969 resultados para ORGAN PRESERVATION
OBJECTIVE: To assess the presence of microorganism contamination in the preservation solution for transplant organs (kidney/pancreas). Method: Between August 2007 and March 2008, 136 samples of preservation solution were studied prior to graft implantation. Variables related to the donor and to the presence of microorganisms in the preservation solution of organs were evaluated, after which the contamination was evaluated in relation to the recipient culture variable. Univariate and multivariate statistical analyses were performed. RESULTS: The contamination rate of the preservation solution was 27.9%. Coagulase-negative Staphylococcus was the most frequently isolated microorganism. However, highly virulent agents, such as fungi and enterobacteria, were also isolated. In univariate analysis, the variable donor antibiotic use was significantly associated to the contamination of the preservation solution. on the other hand, multivariate analysis found statistical significance in donor antibiotic use and donor's infectious complications variables. CONCLUSIONS: In this study, 27.9% of the preservation solutions of transplant organs were contaminated. Infectious diseases and non-use of antibiotics by the donor were significantly related to the presence of microorganisms in organ preservation solutions. Contamination in organ preservation solutions was not associated with infection in the recipient.
Objective: The present study was performed to investigate the influence of different routes of perfusion on the distribution of the preservation solutions in the lung parenchyma and upper airways. Methods: Pigs were divided into four groups: control (n = 6), pulmonary artery (PA) (n = 6), simultaneous PA + bronchial artery (BA) (n = 8), and retrograde delivery (n = 6). After preparation and cannulation, cardioplegia solution and Euro- Collins solution (ECS) for lung preservation were given simultaneously. After removal of the heart, the double lung bloc was harvested. Following parameters were assessed: total and regional perfusion (dye-labeled microspheres), tissue water content, PA, aorta, left atrial and left ventricular pressures, cardiac output and lung temperature. Results: Our data show that flow of the ECS in lung parenchyma did not reach control values (9.4 ± 1.0 ml/min per g lung wet weight) regardless of the route of delivery (PA 6.3 ± 1.5, PA + BA 4.8 ± 0.9, retrograde 2.7 ± 0.9 ml/min per g lung wet weight). However, flow in the proximal and distal trachea were significantly increased by PA + BA delivery (0.970 ± 0.4, respectively, 0.380 ± 0.2 ml/min per g) in comparison with PA (0.023 ± 0.007, respectively, 0.024 ± 0.070 ml/min per g), retrograde (0.009 ± 0.003, respectively, 0.021 ± 0.006 ml/min per g) and control experiments (0.125 ± 0.0018, respectively, 0.105 ± 0.012 ml/g per min). Similarly the highest flow rates in the right main bronchus were achieved by PA + BA delivery (1.04 ± 0.4 ml/min per g) in comparison with 0.11 ± 0.03 in control, 0.033 ± 0.008 in PA, and 0.019 ± 0.005 ml/min per g in retrograde group. Flows in the left main bronchus were 0.09 ± 0.02 ml/min per g in control, 0.045 ± 0.012 ml/min per g in PA, and 0.027 ± 0.006 ml/min per g in retrograde group. The flow rates were significantly (P = 0.001) increased by PA + BA delivery of the storage solution (0.97 ± 0.3 ml/min per g). Conclusions: Our data show that the distribution of ECS for lung preservation is significantly improved in airway tissues (trachea and bronchi) if a simultaneous PA + BA delivery is used.
