967 resultados para Official history


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Vol. I. To 24th August, 1904.--vol. II. To 13th January, 1905.--vol. II. To 13th September, 1905.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Cover title.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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This paper aims at discussing how Tim O’Brien, a veteran of the Vietnam War, reviews the American involvement in the conflict in his novel The Things They Carried (1990). The author shows the perspective of the soldiers in the stories and, therefore, presents other possibilities to analyze that historical fact. The interplay of fiction and truth is essential for O’Brien to reach the objective of reevaluating official history in order to make the readers rethink the past.


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When the colonisers first came to Australia there was an urgent desire to map, name and settle. This desire, in part, stemmed from a fear of the unknown. Once these tasks were completed it was thought that a sense of identity and belonging would automatically come. In Anglo-Australian geography the map of Australia was always perceived in relationship to the larger map of Europe and Britain. The quicker Australia could be mapped the quicker its connection with the ‘civilised’ world could be established. Official maps could be taken up in official history books and a detailed monumental history could begin. Australians would feel secure in where they were placed in the world. However, this was not the case and anxieties about identity and belonging remained. One of the biggest hurdles was the fear of the open spaces and not knowing how to move across the land. Attempts to transpose colonisers’ use of space onto the Australian landscape did not work and led to confusion. Using authors who are often perceived as writers of national fictions (Henry Lawson, Barbara Baynton, Patrick White, David Malouf and Peter Carey) I will reveal how writing about space becomes a way to create a sense of belonging. It is through spatial knowledge and its application that we begin to gain a sense of closeness and identity. I will also look at how one of the greatest fears for the colonisers was the Aboriginal spatial command of the country. Aborigines already had a strongly developed awareness of spatial belonging and their stories reveal this authority (seen in the work of Lorna Little, Mick McLean) Colonisers attempted to discredit this knowledge but the stories and the land continue to recognise its legitimacy. From its beginning Australian spaces have been spaces of hybridity and the more the colonisers attempted to force predetermined structures onto these spaces the more hybrid they became.


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Constructed for the 1914 Werkbund Exhibition in Cologne, Germany, the Glashaus was both a seminal example of early modernist architecture and Bruno Taut’s signature building. Over time, metaphors have come to be applied to the Glashaus. Within the realm of nature these metaphors include cosmic, geological, botanic and sexual. However these metaphors, like the history of the Glashaus, are not a foregone conclusion. Recently it has been argued that the majority of our current knowledge regarding the Glashaus derives not from the perspective of Bruno Taut as the architect, but rather directly from perspective of the art critic Adolf Behne. This argument goes further and proposes that Behne’s official history of Glashaus is possibly fabricated propaganda. So, if indeed the official history of the Glashaus is questionable, then too are the natural metaphors commonly applied to the building. By revisiting Bruno Taut’s pre-1915 writings, this investigation reveals that botanic metaphors appear to have been Taut’s primary source of inspiration for the design of the Glashaus. Through the exposure of this fact, this research contributes significantly to the current debates surrounding Bruno Taut, the Glashaus and the re-evaluation of the official histories of the modern movement.


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In the latter half of the nineteenth century the railway became an emblem of technological advancement, stood for the improvement and progression of European life, and became a recognizable symbol for the achievements of governments and citizens. The implementation and use of the railway became closely linked with notions of national identity and character. The railway became an identifiable artefact in official history but at the same time it became a part of everyday life. Richard Flanagan’s Gould’s Book of Fish retells the life-story of a fictionalized convict sent to Sarah Island and who paints fish, eventually he metamorphoses into one. It could be thought that a novel set in convict times would have little to do with notions of national identity, technological advancement, and railway travel. However, Richard Flanagan, in this very complex, almost surreal, novel, has used the construction of a fictional national railway as one of the ways to explore Australia's complex relationship with history and space. The novel tells of the plans of a history-loving Commandant and his desire to build a national railway on Sarah Island. This paper explores how Sarah Island becomes a metonym for Australia as a whole and Flanagan's novel takes on a metaphysical dimension as he reveals the struggles that emerge when official history collides with non-official versions. The fabulations of the novel contribute to an historical reconstruction of the spatial/architectural history of the Tasmanian colonial project.


