9 resultados para ODBC
中国科学院近代物理所的国家 九五"重大科学工程项目,兰州重离子加速器冷却储存环(简称CSR)的准直安装将主要采用SMX公司的激光跟踪仪,进行测量控制网的建立,以及元件的安装定位.在此过程中,要采集大量的数据,并要进行处理,为此建立了一个在SQLSERV ER2 0 0 0上的关系型数据库系统作为后端,并用VC6.0以ODBC为接口开发了其前端应用程序,来完成数据的存储和有关的数据处理
HIRFL(兰州重离子加速器)是我国第一个大型重离子物理研究装置。HIRFL控制系统是保证HIRFL系统正常高效运转的重要环节。本文利用数据库技术、网络技术设计了HIRFL控制系统数据库系统,实现了在网络环境中只使用一个应用程序就可对整个HIRFL系统控制进行控制的要求。论文首先介绍了数据库系统理论,然后对软件设计涉及的各部分基础知识进行了阐述,最后详细讨论了整个数据库系统设计中的数据库设计、应用程序人机界面设计等部分。数据库应用SQL Server 2000大型数据库,并使用ODBC技术作为数据库访问手段;人机界面部分使用面向对象编程技术进行Windows编程。整个论文工作在建立了一个包含整个控制系统各部分设备信息的数据库的同时,还提供了一套包含所有基本控制功能的HIRFL分布式控制软件,为HIRPL控制系统数据库系统的进一步完善提供了二次开发平台。
A research project in Web-enabled collaborative design and manufacture has been conducted. The major tasks of the project include the development of a Web-enabled environment for collaboration, online collaborative CAD/CAM, remote execution of large size programs (RELSP), and distributed product design. The tasks and Web/Internet techniques involved are presented first, followed by detail description of two approaches developed for implementation of the research: (1) a client-server approach for RELSP, where the following Internet techniques are utilized: CORBA, Microsoft’s Internet information server, Tomcat server, JDBC and ODBC; (2) Web-Services supported collaborative CAD which enables geographically dispersed designers jointly conduct a design task in the way of speaking and seeing each other and instantaneously modifying the CAD drawing online.
Creació d'una 'aplicació de gestió comercial i comptable partint de la ja existent en l’empresa Ph Systems S.L., seguint per tant la tecnologia utilitzada en aquesta aplicació, desenvolupada en Visual Basic 6 i utilitzant uns objectes i llibreries propis per facilitat l’enllaç dels formularis amb les taules de la base de dades utilitzant tant connexions ODBC com connexions OLE DB. El gestor de base de dades seleccionat per realitzar el projecte serà Oracle, que és el que actualment s’utilitza per les dades de l’aplicació de gestió d’estocs. Tasques a realitzar: Anàlisi dels requeriments del sistema. Disseny dels diferents mòduls de la futura aplicació. Obtenir una base de dades ben definida partint de la ja existent. Implementació dels mòduls de la futura aplicació. Els objectius d’aprenentatge d’aquest projecte són els següents: Millora del coneixement de la gestió d’una base de dades Oracle Millora en l’aprenentatge del llenguatge de programació Visual Basic 6
Congresses not held 1914-20.
An implementation of Sem-ODB—a database management system based on the Semantic Binary Model is presented. A metaschema of Sem-ODB database as well as the top-level architecture of the database engine is defined. A new benchmarking technique is proposed which allows databases built on different database models to compete fairly. This technique is applied to show that Sem-ODB has excellent efficiency comparing to a relational database on a certain class of database applications. A new semantic benchmark is designed which allows evaluation of the performance of the features characteristic of semantic database applications. An application used in the benchmark represents a class of problems requiring databases with sparse data, complex inheritances and many-to-many relations. Such databases can be naturally accommodated by semantic model. A fixed predefined implementation is not enforced allowing the database designer to choose the most efficient structures available in the DBMS tested. The results of the benchmark are analyzed. ^ A new high-level querying model for semantic databases is defined. It is proven adequate to serve as an efficient native semantic database interface, and has several advantages over the existing interfaces. It is optimizable and parallelizable, supports the definition of semantic userviews and the interoperability of semantic databases with other data sources such as World Wide Web, relational, and object-oriented databases. The query is structured as a semantic database schema graph with interlinking conditionals. The query result is a mini-database, accessible in the same way as the original database. The paradigm supports and utilizes the rich semantics and inherent ergonomics of semantic databases. ^ The analysis and high-level design of a system that exploits the superiority of the Semantic Database Model to other data models in expressive power and ease of use to allow uniform access to heterogeneous data sources such as semantic databases, relational databases, web sites, ASCII files, and others via a common query interface is presented. The Sem-ODB engine is used to control all the data sources combined under a unified semantic schema. A particular application of the system to provide an ODBC interface to the WWW as a data source is discussed. ^