37 resultados para ORIUS INSIDIOSUS


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Generalist predators are capable of consuming different types of prey, and as each prey may have distinct nutritional values, each may have a distinct impact on the biology of the predator. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine how the consumption of different prey influences certain biological characteristics and the predatory capacity of Orius insidiosus (Say). The investigation was performed in climatic chamber at 25 ±1 ºC, RH 70 ± 10% and fotophase 12. Eggs of Anagasta kuehniella (Zeller), adults of Caliothrips phaseoli (Hood) and nymphs of Aphis gossypii Glover were used as prey and were provided daily ad libitum for all the mobile stages of the predator. The results showed that biological parameters of O. insidiosus are affected differently depending on the type of prey ingested. The development time of the nymphal stage was 13.1, 11.23 and 10.25 days for O. insidiosus feeding on eggs of A. kuehniella, nymphs of A. gossypii and adults of C. phaseoli, respectively. Longevity was five times larger for adults fed on eggs of A. kuehniella (56.25 days) compared to that of adults that preyed on nymphs of A. gossypii (11.44 days), and four times larger when the prey were adults of C. phaseoli (13.58 days). The consumption of eggs of A. kuehniella by predator females resulted in a shorter pre-oviposition period (3.2 days) and a longer oviposition period (44.4 days) when compared to the consumption of other types of prey. In addition, fecundity was increased with the consumption of eggs of A. kuehniella (195.25 eggs laid / female) when compared to feeding on the other prey, C. phaseoli (70.00 eggs laid / female) or A. gossypii (22.50 eggs laid / female). However, the consumption of aphids was larger (148.28 nymphs/ nymphal stage) than that of thrips (74.10 thrips / nymphal stage) or eggs of A. kuehniella (37.03 eggs /nymphal stage) for all of the nymphal stages of the predator. The results indicate that the eggs of A. kuehniella are the type of prey best suited for rearing this predator insect under laboratory conditions. Also fecundity was better with this prey even though the predator consumed during its nymphal stage a lesser quantity of eggs compared to the other prey.


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Effect of ninfal density of Aphis gossypii Glover, 1877 (Hemiptera, Aphididae) on feed consumption and biological aspects of Orius insidiosus (Say, 1832) (Hemiptera, Anthocoridae). The influence of different densities of A. gossypii (10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 nymphs/day) on consumption rate, development time, survival, and reproduction of Orius insidiosus (Say, 1832) was investigated. The trials were carried out in climatic chamber at 25 ± 1 °C, 70±10% RH, and photoperiod 12:12h (L:D). Consumption rates of nymphs and adults increased under a linear form as the densities of aphids increased. Development time was longest when reared in 10 nymphs density (15.4 days). Nymphal survival was different under the densities of A. gossypii and no significant difference for the periods of preoviposition (4.8 days) and oviposition (8.9 days) were found. The oviposition increased with the prey densities (2.00, 11.33, 10.67, 21.30, 17.89 and 53.38 eggs), as well as the viability: 0.00, 52.49, 57.86, 58.14, 50.11 and 72.89%, respectively. Nymphs of A. gossypii as prey were suitable for the complete development of O. insidiosus.


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The minute pirate bugs, Orius spp., are known as predators on several pests as thrips, aphids, spider mites and whiteflies. Orius insidiosus is an important thrips predator, commercially used around the world. However, one of the main problems on biological control of thrips in temperate regions is the occurrence of reproductive diapause in Orius species. This characteristic promotes the interruption of biological control strategies when predators are exposed to short photoperiods. This research had as objective to evaluate the influence of different photoperiod conditions on eggs/nymphs and adults of O. insidiosus in laboratory. The trials were carried out through the combination of eggs/nymphs and adults reared under the photoperiods 10L:14D; 11L:13D; 12L:12D and 13L:11D, at 25±2ºC and 70±10% RH. The predators were maintained during their pre-imaginal development time under one of the photoperiods and, after being emerged as adults transferred to another photoperiod regime. The predator had a tendency to present longer development time under photoperiod 13L:11D. There was no influence of the different photoperiods conditions on the reproduction of O. insidiosus. The females laid eggs normally during all their lifetime. O. insidiosus is not sensitive to photoperiod evaluated and do not enter in reproductive diapause.


