32 resultados para Ogura hyakunin isshu.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Katsushika Hokusai; 10 5/32 in.x 1 ft. 2 7/8 in.; ink on paper


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Reprint. Originally published: Tenwa 2-Kansei 2[1683-1790]


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On double leaves, traditional East Asian style (fukurotoji).


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For a number of years now it has been evident that the major issue facing science educators in the more developed countries of the world is the quantitative decline in enrolments in the senior secondary sciences, particularly the physical sciences, and in the number of higher achieving students applying for places in universities to undertake further studies in science. The deep malaise in school science to which these quantitative measures point has been elucidated by more qualitative studies of the students’ experience of studying science in secondary school in several of these countries (Sweden, Lindahl (2003); England, Simon and Osborne (2002); and Australia, Lyons (2005)). Remarkably concordant descriptions of these experiences can be summarized as: School science is: • transmission of knowledge from the teacher or the textbook to the students. • about content that is irrelevant and boring to our lives. • difficult to learn in comparison with other subjects Incidentally, the Australian study only involved consistently high achieving students; but even so, most of them found science more difficult than other more interesting subjects, and concluded that further science studies should be avoided unless they were needed for some career purpose. Other more representative confirmations of negative evaluations of the science curricula across Australia (and in particular states) are now available in Australia, from the large scale reviews of Goodrum, Hackling and Rennie (2001) and from the TIMSS (2002). The former reported that well under half of secondary students find the science at school relevant to my future, useful ion everyday life, deals with things I am concerned with and helps me make decisions about my health.. TIMSS found that 62 and 65 % of females and males in Year 4 agree with I like learning science, but by Year 8 only 26 and 33 % still agree. Students in Japan have been doubly notably because of (a) their high performance in international measures of science achievement like TIMSS and PISA and (b) their very low response to items in these studies which relate to interest in science. Ogura (2003) reported an intra-national study of students across Years 6-9 (upper primary through Junior High); interest in a range of their subjects (including science) that make up that country’s national curriculum. There was a steady decline in interest in all these subjects which might have indicated an adolescent reaction against schooling generally. However, this study went on to ask the students a further question that is very meaningful in the Japanese context, If you discount the importance of this subject for university entrance, is it worth studying? Science and mathematics remained in decline while all the other subjects were seen more positively. It is thus ironic, at a time when some innovations in curriculum and other research-based findings are suggesting ways that these failures of school science might be corrected, to find school science under a new demands that come from quite outside science education, and which certainly do not have the correction of this malaise as a priority. The positive curricular and research findings can be characterized as moves from within science education, whereas the new demands are moves that come from without science education. In this paper I set out these two rather contrary challenges to the teaching of science as it is currently practised, and go on to suggest a way forward that could fruitfully combine the two.


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本文应用RAPD分标记技术对我国重要的油料作物“杂油59”杂种种子的Fl代杂种的纯度进了技术鉴定,并完善了这一技术,摸索出这一适合于目前生产应用的实用方法,填补了这一技术在油菜作物应用上的空白。用RFLP技术对我国重要的雄性不育材料“陕2A”细胞质进行了分子水平的鉴定,为证明“陕2A”是一类新型的雄性不育材料提供了重要的实验证据。 对甘蓝型油菜采用DNA快速提取法、酚仿法和CTAB法应用于不同的分子标记分析,实验结果显示: CTAB法适用于样品量大,纯度要术高的RFLP技术,酚仿法适用于引物筛选、DNA模板用量大的PCR反应,而快速提取法特别适合于生产上对种子纯度检测,是生产上推广前景很好的实用技术。 对甘蓝型油菜RAPD技术应用当中PCR体系的建立进行了探讨。实验结果显示:热启动对PCR结果的影响至关重要。而Mg++浓度、dNTP浓度、模板浓度、Tag酶用量对反应结果有不同程度的影响。经过反复实验:当PCR各组分按Mg++,2mM;dNTP,200uM;模板浓度,50ng - lOOng时,PCR的结果最好。PCR反应条件经反复实验后确定为:第一个循环:(热启动)94℃,Imin20sec.OoC 2min循环一次;第二个循环:(解链)94℃ 50sec,(退火)40℃ Imin30sec;(延伸)72℃lmin;循环40次。第三个循环:72℃lOmin,循环1次。反应总体积为20ul时最为适用。 用40个lOmer的RAPD随机引物对“杂油59”的2个亲本“垦C8”和“陕3A” 进行RAPD分析,共出现290条带,分布于3530-220bp之间。引物opA-06、opK-03、opK-13、opj-12出现阳性扩增。经重复实验后确定: opK-03的PCR结果重复性最好,该引物序列为:CCAGCTTAGG。用它对两个亲本进行RAPD分析,PCR结果共出现9条带,其中510bp、260bp为二条特征带。在Fl代中这两条特征带重现性很好。用50个商品用种萌发的F1单株进行验证,检测结果为3个个体没有出现510bp的特征带,4个个体没有出现260bp的特征带,有5个个体出现了其它带,纯度为78%,与生产用种的纯度相符。 通过对“杂优59”不同生育时期及不同取样部位作酯酶同工酶电泳方法与RAPD方法相比较,结果显示:RAPD方法可以弥补同工酶方法的缺限。由于它是基于基因水平的分析技术,可以不受环境条件、发育时期、取材部位等客观条件的限制,并具有取样量小、易操作、费用低、灵敏度高、可以检测出亲缘关系相当近的种闾或种内的材料,具有独到的优点。是值得今后在生产上推广的新技术。 用6个雄性不育材料线粒体的特异探针:ALXR 18(线粒体ATPaseα亚基);COB 640(脱辅基细胞色素-b);COX -I(细胞色素氧化酶亚基-I);COX -Ⅱ(细胞色素氧化酶亚基-II;PDC - 12(胡萝卜线粒体随机片断);C2(玉米线粒随机片断),对“陕2A”,Hybrides Polima,Ogura NSL 94/96, Ogura MLCH036, Ogura NSL, Polima, Fu27,Fu38, Anand等9个材料进行RFLP分析,结果显示:用限制性内切酶EcoR I消化后的DNA与探针COB 640杂交,“陕2A”材料在4.5 kb处缺失,与ALXR 18探针杂交,在4.4 kb、4.2 kb处也明显缺失,证明“陕2A”显然不同与其它不育材料。用ALXR l8为探针,与用内切酶Nc01的酶切片断作Sourthern杂交,在RFLP谱带上6.1 kb、2.4 kb、2.5 kb处明显缺带,进一步为“陕2A”是一种新型的甘蓝型油莱雄性不育系提供了证据。