OBJECTIVE: This study evaluated the performance of lungs that were preserved with different solutions (Celsior, Perfadex or saline) in an ex vivo rat lung perfusion system. METHODS: Sixty Wistar rats were anesthetized, anticoagulated and randomized into three groups (n = 20). The rats were subjected to antegrade perfusion via the pulmonary artery with Perfadex, Celsior, or saline, followed by 6 or 12 hours of ischemia (4 degrees C, n = 10 in each group). Respiratory mechanics, gas exchange and hemodynamics were measured at 10-minute intervals during the reperfusion of heart-lung blocks in an ex vivo system (IL2-Isolated Perfused Rat or Guinea Pig Lung System, Harvard Apparatus, Holliston, Massachusetts, USA; Hugo Sachs Elektronik, Germany) for 60 minutes. The lungs were prepared for histopathology and evaluated for edema following reperfusion. Group comparisons were performed using ANOVA and the Kruskal-Wallis test with a 5% level of significance. RESULTS: Gas exchange was not significantly different between lungs perfused with either Perfadex or Celsior at the same ischemic times, but it was very low in lungs that were preserved with saline. Airway resistance was greater in the lungs that were preserved for 12 hours. Celsior lungs that were preserved for 6 and 12 hours exhibited lower airway resistance (p = 0.01) compared to Perfadex lungs. Pulmonary artery pressure was not different between the groups, and no significant differences in histopathology and apoptosis were observed between the groups. CONCLUSIONS: Lungs that were preserved with Celsior or Perfadex exhibited similar gas exchange and histopathological findings. Airway resistance was slightly lower in the Celsior-preserved lungs compared with the Perfadex-preserved lungs.
OBJECTIVE: Experimental studies on lung preservation have always been performed using animal models. We present ex vivo lung perfusion as a new model for the study of lung preservation. Using human lungs instead of animal models may bring the results of experimental studies closer to what could be expected in clinical practice. METHOD: Brain-dead donors whose lungs had been declined by transplantation teams were used. The cases were randomized into two groups. In Group 1, Perfadex (R) was used for pulmonary preservation, and in Group 2, LPDnac, a solution manufactured in Brazil, was used. An ex vivo lung perfusion system was used, and the lungs were ventilated and perfused after 10 hours of cold ischemia. The extent of ischemic-reperfusion injury was measured using functional and histological parameters. RESULTS: After reperfusion, the mean oxygenation capacity was 405.3 mmHg in Group 1 and 406.0 mmHg in Group 2 (p=0.98). The mean pulmonary vascular resistance values were 697.6 and 378.3 dyn.s.cm(-5), respectively (p=0.035). The mean pulmonary compliance was 46.8 cm H2O in Group 1 and 49.3 ml/cm H2O in Group 2 (p=0.816). The mean wet/dry weight ratios were 2.06 and 2.02, respectively (p=0.87). The mean Lung Injury Scores for the biopsy performed after reperfusion were 4.37 and 4.37 in Groups 1 and 2, respectively (p=1.0), and the apoptotic cell counts were 118.75/mm(2) and 137.50/mm(2), respectively (p=0.71). CONCLUSION: The locally produced preservation solution proved to be as good as Perfadex (R). The clinical use of LPDnac may reduce costs in our centers. Therefore, it is important to develop new models to study lung preservation.
In recent years, there is a growing body of evidence that the University of Wisconsin (UW) solution offers many advantages in organ preservation with regard to preservation quality and time. We, therefore, conducted the first European prospective, randomized, clinical trial comparing myocardial performance after preservation with UW and St. Thomas Hospital (ST) solution. Preliminary results indicated superior heart function after preservation with UW solution.
En análisis retrospectivo evaluamos 91 pacientes llevados a cirugía cardiaca entre 2013 y 2014 en la Fundación Cardioinfantil, en quienes se administro Custodiol, analizando los niveles de sodio y osmolalidad plasmática efectiva antes, durante y después del procedimiento quirúrgico. Nosotros evaluamos la relación entre administración de Custodiol y cambios en el sodio y osmolalidad plasmática del paciente llevado a cirugía cardiaca.
