991 resultados para Ocular interaction


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The aim of the study was to investigate whether there is an ocular interaction in the flicker ERG responses reflecting luminance and cone opponency in normal human subjects. Flicker ERGs were recorded from one dilated eye of 10 healthy volunteers. Each subject was tested twice: once with and once without occluding the opposite eye. Red and green LEDs were modulated in counterphase in a Ganzfeld stimulator. ERG responses were recorded for different ratios of the modulation in the red and green LEDs and at 12 and 36 Hz. The amplitudes and phases of the fundamental components were compared between the conditions with and without occlusion. The 12-Hz flicker ERGs reflected activity of the cone opponent channel, whereas the 36-Hz data reflected luminance activity. There were no significant differences between the conditions with and without occluding the opposite eye for any of the stimulus protocols. Ocular interaction is absent in flicker ERGs reflecting cone opponent and luminance activity.


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A healthy human would be expected to show periodic blinks, making a brief closure of the eyelids. Most blinks are spontaneous, occurring regularly with no external stimulus. However a reflex blink can occur in response to external stimuli such as a bright light, a sudden loud noise, or an object approaching toward the eyes. A voluntary or forced blink is another type of blink in which the person deliberately closes the eyes and the lower eyelid raises to meet the upper eyelid. A complete blink, in which the upper eyelid touches the lower eyelid, contributes to the health of ocular surface by providing a fresh layer of tears as well as maintaining optical integrity by providing a smooth tear film over the cornea. The rate of blinking and its completeness vary depending on the task undertaken during blink assessment, the direction of gaze, the emotional state of the subjects and the method under which the blink was measured. It is also well known that wearing contact lenses (both rigid and soft lenses) can induce significant changes in blink rate and completeness. It is been established that efficient blinking plays an important role in ocular surface health during contact lens wear and for improving contact lens performance and comfort. Inefficient blinking during contact lens wear may be related to a low blink rate or incomplete blinking and can often be a reason for dry eye symptoms or ocular surface staining. It has previously been shown that upward gaze can affect blink rate, causing it to become faster. In the first experiment, it was decided to expand on previous studies in this area by examining the effect of various gaze directions (i.e. upward gaze, primary gaze, downward gaze and lateral gaze) as well as head angle (recumbent position) on normal subjects’ blink rate and completeness through the use of filming with a high-speed camera. The results of this experiment showed that as the open palpebral aperture (and exposed ocular surface area) increased from downward gaze to upward gaze, the number of blinks significantly increased (p<0.04). Also, the size of closed palpebral aperture significantly increased from downward gaze to upward gaze (p<0.005). A weak positive correlation (R² = 0.18) between the blink rate and ocular surface area was found in this study. Also, it was found that the subjects showed 81% complete blinks, 19% incomplete blinks and 2% of twitch blinks in primary gaze, consistent with previous studies. The difference in the percentage of incomplete blinks between upward gaze and downward gaze was significant (p<0.004), showing more incomplete blinks in upward gaze. The findings of this experiment suggest that while blink rate becomes slower in downward gaze, the completeness of blinking is typically better, thereby potentially reducing the risk of tear instability. On the other hand, in upward gaze while the completeness of blinking becomes worse, this is potentially offset by increased blink frequency. In addition, blink rate and completeness were not affected by lateral gaze or head angle, possibly because these conditions have similar size of the open palpebral aperture compared with primary gaze. In the second experiment, an investigation into the changes in blink rate and completeness was carried out in primary gaze and downward gaze with soft and rigid contact lenses in unadapted wearers. Not surprisingly, rigid lens wear caused a significant increase in the blink rate in both primary (p<0.001) and downward gaze (p<0.02). After fitting rigid contact lenses, the closed palpebral aperture (blink completeness) did not show any changes but the open palpebral aperture showed a significant narrowing (p<0.04). This might occur from the subjects’ attempt to avoid interaction between the upper eyelid and the edge of the lens to minimize discomfort. After applying topical anaesthetic eye drops in the eye fitted with rigid lenses, the increased blink rate dropped to values similar to that before lens insertion and the open palpebral aperture returned to baseline values, suggesting that corneal and/or lid margin sensitivity was mediating the increased blink rate and narrowed palpebral aperture. We also investigated the changes in the blink rate and completeness with soft contact lenses including a soft sphere, double slab-off toric design and periballast toric design. Soft contact lenses did not cause any significant changes in the blink rate, closed palpebral aperture, open palpebral aperture and the percentage of incomplete blinks in either primary gaze or downward gaze. After applying anaesthetic eye drops, the blink rate reduced in both primary gaze and downward gaze, however this difference was not statistically significant. The size of the closed palpebral aperture and open palpebral aperture did not show any significant changes after applying anaesthetic eye drops. However it should be noted that the effects of rigid and soft contact lenses that we observed in these studies were only the immediate reaction to contact lenses and in the longer term, it is likely that these responses will vary as the eye adapts to the presence of the lenses.


