1000 resultados para OZONE EXPOSURE


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In this paper, we develop Bayesian hierarchical distributed lag models for estimating associations between daily variations in summer ozone levels and daily variations in cardiovascular and respiratory (CVDRESP) mortality counts for 19 U.S. large cities included in the National Morbidity Mortality Air Pollution Study (NMMAPS) for the period 1987 - 1994. At the first stage, we define a semi-parametric distributed lag Poisson regression model to estimate city-specific relative rates of CVDRESP associated with short-term exposure to summer ozone. At the second stage, we specify a class of distributions for the true city-specific relative rates to estimate an overall effect by taking into account the variability within and across cities. We perform the calculations with respect to several random effects distributions (normal, t-student, and mixture of normal), thus relaxing the common assumption of a two-stage normal-normal hierarchical model. We assess the sensitivity of the results to: 1) lag structure for ozone exposure; 2) degree of adjustment for long-term trends; 3) inclusion of other pollutants in the model;4) heat waves; 5) random effects distributions; and 6) prior hyperparameters. On average across cities, we found that a 10ppb increase in summer ozone level for every day in the previous week is associated with 1.25 percent increase in CVDRESP mortality (95% posterior regions: 0.47, 2.03). The relative rate estimates are also positive and statistically significant at lags 0, 1, and 2. We found that associations between summer ozone and CVDRESP mortality are sensitive to the confounding adjustment for PM_10, but are robust to: 1) the adjustment for long-term trends, other gaseous pollutants (NO_2, SO_2, and CO); 2) the distributional assumptions at the second stage of the hierarchical model; and 3) the prior distributions on all unknown parameters. Bayesian hierarchical distributed lag models and their application to the NMMAPS data allow us estimation of an acute health effect associated with exposure to ambient air pollution in the last few days on average across several locations. The application of these methods and the systematic assessment of the sensitivity of findings to model assumptions provide important epidemiological evidence for future air quality regulations.


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The approach developed by Fuhrer in 1995 to estimate wheat yield losses induced by ozone and modulated by the soil water content (SWC) was applied to the data on Catalonian wheat yields. The aim of our work was to apply this approach and adjust it to Mediterranean environmental conditions by means of the necessary corrections. The main objective pursued was to prove the importance of soil water availability in the estimation of relative wheat yield losses as a factor that modifies the effects of tropospheric ozone on wheat, and to develop the algorithms required for the estimation of relative yield losses, adapted to the Mediterranean environmental conditions. The results show that this is an easy way to estimate relative yield losses just using meteorological data, without using ozone fluxes, which are much more difficult to calculate. Soil water availability is very important as a modulating factor of the effects of ozone on wheat; when soil water availability decreases, almost twice the amount of accumulated exposure to ozone is required to induce the same percentage of yield loss as in years when soil water availability is high.


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Ozone (O3) phytototoxicity has been reported on a wide range of crops and wild Central European plantspecies, however no information has been provided regarding the sensitivity of plantspecies from dehesa Mediterranean therophytic grasslands in spite of their great plantspecies richness and the high O3 levels that are recorded in this area. A study was carried out in open-top chambers (OTCs) to assess the effects of O3 and competition on the reproductiveability of threecloverspecies: Trifolium cherleri, Trifolium subterraneum and Trifolium striatum. A phytometer approach was followed, therefore plants of these species were grown in mesoscosms composed of monocultures of four plants of each species, of threeplants of each species competing against a Briza maxima individual or of a single plant of each cloverspecies competing with threeB. maximaplants. Three O3 treatments were adopted: charcoal filtered air (CFA), non-filtered air (NFA) and non-filtered air supplemented with 40 nl l−1 of O3 (NFA+). The different mesocosms were exposed to the different O3 treatments for 45 days and then they remained in the open. Ozoneexposure caused reductions in the flower biomass of the threecloverspecies assessed. In the case of T. cherleri and T. subterraneum this effect was found following their exposure to the different O3 treatments during their vegetative period. An attenuation of these effects was found when the plants remained in the open. Ozone-induced detrimental effects on the seed output of T. striatum were also observed. The flower biomass of the cloverplants grown in monocultures was greater than when competing with one or threeB. maxima individuals. An increased flower biomass was found in the CFA monoculture mesocosms of T. cherleri when compared with the remaining mesocosms, once the plants were exposed in the open for 60 days. The implications of these effects on the performance of dehesa acid grasslands and for the definition of O3 critical levels is discussed


