985 resultados para Object relations
This practice-led research project explores the possibilities for restaging and reconfiguring contemporary art installations in multiple and different locations. By exploring ideas and art that demonstrate a kaleidoscopic approach to creative practice, this project examines how analysing artists' particular processes can achieve new understandings and experiences of installation art. This project achieves this through reflection on, and analysis of creative works made throughout the research, and a critical examination of contemporary art practices.
We investigated memories of room-sized spatial layouts learned by sequentially or simultaneously viewing objects from a stationary position. In three experiments, sequential viewing (one or two objects at a time) yielded subsequent memory performance that was equivalent or superior to simultaneous viewing of all objects, even though sequential viewing lacked direct access to the entire layout. This finding was replicated by replacing sequential viewing with directed viewing in which all objects were presented simultaneously and participants’ attention was externally focused on each object sequentially, indicating that the advantage of sequential viewing over simultaneous viewing may have originated from focal attention to individual object locations. These results suggest that memory representation of object-to-object relations can be constructed efficiently by encoding each object location separately, when those locations are defined within a single spatial reference system. These findings highlight the importance of considering object presentation procedures when studying spatial learning mechanisms.
L’Urgence négative est un trait caractéristique du trouble de personnalité limite. Cependant ce modèle des traits ne permet pas d’expliquer les variétés des formes d’expression ni le niveau de sévérité de gestes impulsifs, qu’ils soient dirigés contre soi ou contre autrui. L’intégration du modèle des relations d’objet à celui des traits offre une meilleure compréhension de cette variabilité. Dans la théorie des relations d’objet, la diffusion de l’identité est spécifique aux organisations limites de la personnalité. Elle est caractérisée par un manque d’intégration des représentations de soi et d’autrui à cause d’une séparation excessive des affects positifs et négatifs investis dans les images de soi et d’autrui. Elle est associée à un manque d’intégration des structures psychiques du Moi et du Surmoi. Le niveau de l’intégration de l’identité agirait en modulant la relation en un trait d’urgence négative élevé et l’expression des gestes impulsifs. Cette étude, réalisée auprès d’étudiants, était la première à tester une telle hypothèse. Bien qu’elle n’ait pas permis de démontrer une telle relation de modération, compte tenu de certaines limites, il apparaît nécessaire de réévaluer ce modèle modérateur au sein d’un d’échantillon de plus grande taille.
This dissertation examines the corpse as an object in and of American hardboiled detective fiction written between 1920 and 1950. I deploy several theoretical frames, including narratology, body-as-text theory, object relations theory, and genre theory, in order to demonstrate the significance of objects, symbols, and things primarily in the clever and crafty work of Dashiell Hammett (1894-1961) and Raymond Chandler (1888-1959), but also touching on the writings of their lesser known accomplices. I construct a literary genealogy of American hardboiled detective fiction originating in the writings of Edgar Allan Poe, compare the contributions of classic or Golden Age detective fiction in England, and describe the socio-economic contexts, particularly the predominance of the “pulps,” that gave birth to the realism of the Hardboiled School. Taking seriously Chandler’s obsession with the art of murder, I engage with how authors pre-empt their readers’ knowledge of the tricks of the trade and manipulate their expectations, as well as discuss the characteristics and effect of the inimitable hardboiled style, its sharpshooting language and deadpan humour. Critical scholarship has rarely addressed the body and figure of the corpse, preferring to focus instead on the machinations of the femme fatale, the performance of masculinity, or the prevalence of violence. I cast new light on the world of hardboiled detective fiction by dissecting the corpse as the object that both motivates and de-composes (or rots away from) the narrative that makes it signify. I treat the corpse as an inanimate object, indifferent to representation, that destabilizes the integrity and self-possession, as well as the ratiocination, of the detective who authors the narrative of how the corpse came to be. The corpse is all deceptive and dangerous surface rather than the container of hidden depths of life and meaning that the detective hopes to uncover and reconstruct. I conclude with a chapter that is both critical denouement and creative writing experiment to reveal the self-reflexive (and at times metafictional) dimensions of hardboiled fiction. My dissertation, too, in the manner of hardboiled fiction, hopes to incriminate my readers as much as enlighten them.
This dissertation examines the corpse as an object in and of American hardboiled detective fiction written between 1920 and 1950. I deploy several theoretical frames, including narratology, body-as-text theory, object relations theory, and genre theory, in order to demonstrate the significance of objects, symbols, and things primarily in the clever and crafty work of Dashiell Hammett (1894-1961) and Raymond Chandler (1888-1959), but also touching on the writings of their lesser known accomplices. I construct a literary genealogy of American hardboiled detective fiction originating in the writings of Edgar Allan Poe, compare the contributions of classic or Golden Age detective fiction in England, and describe the socio-economic contexts, particularly the predominance of the “pulps,” that gave birth to the realism of the Hardboiled School. Taking seriously Chandler’s obsession with the art of murder, I engage with how authors pre-empt their readers’ knowledge of the tricks of the trade and manipulate their expectations, as well as discuss the characteristics and effect of the inimitable hardboiled style, its sharpshooting language and deadpan humour. Critical scholarship has rarely addressed the body and figure of the corpse, preferring to focus instead on the machinations of the femme fatale, the performance of masculinity, or the prevalence of violence. I cast new light on the world of hardboiled detective fiction by dissecting the corpse as the object that both motivates and de-composes (or rots away from) the narrative that makes it signify. I treat the corpse as an inanimate object, indifferent to representation, that destabilizes the integrity and self-possession, as well as the ratiocination, of the detective who authors the narrative of how the corpse came to be. The corpse is all deceptive and dangerous surface rather than the container of hidden depths of life and meaning that the detective hopes to uncover and reconstruct. I conclude with a chapter that is both critical denouement and creative writing experiment to reveal the self-reflexive (and at times metafictional) dimensions of hardboiled fiction. My dissertation, too, in the manner of hardboiled fiction, hopes to incriminate my readers as much as enlighten them.