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Purpose: Myopia is a common eye disorder affecting up to 90% of children in South East Asia and 30% of the population worldwide. Myopia of high severity is a leading cause of blindness around the world (4th to 5th most common). Changes and remodelling of the sclera i.e. increase cellular proliferation & increase protein synthesis within scleral cells (↑ scleral DNA) and thinning and lose of extracellular matrix of sclera (↓ scleral GAG synthesis) have been linked to myopic eye growth in animal models. Signals acting on the sclera are thought to originate in the retina, and are modulated by the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) with limited evidence suggesting that the RPE can modify scleral cell growth in culture. However, the mechanism of retinal signal transmission and the role of posterior eye cup tissue, including the RPE, in mediating changes in scleral fibroblast growth during myopia development are unclear. Retinal transmitter systems are critically involved in pathways regulating eye growth, which ultimately lead to alterations in the sclera if eye size is to change. A dopaminergic agonist and muscarinic antagonists decrease the proliferation of scleral chondrocytes when co-cultured with chick’s retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). GABA receptors have recently been localised to chick sclera. We therefore hypothesised that posterior eye cup tissue from myopic eyes would stimulate and from hyperopic eyes would inhibit growth of scleral fibroblasts in vitro and that GABAergic agents could directly interact with scleral cells or indirectly modify the effects of myopic and hyperopic posterior eye cup tissue on scleral fibroblast growth. Method: Fibroblastic cells obtained from 8-day-old chick sclera were used to establish cell banks. Two major experiments were performed. Experiment 1: To determine if posterior eye cup tissues from myopic eye stimulates and hyperopic eye inhibits scleral cell proliferation, when co-cultured with scleral cells in vitro. This study comprised two linked experiments, i) monocular visual treatments of FDM (form-deprivation myopia), LIM (lens-induced myopia) and LIH (lens-induced hyperopia) with assessment of the effect of full punch eye cup tissue on DNA and GAG synthesis by cultured chick scleral fibroblasts, and ii) binocular visual treatments comprising LIM and LIH with assessment of the effect of individual layers of eye cup tissues (neural retina, RPE and choroid) on cultured chick scleral fibroblasts. Visual treatment was applied for 3 days. Experiment 2: To determine the direct interaction of GABA agents on scleral cell growth and to establish whether GABA agents modify the stimulatory/inhibitory effect of myopic and hyperopic posterior eye cup tissues on cultured scleral cell growth in vitro. Two linked experiments were performed. i) GABA agonists (muscimol and baclofen) and GABA antagonists (bicuculine (-), CGP46381 and TPMPA) were added to scleral cell culture medium to determine their direct effect on scleral cells. ii) GABAergic agents (agonists and antagonists) were administered to scleral fibroblasts co-cultured with posterior eye cup tissue (retina, RPE, retina/RPE, RPE/choroid). Ocular tissues were obtained from chick eyes wearing +15D (LIH) or -15D lenses (LIM) for 3 days. In both experiments, tissues were added to hanging cell culture insert (pore size 1.0ìm) placed over each well of 24 well plates while scleral cells were cultured in DMEM/F12, Glutamax (Gibco) plus 10% FBS and penicillin/streptomycin (50U/ml)) and fungizone (1.25ug/ml) (Gibco), at seeding density of 30,000 cells/well at the bottom of the well and allowed to grow for 3 days. Scleral cells proliferation rate throughout the study was evaluated by determining GAG and DNA content of scleral cells using Dimethylmethylene blue (DMMB) dye and Quant-iTTm Pico Green® dsDNA reagent respectively. Results and analysis: Based on DNA and GAG content, there was no significant difference in tissue effect of LIM and LIH eyes on scleral fibroblast growth (DNA: 8.4 ± 1.1μg versus 9.3 ± 2.3 μg, p=0.23; GAG: 10.13 ± 1.4 μg versus 12.67 ± 1.2 μg, F2,23=6.16, p=0.0005) when tissues were obtained from monocularly treated chick eyes (FDM or +15D lens or -15D lens over right eyes with left eyes untreated) and co-cultured as full punch. When chick eyes were treated binocularly with -15D lens (LIM) right eye and +15D lens (LIH) left eyes and tissue layers were separated, the retina from LIM eyes did not stimulate scleral cell proliferation compared to LIH eyes (DNA: 27.2 ± 6.7 μg versus 23.2 ± 1.5 μg, p=0.23; GAG: 28.1 ±3.7 μg versus 28.7 ± 4.2 μg, p=0.21). Similarly, the LIH and LIM choroid did not produce a differential effect based on DNA (LIM 46.9 ± 6.4 μg versus LIH 53.5 ± 4.7 μg, p=0.18), however the choroid from LIH eyes induced higher scleral GAG content than from LIM eyes (32.5 ± 6.7 μg versus 18.9 ± 1.2 μg, p=0.023). In contrast, the RPE from LIM eyes caused a significant increase in fibroblast proliferation whereas the RPE from LIH eyes was relatively inhibitory (72.4 ± 6.3 μg versus 27.9 ± 2.3 μg, F1, 6=69.99, p=0.0005). GAG data were opposite to DNA data e.g. the RPE from LIH eyes increased (33.7 ± 7.9 μg) while the RPE from LIM eyes decreased (28.2 ± 3.0 μg) scleral cell growth (F1, 6=13.99, p=0.010). Based on DNA content, GABA agents had a small direct effect on scleral cell growth; GABA agonists increased (21.4 ± 1.0% and 18.3 ± 1.0% with muscimol and baclofen, p=0.0021), whereas GABA antagonists decreased fibroblast proliferation (-23.7 ± 0.9% with bicuculine & CGP46381 and -28.1 ± 0.5% with TPMPA, p=0.0004). GABA agents also modified the effect of LIM and LIH tissues (p=0.0005).The increase in proliferation rate of scleral fibroblasts co-cultured with tissues (RPE, retina, RPE/retina and RPE/choroid) from LIM treated eyes was enhanced by GABA agonists (muscimol: 27.4 ± 1.2%, 35.8 ± 1.6%, 8.4 ± 0.3% and 11.9 ± 0.6%; baclofen: 27.0 ± 1.0%, 15.8 ± 1.5%, 16.8 ± 1.2% and 15.4 ± 0.4%, p=0.014) whereas GABA antagonists further reduced scleral fibroblasts growth (bicuculine: -52.5 ± 2.5%, -36.9 ± 1.4%, -37.5 ± 0.6% and -53.7 ± 0.9%; TPMPA: 57.3 ± 1.3%, -15.7 ± 1.2%, -33.5 ± 0.4% and -45.9 ± 1.5%; CGP46381: -51.9 ± 1.6%, -28.5 ± 1.5%, -25.4 ± 2.0% and -45.5 ± 1.9% respectively, p=0.0034). GAG data were opposite to DNA data throughout the experiment e.g. GABA agonists further inhibited while antagonists relatively enhanced scleral fibroblasts growth for both LIM and LIH tissue co-culture. The effect of GABA agents was relatively lower (p=0.0004) for tissue from LIH versus LIM eyes but was in a similar direction. There was a significant drug effect on all four tissue types e.g. RPE, retina, RPE/retina and RPE/choroid for both LIM and LIH tissue co-culture (F20,92=3.928, p=0.0005). However, the effect of GABA agents was greatest in co-culture with RPE tissue (F18,36=4.865, p=0.0005). Summary and Conclusion: 1) Retinal defocus signals are transferred to RPE and choroid which then exert their modifying effect on scleral GAG and DNA synthesis either through growth stimulating factors or directly interacting with scleral cells in process of scleral remodeling during LIM and LIH visual conditions. 2) GABAergic agents affect the proliferation of scleral fibroblasts both directly and when co-cultured with ocular tissues in vitro.