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Aims: To investigate the effect of the oxidative stress of ozone on the microbial inactivation, cell membrane integrity and permeability and morphology changes of Escherichia coli. Methods and Results: Escherichia coli BW 25113 and its isogenic mutants in soxR, soxS, oxyR, rpoS and dnaK genes were treated with ozone at a concentration of 6 lg ml)1 for a period up to 240 s. A significant effect of ozone exposure on microbial inactivation was observed. After ozonation, minor effects on the cell membrane integrity and permeability were observed, while scanning electron microscopy analysis showed slightly altered cell surface structure. Conclusions: The results of this study suggest that cell lysis was not the major mechanism of microbial inactivation. The deletion of oxidative stress–related genes resulted in increased susceptibility of E. coli cells to ozone treatment, implying that they play an important role for protection against the radicals produced by ozone. However, DnaK that has previously been shown to protect against oxidative stress did not protect against ozone treatment in this study. Furthermore, RpoS was important for the survival against ozone. Significance and Impact of the Study: This study provides important information about the role of oxidative stress in the responses of E. coli during ozonation.


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Hourly data (1994–2009) of surface ozone concentrations at eight monitoring sites have been investigated to assess target level and long–term objective exceedances and their trends. The European Union (EU) ozone target value for human health (60 ppb–maximum daily 8–hour running mean) has been exceeded for a number of years for almost all sites but never exceeded the set limit of 25 exceedances in one year. Second highest annual hourly and 4th highest annual 8–hourly mean ozone concentrations have shown a statistically significant negative trend for in–land sites of Cork–Glashaboy, Monaghan and Lough Navar and no significant trend for the Mace Head site. Peak afternoon ozone concentrations averaged over a three year period from 2007 to 2009 have been found to be lower than corresponding values over a three–year period from 1996 to 1998 for two sites: Cork–Glashaboy and Lough Navar sites. The EU long–term objective value of AOT40 (Accumulated Ozone Exposure over a threshold of 40 ppb) for protection of vegetation (3 ppm–hour, calculated from May to July) has been exceeded, on an individual year basis, for two sites: Mace Head and Valentia. The critical level for the protection of forest (10 ppm–hour from April to September) has not been exceeded for any site except at Valentia in the year 2003. AOT40–Vegetation shows a significant negative trend for a 3–year running average at Cork–Glashaboy (–0.13±0.02 ppm–hour per year), at Lough Navar (–0.05±0.02 ppm–hour per year) and at Monaghan (–0.03±0.03 ppm–hour per year–not statistically significant) sites. No statistically significant trend was observed for the coastal site of Mace head. Overall, with the exception of the Mace Head and Monaghan sites, ozone measurement records at Irish sites show a downward negative trend in peak values that affect human health and vegetation.


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While many time-series studies of ozone and daily mortality identified positive associations,others yielded null or inconclusive results. We performed a meta-analysis of 144 effect estimates from 39 time-series studies, and estimated pooled effects by lags, age groups,cause-specific mortality, and concentration metrics. We compared results to estimates from the National Morbidity, Mortality, and Air Pollution Study (NMMAPS), a time-series study of 95 large U.S. cities from 1987 to 2000. Both meta-analysis and NMMAPS results provided strong evidence of a short-term association between ozone and mortality, with larger effects for cardiovascular and respiratory mortality, the elderly, and current day ozone exposure as compared to other single day lags. In both analyses, results were not sensitive to adjustment for particulate matter and model specifications. In the meta-analysis we found that a 10 ppb increase in daily ozone is associated with a 0.83 (95% confidence interval: 0.53, 1.12%) increase in total mortality, whereas the corresponding NMMAPS estimate is 0.25%(0.12, 0.39%). Meta-analysis results were consistently larger than those from NMMAPS,indicating publication bias. Additional publication bias is evident regarding the choice of lags in time-series studies, and the larger heterogeneity in posterior city-specific estimates in the meta-analysis, as compared with NMAMPS.


