994 resultados para Occupations for invalids, insane, etc.


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Photoluminescence (PL) measurements were performed on several series of single-side Si-doped pseudomorphic high electron mobility transistors (p-HEMTs) quantum well (QW) samples, with different spacer layer widths, well widths and Si delta -doped concentrations , under different temperatures and excitation power densities. The dynamic competitive luminescence mechanism between the radiations of e2-hh1 and e1-hh1 was discussed in detail. The confining potential, subband energies, corresponding envelope functions, subband occupations and transferring efficiency etc., were calculated by self-consistent finite differential method at different temperatures in comparison with the present experiment results. The relative variation of the integrated luminescence intensity of the two transitions (e1-hh1 and e2-hh1) was found to be dependent on the temperature and the structure's properties, e. g. spacer layer width, dopant concentration and well width.


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De nos jours les cartes d’utilisation/occupation du sol (USOS) à une échelle régionale sont habituellement générées à partir d’images satellitales de résolution modérée (entre 10 m et 30 m). Le National Land Cover Database aux États-Unis et le programme CORINE (Coordination of information on the environment) Land Cover en Europe, tous deux fondés sur les images LANDSAT, en sont des exemples représentatifs. Cependant ces cartes deviennent rapidement obsolètes, spécialement en environnement dynamique comme les megacités et les territoires métropolitains. Pour nombre d’applications, une mise à jour de ces cartes sur une base annuelle est requise. Depuis 2007, le USGS donne accès gratuitement à des images LANDSAT ortho-rectifiées. Des images archivées (depuis 1984) et des images acquises récemment sont disponibles. Sans aucun doute, une telle disponibilité d’images stimulera la recherche sur des méthodes et techniques rapides et efficaces pour un monitoring continue des changements des USOS à partir d’images à résolution moyenne. Cette recherche visait à évaluer le potentiel de telles images satellitales de résolution moyenne pour obtenir de l’information sur les changements des USOS à une échelle régionale dans le cas de la Communauté Métropolitaine de Montréal (CMM), une métropole nord-américaine typique. Les études précédentes ont démontré que les résultats de détection automatique des changements dépendent de plusieurs facteurs tels : 1) les caractéristiques des images (résolution spatiale, bandes spectrales, etc.); 2) la méthode même utilisée pour la détection automatique des changements; et 3) la complexité du milieu étudié. Dans le cas du milieu étudié, à l’exception du centre-ville et des artères commerciales, les utilisations du sol (industriel, commercial, résidentiel, etc.) sont bien délimitées. Ainsi cette étude s’est concentrée aux autres facteurs pouvant affecter les résultats, nommément, les caractéristiques des images et les méthodes de détection des changements. Nous avons utilisé des images TM/ETM+ de LANDSAT à 30 m de résolution spatiale et avec six bandes spectrales ainsi que des images VNIR-ASTER à 15 m de résolution spatiale et avec trois bandes spectrales afin d’évaluer l’impact des caractéristiques des images sur les résultats de détection des changements. En ce qui a trait à la méthode de détection des changements, nous avons décidé de comparer deux types de techniques automatiques : (1) techniques fournissant des informations principalement sur la localisation des changements et (2)techniques fournissant des informations à la fois sur la localisation des changements et sur les types de changement (classes « de-à »). Les principales conclusions de cette recherche sont les suivantes : Les techniques de détection de changement telles les différences d’image ou l’analyse des vecteurs de changements appliqués aux images multi-temporelles LANDSAT fournissent une image exacte des lieux où un changement est survenu d’une façon rapide et efficace. Elles peuvent donc être intégrées dans un système de monitoring continu à des fins d’évaluation rapide du volume des changements. Les cartes des changements peuvent aussi servir de guide pour l’acquisition d’images de haute résolution spatiale si l’identification détaillée du type de changement est nécessaire. Les techniques de détection de changement telles l’analyse en composantes principales et la comparaison post-classification appliquées aux images multi-temporelles LANDSAT fournissent une image relativement exacte de classes “de-à” mais à un niveau thématique très général (par exemple, bâti à espace vert et vice-versa, boisés à sol nu et vice-versa, etc.). Les images ASTER-VNIR avec une meilleure résolution spatiale mais avec moins de bandes spectrales que LANDSAT n’offrent pas un niveau thématique plus détaillé (par exemple, boisés à espace commercial ou industriel). Les résultats indiquent que la recherche future sur la détection des changements en milieu urbain devrait se concentrer aux changements du couvert végétal puisque les images à résolution moyenne sont très sensibles aux changements de ce type de couvert. Les cartes indiquant la localisation et le type des changements du couvert végétal sont en soi très utiles pour des applications comme le monitoring environnemental ou l’hydrologie urbaine. Elles peuvent aussi servir comme des indicateurs des changements de l’utilisation du sol. De techniques telles l’analyse des vecteurs de changement ou les indices de végétation son employées à cette fin.


