45 resultados para OCTAMER


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The crystal structures of the synthetic self-complementary octamer d(G-G-T-A-T-A-C-C) and its 5-bromouracil-containing analogue have been refined to R values of 20% and 14% at resolutions of 1·8 and 2·25 Å, respectively. The molecules adopt an A-DNA type double-helical conformation, which is minimally affected by crystal forces. A detailed analysis of the structure shows a considerable influence of the nucleotide sequence on the base-pair stacking patterns. In particular, the electrostatic stacking interactions between adjacent guanine and thymine bases produce symmetric bending of the double helix and a major-groove widening. The sugar-phosphate backbone appears to be only slightly affected by the base sequence. The local variations in the base-pair orientation are brought about by correlated adjustments in the backbone torsion angles and the glycosidic orientation. Sequence-dependent conformational variations of the type observed here may contribute to the specificity of certain protein-DNA interactions.


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The octameric nucleosomal core-histone complex, (H2A)2-(H2B)2-(H3)2-(H4)2, isolated from rat liver, undergoes dissociation during gel exclusion chromatography as a result of dilution occurring in the columns. The elution pattern at pH 7.0 and 4°C showed a sharp leading peak containing all four histones but predominantly H3 and H4, and a trailing peak containing equal amounts of histones H2A and H2B. As column length was increased the area under the leading peak decreased and that under the trailing peak increased. In addition the relative positions of the two peaks varied with column length. From an analysis of the data on increase in elution volume of the leading peak in relation to column length an apparent molecular weight of 86 000 was calculated for the undissociated molecule. Its apparent molecular weight, histone composition and pattern of further dissociation in relation to column length suggest that this species is the hexamer, (H2A-H2B)-(H3)2-(H4)2. At pH 7.0 and 4°C the dissociation of the core complex appears to be as follows: (H2A)2-(H2B)2-(H3)2-(H4)2 → (H2A-H2B) + (H2A-H2B)-(H3)2-(H4)2 → 2(H2A-H2B) + (H3)2-(H4)2 This dissociation was accelerated by an increase in temperature or decrease in pH and was accompanied by marked conformational changes as judged by circular dichroism measurements.


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The increasing relevance of the cancer stem cell (CSC) hypothesis and the impact of CSC-associated markers in the carcinogenesis of solid tumours may provide potential prognostic implications in lung cancer. We propose that a collective genetic analysis of established CSC-related markers will generate data to better define the role of putative CSCs in lung adenocarcinoma (LAC).


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Multilocus-genotyping methods have shown that Escherichia coli O157:H7 is a geographically disseminated clone. However, high-resolution methods such as pulse-field gel electrophoresis demonstrate significant genomic diversity among different isolates. To assess the genetic relationship of human and bovine isolates of E. coli O157:H7 in detail, we have developed an octamer-based genome-scanning methodology, which compares the distance between over-represented, strand-biased octamers that occur in the genome. Comparison of octamer-based genome-scanning products derived from >1 megabase of the genome demonstrated the existence of two distinct lineages of E. coli O157:H7 that are disseminated within the United States. Human and bovine isolates are nonrandomly distributed among the lineages, suggesting that one of these lineages may be less virulent for humans or may not be efficiently transmitted to humans from bovine sources. Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis with lambdoid phage genomes indicates that phage-mediated events are associated with divergence of the lineages, thereby providing one explanation for the degree of diversity that is observed among E. coli O157:H7 by other molecular-fingerprinting methods.


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An A-DNA type double helical conformation was observed in the single crystal X-ray structure of the octamer d(G-G-T-A-T-A-C-C), 1, and its 5-bromouracil-containing analogue, 2. The structure of the isomorphous crystals (space group P61) was solved by a search technique based on packing criteria and R-factor calculations, with use of only low order data. At the present stage of refinement the R factors are 31 % for 1 and 28 % for 2 at a resolution of 2.25 A (0.225 nm). The molecules interact through their minor grooves by hydrogen bonding and base to sugar van der Waals contacts. The stable A conformation observed in the crystal may have some structural relevance to promoter regions where the T-A-T-A sequence is frequently found.


