22 resultados para Oenothera
Von Marzellus Melsheimer
Bibliography: p. 323-342.
Las investigaciones en curso son continuación de trabajos que están en desarrollo, algunas de ellas, desde hace más de 15 años en el laboratorio del Director solicitante, cuyos propósitos son los siguientes: Subtema 1. Determinar en ratones alimentados con dietas con 5 o 20 por ciento de aceites de diversa composición en ácidos grasos poliinsaturados de semillas de a: Zizyphus mistol; b: maíz; c: Oenothera (primavera); d: Oleína; e: Hígado de bacalao, diversos parámetros de crecimiento tumoral de variantes de adenocarcinomas murinos de diversa capacidad metastásica. Subtema 2. Determinar si la suplementación dietaria de todo trans-retinoico per se o combinada con aceites de diversa composición en ácidos grasos, retarda o inhibe el crecimiento de carcinomas murinos de diversa capacidad metastásica. Subtema 3. Determinar si la acción promotora/antipromotora de los lípidos dietarios es debida a la composición particular de ácidos grasos o se relaciona con la población celular que ha sufrido la transformación maligna, iniciada por la irradiación. Subtema 4. 4.1.Determinar si la carencia en ácidos grasos esenciales en combinación con un agente cancerígeno (bena-pyrene) opera como una situación co-promotora del desarrollo tumorigénico en el epitelio malpighiano del esófago-preestómago. 4.2. Establecer si el arsénico per os, en combinación con los lípidos de la dieta opera como un agente co-carcinógeno en esos epitelios malpighianos. Subtema 5. 5.1. Establecer, por medio de estudios de epidemiología Oncológica Nutricional, si hay correlación entre consumo de ciertos nutrientes, especialmente los lípidos, y los hábitos alimentarios con el riesgo de desarrollar cáncer de colon, en la población cordobesa. 5.2. Determinar en áreas de la provincia de Córdoba donde hay hidroarsenicismo crónico regional endémico (HACRE) la correlación entre el riesgo de desarrollar cáncer de esófago, nutrientes, especialmente lípidos, y hábitos alimentarios. Subtema 6. 6.1. Determinar el comportamiento agregatorio de plaquetas sanguíneas isólogas y heterológas frente a células neoplásicas de diferente capacidad metastásica. 6.2. Establecer y caracterizar la capacidad procoagulante de las mencionadas células y también estudiar estos parámetros en células provenientes de cánceres humanos, correlacionándolos con la evolución clínica. Subtema 7. Obtener en forma transplantable en ratones diversos cánceres, caracterizándolos biológica, morfológica y ultraestructuralmente, a fin de constituir un banco de tumores experimentales en nuestro medio.
The experiments reported were started as early as 1933, when indications were found in class material that the factor for small pollen, spl, causes not only differences in the size of pollen grains and in the growth of pollen tubes, but also a competition between megaspores, as first observed by RENNER (1921) in Oenothera. Dr. P. C. MANGELSDORF, who had kindly furnished the original seeds, was informed and the final publication delayed untill his publication in 1940. A further delay was caused by other circunstances. The main reason for the differences of the results obtained by SINGLETON and MANGELSDORF (1940) and those reported here, seems to be the way the material was analysed. I applied methods of a detailed statistical analysis, while MANGELSDORF and SINGLETON analysed pooled data. 1) The data obtained on pollen tube competition indicate .that there is about 3-4% of crossing-over between the su and sp factors in chromosome IV. The elimination is not always complete, but from 0 to 10% of the sp pollen tubes may function, instead of the 50% expected without elimination. These results are, as a whole, in accordance with SINGLETON and MANGELSDORF's data. 2) Female elimination is weaker and transmission determined as between 16 to 49,5%, instead of 50% without competition, the values being calculated by a special formula. 3) The variability of female elimination is partially genotypical, partially phenotypical. The former was shown by the difference in the behavior of the two progenies tested, while the latter was very evident when comparing the upper and lower halves of ears. For some unknown physiological reason, the elimination is generally stronger in the upper than in the lower half of the ear. 4) The female elimination of the sp gene may be caused theoretically, by either of two processes: a simple lethal effect in the female gametophyte or a competition between megaspores. The former would lead not only to the abortion of the individual megaspores, but of the whole uniovulate ovary. In the case of the latter, the abortive megaspore carrying the gene sp will be substituted in each ovule by one of the Sp megaspores and no abortion of ovaries may be observed. My observations are completely in favor of the second explication: a) The ears were as a whole very well filled except for a few incomplete ears which always appear in artificial pollinations. b) Row arrangement was always very regular. c) The number of kernels on ears with elimination is not smaller than in normal ears, but is incidentally higher : with elimnation, in back-crosses 354 kernels and in selfed ears 390 kernels, without elimination 310 kernels per ear. d) There is no correlation between the intensity of elimination and the number of grains in individual ears; the coefficient; of linear correlation, equal to 0,24, is small and insignificant. e) Our results are in complete disagreement whit those reported by SINGLETON and MANGELSDORF (1940). Since these authors present only pooled date, a complete and detailed analysis which may explain the cause of these divergences is impossible.
