11 resultados para OSMUNDEA


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Two species of Osmundea Stackhouse (Rhodomelaceae, Rhodophyta) that occur in Atlantic Europe have been confused under the names Osmundea ramosissima (Oeder) Athanasiadis and Osmundea truncata (Kutzing) Nam et Maggs, regarded until now as a synonym of O. ramosissima, An epitype from its type locality (Stavanger, Norway) is selected for Osmundea ramosissima Athanasiadis, recognized here as a valid name for Fucus ramosissimus Oeder, nom. illeg. Details of vegetative and reproductive morphology of O. ramosissima are reported, based on material from France, the British Isles, and Helgoland. Osmundea ramosissima resembles other species of Osmundea in its vegetative axial segments with two pericentral cells and one trichoblast, spermatangial development from apical and epidermal cells (filament type), the formation of five pericentral cells in the procarp-bearing segment of the female trichoblast, and tetrasporangial production from random epidermal cells. Among the species of Osmundea, O. ramosissima is most similar to O. truncata. Both species have discoid holdfasts, secondary pit connections between epidermal cells, and cup-shaped spermatangial pits. They differ in that: (a) O. ramosissima lacks lenticular wail thickenings and refractive needle-like inclusions in medullary cells, both of which are present in O. truncata; (b) O. ramosissima has branched spermatangial filaments that terminate in a cluster of several cells, whereas in O. truncata the unbranched spermatangial filaments have a single large terminal sterile cell; and (c) cystocarps of O. ramosissima lack protuberant ostioles but ostioles are remarkably protuberant in o. truncata. Phylogenetic analyses of rbcL sequences of Laurencia obtusa (Hudson) Lamouroux and all five Atlantic European species of Osmundea, including the type species, strongly support the generic status of Osmundea. Osmundea ramosissima and O. truncata are closely related (5.2% sequence divergence) and form a well-supported clade sister to a clade consisting of O. pinnatifida (Hudson) Stack-house, O. osmunda Stackhouse and O. hybrida (A. P. de Candolle) Nam. The formation of secondary pit connections between epidermal cells is a synapomorphy for the O. ramosissima + O. truncata clade. The close relationship between species with cup-shaped spermatangial pits (Osmundea hybrida) and urn-shaped pits (Osmundea pinnatifida and Osmundea osmunda) shows that spermatangial pit shape is not an important phylogenetic character. Parsimony analysis of a morphological data set also supports the genus Osmundea but conflicts with the molecular trees in infrageneric relationships, placing O. hybrida basal within the Osmundea clade and grouping O. osmunda and O. pinnatifida but not O. truncata and O. ramosissima. A key to Osmundea species is presented.


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Vegetative and reproductive development of some European and Californian species of Laurencia Lamouroux (Ceramiales, Rhodophyta), L. obtusa (Hudson) Lamouroux, L. spectabilis Postels et Ruprecht, L. crispa Hollenberg, L. osmunda (S.G. Gmelin) Maggs et Hommersand, L. pinnatifida (Hudson) Lamouroux and L. truncata Kutzing, is investigated on the basis of liquid-preserved and herbarium specimens. The latter five species share several features, but they differ distinctly from L. obtusa, the lectotype of the genus, in essential anatomical characters of vegetative and male reproductive structures and tetrasporangial development. In these five species each vegetative axial segment produces two rather than four pericentral cells, and spermatangial branches (filaments) are produced in apical pits of branchlets from apical and epidermal cells rather than from trichoblasts arising from axial cells. The spermatangial branches are usually branched alternately and usually terminate in a cluster of several large sterile vesicular cells, rather than being branched dichotomously and terminating in a single, or occasionally a row of two, large sterile vesicular cells as in L. obtusa. Apical spermatangial pits of fertile male branchlets (except for those in L. truncata) are pocket- (or urn)-shaped, with an ostiole-like upper opening, rather than cup- (or bowl)-shaped. In these five species tetrasporangia are produced laterally from random epidermal cells rather than abaxially from particular pericentral cells (the third and fourth ones) as in L. obtusa, and the two presporangial cover cells are aligned parallel rather than transverse to the stichidial axis in surface view. These important differences strongly suggest that L. spectabilis, L. crispa, L. osmunda, L. pinnatifida and L. truncata occupy a phylogenetically different position from L. obtusa, and lead to the conclusion that the genus Osmundea Stackhouse, which was based on 0. expansa Stackhouse, nom. illeg. (= Laurencia osmunda) and which has been a nomen rejiciendum as an earlier facultative synonym of Laurencia, should be resurrected. Emendations of the generic criteria of Laurencia and Osmundea are proposed here, and relevant nomenclatural changes for several Laurencia species are also included.