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Conflict, Unity, Oblivion: Commemoration of the Liberation War by the Civic Guard and the Veterans´ Union in 1918-1944 The Finnish Civil War ended in May 1918 as a victory for the white side. The war was named by the winners as the Liberation War and its legacy became a central theme for public commemorations during the interwar period. At the same time the experiences of the defeated were hindered from becoming a part of the official history of Finland. The commemoration of the war was related not only to the war experience but also to a national mission, which was seen fulfilled with the independence of Finland. Although the idea of the commemoration was to form a unifying non-political scene for the nation, the remembrance of the Liberation War rather continued than sought to reconcile to the conflict of 1918. The outbreak of the war between the Soviet Union and Finland in 1939 immediately affected the memory culture. The new myth of the Miracle of the Winter War, which referred to the unity shown by the people, required a marginalization of controversial memory of the Liberation War. This study examines from the concepts of public memory and narrative templates how the problematic experience of a civil war developed to a popular public commemoration. Instead of dealing with the manipulative and elite-centered grandiose commemoration projects, the study focuses on the more modest local level and emphasizes the significance of local memory agents and narrative templates of collective memory. The main subjects in the study are the Civil Guard and the Veterans´ Union. Essential for the widespread movement was the development of the Civic Guard from a wartime organization to a peacetime popular movement. The guards, who identified themselves trough the memories and the threats of civil war, formed a huge network of memory agents in every corner of the country. They effectively linked both local memory with official memory and the civic society with the state level. Only with the emergence of the right wing veteran movement in the 30ies did the tensions grow between the two levels of public memory. The study shows the diversity of the commemoration movement of the Liberation War. It was not only a result of a nation-state project and political propaganda, but also a way for local communities to identify and strengthen themselves in a time of political upheaval and uncertainty.


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Resumen: La historia de la Iglesia Católica en Uruguay ha sido un tema controversial. Los cultores de la “historia oficial” y la gran mayoría de los historiadores profesionales lo relativizaron considerándolo un asunto menor, con relevancia exclusivamente en el ámbito de la historia de la cultura o de las ideas. Las iniciativas de la propia institución en pro del conocimiento de su pasado han sido exiguas. En este artículo ensayamos un revisión crítico-descriptiva de la producción sobre el tema, con los objetivos de: a) dar cuenta del estado de la cuestión a partir de un relevamiento exhaustivo y representativo de las publicaciones realizadas especialmente por religiosos uruguayos y extranjeros; y b) esbozar algunas explicaciones en torno al escaso interés que el asunto ha generado


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O presente trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar uma leitura do romance A Costa dos Murmúrios da autora Lídia Jorge, que aborda o lado oculto da guerra portuguesa em África, denunciando os fatos ali ocorridos, destacando os aspectos da narrativa, o universo simbólico e as características de alguns personagens, com finalidade de desconstruir, revelar, rasurar junto com Eva Lopo a História oficial, bem como ler as entrelinhas a fim de desvendar a barbárie da guerra colonial em África por meio desse extraordinário recuo temporal realizado por Lídia Jorge. Através de sua personagem principal, encontramos a metamorfose de uma frágil Evita, que ressurge, agora, na pele daquela que devora- Eva Lopo (lupus)


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Notre mémoire cherche à étudier la poétique de l’espace qui articule le roman Nadie me verá llorar publié en 1999 par l’écrivaine mexicaine contemporaine Cristina Rivera Garza. En inscrivant sa démarche romanesque dans la perspective postmoderne d’une nouvelle histoire culturelle, Rivera Garza dépeint un moment fondamental de l’histoire du Mexique allant de la fin du Porfiriato jusqu’aux lendemains de la Révolution mexicaine en l’incarnant dans le destin des laissés pour compte. Ce faisant, elle présente un texte où une multitude de récits se fondent et se confondent en un tout complexe où sont mis en perspective une série d’espaces de nature ambigüe. Notre analyse tâche d’expliquer cette interrelation des chronotopes de l’Histoire et du privé en tenant compte de son impact sur la structure narrative. En décrivant les différentes modalités des espaces évoqués dans l’oeuvre, nous nous intéressons au type de relations qui unit l’ensemble de ces espaces au grand temps de l’Histoire officielle mexicaine en démontrant que tous ces éléments sont régis par une politique hétérotopique qui lézarde le fini du discours officiel en y insérant un ensemble d’éléments qui le subvertissent. L’identification et la description de cette stratégie discursive est pertinente dans la mesure où elle offre un éclairage autre sur le roman et semble caractériser l’ensemble des oeuvres de Cristina Rivera Garza.