937 resultados para Objective evaluation


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Background: Variable definitions of outcome (Constant score, Simple Shoulder Test [SST]) have been used to assess outcome after shoulder treatment, although none has been accepted as the universal standard. Physicians lack an objective method to reliably assess the activity of their patients in dynamic conditions. Our purpose was to clinically validate the shoulder kinematic scores given by a portable movement analysis device, using the activities of daily living described in the SST as a reference. The secondary objective was to determine whether this device could be used to document the effectiveness of shoulder treatments (for glenohumeral osteoarthritis and rotator cuff disease) and detect early failures.Methods: A clinical trial including 34 patients and a control group of 31 subjects over an observation period of 1 year was set up. Evaluations were made at baseline and 3, 6, and 12 months after surgery by 2 independent observers. Miniature sensors (3-dimensional gyroscopes and accelerometers) allowed kinematic scores to be computed. They were compared with the regular outcome scores: SST; Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand; American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons; and Constant.Results: Good to excellent correlations (0.61-0.80) were found between kinematics and clinical scores. Significant differences were found at each follow-up in comparison with the baseline status for all the kinematic scores (P < .015). The kinematic scores were able to point out abnormal patient outcomes at the first postoperative follow-up.Conclusion: Kinematic scores add information to the regular outcome tools. They offer an effective way to measure the functional performance of patients with shoulder pathology and have the potential to detect early treatment failures.Level of evidence: Level II, Development of Diagnostic Criteria, Diagnostic Study. (C) 2011 Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Board of Trustees.


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Aims: This study was carried out to investigate the usefulness of acoustic rhinometry in the evaluation of intranasal dimensions in children. The aim was to define reference values for school children. In addition, the role of the VAS scale in the subjective evaluation of nasal obstruction in children was studied. Materials and methods: Measurements were done with Acoustic Rhinometry A1. The values of special interest were the minimal cross-sectional area (MCA) and the anterior volume of the nose (VOL). The data for reference values included 124 voluntary school children with no permanent nasal symptoms, aged between 7 and 14 years. Data were collected at baseline and after decongestion of the nose; the VAS scale was filled in before measurements. The subjects in the follow-up study (n=74, age between 1 and 12 years) were receiving intranasal spray of insulin or placebo. The nasal symptoms were recorded and acoustic rhinometry was measured at each control visit. Results: In school children, the mean total MCA was 0.752 cm2 (SD 0.165), and the mean total VOL was 4.00 cm3 (SD 0.63) at baseline. After decongestion, a significant increase in the mean TMCA and in the mean TVOL was found. A correlation was found between TMCA and age, and between TVOL and height of a child. There was no difference between boys and girls. A correlation was found between unilateral acoustic values and VAS at baseline, but not after decongestion. No difference wasfound in acoustic values or symptoms between the insulin and placebo group in the follow-up study of two years. Conclusions: Acoustic rhinometry is a suitable objective method to examine intranasal dimensions in children. It is easy to perform and well tolerated. Reference values for children between 7 and 14 years were established.


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This paper proposes a methodology to consider the effects of the integration of DG on planning. Since DG has potential to defer investments in networks, the impact of DG on grid capacity is evaluated. A multi-objective optimization tool based on the meta-heuristic MEPSO is used, supporting an alternative approach to exploiting the Pareto front features. Tests were performed in distinct conditions with two well-known distribution networks: IEEE-34 and IEEE-123. The results combined minimization and maximization in order to produce different Pareto fronts and determine the extent of the impact caused by DG. The analysis provides useful information, such as the identification of futures that should be considered in planning. A future means a set of realizations of all uncertainties. MEPSO also presented a satisfactory performance in obtaining the Pareto fronts. © 2011 IEEE.


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Decision tree induction algorithms represent one of the most popular techniques for dealing with classification problems. However, traditional decision-tree induction algorithms implement a greedy approach for node splitting that is inherently susceptible to local optima convergence. Evolutionary algorithms can avoid the problems associated with a greedy search and have been successfully employed to the induction of decision trees. Previously, we proposed a lexicographic multi-objective genetic algorithm for decision-tree induction, named LEGAL-Tree. In this work, we propose extending this approach substantially, particularly w.r.t. two important evolutionary aspects: the initialization of the population and the fitness function. We carry out a comprehensive set of experiments to validate our extended algorithm. The experimental results suggest that it is able to outperform both traditional algorithms for decision-tree induction and another evolutionary algorithm in a variety of application domains.