Se comenta la presencia y corología de algunos táxones no conocidos anteriormente del Prepirineo central catalán: Bassia hyssopifolia, Crypsis schoenoides, Lepidium virginicHm, Pucanellia fasáculata. Para otros táxones, con muy pocas citas previas para Cataluña, se amplían notablemente sus áreas de distribución: Adonis aestivalis subsp. aestivalis, Cbenopodium botryoides, Odontites pyrenaea subsp. pyrenaea, Oenothera biennis subsp. suaveolens, Rorippa islándica, Sorbus mougeotii. Veronica peregrina se indica por segunda vez en Cataluña. Panicum antidótale, es una planta adventicia indicada por primera vez en la Península Ibérica.
Los experimentos se condujeron en el campo experimental de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias ubicado en Zavalla (Argentina) durante 2005 y 2006. El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar la eficacia de glifosato aplicado al estado vegetativo y reproductivo de Convolvulus arvensis, Oenothera indecora, Iresine diffusa, Parietaria debilis, Rumex paraguayensis y Trifolium repens. El diseño del experimento fue completamente al azar con un arreglo factorial: año, especies, estado reproductivo y vegetativo y dosis de glifosato 48% (4X, 2X, 1X, 1/2X, 1/4X, 0X) siendo X la dosis recomendada 1200 g i.a. ha-1. Se estableció la relación entre la dosis de glifosato y el control de la biomasa de las malezas a través de curvas de dosis respuesta con un modelo log-logístico. Se comparó el grado de tolerancia por medio de la DL50. En ambos estados de las malezas, la mayor DL50 obtenida para I. diffusa indica que de las especies estudiadas ésta es la más tolerante a glifosato. El número de especies tolerantes al glifosato es menor al estado vegetativo que al reproductivo.
• Premise of the study: Isometric and allometric scaling of a conserved floral plan could provide a parsimonious mechanism for rapid and reversible transitions between breeding systems. This scaling may occur during transitions between predominant autogamy and xenogamy, contributing to the maintenance of a stable mixed mating system. • Methods: We compared nine disjunct populations of the polytypic, mixed mating species Oenothera flava (Onagraceae) to two parapatric relatives, the obligately xenogamous species O. acutissima and the mixed mating species O. triloba. We compared floral morphology of all taxa using principal component analysis (PCA) and developmental trajectories of floral organs using ANCOVA homogeneity of slopes. • Key results: The PCA revealed both isometric and allometric scaling of a conserved floral plan. Three principal components (PCs) explained 92.5% of the variation in the three species. PC1 predominantly loaded on measures of floral size and accounts for 36% of the variation. PC2 accounted for 35% of the variation, predominantly in traits that influence pollinator handling. PC3 accounted for 22% of the variation, primarily in anther–stigma distance (herkogamy). During O. flava subsp. taraxacoides development, style elongation was accelerated relative to anthers, resulting in positive herkogamy. During O. flava subsp. flava development, style elongation was decelerated, resulting in zero or negative herkogamy. Of the two populations with intermediate morphology, style elongation was accelerated in one population and decelerated in the other. • Conclusions: Isometric and allometric scaling of floral organs in North American Oenothera section Lavauxia drive variation in breeding system. Multiple developmental paths to intermediate phenotypes support the likelihood of multiple mating system transitions.
Two marshes near Muscotah and Arrington, Atchison County, northeastern Kansas, yielded a pollen sequence covering the last 25,000 yrs of vegetation development. The earliest pollen spectra are comparable with surface pollen spectra from southern Saskatchewan and southeastern Manitoba and might indicate a rather open vegetation but with some pine, spruce, and birch as the most important tree species, with local stands of alder and willow. This type of vegetation changed about 23,000 yrs ago to a spruce forest, which prevailed in the region until at least 15,000 yrs ago. Because of a hiatus, the vegetation changes resulting in the spread of a mixed deciduous forest and prairie, which was present in the region from 11,000 to 9,000 yrs ago, remain unknown. Prairie vegetation, with perhaps a few trees along the valleys, covered the region until about 5,000 yrs ago, when a re-expansion of deciduous trees began in the lowlands.
Southern China, especially Yunnan, has undergone high tectonic activity caused by the uplift of Himalayan Mountains during the Neogene, which led to a fast changing palaeogeography. Previous study shows that Southern China has been influenced by the Asian Monsoon since at least the Early Miocene. However, it is yet not well understood how intense the Miocene monsoon system was. In the present study, 63 fossil floras of 16 localities from Southern China are compiled and evaluated for obtaining available information concerning floristic composition, stratigraphic age, sedimentology, etc. Based on such reliable information, selected mega- and micro-floras have been analysed with the coexistence approach to obtain quantitative palaeoclimate data. Visualization of climate results in maps shows a distinct spatial differentiation in Southern China during the Miocene. Higher seasonalities of temperature and precipitation occur in the north and south parts of Southern China, respectively. During the Miocene, most regions of Southern China and Europe were both warm and humid. Central Eurasia was likely to be an arid center, which gradually spread westward and eastward. Our data provide information about Miocene climate patterns in Southern China and about the evolution of these patterns throughout the Miocene, and is also crucial to unravel and understand the climatic signals of global cooling and tectonic uplift.