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Outdoor environmental risk factors for asthma have been extensively researched, even though the majority of a person's daily activity occurs indoors. There is limited evidence linking personal exposure concentrations of ozone, pollen, mold, temperature, and humidity to childhood asthma. ^ The current study consisted of a secondary, more complex analysis of the data from the Houston Air Toxics and Asthma in Children (ATAC) Study to further investigate the association of personal ozone exposure on asthma outcome variability among middle school children with asthma. The ATAC Study primarily investigated the association between selected oxygenated air toxics and indicators of asthma variability (PEFR, FEV1, asthma symptoms, and rescue medication usage) among 30 labile and persistent Houston middle-school children with diagnosed asthma. This panel study used a repeated measurements design of four separate 10-day sampling periods that extended over a 20 month period. The secondary analysis included aggregate regression models that were constructed with two different estimates of ozone exposure (daily maximum hourly outdoor concentration and daily maximum hourly personal exposure), with three different estimates of personal environmental temperature and humidity exposures (daily average, intraday difference, and interday difference), and for thee different time periods [same day of exposure (lag 0), one day after initial exposure (lag 1), and two days after initial exposure (lag 2)]. ^ Overall, the models using daily maximum hourly personal ozone exposures in combination with intraday and interday personal temperature and humidity differences produced more significant plausible associations than models using daily maximum hourly personal ozone exposures with personal average temperature and humidity exposures. Significant associations were identified between daily maximum hourly personal ozone exposure and clinical indicators of asthma variability. The increasing effect on rescue medication usage from daily maximum hourly personal ozone exposure were identified as soon as the same day of exposure (lag 0; p=0.0072), and the same effects were delayed until the second next day (lag 2; p= 0.0026). The increasing effect on asthma symptoms were identified on the second next day after initial exposure (lag 2; p= 0.0024). There was a consistent inverse relationship between personal relative humidity exposure and indicators of asthma variability. Decreasing effects on daily FEV1 variability from personal relative humidity exposure were identified on the same day of exposure (lag 0; p= 0.034), increasing effects on morning PEFR were identified on the next day after initial exposure (lag 1; p= 0.0001), and decreasing effects on overnight PEFR variability were identified on the second next day after the initial exposure (lag 2; p= 0.007). With the conclusion of this research, there are opportunities for future similar studies in the preventive management of asthma in children living in high-ozone areas.^


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Studies have demonstrated a variable response to ozone among individuals and animal species and strains. For instance, C57BL/6J mice have a greater inflammatory response to ozone exposure than C3H/HeJ mice. In these studies, I utilized these strain differences in an effort to derive a mechanistic explanation to the variable strain sensitivity to ozone exposure. Therefore, alveolar macrophages (AM) from C57BL/6J and C3H/HeJ mice were exposed in vitro to hydrogen peroxide ($\rm H\sb2O\sb2$), heat and acetyl ceramide or in vivo to ozone. Necrosis and DNA fragmentation in macrophages from the two murine strains were determined to assess cytotoxicity following these treatments. In addition, synthesis and expression of the stress proteins, stress protein 72 (SP72) and heme oxygenase (HO-1), were examined following treatments. The in vitro experiments were conducted to eliminate the possibility of in vivo confounders (i.e., differences in breathing rates in the two strains) and thus directly implicate some inherent difference between cells from the two murine strains. $\rm H\sb2O\sb2$ and heat caused greater cytotoxicity in AM from C57BL/6J than C3H/HeJ mice and DNA fragmentation was a particularly sensitive indicator of cell injury. Similarly, AM from C57BL/6J mice were more sensitive to ozone exposure than cells from C3H/HeJ mice. Exposure to either 1 or 0.4 ppm ozone caused greater cytotoxicity in macrophages from C57BL/6J mice compared to macrophages from C3H/HeJ mice. The increased sensitivity of AM to injury was associated with decreased synthesis and expression of stress proteins. AM from C57BL/6J mice synthesized and expressed significantly less stress proteins in response to heat and ozone than AM from C3H/HeJ mice. Heat treatment resulted in greater synthesis and expression of SP72. In addition, macrophages from C57BL/6J mice expressed lower amounts of HO-1 than macrophages from C3H/HeJ mice following 0.4 ppm ozone exposure. Therefore, AM from C57BL/6J mice are more susceptible to oxidative injury than AM from C3H/HeJ mice which might be due to differential expression of stress proteins in these cells. ^