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Minimally invasive surgery is a highly demanding surgical approach regarding technical requirements for the surgeon, who must be trained in order to perform a safe surgical intervention. Traditional surgical education in minimally invasive surgery is commonly based on subjective criteria to quantify and evaluate surgical abilities, which could be potentially unsafe for the patient. Authors, surgeons and associations are increasingly demanding the development of more objective assessment tools that can accredit surgeons as technically competent. This paper describes the state of the art in objective assessment methods of surgical skills. It gives an overview on assessment systems based on structured checklists and rating scales, surgical simulators, and instrument motion analysis. As a future work, an objective and automatic assessment method of surgical skills should be standardized as a means towards proficiency-based curricula for training in laparoscopic surgery and its certification.


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Well–prepared, adaptive and sustainably developing specialists are an important competitive advantage, but also one of the main challenges for businesses. One option of the education system for creation and development of staff adequate to the needs is the development of pro jects with topics from real economy ("Practical Projects"). The objective assessment is an essential driver and motivator, and is based on a system of well-chosen, well-defined and specific criteria and indicators. An approach to a more objective evaluation of practical projects is finding more objective weights of the criteria. A natural and reasonable approach is the accumulation of opinions of proven experts and subsequent bringing out the weights from the accumulated data. The preparation and conduction of a survey among recognized experts in the field of project-based learning in mathematics, informatics and information technologies is described. The processing of the data accumulated by applying AHP, allowed us to objectively determine weights of evaluation criteria and hence to achieve the desired objectiveness. ACM Computing Classification System (1998): K.3.2.


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Objective: This study aims at determining if a collection of 16 motor tests on a physical simulator can objectively discriminate and evaluate practitioners' competency level, i.e. novice, resident, and expert. Methods: An experimental design with three study groups (novice, resident, and expert) was developed to test the evaluation power of each of the 16 simple tests. An ANOVA and a Student Newman-Keuls (SNK) test were used to analyze results of each test to determine which of them can discriminate participants' competency level. Results: Four of the 16 tests used discriminated all of the three competency levels and 15 discriminated at least two of the three groups (α= 0.05). Moreover, other two tests differentiate beginners\' level from intermediate, and other seven tests differentiate intermediate level from expert. Conclusion: The competency level of a practitioner of minimally invasive surgery can be evaluated by a specific collection of basic tests in a physical surgical simulator. Reduction of the number of tests needed to discriminate the competency level of surgeons can be the aim of future research.


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This paper aims to assess the impact of environmental noise in the vicinity of primary schools and to analyze its influence in the workplace and in student performance through perceptions and objective evaluation. The subjective evaluation consisted of the application of questionnaires to students and teachers, and the objective assessment consisted of measuring in situ noise levels. The survey covered nine classes located in three primary schools. Statistical Package for Social Sciences was used for data processing and to draw conclusions. Additionally, the relationship of the difference between environmental and background noise levels of each classroom and students with difficulties in hearing the teacherâ s voice was examined. Noise levels in front of the school, the schoolyard, and the most noise-exposed classrooms (occupied and unoccupied) were measured. Indoor noise levels were much higher than World Health Organization (WHO) recommended values: LAeq,30min averaged 70.5 dB(A) in occupied classrooms, and 38.6 dB(A) in unoccupied ones. Measurements of indoor and outdoor noise suggest that noise from the outside (road, schoolyard) affects the background noise level in classrooms but in varying degrees. It was concluded that the façades most exposed to road traffic noise are subjected to values higher than 55.0 dB(A), and noise levels inside the classrooms are mainly due to the schoolyard, students, and the road traffic. The difference between background (LA95,30min) and the equivalent noise levels (LAeq,30min) in occupied classrooms was 19.2 dB(A), which shows that studentsâ activities are a significant source of classroom noise.