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The process of recombinational repair is crucial for maintaining genomic integrity and generating biological diversity. In association with RuvB and RuvC, RuvA plays a central role in processing and resolving Holliday junctions, which are a critical intermediate in homologous recombination. Here, the cloning, purification and structure determination of the RuvA protein from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MtRuvA) are reported. Analysis of the structure and comparison with other known RuvA proteins reveal an octameric state with conserved subunit-subunit interaction surfaces, indicating the requirement of octamer formation for biological activity. A detailed analysis of plasticity in the RuvA molecules has led to insights into the invariant and variable regions, thus providing a framework for understanding regional flexibility in various aspects of RuvA function.


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The galactose-specific lectin from the seeds of Butea monosperma has been crystallized by the hanging-drop vapour-diffusion technique. The crystals belonged to space group P1, with unit-cell parameters a = 78.45, b = 78.91, c = 101.85 A, alpha = 74.30, beta = 76.65, gamma = 86.88 degrees. X-ray diffraction data were collected to a resolution of 2.44 A under cryoconditions (100 K) using a MAR image-plate detector system mounted on a rotating-anode X-ray generator. Molecular-replacement calculations carried out using the coordinates of several structures of legume lectins as search models indicate that the galactose-specific lectin from B. monosperma forms an octamer.


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The galactose-specific lectin from the seeds of Butea monosperma has been crystallized by the hanging-drop vapour-diffusion technique. The crystals belonged to space group P1, with unit-cell parameters a = 78.45, b = 78.91, c = 101.85 A, alpha = 74.30, beta = 76.65, gamma = 86.88 degrees. X-ray diffraction data were collected to a resolution of 2.44 A under cryoconditions (100 K) using a MAR image-plate detector system mounted on a rotating-anode X-ray generator. Molecular-replacement calculations carried out using the coordinates of several structures of legume lectins as search models indicate that the galactose-specific lectin from B. monosperma forms an octamer.


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Structural and electronic properties of C-H center dot center dot center dot O contacts in compounds containing a formyl group are investigated from the perspective of both hydrogen bonding and dipole-dipole interactions, in a systematic and graded approach. The effects of a-substitution and self-association on the nature of the formyl H-atom are studied with the NBO and AIM methodologies. The relative dipole-dipole contributions in formyl C-H center dot center dot center dot O interactions are obtained for aldehyde dimers. The stabilities and energies of aldehyde clusters (dimer through octamer) have been examined computationally. Such studies have an implication in crystallization mechanisms. Experimental X-ray crystal structures of formaldehyde, acrolein and N-methylformamide have been determined in order to ascertain the role of C-H center dot center dot center dot O interactions in the crystal packing of formyl compounds.


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Dimeric banana lectin and calsepa, tetrameric artocarpin and octameric heltuba are mannose-specific beta-prism I fold lectins of nearly the same tertiary structure. MD simulations on individual subunits and the oligomers provide insights into the changes in the structure brought about in the protomers on oligomerization, including swapping of the N-terminal stretch in one instance. The regions that undergo changes also tend to exhibit dynamic flexibility during MD simulations. The internal symmetries of individual oligomers are substantially retained during the calculations. Energy minimization and simulations were also carried out on models using all possible oligomers by employing the four different protomers. The unique dimerization pattern observed in calsepa could be traced to unique substitutions in a peptide stretch involved in dimerization. The impossibility of a specific mode of oligomerization involving a particular protomer is often expressed in terms of unacceptable steric contacts or dissociation of the oligomer during simulations. The calculations also led to a rationale for the observation of a heltuba tetramer in solution although the lectin exists as an octamer in the crystal, in addition to providing insights into relations among evolution, oligomerization and ligand binding.


