978 resultados para ODOR-SENSING SYSTEM
This work discusses the use of optical flow to generate the sensorial information a mobile robot needs to react to the presence of obstacles when navigating in a non-structured environment. A sensing system based on optical flow and time-to-collision calculation is here proposed and experimented, which accomplishes two important paradigms. The first one is that all computations are performed onboard the robot, in spite of the limited computational capability available. The second one is that the algorithms for optical flow and time-to-collision calculations are fast enough to give the mobile robot the capability of reacting to any environmental change in real-time. Results of real experiments in which the sensing system here proposed is used as the only source of sensorial data to guide a mobile robot to avoid obstacles while wandering around are presented, and the analysis of such results allows validating the proposed sensing system.
Um dos principais objetivos da ciência é perceber a natureza, i.e., descobrir e explicar o funcionamento do mundo que nos rodeia. Para tal, os cientistas precisam de coligir dados e monitorar o meio ambiente. Em particular, considerando que cerca de 70% da Terra é coberta por água, a coleta de parâmetros de caracterização da água de grandes superfícies é uma prioridade. A monitorização das condições da água é feita principalmente através de bóias. No entanto, as bóias disponíveis no mercado não satisfazem as necessidades existentes. Esta é uma das principais razões que levaram o Laboratório de Sistemas Autónomos (LSA) do Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto a lançarem um projeto para o desenvolvimento de uma bóia reconfigurável e com dois modos de funcionamento: monitorização ambiental e baliza ativa de regata. O segundo modo é destinado a regatas de veleiros autónomos. O projeto começou há um ano com um projeto do European Project Project [1] (EPS), realizado por quatro estudantes internacionais, destinado à construção da estrutura da bóia e à selecção dos componentes mais adequados para o sistema de medição e controlo. A arquitetura que foi definida para este sistema é do tipo mestre-escravo e é composta por uma unidade de controlo mestre para a telemetria e configuração e uma unidade de controlo escrava para a medição e armazenamento de dados. O desenvolvimento do projeto continuou com dois estudantes belgas que trabalharam na comunicação e no armazenamento de dados. Este projeto, que prossegue com o desenvolvimento da medição e do armazenamento de dados do lado da unidade de controlo escrava, tem os seguintes objetivos: (i ) implementar o protocolo de comunicação na unidade de controlo escrava; (ii ) coligir e armazenar os dados dos sensores no cartão SD em tempo real; (iii ) fornecer dados em tempo útil; e (iv) recuperar dados do cartão SD em tempo diferido. As contribuições anteriores foram estudadas e foi feito um levantamento dos projetos congéneres existentes. O desenvolvimento do projeto atual começou com o protocolo de comunicação. Este protocolo, que foi projetado pelos alunos anteriores, foi um bom ponto de partida. No entanto, o protocolo foi atualizado e melhorado com novas funcionalidades. Esta última componente foi um trabalho conjunto com Laurens Allart, que esteve a trabalhar no subsistema de telemetria e de configuração durante este semestre. O protocolo foi implementado do lado da unidade de controlo escrava através de uma estrutura de múltiplas actividades paralelas (multithreaded). Esta estrutura recebe as mensagens da unidade mestre, executa as ações solicitadas e envia de volta o resultado. A bóia é um dispositivo reconfigurável multimodo que pode ser expandido com novos modos de operação no futuro. Infelizmente, sofre de algumas limitações: suporta uma carga máxima de 40 kg e tem uma área de implantação limitada pela distância máxima à estacão base.
Report for the scientific sojourn carried out at the l’ Institute for Computational Molecular Science of the Temple University, United States, from 2010 to 2012. Two-component systems (TCS) are used by pathogenic bacteria to sense the environment within a host and activate mechanisms related to virulence and antimicrobial resistance. A prototypical example is the PhoQ/PhoP system, which is the major regulator of virulence in Salmonella. Hence, PhoQ is an attractive target for the design of new antibiotics against foodborne diseases. Inhibition of the PhoQ-mediated bacterial virulence does not result in growth inhibition, presenting less selective pressure for the generation of antibiotic resistance. Moreover, PhoQ is a histidine kinase (HK) and it is absent in animals. Nevertheless, the design of satisfactory HK inhibitors has been proven to be a challenge. To compete with the intracellular ATP concentrations, the affinity of a HK inhibidor must be in the micromolar-nanomolar range, whereas the current lead compounds have at best millimolar affinities. Moreover, the drug selectivity depends on the conformation of a highly variable loop, referred to as the “ATP-lid, which is difficult to study by X-Ray crystallography due to its flexibility. I have investigated the binding of different HK inhibitors to PhoQ. In particular, all-atom molecular dynamics simulations have been combined with enhanced sampling techniques in order to provide structural and dynamic information of the conformation of the ATP-lid. Transient interactions between these drugs and the ATP-lid have been identified and the free energy of the different binding modes has been estimated. The results obtained pinpoint the importance of protein flexibility in the HK-inhibitor binding, and constitute a first step in developing more potent and selective drugs. The computational resources of the hosting institution as well as the experience of the members of the group in drug binding and free energy methods have been crucial to carry out this work.
