (Orco) eine entscheidende Rolle. Inwieweit bei diesen Proteinen ionotrope bzw. metabotrope Prozesse involviert sind ist bislang nicht vollständig aufgeklärt. Um weitere Einzelheiten aufzuklären wurden daher Einzelsensillenableitungen am Tabakschwärmer Manduca sexta durchgeführt. Orco-Agonisten und Antagonisten wurden eingesetzt, um die Funktion des Korezeptors besser zu verstehen. Bei dem Einsatz des Orco-Agonisten VUAA1 konnte keine Verstärkung der Pheromonantworten bzw. eine Sensitivierung beobachtet werden, wie im Falle einer ionotropen Signalweiterleitung zu erwarten gewesen wäre. Ein ionotroper Signalweg über den OR/Orco-Komplex in M. sexta ist daher unwahrscheinlich. Der Orco-Antagonist OLC15 beeinflusste die gleichen Parameter wie VUAA1 und konnte die von VUAA1 generierte Spontanaktivität blocken. Daher ist es wahrscheinlich, dass dieser einen spezifischen Orco-Blocker darstellt. Sowohl VUAA1 als auch OLC15 hatten großen Effekt auf die langanhaltende Pheromonantwort, welches die Vermutung nahelegt, dass Orco modulierend auf die Sensitivität der Nervenzelle einwirkt. Von OLC15 abweichende Effekte durch die getesteten Amiloride HMA und MIA auf die Pheromonantwort lassen nicht auf eine spezifische Wirkung dieser Agenzien auf Orco schließen und zusätzliche Wirkorte sind anzunehmen. Um die These eines metabotropen Signalwegs zu überprüfen wurde ebenfalls der G-Protein-Blocker GDP-β-S eingesetzt. Alle Parameter der Pheromonantwort die innerhalb der ersten Millisekunden analysiert wurden wiesen eine Reduktion der Sensitivität auf. Im Gegensatz dazu hatte GDP-β-S keinen Effekt auf die langanhaltende Pheromonantwort. Somit scheint ausschließlich die schnelle Pheromonantwort über einen Ligand-bindenden G-Protein-gesteuerten Rezeptor gesteuert zu werden.