707 resultados para Offender reintegration


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According to the Good Lives Model, the inability to meet human needs in an adaptive manner - through lack of suitable circumstances, abilities, or opportunity - compels the individual to address this deficiency through other (maladaptive) means available to them. Thus the GLM contends that offending behavior serves a specific function and that different behaviors (crimes) are used to meet different needs. This presentation will discuss how the Good Lives Model can be used, in conjunction with that of the Risk-Needs Model, in a prison service. The combined model develops and implements programming for offenders prior to release into the community by mapping the offender's offence, social and psychological history against the secondary goods described in the Good Lives Model (i.e., the concrete means by which primary goods or human needs can be achieved), with identified deficits in secondary goods being the focus of intervention.


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Community attitudes toward offender reintegration, in particular sex offenders, were investigated. Findings revealed the public are more supportive of reintegrative policies than they are willing to be involved in the reintegration process. Predictors of reintegrative attitudes were also investigated with a belief in redeemability found to be the strongest predictor.


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The study of desistance from crime has come of age in recent years, and there are now several, competing theories to account for the ability of long-term offenders to abstain from criminal behavior. Most prominently, recent explanations have borrowed elements from informal social control theory, differential association theory and cognitive psychology. In the following, we argue that labeling theory may be a neglected factor in understanding the desistance process. Drawing on interview data collected as part of a study of an offender reintegration program, we illustrate how the idea of the


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Media reporting of and public concern about sexual offending, particularly relating to children, affects and reflects political, policy and organisational responses to those convicted of such crimes. The development of regulatory policies on sexual offending has taken place within a highly emotive and overtly politicized public and policy discourse. This chapter charts the various ways in which the risks imagined or posed by sexual offenders have been conceptualised within public discourses and regulated and managed under the legislative and organisational ‘risk paradigm.’ Ultimately, it argues that risk-based responses to sexual offending are at best uncertain in their effects and at worst counterproductive, in that they often reduce the potential for successful reintegration. In seeking to look ‘beyond risk’, the chapter also explores the usefulness of restorative and related practices in supporting sex offender reintegration aimed at the primary and secondary levels of harm prevention.


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UnitingCare West is a not-for-profit community services organisation committed to achieving justice, hope and opportunity for all, and works to support and empower in particular those most in need in the WA community. Through its program Outreach Services, it delivers a specialist re-entry service for sex offenders and men serving life and indeterminate sentences. The program has recently been reviewed by Dr Andrew Day from the Centre for Offender Reintegration, Deakin University with input from Dr Tony Ward, University of Victoria, Wellington, New Zealand. In this paper we describe the aims of the review, the process and findings and our ongoing work in developing a rationale for the service that is underpinned by the Good Lives Model (GLM) of offender rehabilitation. More generally, the presentation will seek to understand the needs of offenders who re-enter the community following long-term imprisonment in relation to those areas of need identified in the GLM.


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Successfully reintegrating long-term prisoners back into the community often presents significant challenges for service providers. Ex-prisoners typically experience high levels of social stigma; present with multiple needs; and can struggle to find meaningful employment, stable accommodation, and to maintain supportive relationships. There have, however, been relatively few published evaluations of the outcomes achieved by postrelease services on managing the risk of reoffending and, as such, it is difficult for service providers to meet these multiple and complex levels of need in ways that might be considered to be evidence based. In this article we describe a specialized prerelease support, reentry, and reintegration service that is offered to long-term prisoners, many of whom have been legally labelled as ‘‘dangerous.’’ The current model of service delivery is reviewed and discussed in the context of current theories of offender rehabilitation and reintegration. These are then used to discuss the way in which services for this group of offenders might best be conceptualized.


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This paper, presented as the 9th Martin Tansey Memorial Lecture in April 2016, considers current and future approaches to sex offender reintegration. It critically examines the core models of reintegration in terms of risk-based and strengths-based approaches in the criminal justice context as well as barriers to reintegration, chiefly in terms of the community and negative public attitudes. It also presents an overview of new findings from recent empirical research on sex offender desistance, generally referred to the as the process of slowing down or ceasing of criminal behaviour. Finally, the paper presents an optimum vision in terms of re-thinking sex offender reintegration, and what I term ‘inverting the risk paradigm’, drawing out the key challenges and implications for criminal justice as well as society more broadly.


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Ce mémoire a pour objectif de comprendre l’expérience de travail des agents œuvrant en réinsertion sociale auprès de condamnés provinciaux en collectivité au Québec. Plus précisément, cette recherche souhaite saisir le rôle exercé par ces agents, dans un contexte où ils exercent un double mandat de sécurité publique et de réinsertion sociale. L’étude tente aussi de mettre en lumière leurs pratiques de travail, inscrites dans une logique de gestion efficace des risques. Enfin, ce mémoire vise à comprendre la place qu’occupe la réinsertion sociale dans le cadre de leur travail. Pour ce faire, l’approche qualitative a permis de mener quinze (15) entretiens auprès d’agents de probation et d’intervenants issus du secteur communautaire responsables de la surveillance de justiciables provinciaux en collectivité. Deux (2) thèmes principaux émergent de ces entrevues. D’une part, Le travail est décrit par les participants en regard du double rôle exercé, des responsabilités légales et cliniques qui leur incombent, et de l’intervention centrée sur le risque et la réinsertion sociale auprès des contrevenants. D’autre part, Le contexte de travail réfère au partenariat établi entre les intervenants, au recours aux outils actuariels, ainsi qu’aux instances modulant leurs pratiques de travail : les médias, la Commission québécoise des libérations conditionnelles et les Services correctionnels du Québec. Il ressort de nos analyses que la sécurité publique par la gestion efficace des risques se manifeste par une forme de rationalisation des pratiques de travail et par l’intégration d’un rôle de contrôle. Il appert cependant que ces deux (2) aspects sont motivés avant tout par le désir de venir en aide à la population contrevenante. Il résulte finalement de l’étude que la réinsertion sociale ne constitue qu’un objectif de l’intervention parmi d’autres. Les participants doivent jongler avec ces diverses finalités afin de s’ajuster à l’acteur principal de leur travail : le contrevenant.


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Projet de stage présenté à la Faculté des Arts et des Sciences en vue de l'obtention du grade de Maître ès sciences (M.Sc.) en criminologie option stage en intervention.