This paper details the design of an autonomous helicopter control system using a low cost sensor suite. Control is maintained using simple nested PID loops. Aircraft attitude, velocity, and height is estimated using an in-house designed IMU and vision system. Information is combined using complimentary filtering. The aircraft is shown to be stabilised and responding to high level demands on all axes, including heading, height, lateral velocity and longitudinal velocity.
A potential low cost novel sensing scheme for monitoring absolute strain is demonstrated. The scheme utilizes a synthetic heterodyne interrogation technique working in conjunction with a linearly chirped, sinusoidally tapered, apodized Bragg grating sensor. The interrogation technique is relatively simple to implement in terms of the required optics and the peripheral electronics. This scheme generates an output signal that has a quasi-linear response to absolute strain with a static strain resolution of ~±20 με and an operating range of ~1000 με.
This thesis described the research carried out on the development of a novel hardwired tactile sensing system tailored for the application of a next generation of surgical robotic and clinical devices, namely a steerable endoscope with tactile feedback, and a surface plate for patient posture and balance. Two case studies are examined. The first is a one-dimensional sensor for the steerable endoscope retrieving shape and ‘touch’ information. The second is a two-dimensional surface which interprets the three-dimensional motion of a contacting moving load. This research can be used to retrieve information from a distributive tactile sensing surface of a different configuration, and can interpret dynamic and static disturbances. This novel approach to sensing has the potential to discriminate contact and palpation in minimal invasive surgery (MIS) tools, and posture and balance in patients. The hardwired technology uses an embedded system based on Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) as the platform to perform the sensory signal processing part in real time. High speed robust operation is an advantage from this system leading to versatile application involving dynamic real time interpretation as described in this research. In this research the sensory signal processing uses neural networks to derive information from input pattern from the contacting surface. Three neural network architectures namely single, multiple and cascaded were introduced in an attempt to find the optimum solution for discrimination of the contacting outputs. These architectures were modelled and implemented into the FPGA. With the recent introduction of modern digital design flows and synthesis tools that essentially take a high-level sensory processing behaviour specification for a design, fast prototyping of the neural network function can be achieved easily. This thesis outlines the challenge of the implementations and verifications of the performances.
This research develops a low cost remote sensing system for use in agricultural applications. The important features of the system are that it monitors the near infrared and it incorporates position and attitude measuring equipment allowing for geo-rectified images to be produced without the use of ground control points. The equipment is designed to be hand held and hence requires no structural modification to the aircraft. The portable remote sensing system consists of an inertia measurement unit (IMU), which is accelerometer based, a low-cost GPS device and a small format false colour composite digital camera. The total cost of producing such a system is below GBP 3000, which is far cheaper than equivalent existing systems. The design of the portable remote sensing device has eliminated bore sight misalignment errors from the direct geo-referencing process. A new processing technique has been introduced for the data obtained from these low-cost devices, and it is found that using this technique the image can be matched (overlaid) onto Ordnance Survey Master Maps at an accuracy compatible with precision agriculture requirements. The direct geo-referencing has also been improved by introducing an algorithm capable of correcting oblique images directly. This algorithm alters the pixels value, hence it is advised that image analysis is performed before image georectification. The drawback of this research is that the low-cost GPS device experienced bad checksum errors, which resulted in missing data. The Wide Area Augmented System (WAAS) correction could not be employed because the satellites could not be locked onto whilst flying. The best GPS data were obtained from the Garmin eTrex (15 m kinematic and 2 m static) instruments which have a highsensitivity receiver with good lock on capability. The limitation of this GPS device is the inability to effectively receive the P-Code wavelength, which is needed to gain the best accuracy when undertaking differential GPS processing. Pairing the carrier phase L1 with the pseudorange C/A-Code received, in order to determine the image coordinates by the differential technique, is still under investigation. To improve the position accuracy, it is recommended that a GPS base station should be established near the survey area, instead of using a permanent GPS base station established by the Ordnance Survey.