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The aim of this thesis is the subjective and objective evaluation of angledependent absorption coefficients. As the assumption of a constant absorption coefficient over the angle of incidence is not always held, a new model acknowledging an angle-dependent reflection must be considered, to get a more accurate prediction in the sound field. The study provides information about the behavior of different materials in several rooms, depending on the reflection modeling of incident sound waves. An objective evaluation was run for an implementation of angle-dependent reflection factors in the image source and ray tracing simulation models. Results obtained were analysed after comparison to diffuse-field averaged data. However, changes in acoustic characteristics of a room do not always mean a variation in the listener’s perception. Thus, additional subjective evaluation allowed a comparison between the different results obtained with the computer simulation and the response from the individuals who participated in the listening test. The listening test was designed following a three-alternative forced-choice (3AFC) paradigm. In each interaction asked to the subjects a sequence of either three pink noise bursts or three natural signals was alternated. These results were supposed to show the influence and perception of the two different ways to implement surface reflection –either with diffuse or angle-dependent absorption properties. Results show slightly audible effects when material properties were exaggerated. El objetivo de este trabajo es la evaluación objetiva y subjetiva del coeficiente de absorción en función del ángulo de incidencia de la onda de sonido. La suposición de un coeficiente de absorción constante con respecto al ángulo de incidencia no siempre se sostiene. Por ello, un nuevo modelo considerando la reflexión dependiente del ángulo se debe tener en cuenta para obtener predicciones más certeras en el campo del sonido. El estudio proporciona información sobre el comportamiento de diferentes materiales en distintos recintos, dependientes del modelo de reflexión de las ondas de sonido incidentes. Debido a las dificultades a la hora de realizar las medidas y, por lo tanto, a la falta de datos, los coeficientes de absorción dependientes del ángulo a menudo no se tienen en cuenta a la hora de realizar las simulaciones. Hoy en día, aún no hay una tendencia de aplicar el coeficiente de absorción dependiente del ángulo para mejorar los modelos de reflexión. Por otra parte, para una medición satisfactoria de la absorción dependiente del ángulo, sólo hay unos pocos métodos. Las técnicas de medición actuales llevan mucho tiempo y hay algunos materiales, condiciones y ángulos que no pueden ser reproducidos y, por lo tanto, no es posible su medición. Sin embargo, en el presente estudio, los ángulos de incidencia de las ondas de sonido son conocidos y almacenados en una de base de datos para cada uno de los materiales, de modo que los coeficientes de absorción para el ángulo dado pueden ser devueltos siempre que sean requeridos por el usuario. Para realizar el estudio se llevó a cabo una evaluación objetiva, por medio de la implementación del factor de reflexión dependiente del ángulo en los modelos de fuentes imagen y trazado de rayos. Los resultados fueron analizados después de ser comparados con el promedio de los datos obtenidos en medidas en el campo difuso. La simulación se hizo una vez se configuraron un número de materiales creados por el autor, a partir de los datos existentes en la literatura y los catálogos de fabricantes. Los modelos de Komatsu y Mechel sirvieron como referencia para los materiales porosos, configurando la resistividad al aire o el grosor, y para los paneles perforados, introduciendo el radio de los orificios y la distancia entre centros, respectivamente. Estos materiales se situaban en la pared opuesta a la que se consideraba que debía alojar a la fuente sonora. El resto de superficies se modelaban con el mismo material, variando su coeficiente de absorción y/o de dispersión. Al mismo tiempo, una serie de recintos fueron modelados para poder reproducir distintos escenarios de los que obtener los resultados. Sin embargo, los cambios en las características acústicas de un recinto no significan variaciones en la percepción por parte del oyente. Por ello, una evaluación subjetiva adicional permitió una comparación entre los diferentes resultados obtenidos mediante la simulación informática y la respuesta de los individuos que participaron en la prueba de escucha. Ésta fue diseñada bajo las pautas del modelo de test three-alternative forced-choice (3AFC), con treinta y dos preguntas diferentes. En cada iteración los sujetos fueron preguntados por una secuencia alterna entre tres señales, siendo dos de ellas iguales. Éstas podían ser tanto ráfagas de ruido rosa como señales naturales, en este test se utilizó un fragmento de una obra clásica interpretada por un piano. Antes de contestar al cuestionario, los bloques de preguntas eran ordenados al azar. Para cada ensayo, la mezcla era diferente, así los sujetos no repetían la misma prueba, evitando un sesgo por efectos de aprendizaje. Los bloques se barajaban recordando siempre el orden inicial, para después almacenar los resultados reordenados. La prueba de escucha fue realizada por veintitrés personas, toda ellas con conocimientos dentro del campo de la acústica. Antes de llevar a cabo la prueba de escucha en un entorno adecuado, una hoja con las instrucciones fue facilitada a cada persona. Los resultados muestran la influencia y percepción de las dos maneras distintas de implementar las reflexiones de una superficie –ya sea con respecto a la propiedad de difusión o de absorción dependiente del ángulo de los materiales. Los resultados objetivos, después de ejecutar las simulaciones, muestran los datos medios obtenidos para comprender el comportamiento de distintos materiales de acuerdo con el modelo de reflexión utilizado en el caso de estudio. En las tablas proporcionadas en la memoria se muestran los valores del tiempo de reverberación, la claridad y el tiempo de caída temprana. Los datos de las características del recinto obtenidos en este análisis tienen una fuerte dependencia respecto al coeficiente de absorción de los diferentes materiales que recubren las superficies del cuarto. En los resultados subjetivos, la media de percepción, a la hora de distinguir las distintas señales, por parte de los sujetos, se situó significativamente por debajo del umbral marcado por el punto de inflexión de la función psicométrica. Sin embargo, es posible concluir que la mayoría de los individuos tienden a ser capaces de detectar alguna diferencia entre los estímulos presentados en el 3AFC test. En conclusión, la hipótesis de que los valores del coeficiente de absorción dependiente del ángulo difieren es contrastada. Pero la respuesta subjetiva de los individuos muestra que únicamente hay ligeras variaciones en la percepción si el coeficiente varía en intervalos pequeños entre los valores manejados en la simulación. Además, si los parámetros de los materiales acústicos no son exagerados, los sujetos no perciben ninguna variación. Los primeros resultados obtenidos, proporcionando información respecto a la dependencia del ángulo, llevan a una nueva consideración en el campo de la acústica, y en la realización de nuevos proyectos en el futuro. Para futuras líneas de investigación, las simulaciones se deberían realizar con distintos tipos de recintos, buscando escenarios con geometrías irregulares. También, la implementación de distintos materiales para obtener resultados más certeros. Otra de las fases de los futuros proyectos puede realizarse teniendo en cuenta el coeficiente de dispersión dependiente del ángulo de incidencia de la onda de sonido. En la parte de la evaluación subjetiva, realizar una serie de pruebas de escucha con distintos individuos, incluyendo personas sin una formación relacionada con la ingeniería acústica.