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Crystal structure of a lectin purified from Butea monosperma seeds was determined by Molecular Replacement method. Its primary structure was determined by Tandem Mass Spectroscopy and electron density maps from X-ray diffraction data. Its quaternary structure was tetrameric, formed of two monomers, alpha and beta, beta appearing as truncated alpha. The occurrence of two tetramers in the asymmetric unit of the crystal might be a consequence of asymmetric contacts due to difference in glycosylation and variable loops structures, to form an `octamer-structure'. The crystal structure showed binding pockets for gamma Abu, having a proposed role in plant defense, at the interface of canonical dimer-partners. Hemagglutination studies, enzyme kinetics, isothermal titration calorimetry and molecular dynamics showed that the lectin is specific to N-acetyl D-galactosamine, galactose and lactose in decreasing order, and alpha-amylase inhibitor. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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During early stages of Drosophila development the heat shock response cannot be induced. It is reasoned that the adverse effects on cell cycle and cell growth brought about by Hsp70 induction must outweigh the beneficial aspects of Hsp70 induction in the early embryo. Although the Drosophila heat shock transcription factor (dHSF) is abundant in the early embryo, it does not enter the nucleus in response to heat shock. In older embryos and in cultured cells the factor is localized within the nucleus in an apparent trimeric structure that binds DNA with high affinity. The domain responsible for nuclear localization upon stress resides between residues 390 and 420 of the dHSF. Using that domain as bait in a yeast two-hybrid system we now report the identification and cloning of a nuclear transport protein Drosophila karyopherin-α3(dKap- α3). Biochemical methods demonstrate that the dKap-α3 protein binds specifically to the dHSF's nuclear localization sequence (NLS). Furthermore, the dKap-α3 protein does not associate with NLSs that contain point mutations which are not transported in vivo. Nuclear docking studies also demonstrate specific nuclear targeting of the NLS substrate by dKap-α3.Consistant with previous studies demonstrating that early Drosophila embryos are refractory to heat shock as a result of dHSF nuclear exclusion, we demonstrate that the early embryo is deficient in dKap-α3 protein through cycle 12. From cycle 13 onward the transport factor is present and the dHSF is localized within the nucleus thus allowing the embryo to respond to heat shock.

The pair-rule gene fushi tarazu (ftz) is a well-studied zygotic segmentation gene that is necessary for the development of the even-numbered parasegments in Drosophila melanogastor. During early embryogenesis, ftz is expressed in a characteristic pattern of seven stripes, one in each of the even-numbered parasegments. With a view to understand how ftz is transcriptionally regulated, cDNAs that encode transcription factors that bind to the zebra element of the ftz promoter have been cloned. Chapter Ill reports the cloning and characterization of the eDNA encoding zeb-1 (zebra element binding protein), a novel steroid receptor-like molecule that specifically binds to a key regulatory element of the ftz promoter. In transient transfection assays employing Drosophila tissue culture cells, it has been shown that zeb-1 as well as a truncated zeb-1 polypeptide (zeb480) that lacks the putative ligand binding domain function as sequencespecific trans-activators of the ftz gene.

The Oct factors are members of the POU family of transcription factors that are shown to play important roles during development in mammals. Chapter IV reports the eDNA cloning and expression of a Drosophila Oct transcription factor. Whole mount in-situ hybridization experiments revealed that the spatial expression patterns of this gene during embryonic development have not yet been observed for any other gene. In early embryogenesis, its transcripts are transiently expressed as a wide uniform band from 20-40% of the egg length, very similar to that of gap genes. This pattern progressively resolves into a series of narrower stripes followed by expression in fourteen stripes. Subsequently, transcripts from this gene are expressed in the central nervous system and the brain. When expressed in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, this Drosophila factor functions as a strong, octamer-dependent activator of transcription. The data strongly suggest possible functions for the Oct factor in pattern formation in Drosophila that might transcend the boundaries of genetically defined segmentation genes.


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A novel self-assembled layer consisting of water tetramers and nitrate anions has been observed in the [Co(1,10-phenanthroline)(2)(NO3)]center dot(NO)(3)center dot 4H(2)O complex. X-ray crystallography and FT-IR spectroscopy indicate that although the water tetramers exist in an energetically less stable uudd configuration, the anionic host environments may play an important role in the formation and stabilization of the water clusters.


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Cells are fundamental units of life, but little is known about evolution of cell states. Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) are once differentiated cells that have been re-programmed to an embryonic stem cell-like state, providing a powerful platform for biology and medicine. However, they have been limited to a few mammalian species. Here we found that a set of four mammalian transcription factor genes used to generate iPSCs in mouse and humans can induce a partially reprogrammed pluripotent stem cell (PRPSCs) state in vertebrate and invertebrate model organisms, in mammals, birds, fish, and fly, which span 550 million years from a common ancestor. These findings are one of the first to show cross-lineage stem cell-like induction, and to generate pluripotent-like cells for several of these species with in vivo chimeras. We suggest that the stem-cell state may be highly conserved across a wide phylogenetic range. DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.7554/eLife.00036.001.