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Glaucoma is a group of progressive optic neuropathies causing irreversible blindness if not diagnosed and treated in the early state of progression. Disease is often, but not always, associated with increased intraocular pressure (IOP), which is also the most important risk factor for glaucoma. Ophthlamic timolol preparations have been used for decades to lower increased intraocular pressure (IOP). Timolol is locally well tolerated but may cause e.g. cardiovascular and pulmonary adverse effects due to systemic absorption. It has been reported that approximately 80% of a topically administered eye drop is systemically absorbed. However, only limited information is available on timolol metabolism in the liver or especially in the human eye. The aim of this work was to investigate metabolism of timolol in human liver and human ocular tissues. The expression of drug metabolizing cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes in the human ciliary epithelial cells was studied. The metabolism of timolol and the interaction potential of timolol with other commercially available medicines were investigated in vitro using different liver preparations. The absorption of timolol to the aqueous humor from two commercially available products: 0.1% eye gel and 0.5% eye drops and the presence of timolol metabolites in the aqueous humor were investigated in a clinical trial. Timolol was confirmed to be metabolized mainly by CYP2D6 as previously suggested. Potent CYP2D6 inhibitors especially fluoxetine, paroxetine and quinidine inhibited the metabolism of timolol. The inhibition may be of clinical significance in patients using ophthalmic timolol products. CYP1A1 and CYP1B1 mRNAs were expressed in the human ciliary epithelial cells. CYP1B1 was also expressed at protein level and the expression was strongly induced by a known potent CYP1B1 inducer 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD). The CYP1B1 induction is suggested to be mediated by aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR). Low levels of CYP2D6 mRNA splice variants were expressed in the human ciliary epithelial cells and very low levels of timolol metabolites were detected in the human aqueous humor. It seems that negligible amount of CYP2D6 protein is expressed in the human ocular tissues. Timolol 0.1% eye gel leads to aqueous humor concentration high enough to achieve therapeutic effect. Inter-individual variation in concentrations is low and intraocular as well as systemic safety can be increased when using this product with lower timolol concentration instead of timolol 0.5% eye drops.