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Using three different laser systems, we demonstrate a convenient and simple plasma based diagnostic of the contrast of high-power short-pulse lasers. The technique is based on measuring the specular reflectivity from a solid target. The reflectivity remains high even at relativistic intensities above 10(19) W/cm(2) in the case of a high-contrast prepulse-free laser. On the contrary, the specular reflectivity drops with increasing intensities in the case of systems with insufficient contrast due to beam breakup and increased absorption caused by preplasma.


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We demonstrate a new high-order harmonic generation mechanism reaching the "water window" spectral region in experiments with multiterawatt femtosecond lasers irradiating gas jets. A few hundred harmonic orders are resolved, giving mu J/sr pulses. Harmonics are collectively emitted by an oscillating electron spike formed at the joint of the boundaries of a cavity and bow wave created by a relativistically self-focusing laser in underdense plasma. The spike sharpness and stability are explained by catastrophe theory. The mechanism is corroborated by particle-in-cell simulations.


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Nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain protein 1 (NOD1) belongs to a family that includes multiple members with NOD and leucine-rich repeats in vertebrates and plants. NOD1 has been suggested to have a role in innate immune responses, but the mechanism involved remains unknown. Here we report that NOD1 mediates the recognition of peptidoglycan derived primarily from Gram-negative bacteria. Biochemical and functional analyses using highly purified and synthetic compounds indicate that the core structure recognized by NOD1 is a dipeptide, gamma-D-glutamyl-meso-diaminopimelic acid (iE-DAP). Murine macrophages deficient in NOD1 did not secrete cytokines in response to synthetic iE-DAP and did not prime the lipopolysaccharide response. Thus, NOD1 mediates selective recognition of bacteria through detection of iE-DAP-containing peptidoglycan.


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We experimentally demonstrate a new regime of high-order harmonic generation by relativistic-irradiance lasers in gas jet targets. Bright harmonics with both odd and even orders, generated by linearly as well as circularly polarized pulses, are emitted in the forward direction, while the base harmonic frequency is downshifted. A 9 TW laser generates harmonics up to 360 eV, within the 'water window' spectral region. With a 120 TW laser producing 40 uJ/sr per harmonic at 120 eV, we demonstrate the photon number scalability. The observed harmonics cannot be explained by previously suggested scenarios. A novel high-order harmonics generation mechanism [T. Zh. Esirkepov et al., AIP Proceedings, this volume], which explains our experimental findings, is based on the phenomena inherent in the relativistic laser - underdense plasma interactions (self-focusing, cavity evacuation, and bow wave generation), mathematical catastrophe theory which explains formation of electron density singularities (cusps), and collective radiation due to nonlinear oscillations of a compact charge.


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We propose a new mechanism of high-order harmonic generation during an interaction of a high-intensity laser pulse with underdense plasma. A tightly focused laser pulse creates a cavity in plasma pushing electrons aside and exciting the wake wave and the bow wave. At the joint of the cavity wall and the bow wave boundary, an annular spike of electron density is formed. This spike surrounds the cavity and moves together with the laser pulse. Collective motion of electrons in the spike driven by the laser field generates high-order harmonics. A strong localization of the electron spike, its robustness to oscillations imposed by the laser field and, consequently, its ability to produce high-order harmonics is explained by catastrophe theory. The proposed mechanism explains the experimental observations of high-order harmonics with the 9 TW J-KAREN laser (JAEA, Japan) and the 120 TW Astra Gemini laser (CLF RAL, UK) [A. S. Pirozhkov, et al., arXiv:1004.4514 (2010); A. S. Pirozhkov et al, AIP Proceedings, this volume]. The theory is corroborated by high-resolution two- and three-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations.


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A new regime of relativistic high-order harmonic generation has been discovered (Pirozhkov 2012 Phys. Rev. Lett. 108 135004). Multi-terawatt relativistic-irradiance (>1018 W cm−2) femtosecond (~30–50 fs) lasers focused to underdense (few × 1019 cm−3) plasma formed in gas jet targets produce comb-like spectra with hundreds of even and odd harmonic orders reaching the photon energy of 360 eV, including the 'water window' spectral range. Harmonics are generated either by linearly or circularly polarized pulses from the J-KAREN (KPSI, JAEA) and Astra Gemini (CLF, RAL, UK) lasers. The photon number scalability has been demonstrated with a 120 TW laser, producing 40 μJ sr−1 per harmonic at 120 eV. The experimental results are explained using particle-in-cell simulations and catastrophe theory. A new mechanism of harmonic generation by sharp, structurally stable, oscillating electron spikes at the joint of the boundaries of the wake and bow waves excited by a laser pulse is introduced. In this paper, detailed descriptions of the experiments, simulations and model are provided and new features are shown, including data obtained with a two-channel spectrograph, harmonic generation by circularly polarized laser pulses and angular distribution.