Do Largo das Mercês à Praça Visconde do Rio Branco: um estudo de gestão do patrimônio Histórico em Belém do Pará, 1941-2011, propõe a realização de uma análise da gestão dos órgãos de preservação à nível municipal, estadual e federal na cidade de Belém, a partir de um estudo sobre a praça e entorno imediato, verificando as condições de caracterização e de conservação deste conjunto arquitetônico, urbanístico e paisagístico, desde a década de 1940 até os dias atuais. A linguagem visual desta dissertação também ajuda na observação das alterações ocorridas na praça e nos imóveis que a delimitam, posto que a imagem fotográfica constitui-se em importante instrumento de investigação histórica, para identificar novos objetos e novos problemas, além de indicar aqueles que permanecem ao longo dos anos. Pretende-se analisar alguns dos projetos já desenvolvidos para a área, com base nos respectivos tombamentos existentes no Centro Histórico da cidade. Espera-se, dessa forma, poder verificar e analisar as ações de proteção realizadas pelos órgãos responsáveis pela salvaguarda do patrimônio cultural, verificando se existe compatibilidade de critérios e de ações. Este estudo procura, também, diagnosticar os problemas atuais da praça e ressaltar a importância de sua manutenção, para a memória histórica e arquitetônica de Belém.
Head and neck cancer (HNC) is the sixth most common human malignancy worldwide. The main forms of treatment for HNC are surgery, radiotherapy (RT) and chemotherapy (CT). However, the choice of therapy depends on the tumor staging and approaches, which are aimed at organ preservation. Because of systemic RT and CT genotoxicity, one of the important side effects is a secondary cancer that can result from the activity of radiation and antineoplastic drugs on healthy cells. Ionizing radiation can affect the DNA, causing single and double-strand breaks, DNA-protein crosslinks and oxidative damage. The severity of radiotoxicity can be directly associated with the radiation dosimetry and the dose-volume differences. Regarding CT, cisplatin is still the standard protocol for the treatment of squamous cell carcinoma, the most common cancer located in the oral cavity. However, simultaneous treatment with cisplatin, bleomycin and 5-fluorouracil or treatment with paclitaxel and cisplatin are also used. These drugs can interact with the DNA, causing DNA crosslinks, double and single-strand breaks and changes in gene expression. Currently, the late effects of therapy have become a recurring problem, mainly due to the increased survival of HNC patients. Herein, we present an update of the systemic activity of RT and CT for HNC, with a focus on their toxicogenetic and toxicogenomic effects.
OBJETIVO: Comparar os achados histopatológicos e de apoptose em pulmões de ratos preservados em soluções low-potassium dextran (LPD, baixo potássio dextrana), histidine-tryptophan-ketoglutarate (HTK, histidina-triptofano-cetoglutarato) ou salina normal (SN) em 6 h e 12 h de isquemia pela utilização de um modelo experimental de perfusão pulmonar ex vivo. MÉTODOS: Sessenta ratos Wistar foram anestesiados, randomizados e submetidos à perfusão anterógrada pela artéria pulmonar com uma das soluções preservadoras. Após a extração, os blocos cardiopulmonares foram preservados por 6 ou 12 h a 4ºC, sendo então reperfundidos com sangue homólogo em um sistema de perfusão ex vivo durante 60 min. Ao final da reperfusão, fragmentos do lobo médio foram extraídos e processados para histopatologia, sendo avaliados os seguintes parâmetros: congestão, edema alveolar, hemorragia alveolar, hemorragia, infiltrado inflamatório e infiltrado intersticial. O grau de apoptose foi avaliado pelo método TdT-mediated dUTP nick end labeling. RESULTADOS: A histopatologia demonstrou que todos os pulmões preservados com SN apresentaram edema alveolar após 12 h de isquemia. Não houve diferenças em relação ao grau de apoptose nos grupos estudados. CONCLUSÕES: No presente estudo, os achados histopatológicos e de apoptose foram semelhantes com o uso das soluções LPD e HTK, enquanto a presença de edema foi significativamente maior com o uso de SN.