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La réparation par excision de nucléotides (NER) permet l'élimination des lésions provoquant une distorsion de la double hélice de l’ADN. Ces lésions sont induites par plusieurs agents environnementaux comme les rayons UV, ainsi que par certaines drogues chimio- thérapeutiques tel que le cisplatine. Des défauts dans la NER conduisent à de rares maladies autosomiques héréditaires : La xérodermie pigmentaire (XP), le syndrome de Cockayne (CS), le syndrome de sensibilité aux UVSS et la trichothiodystrophie (TTD). Ces maladies sont associées soit à une prédisposition élevée au cancer de la peau et / ou à de graves anomalies du développement neurologique. Le groupe de patients XP-A représente le deuxième groupe (XP) le plus fréquent, et possède la forme la plus sévère combinant cancer de la peau avec un haut risque de dégénérescence neurologique. À date, aucune explication n`a été proposée pour les symptômes neurologiques observés chez ces patients. Nous avions suggéré ainsi que la protéine XPA possède d`autres fonctions dans d`autres processus cellulaires, ceci en interagissant avec des partenaires protéiques différents de ceux déjà connus. Afin de confirmer cette hypothèse nous avions réalisé une étude protéomique à grande échelle en combinant la spectrométrie de masse à une immunoprécipitation en Tandem d`affinité (TAP), afin d`identifier de nouvelles protéines interagissant directement avec XPA. Nous avions montré que XPA peut interagir avec MRE11, la protéine clé de la réparation par recombinaison homologue. Des études additionnelles sont requises pour confirmer cette interaction et comprendre sa fonction


