264 resultados para OPHTALMOLOGIE
Les résultats préliminaires de trois essais cliniques de thérapie génique d'une forme agressive de rétinite pigmentaire (l'amaurose congénitale de Leber) ont prouvé que le traitement des maladies dégénératives de la rétine par transfert de gène peut être sûr et efficace pour rétablir une fonction visuelle. Il faudra encore attendre les résultats à long terme de ces études pour que soit définitivement validée cette approche thérapeutique. Dans l'intervalle, il importe de se préparer à son introduction en ophtalmologie de façon à la rendre accessible à nos malades. Pratiquement cela revient à promouvoir: 1) le recrutement; 2) la caractérisation du phénotype et du génotype des sujets atteints et 3) la constitution d'un registre des rétinopathies héréditaires. Recently, preliminary results of three clinical gene therapy trials for early onset retinitis pigmentosa--Leber congenital amaurosis--suggested that treating this degenerative retinal disease by gene transfection can be safe and efficient to restore a visual function. The definitive validation of this therapeutic approach depends on the long-term results. The forthcoming availability of gene therapy in ophthalmology prompts the implementation: of 1) recruitment, 2) phenotyping and genotyping of affected patients, 3) and creation of a hereditary retinopathy registry.
La rétinopathie diabétique touche un nombre croissant de personnes, soit quatre millions en Europe, ce chiffre va probablement doubler d'ici 2030. Si l'on considère que 25-30% de ces patients sont atteints de rétinopathie diabétique, un dépistage et un traitement précoce permettent d'éviter les complications oculaires sévères telles que l'oedème maculaire cystoïde où la rétinopathie diabétique proliférative. Un résumé des dernières données de la littérature ophtalmologique est présenté en insistant sur le rôle de l'anti-VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) et des implants intravitréens de corticostéroïdes pour une pathologie oculaire récemment classée dans les pathologies inflammatoires. Diabetic retinopathy affects an increasing number of persons, about 4 millions in Europe, a number that will probably double until 2030. If we consider that 25-30% of patients are affected by diabetic retinopathy, an ophthalmologic screening and early therapy will allow a better visual prognosis and avoid severe ocular complications such as diabetic macular edema and proliferative diabetic retinopathy. A summary of current ophthalmologic literature was performed and was focused on the role of anti-VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor) therapies and intraocular drug delivery of corticosteroids in a pathology that was recently classified in inflammatory pathologies.
2013 has been the year of publications of large multicentric studies defining the modalities of different anti-VEGF and corticoid implants for the treatment of retinal diseases. The real innovation has been the growing use of iPS cells in the field of ophthalmology opening new hopes for the treatment of incurable blinding diseases.
Cataract surgery is the most frequent surgery performed in the world. Modernization of cataract surgery is a continuous process and recent technological progress have enlarged the spectrum of treatable refractive errors, improved safety of surgery, speed of visual recovery and reduction of complications rate. Thus, during the last years, refractive intraocular lenses such as toric and multifocal IOLS have been introduced in practice, as well as torsional phacoemulsification and corneal microincision. For endophthalmitis prophylaxis, modern management includes intracameral injection of antibiotics. The future of cataract surgery is probably to replace phacoemulsification surgery by laser surgery, which is safer and more reproducible.
Mild to moderate forms of orbitopathy are common in auto-immune thyroid diseases, whereas severe forms are rare. Euthyroidism restoration, no smoking, and ocular local lubricants are necessary for all the patients. In case of mild orbitopathy, treatment by selenium is now indicated. Active forms of thyroid orbitopathy are better treated by IV steroids. Surgery is indicated in optic neuropathy resistant to steroids and in sequellar forms of the disease.
The most important recent advance in the treatment of neovascular age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is the development of antivascular endothelial growth factor (anti-VEGF) therapeutic agents that preserve and improve visual acuity by arresting choroidal neovascular growth and reducing vascular permeability. Two anti-VEGF agents, ranibizumab and pegaptanib sodium, are currently approved by Swissmedic for the treatment of neovascular AMD. A third anti-VEGF agent, bevacizumab, is currently used as an off label treatment option for exsudative AMD. Other anti-VEGF agent strategies that have shown efficacy include among others, small interfering RNA agents to silence the VEGF gene and receptor and the fusion protein VEGF trap. Anti-VEGF therapies have been used successfully in the clinic, encouraging their use in the treatment of other neovascular and exudative eye diseases.
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Excerpta medica
Nouvelle série, tome 1, 1937- Archives d'ophtalmologie (memoires) ... Revue géneral d'ophtalmologie (Analyses)