O transplante pulmonar consolidou-se como a melhor opção terapêutica para diversas pneumopatias terminais. O baixo número de doadores viáveis ainda persiste como uma grande limitação ao aumento do número de transplantes de pulmão, causando alta mortalidade na lista de espera. Diferentemente do transplante de outros órgãos sólidos, a maior limitação do transplante pulmonar não é o número absoluto de doadores e sim a viabilidade desses órgãos, que é reduzida devido às agressões ao pulmão ocasionadas pela morte encefálica e aos cuidados na UTI. Diversas são as propostas para o aumento do número de doadores: intensificação das campanhas de doação, o uso de doadores com coração parado, transplante pulmonar lobar intervivos e maior flexibilidade dos critérios para aceitação de doadores de pulmão. Todavia, a proposta que atrai a atenção de diversos grupos de transplante pulmonar é a perfusão pulmonar ex vivo, principalmente pela perspectiva de recuperação de pulmões inicialmente descartados. Esse sistema consiste na reperfusão e ventilação do bloco pulmonar isolado em um circuito de circulação extracorpórea modificado. Devido aos bons resultados apresentados e à perspectiva de aumento no número de órgãos aptos a transplante, diversos grupos têm estudado a técnica. Pesquisadores na Suécia, Canadá, Áustria, Inglaterra, Espanha e Brasil já possuem experiência sólida com o método e introduziram algumas variações. O objetivo deste artigo foi revisar o desenvolvimento, o estado da arte e as perspectivas futuras do modelo ex vivo de perfusão e recondicionamento pulmonar.
Traditionally, ice-binding proteins (IBPs), also known as antifreeze proteins (AFPs), have been defined by two universal activities: ice recrystallization inhibition and thermal hysteresis. However, there remains the possibility IBPs have other complementary functions given the diversity found within this protein group. This thesis explores some of these in both natural and applied settings, in the hopes of furthering our understanding of this remarkable group of proteins. Plant IBPs could function as part of a defensive strategy against ice nucleators produced by certain pathogens. To assess this hypothesis, recombinant IBPs from perennial ryegrass and purple false brome were combined with the ice nucleation protein (INP) from the plant pathogen, Pseudomonas syringae. Strikingly, the plant proteins depressed the freezing point of the bacterial INP, while a fish AFP could not, nor did the INPs have any effect on IBP activity. Thus, the interaction between these two different proteins suggests a role in plant defensive strategies against pathogenic bacteria as another IBP function. In addition, the potential use of hyperactive insect IBPs in organ preservation was investigated. Current kidney preservation techniques involve storing the organ at 4 °C for a maximum of 24 h prior to transplantation. Extending this “safe” time would have profound effects on renal transplants, however, ischemic injury is prevalent when storage periods are prolonged. Experiments described here allowed subzero preservation for 72 h with the addition of a beetle IBP to CryoStasis® solution. Kidneys stored using the traditional technique for 24 h and the method developed here for 72 h showed similar levels of biomarker enzymes, underscoring the potential utility of insect IBPs for future transplant purposes. Finally, IBP function in the freeze-tolerant gall fly, Eurosta solidaginis, was examined. Larvae representing the mid-autumn stage displayed ice-binding activity, suggesting an IBP is being expressed, possibly as a protective measure against freezing damage when fall temperatures can unpredictably drop. IBP activity was also observed in the larvae’s host plant, Solidago spp. Mass spectrometry analysis of ice-affinity purified plant extracts provided three candidate pathogenesis-related proteins that could be responsible for the detected activity, further demonstrating additional functions of IBPs.