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The ocular losses are embarrassing to the bearer because they commit the face which has the essential organs for the human relationship. The present study shows the multidiscipline interaction in the treatment of a child who lost his left eye victim of a fire gun and needed an ocular plastic surgery for a correct prosthesis insertion. The ocular prosthesis fills in the ocular cavity simulating the facial growth and restoring its symmetry. Therefore, there are aesthetics, anatomic and physiological improvement on the child's face that allows her to be reinstated in society without being discriminated for her differences. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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PURPOSE: To evaluate the hypothesis that objective measures of open- and closed-loop ocular accommodation are related to systemic cardiovascular function, and ipso facto autonomic nervous system activity. METHODS: Sixty subjects (29 male; 31 female) varying in age from 18 to 33 years (average: 20.3 +/- 2.9 years) with a range of refractive errors [mean spherical equivalent (MSE): -7.12 to +1.82 D] participated in the study. Five 20-s continuous objective recordings of the accommodative response, measured with an open-view IR autorefractor (Shin-Nippon SRW-5000), were obtained for a variety of open- and closed-loop accommodative demands while simultaneous continuous measurement of heart rate was recorded with a finger-mounted piezo-electric pulse transducer for 5 min. Fast Fourier Transformation of cardiovascular function allowed the absolute and relative power of the autonomic components to be assessed in the frequency-domain, whereas heart period gave an indication of the time-domain response. RESULTS: Increasing closed-loop accommodative demand led to a concurrent increase in heart rate of approximately 2 beats/min for a 4.0 D increase in accommodative demand. The increase was attributable to a reduction in the absolute (p < 0.05) and normalised (p < 0.001) input of the systemic parasympathetic nervous system, and was unaffected by refractive group. The interaction with refractive group failed to reach significance. CONCLUSIONS: For sustained accommodation effort, the data demonstrate covariation between the oculomotor and cardiovascular systems which implies that a near visual task can significantly influence cardiovascular behaviour. Accommodative effort alone, however, is not a sufficient stimulus to induce autonomic differences between refractive groups. The data suggest that both the oculomotor and cardiovascular systems are predominantly attributable to changes in the systemic parasympathetic nervous system.


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The objective of this thesis is to report the behaviour of mammalian cells with biocompatible synthetic polymers with potential for applications to the human body. Composite hydrogel materials were tested as possible keratoprosthetic devices. It was found that surface topography is an important consideration, pores, channels and fibres exposed on the surface of the hydrogels tested can have significant effects on the extent of cell adheson and proliferation. It is recommended that the core component is fabricated out of one of the following to provide a non cell adhesive base; A8, A11, A13, A22, A23. The haptic periphery fabricated out of one of the following would provide a cell adhesive composite; A16, A30, A33, A37, A38, A42, A43, A44. The presence of vitronectin in the ocular tissue appears to lead to higher cell adhesion to the posterior surface of a contact lens when compared to the anterior surface. Group IV contact lenses adhere more cells than Group II contact lenses - this may indicate that more protein (including vitronectin) is able to adhere to the contact lens due to the Group IV contact lenses high water content and ionic hydrogel matrix. Artificial lung surfactant analogues were found to be non cytotoxic but also decreased cell proliferation when tested at higher concentrations. Poly(lysine ethyl ester adipamide) [PLETESA] had the most favourable response on cell proliferation and commercial styrene/maleic anhydride (pMA/STY sp2) the most pronounced inhibitory response. The mode of action that decreases cell proliferation appears to be through membrane destabilization. Tissue culture well plates coated with PLETESA allowed cells to adhere in a concentration dependent manner, multilaminar liposomes possibly of PLETESA were observed in solution in PLETESA coated wells. Polyhydroxybutryate (PHB) and polyhydroxyvalerate (PHV) blends that contained hydroxyapatite were found to be the most cell adhesive material of those materials tested. The blends that were most susceptible to degradation adhered the most cells in initial stages of degradation. The initial slight increase in cell adhesion may be due to the increased rugosity of the material. As the degradation continued the number of cells adhering to the samples decreased, this may indicate that the polarity was inhibitory to cell adhesion during the later stages of degradation.


