798 resultados para Object-Orientation


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The authors studied the influence of canonical orientation on visual search for object orientation. Displays consisted of pictures of animals whose axis of elongation was either vertical or tilted in their canonical orientation. Target orientation could be either congruent or incongruent with the object's canonical orientation. In Experiment 1, vertical canonical targets were detected faster when they were tilted (incongruent) than when they were vertical (congruent). This search asymmetry was reversed for tilted canonical targets. The effect of canonical orientation was partially preserved when objects were high-pass filtered, but it was eliminated when they were low-pass filtered, rendering them as unfamiliar shapes (Experiment 2). The effect of canonical orientation was also eliminated by inverting the objects (Experiment 3) and in a patient with visual agnosia (Experiment 4). These results indicate that orientation search with familiar objects can be modulated by canonical orientation, and they indicate a top-down influence on orientation processing. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)


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Monitoring, object-orientation, real-time, execution-time, scheduling


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En aquest treball s'intenta fer una síntesi de les especificacions aportades per l'estàndard definit com a SQL: 1999, tot analitzant les ampliacions que fan referència a la nova orientació a l'objecte i a la incorporació de l'herència com a principal element diferenciador.


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The genetic characterization of unbalanced mixed stains remains an important area where improvement is imperative. In fact, with current methods for DNA analysis (Polymerase Chain Reaction with the SGM Plus™ multiplex kit), it is generally not possible to obtain a conventional autosomal DNA profile of the minor contributor if the ratio between the two contributors in a mixture is smaller than 1:10. This is a consequence of the fact that the major contributor's profile 'masks' that of the minor contributor. Besides known remedies to this problem, such as Y-STR analysis, a new compound genetic marker that consists of a Deletion/Insertion Polymorphism (DIP), linked to a Short Tandem Repeat (STR) polymorphism, has recently been developed and proposed elsewhere in literature [1]. The present paper reports on the derivation of an approach for the probabilistic evaluation of DIP-STR profiling results obtained from unbalanced DNA mixtures. The procedure is based on object-oriented Bayesian networks (OOBNs) and uses the likelihood ratio as an expression of the probative value. OOBNs are retained in this paper because they allow one to provide a clear description of the genotypic configuration observed for the mixed stain as well as for the various potential contributors (e.g., victim and suspect). These models also allow one to depict the assumed relevance relationships and perform the necessary probabilistic computations.


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The state of the object-oriented programming course in Lappeenranta University of Technology had reached the point, where it required changes to provide better learning opportunities and thus the learning outcomes. Based on the student feedback the course was partially dated and ineffective. The components of the course were analysed and the ineffective elements were removed and new methods were introduced to improve the course. The major changes included the change from traditional teaching methods to reverse classroom method and the use of Java as the programming language. The changes were measured by the student feedback, lecturer’s observations and comparison to previous years. The feedback suggested that the changes were successful; the course received higher overall grade than before.


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Object-orientation supports software reuse via features such as abstraction, information hiding, polymorphism, inheritance and redefinition. However, while libraries of classes do exist, one of the challenges that still remains is to locate suitable classes and adapt them to meet the specific requirements of the software developer. Traditional approaches to library retrieval are text-based; it is therefore difficult for the developer to express their requirements in a precise and unambiguous manner. A more promising approach is specification-based retrieval, where library component interfaces and requirements are expressed using a formal specification language. In this case retrieval is based on matching formal specifications. In this paper we describe how existing approaches to specification matching can be extended to handle object-oriented components.


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En aquest document s'introdueixen els conceptes bàsics necessaris per a l'execució de mètriques de productivitat de programari. Després de la introducció, s'estudien amb detall les mètriques de productivitat més emprades actualment, que són línies de codi (mètrica orientada a les dimensions del projecte), punts de funció (orientada a la funcionalitat del projecte, específica per a projectes de gestió), punts de característica (semblant a punts de funció, però més genèrica i útil per a altres tipus de projectes) i punts de casos d'ús (també orientada a la funció i específica per a projectes d'orientació a objectes). S'hi explica com es pot aconseguir, a partir d'aquestes mètriques i amb l'ajut de models d'estimació de productivitat, com ara el model COCOMO II, les estimacions de l'esforç necessari per a desenvolupar un projecte de programari i la distribució de l'esforç en totes les etapes del projecte a partir de les estimacions de la fase de desenvolupament. També es tracta, encara que no amb tanta profunditat, de la mètrica


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El treball final de carrera està compost de l¿anàlisi, disseny i implementació d'una utilitat de Workflow que dóna servei a una web per gestionar les reclamacions i queixes d'una empresa. La part del Workflow s'ha pensat per ser totalment configurable a les particularitats d'un determinat aplicatiu i per donar servei a tantes aplicacions com faci falta simultàniament.L'anàlisi i el disseny s'han basat en la metodologia UML dins el paradigma de l'Orientació a Objectes juntament amb diversos patrons de disseny com pot ser el MVC que ha permès separar completament la lògica de negoci (Workflow) de la presentació (Web). Per les 2 parts: Workflow i web s¿ha fet ús d'una arquitectura distribuïda.


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Aquest TFC parteix de la necessitat de desenvolupar una aplicació web que presenti la característica de ser escalable, robusta i reutilitzable, dins del paradigma de la orientació a objectes i que permeti una estructura distribuïda, tant de components com de sistemes d'informació.


