18 resultados para Oidium baccharidis


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Powdery mildew disease was observed on Baccharis trimera in Brazil in January, 2009. Based on the morphological characters, the pathogen was identified as an Oidium baccharidis. This is the first report of this fungus causing powdery mildew on Baccharis in Brazil. © Australasian Plant thology ociety 2010.


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Oidium perseae-americanae is described causing powdery mildew on avocado (Persea americana) in New Caledonia and Brazil.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Powdery mildew of rubber tree caused by Oidium heveae is an important disease of rubber plantations worldwide. Identification and classification of this fungus is still uncertain because there is no authoritative report of its morphology and no record of its teleomorphic stage. In this study, we compared five specimens of the rubber powdery mildew fungus collected in Malaysia, Thailand, and Brazil based on morphological and molecular characteristics. Morphological results showed that the fungus on rubber tree belongs to Oidium subgen. Pseudoidium. Nucleotide sequence analysis of the ribosomal DNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region and the large subunit rRNA gene (28S rDNA) were conducted to determine the relationships of the rubber powdery mildew fungus and to link this anamorphic fungus with its allied teleomorph. The results showed that the rDNA sequences of the two specimens from Malaysia were identical to a specimen from Thailand, whereas they differed by three bases from the two Brazilian isolates: one nucleotide position in the ITS2 and two positions in the 28S sequences. The ITS sequences of the two Brazilian isolates were identical to sequences of Erysiphe sp. on Quercus phillyraeoides collected in Japan, although the 28S sequences differed at one base from sequences of this fungus. Phylogenetic trees of both rDNA regions constructed by the distance and parsimony methods showed that the rubber powdery mildew fungus grouped with Erysiphe sp. on Q. phillyraeoides with 100% bootstrap support. Comparisons of the anamorph of two isolates of Erysiphe sp. from Q. phillyraeoides with the rubber mildew did not reveal any obvious differences between the two powdery mildew taxa, which suggests that O. heveae may be an anamorph of Erysiphe sp. on Q. phillyraeoides. Cross-inoculation tests are required to substantiate this conclusion. © The Mycological Society of Japan and Springer-Verlag 2005.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Oidiopsis sp., the anamorph of Leveillula taurica (Erysiphaceae), is reported for the first time in Australia on Passiflora edulis, and Oidium passiflorae on Passiflora foetida. A detailed description and illustration of the specimens are given.


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An examination of Australian herbarium specimens of powdery mildew on Clitoria revealed two species. Oidium clitoriae is reported for the first time in Australia causing powdery mildew on Clitoria sp. in northern Queensland. Golovinomyces cf. orontii is reported for the first time on the genus Clitoria, from Clitoria ternatea in Queensland and the Northern Territory. © 2012 Australasian Plant Pathology Society Inc.


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A cultura da seringueira, Hevea brasiliensis (Willd. ex. Adr. de Juss.) Müell. Arg., pode ser atacada pelo fungo Oidium heveae Steinm e pelo ácaro Calacarus heveae Feres, causadores de desfolha em seringais paulistas. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar o efeito do fungicida sistêmico fenarimol no controle do fungo e a sua interferência na população de C. heveae. Comparou-se a sua aplicação em quatro momentos: 1- uma aplicação no reenfolhamento das plantas (agosto); 2- uma aplicação em janeiro; 3- duas aplicações, uma no reenfolhamento e uma em março; 4 - quatro aplicações durante o ciclo da cultura. Nas quatro situações, o fungicida reduziu os sintomas da doença, entretanto houve ressurgência dos ácaros. Considerando-se o manejo conjunto de O. heveae e C. heveae o melhor resultado foi obtido com duas aplicações do fungicida.


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The rubber tree [Hevea brasiliensis (Willd. ex Adr. Of Juss.) Muell. Arg.] can be affected by the occurrence of the fungus Oidium heveae, which causes one of the most important diseases of rubber trees, powdery mildew. This work meet changes in photosynthetic pigments, an indicator of oxidative stress, in seedlings of three Hevea brasiliensis clones, RRIM 600, GT1 and PR255, under infection in Oidium heveae. The experiment was conducted in an open environment under natural photoperiod conditions and at the beginning of the trial, the rubber plants that would be inoculated were sprayed with an aqueous suspension containing Oidium heveae at a concentration of 16 x 104conidia mL-1. On the day of inoculation and after 48, 96, 144 and 192 h leaf samples were collected for the determination of photosynthetic pigments. Degradation in photosynthetic pigments in the period of infection was observed in rubber tree clones studied; thus, there is oxidative stress in clones of rubber trees. No promising genetic material for genetic improvement work stress tolerance by Oidium heveae was identified.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Five commercial rubber tree clones in a clonal nursery were assessed for resistance to powdery mildew, as well as for the disease fluctuation and its correlation with the climate conditions in the study period. For this assessment, a diagrammatic scale was developed from 150 central leaflets randomly collected at different ages and attack levels. Validation of scale was done by five assessors. Results indicated that all clones showed susceptibility to the pathogen, and the attack was higher for younger leaflets. According to the climate data, mild temperatures and relative humidity below 60% favored the epidemic.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia - FEIS