This paper introduces a revolutionary way to interrogate optical fiber sensors based on fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) and to integrate the necessary driving optoelectronic components with the sensor elements. Low-cost optoelectronic chips are used to interrogate the optical fibers, creating a portable dynamic sensing system as an alternative for the traditionally bulky and expensive fiber sensor interrogation units. The possibility to embed these laser and detector chips is demonstrated resulting in an ultra thin flexible optoelectronic package of only 40 µm, provided with an integrated planar fiber pigtail. The result is a fully embedded flexible sensing system with a thickness of only 1 mm, based on a single Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Laser (VCSEL), fiber sensor and photodetector chip. Temperature, strain and electrodynamic shaking tests have been performed on our system, not limited to static read-out measurements but dynamically reconstructing full spectral information datasets.
This paper introduces a revolutionary way to interrogate optical fiber sensors based on fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) and to integrate the necessary driving optoelectronic components with the sensor elements. Low-cost optoelectronic chips are used to interrogate the optical fibers, creating a portable dynamic sensing system as an alternative for the traditionally bulky and expensive fiber sensor interrogation units. The possibility to embed these laser and detector chips is demonstrated resulting in an ultra thin flexible optoelectronic package of only 40 µm, provided with an integrated planar fiber pigtail. The result is a fully embedded flexible sensing system with a thickness of only 1 mm, based on a single Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Laser (VCSEL), fiber sensor and photodetector chip. Temperature, strain and electrodynamic shaking tests have been performed on our system, not limited to static read-out measurements but dynamically reconstructing full spectral information datasets.
A distributed fiber sensing system based on ultraweak FBGs (UWFBGs) assisted polarization optical time-domain reflectometry (POTDR) is proposed for load and vibration sensing with improved signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and sensitivity. UWFBGs with reflectivity higher than Rayleigh scattering coefficient per pulse are induced into a POTDR system to increase the intensity of the back signal. The performance improvement of the system has been studied. The numerical analysis has shown that the SNR and sensitivity of the system can be effectively improved by integrating UWFBGs along the whole sensing fiber, which has been clearly proven by the experiment. The experimental results have shown that by using UWFBGs with 1.1 x 10-5 reflectivity and 10-m interval distance, the SNR is improved by 11 dB, and the load and vibration sensitivities of the POTDR are improved by about 10.7 and 9 dB, respectively.
We report a refractive index (RI) and liquid level sensing system based on a hybrid grating structure comprising of a 45° and an 81° tilted fiber gratings (TFGs) that have been inscribed into a single mode fiber in series. In this structure, the 45°-TFG is used as a polarizer to filter out the transverse electric (TE) component and enable the 81°-TFG operating at single polarization for RI and level sensing. The experiment results show a lower temperature cross-sensitivity, only about 7.33 pm/°C, and a higher RI sensitivity, being around 180 nm/RIU at RI=1.345 and 926 nm/RIU at RI=1.412 region, which are significantly improved in comparison with long period fiber gratings. The hybrid grating structure has also been applied as a liquid level sensor, showing 3.06 dB/mm linear peak ratio sensitivity.
We report a distributed multifunctional fiber sensing network based on weak-fiber Bragg gratings (WFBGs) and long period fiber grating (LPG) assisted OTDR system. The WFBGs are applied for temperature, strain, and vibration monitoring at key position, and the LPG is used as a linear filter in the system to convert the wavelength shift of WFBGs caused by environmental change into the power change. The simulation results show that it is possible to integrate more than 4472 WFBGs in the system when the reflectivity of WFBGs is less than {10}^{-5}. Besides, the back-Rayleigh scattering along the whole fiber can also be detected which makes distributed bend sensing possible. As an experimental demonstration, we have used three WFBGs UV-inscribed with 50-m interval at the end of a 2.6-km long fiber, which part was subjected for temperature, strain, and vibration sensing, respectively. The ratio of the intensity of output and input light is used for temperature and strain sensing, and the results show strain and temperature sensitivities are 4.2 \times {10}^{-4}{/\mu \varepsilon } and 5.9 \times {10}^{-3}{{/ {^{\circ }}\textrm {C}}} , respectively. Detection of multiple vibrations and single vibration with the broad frequency band up to 500 Hz are also achieved. In addition, distributed bend sensing which could be simultaneously realized in this system has been proposed.
An enhanced fiber sensing system used for distributed bending and key-position sensing is reported by integrating WFBGs, LPFG and OTDR, which also achieves strain and temperature sensitivities up to 0.047mv/με and 0.675mv/°C respectively. © 2014 OSA.
In this paper we proposed a demodulation scheme based on tunable FP filter for the WDM/FDM sensing system of the microstructure mentioned in the previous work. Simulation is done to prove the feasibility of demodulating the microstructure with the tunable FP filter. The experiments result showed high consistence with the simulation. And with the help of the high speed FPGA module and a high resolution AD/DA card, the system has achieved a very high resolution, up to 2.5 pm, and wavelength ranges 1520nm to 1590 nm.