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Introduction: Work engagement is a recent application of positive psychology and refers to a positive, fulfilling, work-related state of mind characterized by vigor, dedication and absorption. Despite theoretical assumptions, there is little published research on work engagement, due primarily to its recent emergence as a psychological construct. Furthermore, examining work engagement among high-stress occupations, such as police, is useful because police officers are generally characterized as having a high level of work engagement. Previous research has identified job resources (e.g. social support) as antecedents of work engagement. However detailed evaluation of job demands as an antecedent of work engagement within high-stress occupations has been scarce. Thus our second aim was to test job demands (i.e. monitoring demands and problem-solving demands) and job resources (i.e. time control, method control, supervisory support, colleague support, and friend and family support) as antecedents of work engagement among police officers. Method: Data were collected via a self-report online survey from one Australian state police service (n = 1,419). Due to the high number of hypothesized antecedent variables, hierarchical multiple regression analysis was employed rather than structural equation modelling. Results: Work engagement reported by police officers was high. Female officers had significantly higher levels of work engagement than male officers, while officers at mid-level ranks (sergeant) reported the lowest levels of work engagement. Job resources (method control, supervisor support and colleague support) were significant antecedents of three dimensions of work engagement. Only monitoring demands were significant antecedent of the absorption. Conclusion: Having healthy and engaged police officers is important for community security and economic growth. This study identified some common factors which influence work engagement experienced by police officers. However, we also note that excessive work engagement can yield negative outcomes such as psychological distress.


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The benefits of openness are widely apparent everywhere except, seemingly, in occupations. Yet the case against occupational licensing still remains strong. Consideration of dynamic costs strengthens the case further.


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This chapter is concerned with innovation that involves creative cultural occupations, but not within the creative industries. Rather, we examine the operation of cultural creative occupations that exist outside the creative industries - so-called 'embedded creatives' who work across all industry sectors (Cunningham and Higgs 2009). In doing so, we concur with Bilton (2007) that the separation of creative industries from other industries is a 'false step'. All industries must be innovative; however, they also must be able to combine both scientific and artistic creativity, and that creativity comes from the intersection of different thinking styles (Kurtzberg 2005). Moreover, we suggest that there are now detailed empirical studies, as well as a nascent theoretical base, to suggest that the transdisciplinarity which results from embedded cultural creativity is an engine of growth in the broader economy. Thus, it is relevant to both policymakers and managers. This chapter addresses the following questions: What is the role and significance of the embedded creative? Given a paucity of detailed empirical work in the area to date, what can be deduced from what extant literature there is about the nature of employment and management of these workers? And what are the practical implications of these consideration?


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Creative occupations exist across the entire economy. The creative worker’s habitus cannot be discovered by looking only in film studios, games companies or artist’s garrets. Work practices, evolved through the traditions of the creative and performing arts, are now deployed to create new services and products across all sectors, to develop process innovations, and to change the distribution thereof. Yet the bulk of academic study of creative work (both functionalist and critical), as well as the content of higher/further professional education programs and everyday understanding of creative workers, focuses on one subset of the Creative Industries: those involved in the production of cultural goods or services (film, television, music etc.) for consumption by the general public. And further, the bulk of existing academic work focuses on those creative workers employed in cultural production industries. However, as recent work has shown, this focus misses both the large (and increasing) number of creative workers embedded in industries beyond the core Creative Industries (for example, manufacturing, banking, mining) and those creative workers and firms that supply services to business as well as to the general public, such as architects, technical writers, and graphic designers (see Cunningham 2013; Potts and Cunningham 2008; Potts, Cunningham, Hartley and Omerod 2008). This book focuses on this subset of very important, and yet under-recognized creative workers: embedded creative workers and providers of creative services into other sectors of the economy, as indicated in the following taxonomy (Figure 1.1), which juxtaposes occupation and industry sector...


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This article examines the new Property Occupations Act 2014 (POA) and relevant provisions of the Agents Financial Administration Act 2014 (AFAA) and the impacts for property practitioners. The Acts are due to commence later in 2014 once regulations and relevant forms are drafted. Coinciding with the commencement of the Acts further versions of the REIQ Houses and Land Contract and REIQ Community Title Contract will also be released. The POA introduces changes for licencing of real estate agents, property developers and resident letting agents as well as significant changes for the contract formation process. The AFAA includes the trust account and claim fund provisions of PAMDA, which avoids duplication of these provisions across each of the industry-specific Bills. The most significant change is to the process for making a claim against the fund for the conduct of property agents.


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The ARC Centre of Excellence in Creative Industries and Innovation (herewith CCI) was established with two simple policy objectives. One was to assess anecdotal and boosterish claims about the growth rates of the creative industries, and hence, to measure the size of the creative industries contribution to gross domestic product (GDP). The other was to ascertain the contribution of the creative industries to employment. Preliminary research detailed in Cunningham and Higgs (2009) showed that the existing industrial classifications did not incorporate the terminology of the creative industries, nor did they disaggregate new categories of digital work such as video games. However, we discovered that occupational codes provide a much more fine-grained account of work that would enable us to disaggregate and track economic activity that corresponded to creative industries terminology. Thus was born one major centrepiece of CCI research – the tracking of national occupational codes in pursuit of measuring creative industries policy outcomes. This paper commences with some description of empirical work that investigates creative occupations; however, the real point is to suggest that this type of detailed, occupation-based empirical work has important theoretical potential that has not yet been fully expended (though see Cunningham 2013; Hearn and Bridgstock 2014; Bakhshi, Freeman and Higgs 2013; Hartley and Potts 2014).


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In spite of increasing gender diversity in employment roles, presumptions persist about the gender of people employed in particular occupations. Focusing on healthcare data collected in Australia and the United Kingdom within the past decade, we use Conversation Analysis (CA) to identify how presumptions about gender are displayed within social interaction through the use of gender-specific pronouns. We show how gender-specific pronouns are asymmetrically selected on the basis of a referent’s occupations, with gender-unspecified members of traditionally male occupations (e.g. doctors) referred to with masculine pronouns and gender-unspecified members of traditionally female occupations (e.g. nurses) referred to with feminine pronouns. We also explore ways people avoid making such presumptions. Our analysis therefore reveals a state of flux in contemporary social life, with instances in which gender presumptions persist as well as attempts to employ person references that reflect contemporary social dynamics.