741 resultados para Oasis
In this paper we present the description of five new species of tetranychid mites collected in south Tunisian oasis areas. These are: Bryobia alveolata sp. nov., Aplonobia crispipilis sp. nov., Petrobia (Petrobia) carthagensis sp. nov., Petrobia (Petrobia) pseudotetranychina sp. nov. and Tetranychus (Tetranychus) atriplexi sp. nov. The notion of dorsal tubercles used to separate the sub-genera Tetranychina from Petrobia sensu stricto and Mesotetranychus among the genus Petrobia is also discussed.
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.
მოყვანილია წინასწარი კვლევების მონაცემები ჰაერის ექვივალენტური ეფექტური ტემპერატურის შესახებ საქართველოს ეროვნული ბოტანიკური ბაღის ტერიტორიაზე.
The organisation helps those with mental ill health and those suffering addiction. This is their second community-pharmacy project. The first focussed on men and this project will move on to work with women. Women who have been referred to Cloona Oasis have been through hardship. The Pharmacist will work with them to develop their confidence, explain their medication and break down barriers so that they can access other services.
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 60271
Au Pays du bleu. Biskra et les oasis environnantes, par l'abbé Jean Hurabielle,... (Septembre 1898.)