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Dysphagia is a symptom associated with an array of anatomical and functional changes which must be assessed by a multidisciplinary team to guarantee optimal evaluation and treatment, preventing potential complications. Aim: The aim of the present study is to present the combined protocol of clinical and swallowing videoendoscopy carried by ENT doctors and speech therapists in the Dysphagia Group of the ENT Department - University Hospital. Materials and Methods: Retrospective study concerning the use of a protocol made up of patient interview and clinical examination, followed by an objective evaluation with swallowing videoendoscopy. The exam was performed in 1,332 patients from May 2001 to December 2008. There were 726 (54.50%) males and 606 (45.50%) females, between 22 days and 99 years old. Results: We found: 427 (32.08%) cases of normal swallowing, 273 (20.48%) mild dysphagia, 224 (16.81%) moderate dysphagia, 373 (27.99%) severe dysphagia and 35 (2.64%) inconclusive exams. Conclusion: The combined protocol (Otolaryngology and Speech Therapy), is a good way to approach the dysphagic patient, helping to achieve early and safe deglutition diagnosis as far as disorder severity and treatment are concerned.


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Introduction: A new ultra congruent, postero-stabilized total knee arthroplasty (TKA) with a mobile bearing, the FIRST knee prosthesis (Free Insert in Rotation Stabilized in Translation, Symbios SA), was designed and expected to significantly reduce polyethylene wear, to improve the range of motion and the overall stability of the knee while ensuring a physiological ligament balance. Gait analysis has proven to give really objective outcome parameters after lower limb surgery. The goal of our study was to compare the subjective and really objective results of this new TKA with two other widespread models of TKA. Methods: A clinical prospective monocentric cohort study of 100 consecutive patients (47-88 yrs) undergoing a FIRST TKA for primary osteoarthritis is currently being done. Pre- and post-operative follow-ups (6 weeks, 4 months and 1 year) were done with well-recognized subjective evaluations (EQ-5D and WOMAC scores) and semi-objective questionnaires (KSS score and radiography evaluation) as well as with a really objective evaluation using gait parameters from 6 walking trials, performed at different speeds (slow, normal and fast) with an ambulatory gait analysis system (Physilog®, BioAGM CH). The outcomes of the first 32 new TKA after one year of follow-up were compared to the results after 1 year of a randomized controlled clinical trial comparing 29 NexGen® postero-stabilized TKA (Zimmer Inc) with a fixed bearing and 26 NexGen® TKA with a mobile bearing using the same methods. Results: Subjective and semi-objective results were similar for the three types of TKA. As for the really objective parameters, the gait cycle time of the FIRST TKA was statistically significantly shorter at normal speed of walk, as well as double-support periods, as compared to both standard models. The extension (in terms of range of motion when walking) of the operated knee was significantly improved for all three types of walk in favour of the FIRST TKAs compared to both NexGen TKAs. The normal walking speed was significantly higher with faster swing speed and stride lengths for the new TKA. Significantly better coordination scores were observed at normal walking speed for the FIRST TKA as compared to the fixed-bearing TKAs. Conclusion: The FIRST TKAs showed statistically significantly better objective outcomes in terms of gait after one year of follow-up with similar subjective and semi-objective results in comparison with widespread TKA designs. These encouraging short-terms results will have to be confirmed at a 5 years follow-up of the FIRST TKAs.


