41 resultados para OPEC
Today, crude oil remains a vital resource all around the world. This non-renewable resource powers countries worldwide. Besides serving as an energy source, crude oil is also the most important component for different world economies, especially in developing countries. Ecuador, a small member of the OPEC oil cartel, presents a case where its economy is oil dependent. A great percentage of the country¿s GDP and government¿s budget comes from oil revenues. Ecuador has always been a primary exporter of raw materials. In the last centuries, the country experienced three important economic booms: cacao, bananas, and, ultimately, crude oil. In this sense, the country has not been able to fully industrialize and begin to export manufactured goods, i.e., Ecuador suffers from the Dutch disease. The latter has deterred Ecuador from achieving broad-based economic development. Given crude oil¿s importance for the Ecuadorian economy, the government has always tried to influence the oil industry in search of profits and benefits. Therefore, this thesis, explores the question: how and to what extent have political interventions affected the oil industry in Ecuador from 1990 until March 2014? In general, this thesis establishes an economic history context during the last twenty-four years, attempting to research how political interventions have shaped Ecuador¿s oil industry and economy. In the analysis, it covers a period where political instability prevailed, until Rafael Correa became president. The thesis examines Ecuador¿s participation in OPEC, trying to find explanations as to why the country voluntarily left the organization in 1992, only to rejoin in 2007 when Correa rose to power. During the ¿Revolución Ciudadana¿ period, the thesis researches reforms to the Law of Hydrocarbons, variations in the relations with other nations, the controversy surrounding the YasunÃ-ITT oil block, and the ¿RefinerÃa del PacÃfico¿ construction. The thesis is an Industrial Organization detailed case study that analyzes, updates, and evaluates the intersection of economics and politics in Ecuador¿s crude oil industry during the last 24 years. In this sense I have consulted past theses, newspaper articles, books, and other published data about the petroleum industry, both from a global and Ecuadorian perspective. In addition to published sources, I was able to interview sociologists, public figures, history and economics academics, and other experts, accessing unique unpublished data about Ecuador¿s oil industry. I made an effort to collect information that shows the private and public side of the industry, i.e., from government-related and independent sources. I attempted to remain as objective as possible to make conclusions about the appropriate Industrial Organization policy for Ecuador¿s oil industry, addressing the issue from an economic, social, political, and environmental point of view. I found how Ecuador¿s political instability caused public policy to fail, molding the conduct and market structure of the crude oil industry. Throughout history, developed nations have benefited from low oil prices, but things shifted since oil prices began to rise, which is more beneficial for the developing nations that actually possess and produce the raw material. Nevertheless, Ecuador, a victim of the Dutch disease due to its heavy reliance on crude oil as a primary product, has not achieved broad-based development.
This paper tests whether the higher oil prices fo the last decade could have been the result of producer collusion. We find little evidence that OPEC influenced oil prices during the years of skyrocketing prices (1974-1980), but there is evidence that it did so during the recent years of softening prices (1981-1983).
"ER 76-10370."
Caption title.
Mode of access: Internet.
"ER 79-10145."
Mode of access: Internet.
Despite its economic significance, competition law still remains fragmented, lacking an international framework allowing for dispute settlement. This, together with the growing importance of non-free-market economies in world trade require us to re-consider and re-evaluate the possibilities of bringing an antitrust suit against a foreign state. If the level playing field on the global marketplace is to be achieved, the possibility of hiding behind the bulwark of state sovereignty should be minimised. States should not be free to act in an anti-competitive way, but at present the legal framework seems ill-equipped to handle such challenges.
This paper deals with the defences available in litigation concerning transnational anti-competitive agreements involving or implicating foreign states. Four important legal doctrines are analysed: non-justiciability (political question doctrine), state immunity, act of state doctrine and foreign state compulsion. The paper addresses also the general problem of applicability of competition laws to a foreign state as such. This is a tale about repetitive unsuccessful efforts to sue OPEC and recent attempts in the US to deal with export cartels of Chinese state-owned enterprises
Una radiografía especializada del escenario internacional mostraría ya la existencia de una red compleja de múltiples y sorprendentes interconexiones entre territorios, distritos y provincias de los más insospechados lugares del mundo, que sostienen contactos de naturaleza comercial o cultural, por decir lo menos, y que van conformando nuevas asociaciones que modifican el mapa de las relaciones internacionales y las hacen más dinámicas y cercanas a la ciudadanía. En el seno de la Unión Europea, lo mismo que en países como Chile, Brasil, Canadá, México y Argentina, se pueden hallar vínculos directos entre regiones que intercambian no sólo bienes, sino que comparten experiencias y conocimientos, al tiempo que fortalecen buenas prácticas de beneficio recíproco con ánimo de sostenibilidad en el largo plazo. En Colombia, el desarrollo de actividades de carácter internacional por parte de las entidades territoriales está adquiriendo fuerza y dinámica propia. Progresivamente, los Departamentos y sus principales ciudades se suman a la tendencia de concebir una política que les permita proyectar una imagen internacional claramente definida acerca de las oportunidades de inversión, comercio y apertura de mercados que ofrecen tanto su territorio como su sociedad y su comunidad empresarial. Sin embargo, ante las proporciones y posibilidades del fenómeno, los gobiernos y demás protagonistas de la vida local y regional enfrentan todavía múltiples desafíos en su propósito de internacionalización.Si bien se destinan presupuesto y recursos humanos para avanzar en el tema, falta mucho por hacer en la concepción y desarrollo de estrategias refinadas que permitan visualizar propósitos y posibles resultados de las acciones emprendidas. Y sin perjuicio de que en ciertos casos se avizoren perspectivas de éxito, en otros, como es apenas natural en los momentos iniciales de procesos de esta naturaleza, un cierto grado de desorientación llega a nublar un panorama que de todas maneras se puede despejar si se trabaja con profesionalismo y conocimiento. Un estudio desarrollado por el Observatorio de Política Exterior Colombiana (OPEC) de la Universidad del Rosario, sobre las iniciativas regionales y/o locales en materia de inserción internacional, comprueba que aunque los Gobiernos municipales o departamentales están incorporando en sus planes y programas cierto tipo de actividades de esta naturaleza, es necesario profundizar en los procesos de planeación con alto contenido estratégico y prospectivo, ya que sólo así podrán capitalizar su enorme potencial y las oportunidades que el entorno les ofrece. Lo mismo que es imprescindible conocer y utilizar adecuadamente los instrumentos de implementación que requiere una estrategia de internacionalización. Este fascículo ofrece una serie de reflexiones acerca del proceso de inserción internacional de algunas de nuestras ciudades y regiones, sus oportunidades, y algunas herramientas que podrían permitir a los gestores de política pública, asesores y actores involucrados, avanzar hacia una estrategia de inserción internacional efectiva y pertinente a las necesidades de sus entidades territoriales.