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The genus Osmundea is a strongly supported monophyletic group within the Laurencia complex and shows a disjunct distribution occurring in the North-East and South-West Pacific, the Indian and Atlantic oceans and the Mediterranean Sea. Its phenotypic plasticity on the Canary Islands may be the result of the high ecological variability partially due to the particular oceanographic characteristics in this region. The combination of molecular analyses based on the comparison of the chloroplast-encoded rbcL sequences and morphological data allowed us to delimit three distinct taxa from the coasts of the Canarian Archipelago: Osmundea pinnatifida, Osmundea truncata and an unidentified species, Osmundea sp. Moreover, the high value of genetic divergence between Osmundea sp. and the rest of the Osmundea species suggests that this taxon should be assigned to a new species within the Osmundea genus. Occurrence of O. hybrida and O. oederi (synonym: O. ramosissima) has not been confirmed. Our results also suggest a possibly questionable record of the taxa O. hybrida and O. oederi on the Canary Islands.


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Laurencia marilzae Gil-Rodriguez, Senties & MT Fujii is recorded for the first time for the tropical western Atlantic Ocean, occurring in Isla Mujeres, Quintana Roo, Mexican Caribbean. The specimens were collected in November 2008 and June 2009, growing epilithically in the lower intertidal zone on moderately exposed rocky shores. This species is characterized by its distinctive yellow-orange color in the natural environment, four pericentral cells per vegetative axial segment, the presence of secondary pit-connections between adjacent cortical cells, which are markedly projecting at the apices, and by the presence of one ""corp en cerise"" per cell in all cells of the thallus: cortical, medullary, including pericentral and axial cells, and trichoblasts. Morphological similarities and molecular data support the determination of this material as L. marilzae. The present study expands the geographical distribution of L. marilzae to the Caribbean Sea in the tropical Western Atlantic Ocean.


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Morphological and molecular studies were carried out on Palisada papillosa and P. perforata from the Canary Islands (type locality of P. perforata), Mexico and Brazil. The two species have been distinguished by features of their external morphology such as size and degree of compactness of the thalli, presence or absence of arcuate branches, branching pattern and basal system. A detailed morphological comparison between these taxa showed that none of the vegetative anatomical or reproductive characters was sufficient to separate these species. The presence or absence of cortical cells in a palisade-like arrangement, also previously used to. distinguish these species, is not applicable. The species present all characters typical of the genus, and both share production of the first pericentral cell underneath the basal cell of the trichoblast, production of two fertile pericentral cells (the second and the third additional, the first remaining sterile), spermatangial branches produced from one of two laterals on the suprabasal cell of trichoblasts, and the procarpbearing segment with four pericentral cells. Details of the procarp are described for the species for the first time. The phylogenetic position of these species was inferred by analysis of the chloroplast-encoded rbcL gene sequences from 39 taxa, using one other Rhodomelacean taxon and two Ceramiaceae as outgroups. Relationships within the clade formed by P. papillosa and P. perforata have not been resolved due to the low level of genetic variation in their rbcL sequences (0-0.4%). Considering this and the morphological similarities, we conclude that P. papillosa is a taxonomic synonym of P. perforata. The phylogenetic analyses also supported the nomenclatural transfer of two species of Chondrophycus to Palisada, namely, P. patentiramea (Montagne) Cassano, Senties, Gil-Rodriguez & M.T. Fujii comb. nov. and P. thuyoides (Kutzing) Cassano, Senties, Gil-Rodriguez & M.T. Fujii comb. nov.


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Currently, five genera are assigned to red seaweeds of the Laurencia complex worldwide: Chondrophycus, Laurencia s.s., Osmundea, Palisada and Yuzurua. The genera are segregated on the basis of morphological characters, especially the reproductive traits, and molecular sequences of the plastid-encoded gene rbcL. Four of the genera have been resolved as monophyletic, but not Laurencia s.s. In this study based on an rbcL gene phylogeny we show the presence of a sixth lineage within the Laurencia complex, viz., Laurencia marilzae plus two unidentified species of Laurencia from Brazil. The phylogenetic position of this group, combined with the high genetic divergence from Laurencia s.s. (8.2-11%), strongly support the establishment of a sixth genus for the complex, proposed here as Laurenciella gen. nov. This new taxon differs from Laurencia s.s. and from the other genera of the complex by molecular sequence data, but is indistinguishable from Laurencia s.s. by the usual morphological features.


