4 resultados para OBEX.


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Erilaisissa rakennuksissa on selkeä tarve langatonta teknologiaa hyödyntävälle, edulliselle ja monipuoliselle kommunikointijärjestelmälle, jota voidaan pienin muutoksin käyttää lähes missä tahansa. Kommunikointijärjestelmän avulla tulee olla mahdollista siirtää ääntä ja dataa sekä tarvittaessa tarjota erilaisia rakennuksissa tarvittavia palveluita. Tehdyn esitutkimuksen perusteella valittiin toteutusteknologiaksi Bluetooth, joka monipuolisten ominaisuuksien ja pienen sirukoon ansiosta soveltuu parhaiten tämän diplomityön mukaisen kerrostalon kommunikointijärjestelmän toteuttamiseen. Pieni sirukoko ja edullinen hinta mahdollistavat Bluetooth -teknologiaa hyödyntävän kommunikointijärjestelmän käyttöönoton myös vanhoissa kerrostaloissa. Pienet sirut on helppo piilottaa rakennusten perustuksiin ja mitään valmista verkkoinfrastruktuuria ei tarvita. OBEX (Object Exchange Protocol) -protokollaa käytetään tämän diplomityön mukaisessa Talovastaajapalvelussa audiodatan kuljettamiseen ja autentikointitietojen vaihtamiseen. Talovastaajapalvelu toteutettiin kommunikointijärjestelmän yhteyteen ja se toimii normaalin puhelinvastaajan tapaan, mutta on ominaisuuksiltaan paljon monipuolisempi ja käyttää langatonta Bluetooth -teknologiaa. OBEX:n avulla Talovastaajapalvelusta saatiin yksinkertainen, tehokas ja helposti laajennettavissa oleva kokonaisuus, jota voidaan käyttää pienin muutoksin lähes missä tahansa muussa Bluetooth -teknologiaa hyödyntävässä järjestelmässä.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the possible interactions between the nociceptive system, the sympathetic system and the inflammatory process. Thus, the superior cervical ganglion of rats was submitted to chronic inflammation and Fos expression was used as a marker for neuronal activity throughout central neurons following painful peripheral stimulation. The painful stimulus consisted of subcutaneously injected formalin applied to the supra-ocular region. Fos-positive neurons were identified by conventional immunohistochemical techniques, and analyzed from the obex through the cervical levels of the spinal cord. In the caudal sub-nucleus of the spinal trigeminal nuclear complex, the number of Fos-positive neurons was much higher in rats with inflammation of the superior cervical ganglion than in control rats, either sham-operated or with saline applied to the ganglion. There was a highly significant difference in the density of Fos-positive neurons between the inflamed and control groups. No significant difference was found between control groups. These results suggest that the inflammation of the superior cervical ganglion generated an increased responsiveness to painful stimuli, which may have been due to a diminished sympathetic influence upon the sensory peripheral innervation.


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Sebbene il sistema nervoso enterico (“enteric nervous system”, ENS) svolga un ruolo cruciale nella patogenesi della Scrapie ovina, non esistono tuttavia in letteratura dati sulle popolazioni cellulari progressivamente coinvolte nel corso dell’infezione, né sugli eventuali danni morfo-funzionali da esse subiti. Il presente studio è stato condotto sui plessi mienterici e sottomucosi dell’ileo di 46 pecore di razza Sarda, recanti diversi polimorfismi del gene Prnp (ARQ/ARQ, ARQ/AHQ, ARQ/ARR, ARR/ARR). I suddetti animali, infettati per os all’età di 8 mesi con un ceppo di Scrapie precedentemente caratterizzato nel topo, sono stati sacrificati mediante eutanasia a determinati intervalli di tempo post-infezione (p.i.). E’ stata quindi valutata, tramite immunoistochimica ed immunofluorescenza indiretta su sezioni tissutali e su preparati “wholemount”, l’immunoreattività (IR) nei confronti della PrPSc, del “marker” panneuronale Hu C/D, dell’ossido-nitrico sintetasi (nNOS), della calbindina (CALB) e della proteina fibrillare acida gliale (GFAP). In 8 pecore con genotipo ARQ/ARQ, clinicamente sane e sacrificate a 12-24 mesi p.i., nonché in 5 ovini clinicamente affetti (2 con genotipo ARQ/ARQ, 3 con genotipo ARQ/AHQ), questi ultimi sacrificati rispettivamente a 24, 36 e 40 mesi p.i., le indagini immunoistochimiche hanno consentito di dimostrare la presenza di PrPSc a livello sia dell’encefalo (obex), sia dell’ENS, in particolar modo nei plessi mienterici. In tali distretti il deposito della PrPSc risultava pienamente compatibile con un interessamento delle cellule enterogliali (“enteroglial cells”, EGCs), mentre occasionalmente si notava un contestuale coinvolgimento della componente neuronale ivi residente. In conclusione, i dati della presente indagine consentono di ipotizzare un verosimile coinvolgimento delle EGCs e dei neuroni residenti a livello dei plessi dell’ENS nella patogenesi della Scrapie sperimentale realizzata per os in ovini di razza Sarda.


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Different types of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) affect sheep and goats. In addition to the classical form of scrapie, both species are susceptible to experimental infections with the bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) agent, and in recent years atypical scrapie cases have been reported in sheep from different European countries. Atypical scrapie in sheep is characterized by distinct histopathologic lesions and molecular characteristics of the abnormal scrapie prion protein (PrP(sc)). Characteristics of atypical scrapie have not yet been described in detail in goats. A goat presenting features of atypical scrapie was identified in Switzerland. Although there was no difference between the molecular characteristics of PrP(sc) in this animal and those of atypical scrapie in sheep, differences in the distribution of histopathologic lesions and PrP(sc) deposition were observed. In particular the cerebellar cortex, a major site of PrP(sc) deposition in atypical scrapie in sheep, was found to be virtually unaffected in this goat. In contrast, severe lesions and PrP(sc) deposition were detected in more rostral brain structures, such as thalamus and midbrain. Two TSE screening tests and PrP(sc) immunohistochemistry were either negative or barely positive when applied to cerebellum and obex tissues, the target samples for TSE surveillance in sheep and goats. These findings suggest that such cases may have been missed in the past and could be overlooked in the future if sampling and testing procedures are not adapted. The epidemiological and veterinary public health implications of these atypical cases, however, are not yet known.