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A module to estimate risks of ozone damage to vegetation has been implemented in the Integrated Assessment Modelling system for the Iberian Peninsula. It was applied to compute three different indexes for wheat and Holm oak; daylight AOT40 (cumulative ozone concentration over 40 ppb), cumulative ozone exposure index according to the Directive 2008/50/EC (AOT40-D) and PODY (Phytotoxic Ozone Dose over a given threshold of Y nmol m−2 s−1). The use of these indexes led to remarkable differences in spatial patterns of relative ozone risks on vegetation. Ozone critical levels were exceeded in most of the modelling domain and soil moisture content was found to have a significant impact on the results. According to the outputs of the model, daylight AOT40 constitutes a more conservative index than the AOT40-D. Additionally, flux-based estimations indicate high risk areas in Portugal for both wheat and Holm oak that are not identified by AOT-based methods.


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Ozone is a major gaseous pollutant thought to contribute to forest decline. Although the physiological and morphological responses of forest trees to ozone have been well characterized, little is known about the molecular basis for these responses. Our studies compared the response to ozone of ozone-sensitive and ozone-tolerant clones of hybrid poplar (Populus maximowizii × Populus trichocarpa) at the physiological and molecular levels. Gas-exchange analyses demonstrated clear differences between the ozone-sensitive clone 388 and the ozone-tolerant clone 245. Although ozone induced a decrease in photosynthetic rate and stomatal conductance in both clones, the magnitude of the decrease in stomatal conductance was significantly greater in the ozone-tolerant clone. RNA-blot analysis established that ozone-induced mRNA levels for phenylalanine ammonia-lyase, O-methyltransferase, a pathogenesis-related protein, and a wound-inducible gene were significantly higher in the ozone-tolerant than in the ozone-sensitive plants. Wound- and pathogen-induced levels of these mRNAs were also higher in the ozone-tolerant compared with the ozone-sensitive plants. The different physiological and molecular responses to ozone exposure exhibited by clones 245 and 388 suggest that ozone tolerance involves the activation of salicylic-acid- and jasmonic-acid-mediated signaling pathways, which may be important in triggering defense responses against oxidative stress.


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Exposure of Arabidopsis thaliana to ozone results in the expression of a number of defense-related genes that are also induced during a hypersensitive response. A potential common link between the activation of defense gene expression during a hypersensitive response and by ozone treatment is the production of active oxygen species and the accumulation of hydrogen peroxide. Here we report that salicylic acid accumulation, which can be induced by hydrogen peroxide and is required for the expression of both a hypersensitive response and systemic acquired resistance, is also required for the induction of some, but not all, ozone-induced mRNAs examined. In addition, we show that ozone exposure triggers induced resistance of A. thaliana to infection with virulent phytopathogenic Pseudomonas syringae strains. Infection of transgenic plants expressing salicylate hydroxylase, which prevents the accumulation of salicylic acid, or npr1 mutant plants, which are defective in the expression of systemic acquired resistance at a step downstream of salicylic acid, demonstrated that the signaling pathway activated during ozone-induced resistance overlaps with the systemic acquired resistance activation pathway and is salicylic acid dependent. Interestingly, plants expressing salicylate hydroxylase exhibited increased sensitivity to ozone exposure. These results demonstrate that ozone activates at least two distinct signaling pathways, including a salicylic acid dependent pathway previously shown to be associated with the activation of pathogen defense reactions, and that this latter pathway also induces a protective response to ozone.