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Morphological and molecular studies have been performed on Laurencia dendroidea derived from Brazil and the Canary Islands. This species possesses all of the characters that are typical of the genus Laurencia, including the production of the first pericentral cell underneath the basal cell of the trichoblast; the production of tetrasporangia from particular pericentral cells without the formation of additional fertile pericentral cells; spermatangial branches that are produced from one of two laterals on the suprabasal cell of the trichoblasts; and a procarp-bearing segment that possesses five pericentral cells. The phylogenetic position of L. dendroidea was inferred by analysing the chloroplast-encoded rbcL gene sequences of 51 taxa. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that the taxa previously identified and cited in Brazil as Laurencia filiformis, L. majuscula and L. obtusa and in the Canary Islands as L. majuscula all represent the same taxonomic entity and examination of type material allowed us to identify this entity as L. dendroidea, whose type locality is in Brazil. Laurencia obtusa from the Northern Atlantic is confirmed to represent a distinct species, which displays high genetic divergence with respect to western and eastern Atlantic samples. The phylogenetic analyses also supported the nomenclatural transfer of Chondrophycus furcatus (Cordeiro-Marino & M. T. Fujii) M. T. Fujii & Senties to Palisada furcata (Cordeiro-Marino & M. T. Fujii) Cassano & M. T. Fujii comb. nov.


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We performed morphological and molecular studies of Laurencia catarinensis from the Canary Islands. This species has an entangled habit, cushion-like tuft formation, cortical cell walls, slightly to markedly projecting near the apex, and lacking lenticular thickenings in medullary cells. We inferred its phylogenetic position by analyzing the chloroplast-encoded rbcL gene sequences from 41 samples. The results demonstrate that specimens of L. catarinensis from the Canary Islands, where it is referred to as L. intricata, and those from Brazil (including specimens from the type locality in Santa Catarina) form a monophyletic clade with low genetic divergence (0-0.9%). In contrast, specimens of L. intricata from the type locality in Cuba, Mexico, and the USA were clearly distinct from L. catarinensis collected in Brazil and the Canary Islands, as shown by high genetic divergence values (4.9-5.7%). The type material of L. catarinensis from Brazil allowed us to identify all samples from the Canarian Archipelago as L. catarinensis. These findings expand the known geographical distribution of L. catarinensis to the eastern Atlantic Ocean and demonstrate an amphi-Atlantic distribution of the species.


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The Laje de Santos Marine State Park (LSMSP), located in southeastern Brazil, is the only marine park in Sao Paulo State. This conservation unit has been established as a protected area of high biological diversity. Despite its importance for the conservation of the marine biota, little is known about the park's seaweed flora. The objectives of this study were as follows: to furnish increased knowledge of the composition of the macroalgae in the Park area; to relate the area's macroalgal composition to the presence of an important water mass in the region, the South Atlantic Central Water (SACW); and to investigate the possible influence of the Port of Santos on the composition of the macroalgae of the LSMSP. This study registered 31 new records for the LSMSP, 11 for Sao Paulo State, four for Brazil, one for the western Atlantic and one for the South Atlantic Ocean, in addition to the possible occurrence of one new species of Osmundea (Rhodomelaceae) and one new genus belonging to Ceramiaceae. The taxonomic composition of the macroalgae had a direct correlation with the arrival of the SACW in the summer-fall season. The SACW generated a strong thermocline and increased the supply of nutrients in the water column. Hydrodynamic and dispersion modeling analyses suggested that the Port of Santos influenced the composition of the LSMSP phycoflora.


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The Laje de Santos Marine State Park (LSMSP), located in southeastern Brazil, is the only marine park in São Paulo State. This conservation unit has been established as a protected area of high biological diversity. Despite its importance for the conservation of the marine biota, little is known about the park's seaweed flora. The objectives of this study were as follows: to furnish increased knowledge of the composition of the macroalgae in the Park area; to relate the area's macroalgal composition to the presence of an important water mass in the region, the South Atlantic Central Water (SACW); and to investigate the possible influence of the Port of Santos on the composition of the macroalgae of the LSMSP. This study registered 31 new records for the LSMSP, 11 for São Paulo State, four for Brazil, one for the western Atlantic and one for the South Atlantic Ocean, in addition to the possible occurrence of one new species of Osmundea (Rhodomelaceae) and one new genus belonging to Ceramiaceae. The taxonomic composition of the macroalgae had a direct correlation with the arrival of the SACW in the summer-fall season. The SACW generated a strong thermocline and increased the supply of nutrients in the water column. Hydrodynamic and dispersion modeling analyses suggested that the Port of Santos influenced the composition of the LSMSP phycoflora.