Design and analysis of conceptually different cooling systems for the human heart preservation are numerically investigated. A heart cooling container with required connections was designed for a normal size human heart. A three-dimensional, high resolution human heart geometric model obtained from CT-angio data was used for simulations. Nine different cooling designs are introduced in this research. The first cooling design (Case 1) used a cooling gelatin only outside of the heart. In the second cooling design (Case 2), the internal parts of the heart were cooled via pumping a cooling liquid inside both the heart’s pulmonary and systemic circulation systems. An unsteady conjugate heat transfer analysis is performed to simulate the temperature field variations within the heart during the cooling process. Case 3 simulated the currently used cooling method in which the coolant is stagnant. Case 4 was a combination of Case 1 and Case 2. A linear thermoelasticity analysis was performed to assess the stresses applied on the heart during the cooling process. In Cases 5 through 9, the coolant solution was used for both internal and external cooling. For external circulation in Case 5 and Case 6, two inlets and two outlets were designed on the walls of the cooling container. Case 5 used laminar flows for coolant circulations inside and outside of the heart. Effects of turbulent flow on cooling of the heart were studied in Case 6. In Case 7, an additional inlet was designed on the cooling container wall to create a jet impinging the hot region of the heart’s wall. Unsteady periodic inlet velocities were applied in Case 8 and Case 9. The average temperature of the heart in Case 5 was +5.0oC after 1500 s of cooling. Multi-objective constrained optimization was performed for Case 5. Inlet velocities for two internal and one external coolant circulations were the three design variables for optimization. Minimizing the average temperature of the heart, wall shear stress and total volumetric flow rates were the three objectives. The only constraint was to keep von Mises stress below the ultimate tensile stress of the heart’s tissue.
Traditionally, ice-binding proteins (IBPs), also known as antifreeze proteins (AFPs), have been defined by two universal activities: ice recrystallization inhibition and thermal hysteresis. However, there remains the possibility IBPs have other complementary functions given the diversity found within this protein group. This thesis explores some of these in both natural and applied settings, in the hopes of furthering our understanding of this remarkable group of proteins. Plant IBPs could function as part of a defensive strategy against ice nucleators produced by certain pathogens. To assess this hypothesis, recombinant IBPs from perennial ryegrass and purple false brome were combined with the ice nucleation protein (INP) from the plant pathogen, Pseudomonas syringae. Strikingly, the plant proteins depressed the freezing point of the bacterial INP, while a fish AFP could not, nor did the INPs have any effect on IBP activity. Thus, the interaction between these two different proteins suggests a role in plant defensive strategies against pathogenic bacteria as another IBP function. In addition, the potential use of hyperactive insect IBPs in organ preservation was investigated. Current kidney preservation techniques involve storing the organ at 4 °C for a maximum of 24 h prior to transplantation. Extending this “safe” time would have profound effects on renal transplants, however, ischemic injury is prevalent when storage periods are prolonged. Experiments described here allowed subzero preservation for 72 h with the addition of a beetle IBP to CryoStasis® solution. Kidneys stored using the traditional technique for 24 h and the method developed here for 72 h showed similar levels of biomarker enzymes, underscoring the potential utility of insect IBPs for future transplant purposes. Finally, IBP function in the freeze-tolerant gall fly, Eurosta solidaginis, was examined. Larvae representing the mid-autumn stage displayed ice-binding activity, suggesting an IBP is being expressed, possibly as a protective measure against freezing damage when fall temperatures can unpredictably drop. IBP activity was also observed in the larvae’s host plant, Solidago spp. Mass spectrometry analysis of ice-affinity purified plant extracts provided three candidate pathogenesis-related proteins that could be responsible for the detected activity, further demonstrating additional functions of IBPs.
Alginate encapsulation is a simple and cost-effective technique to preserve plant germplasm but there are only a few reports available on preservation of encapsulated explants of two highly valuable groups of tropical trees, the eucalypts (Myrtaceae) and mahoganies (Meliaceae). This study investigated alginate encapsulation for preservation of the eucalypt hybrid, Corymbia torelliana × C. citriodora, and the African mahogany, Khaya senegalensis. We assessed shoot regrowth of encapsulated shoot tips and nodes after storage for 0, 3, 6 and 12 months on media varying in sucrose and nutrient content, under storage conditions of 14°C and zero-irradiance. Encapsulated explants of both trees were preserved most effectively on high-nutrient (half-strength Murashige and Skoog) medium containing 1% sucrose, which provided very high frequencies of shoot regrowth (92–100% for Corymbia and 71–98% for Khaya) and excellent shoot development after 12 months’ storage. This technique provides an extremely efficient means for storage and exchange of eucalypts and mahoganies, ideally suited for incorporation into plant breeding and germplasm conservation programs.