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Hydrogels, water swollen polymer matrices, have been utilised in many biomedical applications, as there is the potential to manipulate the properties for a given application by changing the chemical structure of the constituent monomers The eye provides an excellent site to examne the interaction between a synthetic material and a complex biological fluid without invasive surgery. There is a need for the development of new synthetic hydrogels for use in the anterior eye, Three applications of hydrogels in the eye were considered in this thesis. For some patients, the only hope of any visual improvement lies in the use of an artificial cornea, or keratoprosthesis, Preliminary investigations of a series of simple homogeneous hydrogel copolymers revealed that the mechanical properties required to withstand surgery and in eye stresses, were not achieved This lead to work on the development of semi-interpenetrating polymer networks based on the aforementioned copolymers, Manufacture of the device and cell response were also studied. Lasers have been employed in ocular surgery to correct refractive defects. If an irregular surface is ablated, an irregular surface is obtained. A hydrogel system was investigated that could be applied to the eye prior to ablation to create a smooth surface. Factors that may influence ablation rate were explored, Soft contact lenses can be used as a probe to study the interaction between synthetic materials and the biological constituents of tears. This has lead to the development of many sensitive analytical techniques for protein and lipid deposition, one of which is fluorescence spectrophotometry. Various commercially available soft contact lenses were worn for different periods of time and then analysed for protein and lipid deposition using fluorescence spectrophotometry, The influence of water content, degree of ionicity and the lens material on the level and type of deposition was investigated.


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Tear component deposition onto contact lenses is termed `spoilation' and occurs due to the interaction of synthetic polymers with their biological fluid environment. Spoilation phenomena alter the physico-chemical properties of hydrophilic contact lenses, diminishing the optical properties of the lens; causing discomfort and complications for the wearer. Eventually these alterations render the lens unwearable. The primary aim of this interdisciplinary study was to develop analytical techniques capable of analysing the minute quantities of biological deposition involved, in particular the lipid fraction. Prior to this work such techniques were unavailable for single contact lenses. It is envisaged that these investigations will further the understanding of this biological interfacial conversion. Two main analytical techniques were developed: a high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) technique and fluorescence spectrofluorimetry. The HPLC method allows analysis of a single contact lens and provided previously unavailable valuable information about variations in the lipid profiles of deposited contact lenses and patient tear films. Fluorescence spectrophotofluorimetry is a sensitive non-destructive technique for observing changes in the fluorescence intensity of biological components on contact lenses. The progression and deposition of tear materials can be monitored and assessed for both in vivo and in vitro spoiled lenses using this technique. An improved in vitro model which is comparable to tears and chemically mimics ocular spoilation was also developed. This model allows the controlled study of extrinsic factors and hydrogel compositions. These studies show that unsaturated tear lipids, probably unsaturated fatty acids, are involved in the interfacial conversion of hydrogel lenses, rendering them incompatible with the ocular microenvironment. Lipid interaction with the lens surface then facilitates secondary deposition of other tear components. Interaction, exchange and immobilisation (by polymerisation) of the lipid layer appears to occur before the final and rapid growth of more complex, insoluble discrete deposits, sometimes called `white spots'.


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The ultimate aim of this project was to design new biomaterials which will improve the efficiency of ocular drug delivery systems. Initially, it was necessary to review the information available on the nature of the tear fluid and its relationship with the eye. An extensive survey of the relevant literature was made. There is a common belief in the literature that the ocular glycoprotein, mucin, plays an important role in tear film stability, and furthermore, that it exists as an adherent layer covering the corneal surface. If this belief is true, the muco-corneal interaction provides the ideal basis for the development of sustained release drug delivery. Preliminary investigations were made to assess the ability of mucin to adhere to polymer surfaces. The intention was to develop a synthetic model which would mimic the supposed corneal/mucin interaction. Analytical procedures included the use of microscopy (phase contrast and fluorescence), fluorophotometry, and mucin-staining dyes. Additionally, the physical properties of tears and tear models were assessed under conditions mimicking those of the preocular environment, using rheological and tensiometric techniques. The wetting abilities of these tear models and opthalmic formulations were also investigated. Tissue culture techniques were employed to enable the surface properties of the corneal surface to be studied by means of cultured corneal cells. The results of these investigations enabled the calculation of interfacial and surface characteristics of tears, tear models, and the corneal surface. Over all, this work cast doubt on the accepted relationship of mucin with the cornea. A corneal surface model was designed, on the basis of the information obtained during this project, which would possess similar surface chemical properties (i.e. would be biomimetic) to the more complex original. This model, together with the information gained on the properties of tears and solutions intended for ocular instillation, could be valuable in the design of drug formulations with enhanced ocular retention times. Furthermore, the model itself may form the basis for the design of an effective drug-carrier.