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A temperatura exerce grande influência no desenvolvimento dos insetos e o conhecimento desse aspecto é essencial para subsidiar o uso de inimigos naturais como agentes de controle biológico, bem como para a sua criação massal. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito de diferentes temperaturas no desenvolvimento de Orius insidiosus (Say, 1832), bem como as suas exigências térmicas. O experimento foi conduzido em câmaras climáticas, a 16, 19, 22, 25, 28 e 31±1°C; UR de 70±10% e fotofase de 12 horas. Como alimento foram utilizados ovos de Anagasta kuehniella (Zeller, 1879). O período embrionário foi de 14,0; 8,9; 6,6; 4,8; 3,9 e 3,3 dias nas temperaturas de 16, 19, 22, 25, 28 e 31°C, respectivamente. Ninfas de todos os instares (independente do sexo que deram origem) foram influenciadas pela temperatura quanto ao seu desenvolvimento, com redução nesse período com o aumento da temperatura. Machos e fêmeas, na temperatura de 25°C, apresentaram um período de desenvolvimento em torno de 12 dias. A temperatura base da fase de ovo foi de 11,78°C e a da fase ninfal foi de 12,27°C e de 13,03°C, para machos e fêmeas, respectivamente. A constante térmica para a fase de ovo foi de 63,75 e para a fase de ninfa de 161,97 e 157,24 graus-dia, para machos e fêmeas, respectivamente. A temperatura de 25°C foi a mais adequada para o desenvolvimento de O. insidiosus.


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Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o desenvolvimento e o consumo de Orius insidiosus (Say, 1832) tendo Aphis gossypii Glover, 1877 como presa, bem como seu comportamento de oviposição em duas cultivares de crisântemo. O experimento foi conduzido em câmara climática a 25 ± 1ºC, UR 70 ± 10% e fotofase de 12 horas. Ninfas do predador com até 24 horas de idade foram colocadas individualmente em placas de petri (5 cm) contendo 20 ninfas de A. gossypii (1º, 2º e 3º ínstares), as quais estavam posicionadas sobre disco foliar (4 cm) de cada cultivar ('White Reagan' e'Yellow Snowdon') em camada de ágar-água . Na avaliação da oviposição foram utilizados pecíolos de cada cultivar como substrato de oviposição e ovos de Anagasta kuehniella (Zeller, 1879) como alimento. O predador completou seu desenvolvimento alimentando-se somente de A. gossypii presente em ambas as cultivares. A duração da fase ninfal de O. insidiosus foi de 21,1 e 18,3 dias, em 'White Reagan' e 'Yellow Snowdon', respectivamente. O consumo de A. gossypii por fêmeas foi maior (P<0,01) em 'White Reagan' (2,63 ninfas), comparado a 'Yellow Snowdon' (0,7 ninfas). Fêmeas de O. insidiosus ovipositaram em pecíolos das cultivares, com 22,5 e 23,3 ovos/fêmea em 'White Reagan' e 'Yellow Snowdon', respectivamente. Liberações de O. insidiosus em cultivos de crisântemo podem auxiliar na diminuição da população de A. gossypii, uma vez que o predador completa o seu desenvolvimento tendo este inseto como presa e as cultivares de crisântemo oferecem condições para colonização e estabelecimento de O. insidiosus.


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Avaliação de substratos de oviposição para Orius insidiosus (Say) (Hemiptera, Anthocoridae). Fêmeas do predador O. insidiosus usam tecidos de plantas para colocação de seus ovos, o que caracteriza a oviposição endofítica. Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar diferentes substratos de oviposição para este predador. O estudo foi conduzido em sala climatizada a 25 ± 2ºC, UR de 70 ± 10% e fotofase de 12 horas. Os substratos de oviposição utilizados foram brotos de feijão (Phaselus vulgaris L.), brotos de soja [Glycine max (L.) Merr.], brotos de batata (Solanum tuberosum L.), vagem de feijão (Phaselus vulgaris L.) e inflorescências de picão-preto (Bidens pilosa L.). Foram avaliados os números médio diário e total de ovos por um período de 15 dias, o número de adultos vivos em cada recipiente e a viabilidade na produção dos adultos. Todos os substratos testados foram aceitos pelas fêmeas. Entretanto, foi observado um número significativamente maior de ovos de O. insidiosus em brotos de feijão (4,3 ovos por dia) e brotos de soja (3,9 ovos por dia), comparado aos demais substratos avaliados. As menores (p< 0,05) viabilidades na produção de adultos de O. insidiosus (75,1 e 71,7%) foram verificadas a partir dos ovos colocados em brotos de batata e vagem de feijão, respectivamente. Brotos de feijão e brotos de soja foram adequados para a utilização na criação de O. insidiosus em laboratório, com vantagens de poderem ser produzidos durante todo o ano sem necessitar de grandes áreas para isso, reduzindo assim os custos e o trabalho com a sua obtenção e preparo para uso no sistema de criação do predador. Esses resultados poderão auxiliar na criação massal de O. insidiosus em laboratório, visando à liberação do mesmo em programas de controle biológico de tripes.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar o custo de produção por indivíduo do predador Orius insidiosus (Say), levando-se em consideração um modelo de criação em laboratório. Nos cálculos, considerou-se uma produção de 33.000 percevejos mês-1, dos quais 14,5% foram para manutenção da criação e o restante, ou seja, 28.272 indivíduos, para comercialização. Os preços dos materiais e equipamentos utilizados na criação foram cotados em dólares americanos na proporção de R$ 2,84 por US$ 1,00. O custo estimado de cada percevejo predador foi da ordem de US$ 0,069, levando-se em consideração custos fixos e variáveis. Este custo é um parâmetro decisivo na criação massal de Orius insidiosus e em sua utilização como agente de controle em programas de controle biológico de tripes.