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A difficulty in the design of automated text summarization algorithms is in the objective evaluation. Viewing summarization as a tradeoff between length and information content, we introduce a technique based on a hierarchy of classifiers to rank, through model selection, different summarization methods. This summary evaluation technique allows for broader comparison of summarization methods than the traditional techniques of summary evaluation. We present an empirical study of two simple, albeit widely used, summarization methods that shows the different usages of this automated task-based evaluation system and confirms the results obtained with human-based evaluation methods over smaller corpora.


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Very large scale scheduling and planning tasks cannot be effectively addressed by fully automated schedule optimisation systems, since many key factors which govern 'fitness' in such cases are unformalisable. This raises the question of an interactive (or collaborative) approach, where fitness is assigned by the expert user. Though well-researched in the domains of interactively evolved art and music, this method is as yet rarely used in logistics. This paper concerns a difficulty shared by all interactive evolutionary systems (IESs), but especially those used for logistics or design problems. The difficulty is that objective evaluation of IESs is severely hampered by the need for expert humans in the loop. This makes it effectively impossible to, for example, determine with statistical confidence any ranking among a decent number of configurations for the parameters and strategy choices. We make headway into this difficulty with an Automated Tester (AT) for such systems. The AT replaces the human in experiments, and has parameters controlling its decision-making accuracy (modelling human error) and a built-in notion of a target solution which may typically be at odds with the solution which is optimal in terms of formalisable fitness. Using the AT, plausible evaluations of alternative designs for the IES can be done, allowing for (and examining the effects of) different levels of user error. We describe such an AT for evaluating an IES for very large scale planning.


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The aim of this study was to assess pelvic floor muscle (PFM) strength and perception and its correlation with stress urinary incontinence (SUI). One hundred and one women were divided into two groups according to the presence (G1=51 patients) or absence (G2=50 patients) of SUI. Subjective [urine stream interruption test (UST), visual survey of perineal contraction and transvaginal digital palpation to assess pelvic muscle contraction] and objective evaluations of pelvic floor muscles in all patients were performed (vaginal manometry). During the UST, 25.5% of G1 patients and 80% of G2 patients were able to interrupt the urine stream (p<0.05). Digital evaluation of pelvic muscular contraction showed higher strength in G2 than in G1 patients (p<0.0001). Perineometer evaluation of PFM strength was significantly higher in the continent group (p<0.001). Pelvic floor muscle weakness in incontinent patients demonstrates the importance of functional and objective evaluation of this group of muscles.


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Objective: The aim of this study was to assess pelvic floor muscle (PFM) strength in different body positions in nulliparous healthy women and its correlation with sexual activity.Materials and Methods: Fifty healthy nulliparous women with mean age of 23 years were prospectively studied. Subjective evaluation of PFM was assessed by transvaginal digital palpation (TDP) of anterior and posterior areas regarding the vaginal introitus. A perineometer with inflatable vaginal probe was used to assess the PFM strength in four different positions: supine with extended lower limbs (P1); bent-knee supine (P2); sitting (P3); standing (P4).Results: Physical activity, 3 times per week, was reported by 58% of volunteers. Sexual activity was observed in 80% of women and 82% of them presented orgasm. The average body mass index (BMI) was 21.76 kg/m(2), considered as normal according World Health Organization (WHO). We observed that 68% of volunteers were conscious about the PFM contraction. TDP showed concordance of 76% when anterior and posterior areas were compared (p = 0.00014). There was not correlation between PFM strength and orgasm in subjective evaluation. The PFM strength was significantly higher in standing position when compared with the other positions (p < 0.000). No statistical difference was observed between orgasm and PFM strength when objective evaluations were performed.Conclusions: There was concordance between anterior and posterior areas in 76% of cases when subjective PFM strength was assessed. In objective evaluation, higher PFM strength was observed when volunteers were standing. No statistical correlation was observed between PFM strength and orgasm in nulliparous healthy women.