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Alguns dels grans fabricants del sector de les masses congelades fan servir robots per a l'emmagatzematge, servei i gestió dels productes de les cambres de congelació. Aquests robots només emmagatzemen i serveixen palets de caixes d'un mateix tipus de producte; així, doncs, només són útils quan el client és un gran consumidor, com un distribuïdor o una delegació, però no un petit comerç, com un restaurant o una fleca, els quals també són clients potencials del fabricant. Per tant, el problema es planteja en el moment de servir els clients que tenen problemes d'emmagatzematge, els quals es veuen obligats a fer comandes de diversos productes, que, a més, en total no fan ni de bon tros un palet sencer. A partir d'aquí la idea és dissenyar un sistema, emprant la tècnica de l'orientació a objectes (O-O), que gestioni un conjunt de robots que, a més d'emmagatzemar i gestionar una cambra de congelació, siguin capaços de servir les comandes fent una selecció de caixes de productes concrets, és a dir, les que sol·licita el client que ha fet la comanda per caixes i no per palets. Per qüestions d'organització i d'estocs, aquests robots han de ser independents dels altres, és a dir, han de treballar en una cambra independent de la dels robots que treballen per palets (actualment aquesta feina la fan treballadors dins una cambra independent de la dels robots).


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Oliopohjainen lähestymistapa on varsin uusi toimintaperiaate käytännön ohjelmistotuotantoprosesseissa. Oliopohjaisuus mahdollistaa nopean ja tehokkaan ohjelmistotuotannon sekä tuottaa uudelleenkäytettäviä luokkia. Tässä työssä tutkitaan oliopohjaisen mallinnuksen käyttömahdollisuuksia erään ohjelmistotuotteen kehityksessä ja keskitytään tuotteen määrittely- ja suunnitteluvaiheisiin. Tavoitteena on konkretisoida tarkastelun kohteena olevalle yritykselle oliopohjaisen mallinnuksen käyttötavat ja -mahdollisuudet osana yrityksen ohjelmistotuotantoprosessia. Työssä tarkastellaan yleisiä oliopohjaisen mallinnuksen toimintoja määrittely- ja suunnitteluvaiheissa. Erityisesti tarkastellaan yrityksen omaa ohjelmistotuotantoprosessia, TE Objectia, ja sen yhtymäkohtia yleisen oliopohjaisen mallinnuksen kanssa. Työssä kuvataan ohjelmistotuote, mallinnetaan ohjelmistotuotteen osa TE Objectia hyödyntäen ja pohditaan TE Objectin soveltuvuutta kyseisen tuotteen määrittelyyn ja suunnitteluun. Oliopohjaisen mallinnuksen todetaan sopivan hyvin tarkastellun tuotepohjaisen ohjelmiston kehitykseen. Tarkasteltavan tuotteen kehityksen pääpaino on uudelleenkäytettävyydellä, jota oliopohjainen mallintaminen erityisesti tukee. Kohdeyrityksen oman ohjelmistotuotantoprosessin, TE Objectin, todetaan vastaavan hyvin yleistä oliopohjaista mallinnusta määrittely- ja suunnitteluvaiheissa ja sitä suositellaan hyödynnettävän tarkastellun tuotteen määrittelyyn ja suunnitteluun soveltuvin osin. Työssä mallinnettiin kohdeyrityksen tuotteen osa esimerkinomaisesti, mikä konkretisoi TE Objectin käyttömahdollisuuksia osana yrityksen ohjelmistotuotantoprosessia.


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Reusability has become more popular factor in modern software engineering. This is mainly because object-orientation has brought methods that allow reusing more easily. Today more and more application developer thinks how they can reuse already existing applications in their work. If the developer wants to use existing components outside the current project, he can use design patterns, class libraries or frameworks. These provide solution for specific or general problems that has been already encountered. Application frameworks are collection of classes that provides base for the developer. Application frameworks are mostly implementation phase tools, but can also be used in application design. The main purpose of the frameworks is separate domain specific functionalities from the application specific. Usually the frameworks are divided into two categories: black and white box. Difference between those categories is the way the reuse is done. The application frameworks provide properties that can be examined and compared between different frameworks. These properties are: extensibility, reusability, modularity and scalability. These examine how framework will handle different platforms, changes in framework, increasing demand for resources, etc. Generally application frameworks do have these properties in good level. When comparing general purpose framework and more specific purpose framework, the main difference can be located in reusability of frameworks. It is mainly because the framework designed to specific domain can have constraints from external systems and resources. With general purpose framework these are set by the application developed based on the framework.


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Ce mémoire présente un patron d’architecture permettant, dans un contexte orientéobjet, l’exploitation d’objets appartenant simultanément à plusieurs hiérarchies fonctionnelles. Ce patron utilise un reasoner basé sur les logiques de description (web sémantique) pour procéder à la classification des objets dans les hiérarchies. La création des objets est simplifiée par l’utilisation d’un ORM (Object Relational Mapper). Ce patron permet l’utilisation effective du raisonnement automatique dans un contexte d’applications d’entreprise. Les concepts requis pour la compréhension du patron et des outils sont présentés. Les conditions d’utilisation du patron sont discutées ainsi que certaines pistes de recherche pour les élargir. Un prototype appliquant le patron dans un cas simple est présenté. Une méthodologie accompagne le patron. Finalement, d’autres utilisations potentielles des logiques de description dans le même contexte sont discutées.


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What is Programming? A useful definition Object Orientation (and it’s counterparts) Thinking OO Programming Blocks Variables Logic Data Structures Methods


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These are the resources used for the Computer Science course Programming Principles, designed to teach students the fundamentals of computer programming and object orientation via learning the Java language. We also touch on some software engineering basics, such as patterns, software design and testing. The course assumes no previous knowledge of programming, but there is a fairly steep learning curve, and students are encouraged to practice, practice, practice!