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Since the initial launch of silicone hydrogel lenses, there has been a considerable broadening in the range of available commercial material properties. The very mobile silicon–oxygen bonds convey distinctive surface and mechanical properties on silicone hydrogels, in which advantages of enhanced oxygen permeability, reduced protein deposition, and modest frictional interaction are balanced by increased lipid and elastic response. There are now some 15 silicone hydrogel material variants available to practitioners; arguably, the changes that have taken place have been strongly influenced by feedback based on clinical experience. Water content is one of the most influential properties, and the decade has seen a progressive rise from lotrafilcon-A (24%) to efrofilcon-A (74%). Moduli have decreased over the same period from 1.4 to 0.3 MPa, but not solely as a result of changes in water content. Surface properties do not correlate directly with water content, and ingenious approaches have been used to achieve desirable improvements (e.g., greater lubricity and lower contact angle hysteresis). This is demonstrated by comparing the hysteresis value of the earliest (lotrafilcon-A, >40°) and most recent (delefilcon-A, <10°) coated silicone hydrogels. Although wettability is important, it is not of itself a good predictor of ocular response because this involves a much wider range of physicochemical and biochemical factors. The interference of the lens with ocular dynamics is complex leading separately to tissue–material interactions involving anterior and posterior lens surfaces. The biochemical consequences of these interactions may hold the key to a greater understanding of ocular incompatibility and end of day discomfort.


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In this study the interaction of the preservative sodium chlorite with unsaturated lipids and glutathione was investigated, in comparison with peroxides, sodium hypochlorite, and benzalkonium chloride. The aim was to determine whether the action of sodium chlorite could involve membrane lipid damage or antioxidant depletion, and how this related to toxicity in both mammalian and microbial cells. The treatment of phospholipids with chlorite yielded low levels of hydroperoxides, but sodium chlorite oxidized the thiol-containing antioxidant glutathione to its disulfide form very readily in vitro, with a 1:4 oxidant:GSH stoichiometry. In cultured cells, sodium chlorite also caused a substantial depletion of intracellular glutathione, whereas lipid oxidation was not very prominent. Sodium chlorite had a lower toxicity to ocular mammalian cells than benzalkonium chloride, which could be responsible for the different effects of long-term application in the eye. The fungal cells, which were most resistant to sodium chlorite, maintained higher percentage levels of intracellular glutathione during treatment than the mammalian cells. The results show that sodium chlorite can cause oxidative stress in cells, and suggest that cell damage is more likely to be due to interaction with thiol compounds than with cell membrane lipids. The study also provides important information about the differential resistance of ocular cells and microbes to various preservatives and oxidants.


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The poor retention and efficacy of instilled drops as a means of delivering drugs to the ophthalmic environment is well-recognised. The potential value of contact lenses as a means of ophthalmic drug delivery, and consequent improvement of pre-corneal retention is one obvious route to the development of a more effective ocular delivery system. Furthermore, the increasing availability and clinical use of daily disposable contact lenses provides the platform for the development of viable single-day use drug delivery devices based on existing materials and lenses. In order to provide a basis for the effective design of such devices, a systematic understanding of the factors affecting the interaction of individual drugs with the lens matrix is required. Because a large number of potential structural variables are involved, it is necessary to achieve some rationalisation of the parameters and physicochemical properties (such as molecular weight, charge, partition coefficients) that influence drug interactions. Ophthalmic dyes and structurally related compounds based on the same core structure were used to investigate these various factors and the way in which they can be used in concert to design effective release systems for structurally different drugs. Initial studies of passive diffusional release form a necessary precursor to the investigation of the features of the ocular environment that over-ride this simple behaviour. Commercially available contact lenses of differing structural classifications were used to study factors affecting the uptake of the surrogate actives and their release under 'passive' conditions. The interaction between active and lens material shows considerable and complex structure dependence, which is not simply related to equilibrium water content. The structure of the polymer matrix itself was found to have the dominant controlling influence on active uptake; hydrophobic interaction with the ophthalmic dye playing a major role. © The Author(s) 2014 Reprints and permissions: sagepub.co.uk/journalsPermissions.nav.