Psychoanalysis and related psychodynamic psychotherapies have historically had a limited engagement with substance use and antisocial personality disorders. This in part reflects an early preoccupation with ‘transference neuroses’ and in part reflects later de-emphasis of diagnosis and focus on therapeutic process. Nonetheless, psychoanalytic perspectives can usefully inform thinking about approaches to treatment of such disorders and there are psychoanalytic constructs that have specific relevance to their treatment. This paper reviews some prominent strands of psychoanalytic thinking as they pertain to the treatment of substance abuse and antisocial personality disorders. It is argued that, while Freudian formulations lead to a primarily pessimistic view of the prospect of treatment of such disorders, both the British object relations and the North American self psychology traditions suggest potentially productive approaches. Finally the limited empirical evidence from brief psychodynamically informed treatments of substance use disorders is reviewed. It is concluded that such treatments are not demonstrably effective but that, since no form of psychotherapy has established high efficacy with substance use disorders, brief psychdynamic therapies are not necessarily of lesser value than other treatments and may have specific value for particular individuals and in particular treatment contexts.
A exhibition of sculptural assemblages that continue my exploration of self-portraiture and the sculptural object. The work specifically extends the formal vocabulary of my studio to incorporate smaller composite arrangements with an emphasis on the sculptural support. Small objects that are either modelled or cast from life are assembled into four tableaux that respond to the object-relations that arise through the production process. The resulting exhibiton thus acts a meditation on the ontology of art practice, conceived as a topology of objects.
Esse trabalho tem por objetivo investigar o papel do hábito e da confiança na formação da identidade. Ainda que inspirada em estudos que revelam a centralidade da confiança para a constituição das sociedades e examinam sua condição no contexto sócio-cultural contemporâneo, a discussão focaliza essencialmente o domínio do desenvolvimento infantil. Constatando o destaque conferido à confiança pela escola psicanalítica das relações de objeto, a análise do conceito incide prioritariamente na obra de D. W. Winnicott. Partindo do pressuposto que a confiança ocupa um lugar central na metapsicologia do autor, que contrasta com a limitada conceituação teórica que cerca seus diferentes significados e funções, propõe-se estudá-la em dois tempos: os da gênese e da reprodução da confiança. O estudo do conceito de hábito constitui uma etapa prévia e associada ao exame da confiança. Permitindo relevar os aportes corporais e a importância das interações regulares e previsíveis com o ambiente para a gênese da confiança, o hábito é investigado a partir de autores da filosofia e da sociologia. Ressaltam-se os pressupostos comuns e os elementos de convergência entre diferentes teorias do hábito cujas descrições enfatizam sua base corpórea e contornam discussões tradicionais que reduzem sua definição às idéias de repetição e automatismo. Associando-se ao estabelecimento de um contexto seguro pela antecipação das conseqüências da ação, o hábito contribui para a adaptação flexível ao meio e se apresenta como o fundamento inicial da construção da confiança. Em seguida, a investigação se orienta para os mecanismos de reprodução e do exercício da confiança. Submetida às novas configurações funcionais do ambiente que acompanham o desenvolvimento da criança . a redução da segurança, o aumento da autonomia e a liberdade para correr riscos ., a reprodução da confiança reflete a incidência das ações agressivo-criativas no espaço transicional. Além da referência a psicanalistas que partilham os pressupostos centrais da teoria de Winnicott, a análise da confiança é enriquecida a partir das contribuições da psicologia do desenvolvimento atual. O trabalho explora ainda três conquistas no desenvolvimento descritas por Winnicott como relacionadas à confiança: estar só, não-integrar-se e a capacidade de doar.