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Orius insidiosus (SAY, 1832) is an important predator for biological pest control programs. The objective of this work was to evaluate the functional response, predation capacity and reproductive aspects of O. insidiosus when predating 1, 5, 10, 15, and 20 third/fourth instar nymphs of Aphis gossypii. The tests were conducted under laboratory conditions. Females of the predator were individually maintained in Petri dishes with a cotton leaf at each one of the aphid densities. The average rate of predation was of 0.93 [plus or minus] 0.13, 3.58 [plus or minus] 0.80, 7.31 [plus or minus] 1.45, 7.40 [plus or minus] 1.16, and 10.54 [plus or minus] 1.84 at the densities of 1, 5, 10, 15, and 20 aphids, respectively. The results showed an attack rate of 0.10 h-1 and 1.82 h of manipulation time. The predator spent 3.10 to 4.08 h feeding on leaf cotton glands; this behavior was not directly influenced by the prey density. The proportion of egg laying per female grew up to the density of 10 nymphs whereas the number of eggs per laying increased with the number of available preys.


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The objective of this research was to determine the survival, reproduction and predaceous capacity of Orius insidiosus on cotton aphid Aphis gossypii. Cotton plants of Antares, CNPA7H and Acala 90 cultivars (respectively, without tricome, medium tricome density and high tricome density) were individualized and infested with 15 third/fourth instar nymphs of A. gossypii, and then first-instar nymphs of O. insidiosus were released on the plants. The evaluations were made daily, quantifying survival and nymphal development; the number of cotton aphids A. gossypii per day and total; the number of eggs and the population of the predator (number of insects by female); and the conversion efficiency of A. gossypii predaceous. The nymphal development did not differ according to the cotton cultivars. The Antares cultivar favored a higher daily predation rate for the 1st, 2nd and 4th instars and adults of O. insidiosus. The number of eggs and nymphs was smaller when O. insidiosus females were confined on the Acala 90 cultivar. According to the predation rate of O. insidiosus, the efficiency of alimentary conversion was determined for the Antares, CNPA7H and Acala 90 cultivars, being respectively, 4.28, 3.00 and 2.75 cotton aphid predation for each egg of the predator.


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The life table parameters were studied for Orius insidiosus on the three cotton plant cultivars Antares, CNPA7H and Acala 90 (respectively, without tricome, medium tricome density and high tricome density). This study showed that the type of cultivar can strongly influence the life-table parameters. The intrinsic rate (rm) was 0.088 (on Antares), 0.081 (CNPA7H) and 0.079 (on Acala 90), which was expected as these differences were also observed for development time, survival, fecundity and longevity on the cultivars. The reproductive rate (Ro) was 18.53 on the Antares cultivar, but showed less difference for CNPA7H (12.26) and Acala 90 (12.95). The development time was 33.9, 30.62 and 32.13 days for Antares, CNPA7H and Acala 90, respectively. The age-specific survival was similar until the 12th day. Maximum survival was 60 days on the Antares cultivar. Females usually began to oviposit after 16 days on the Antares cultivar and the after 19 days day on CNPA7H and Acala 90.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the biology of Orius insidiosus fed on eggs of Plutella xylostella and Anagasta kuehniella. The eggs used were obtained from the Laboratorio de Biologia e Criacao de Insetos, Departamento de Fitossanidade, FCAV/UNESP. The experiment was carried out with a total of 50 12-to-24-hour-old O. insidiosus nymphs, 1 per Petri dish (50 replications). P. xylostella or A. kuehniella eggs were places into each Petri dish daily, along with a small cotton pad moistened with distilled water. The evaluations were carried out daily. The adults were separated in couples, and placed in Petri dishes. The following biological aspects were evaluated: duration, survival rate and consumption of the nymph instars and of the nymph period; longevity of males and females; consumption per day and adult longevity; eggs per day; female fecundity; egg viability; embryonic period; preoviposition period, oviposition period, post-oviposition period. The fertility life table parameters were also evaluated. The predator O. insidiosus did not present significant differences for its biological characteristics, when feeding on P. xylostella and A. kuehniella eggs, however it showed improved fertility life table parameters when fedo n eggs of P. xylostella, suggesting the possibility of using these eggs in the mass rearing of this insect.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)