This thesis is a retrospective qualitative study based on psychotherapy sessions with children presenting autistic features who use language in atypical ways. The aim was to understand, through the transferential relationship, what psychological context in terms of anxieties and defences prevents the child from using language efficiently. Hypotheses concerning children‘s use of language in the context of their emotional oscillation and evolution during the course of treatment were noted and checked against subsequent developments. They were also triangulated with the outcome of a grounded theory analysis. The grounded theory analysis led to the emergence of higher-level themes that were compared within and across cases and allowed factors surrounding the children‘s use of language to be conceptualized. The grounded theory method was used in parallel with the usual process of evaluation of the dynamics of each session and patient used by psychoanalysts a posteriori and which is part of the researcher‘s background. This procedure was enhanced by the use of Bion‘s Grid, here in a version adapted to the aims of the research. This approach is discussed in detail in the Methodology chapter. The psychoanalytic theoretical background that supported the research was mainly based on the tradition of Object-Relations Theory, particularly the evolution of Kleinian thinking represented by Bion‘s works, and as far as autism is concerned, by Frances Tustin and Donald Meltzer‘s formulations. Concerning the subject of language development, Meltzer‘s explorations on the necessary conditions for its development and the philosopher Wittgenstein‘s investigations on the social function of language were the main influences of this work. The evolution of the children‘s use of language in parallel with their emotional development in the context of their psychotherapies was analyzed and some hypotheses about the oscillations in their emotional and mental functioning were made. The oscillation in the children‘s emotional state, language use and thinking processes was also studied in terms of a general fluctuation between different mental states that was considered to be present in different degrees and quality in mental life and more strongly when there are limitations in communication skills and social interaction. A few excerpts from notes on adolescent and adult cases with autistic features were included in the Discussion Chapters to briefly illustrate this aspect.
La présente thèse avait pour objectif général d’alimenter la réflexion sur les troubles de la mentalisation et, en particulier, sur les phénomènes de pensée concrète. Nous avons d’abord procédé à une récapitulation synthétique des notions avancées par les principaux théoriciens qui ont travaillé sur cette question. Nous avons ainsi repris les travaux de Freud sur la névrose actuelle, de Marty et l’école de Paris sur le fonctionnement opératoire, de Nemiah, Sifneos, Taylor et leurs collègues américains qui ont proposé la notion d’alexithymie, et de Fonagy et Target sur la fonction réflexive. Nous avons ensuite développé l’hypothèse de l’existence d’une position (au sens de perspective et d’organisation expérientielle particulière) concrète, dont le fonctionnement serait antérieur à la position schizoparanoïde décrite par Klein. Notre compréhension s’est articulée autour de la notion de pulsion léthique, à partir d’une réflexion sur la pulsion de mort et des différentes propositions quant à sa nature et son fonctionnement (Freud, Green, Laplanche, Schmidt-Hellerau). Nous soulignons comme caractéristique de la pulsion léthique l’importance du phénomène de néantisation du sujet psychique, qui résulte en une situation d’absence ou de « sommeil endopsychique », au sein de la position concrète. Nous avons tenté d’articuler cette action interne au sein de l’expérience psychique afin de dresser un portrait qui saurait englober la complexité du fonctionnement mental humain, dans sa fluidité comme dans sa diversité. Nous avons exploré les impacts de traumatismes relationnels sur l’environnement interne et sur l’origine des pulsions. Nous avons ensuite illustré chacun des éléments structuraux (expérience, relations d’objet, défenses, angoisses) résultant d’un fonctionnement concret, en illustrant notre propos. Enfin, nous avons discuté de certains enjeux techniques et contre-transférentiels soulevés par le travail psychothérapeutique avec des sujets aux prises avec une pensée concrète.
Although the use of countertransference is a controversial topic and the debate on the participation of the analyst’s mind may go back to the old conception of aptness for the analytical task based on personality or psychological makeup, the fact is that the psychoanalyst’s education involves the elaboration of his unconscious conflicts, turning conscious the pathways of his desire and his symptoms through a process of personal analysis and a long theoretical and technical training in the field of psychoanalysis. This study is a literature review based on studies about the maternal function, which aims at showing the path of recovery of countertransference in psychoanalytic theory and technique and the implication of the analyst’s abilities in the analytical process. This development is tributary of the appreciation of maternal function as a model for interpersonal and therapeutic relationship in Psychoanalysis, due to the paradigm of object relations in the British psychoanalytic tradition, being Donald W. Winnicott and Wilfred R. Bion two of its main authors.
In this paper we present XSAMPL3D, a novel language for the high-level representation of actions performed on objects by (virtual) humans. XSAMPL3D was designed to serve as action representation language in an imitation-based approach to character animation: First, a human demonstrates a sequence of object manipulations in an immersive Virtual Reality (VR) environment. From this demonstration, an XSAMPL3D description is automatically derived that represents the actions in terms of high-level action types and involved objects. The XSAMPL3D action description can then be used for the synthesis of animations where virtual humans of different body sizes and proportions reproduce the demonstrated action. Actions are encoded in a compact and human-readable XML-format. Thus, XSAMPL3D describtions are also amenable to manual authoring, e.g. for rapid prototyping of animations when no immersive VR environment is at the animator's disposal. However, when XSAMPL3D descriptions are derived from VR interactions, they can accomodate many details of the demonstrated action, such as motion trajectiories,hand shapes and other hand-object relations during grasping. Such detail would be hard to specify with manual motion authoring techniques only. Through the inclusion of language features that allow the representation of all relevant aspects of demonstrated object manipulations, XSAMPL3D is a suitable action representation language for the imitation-based approach to character animation.