934 resultados para OA repository landscape study


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Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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The number of Open Access (OA) policies that have been adopted by universities, research institutes and research funders has been increasing at a fast pace. The Registry of Open Access Repository Mandates and Policies (ROARMAP) records the existence of 724 OA policies across the world, of which 512 have been adopted by universities and research institutions. The UK is one of the leading countries in terms of OA policy development and implementation with a total of 85 institutional1 and an estimated 35 funder2 OA policies. In order to understand and contextualise how OA policies are developed and how they can be effectively implemented and aligned, this brief looks at two areas. The first section provides an overview on the processes evolving around policy making, policy effectiveness and policy alignment. In particular, it summarises the criteria and elements generally specified in OA policies, it points out some of the relevant steps informing the development, monitoring and revision of OA policies, it outlines what OA policy elements contribute to policy effectiveness, and highlights the benefits in aligning OA policies. The second section revisits the issues previously discussed within the context of the UK institutional (universities) OA policy landscape.


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The flavonoids present in sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) extracts were analyzed by liquid chromatography - mass spectrometry (LC-MS), and a study of the fragmentation patterns of selected flavonoids was conducted using orthogonal acceleration time-of-flight electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-oa-ToF MS). Seven C- and O-glycosylflavones were identified in the extracts, namely, schaftoside, isoschaftoside, luteolin-8-C-(rhamnosylglucoside), vitexin, orientin, tricin-7-O-neohesperidoside and tricin-7-O-glucoside. Of these, five were identified in the absence of direct comparison with their respective standards. The described method also permitted the differentiation of the 6-C and 8-C isomeric flavones, schaftoside and isoschaftoside. The combination of fragmentation data and exact mass measurement showed to be complimentary to the HPLC-UV-MS techniques previously utilized for isomers discrimination in sugarcane studies.


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Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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The effective organization and utilisation of resources produced by the students, faculty and research scholars in university departments assume greater significance. Institutional repositories are developed by many institutions to provide resources and materials that support students in their studies. The present study recognizes the value of such a repository in the Engineering and Technology discipline in Cochin University of Science and Technology. The paper explains the need for a digital repository ofproject reports. The authors present a modelfor digital repository, and the organization.and administration of such a repository. The study also analyses the various other factors associated with the proposed depository.


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In the last few years, academic communities have seen an increase in the number of Open Access (OA) policies being adopted at the institutional and funder levels. In parallel to policy implementation, institutions and funders have also been engaged in developing mechanisms to monitor academics and researchers compliance with the existing OA policies. This study highlights a few of the cases where compliance is being effectively monitored by institutions and funders. In the first section, Open Access is briefly overviewed and the rationale for monitoring OA policy compliance is explained. The second section looks at best practices in monitoring policy compliance with OA policies by funders and institutions. The case studies reflect on compliance with the UK Funding Councils and the USA National Institutes of Health OA policies. The third section makes recommendations on what processes and procedures universities and funders should adopt to monitor compliance with their OA policies. The final section recapitulates some of the key ideas related to monitoring policy compliance.


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Mestrado em Segurança e Higiene no Trabalho.


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The far-reaching, fast-moving changes –diffuse urbanisation, building infrastructure, moving away from agricultural space, etc.– suffered by the countryside in most European countries makes it important to have education about the countryside in place to help secondary students interpret their environment and assess the importance of managing the territory to achieve a medium ordered at human scale. The project «City, territory, countryside» is a set of materials for secondary level that aim for reflection on the countryside, work on basic competences and educating about civic-minded attitudes in students


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Depuis l’avènement de l’agriculture productiviste, les paysages des zones d’intensification agricole des pays industrialisés ont été marqués par la perte sévère de leur diversité et la dégradation de leurs fonctions environnementales, récréatives, esthétiques et sociales. Au moment où la qualité des paysages constitue un facteur clé du dynamisme des collectivités rurales, il devient urgent de développer des stratégies d’aménagement aptes à réintroduire le caractère multifonctionnel de ces paysages. Dans ce contexte, cette thèse propose un éclairage sur les enjeux d’aménagement de ces paysages sous l’angle des approches dialectiques en paysage issues de la Holistic Landscape Ecology. En développant un modèle conceptuel des trajectoires des paysages s’inscrivant dans les approches intégrées en paysage, elle établit une double lecture des dynamiques physico-spatiale et socioculturelle des paysages des zones d’intensification agricole afin d’en arriver à qualifier les écarts entre celles-ci. Pour y parvenir, elle prend appui sur une étude de cas d’un bassin versant agricole du sud du Québec. En puisant tantôt dans l’écologie du paysage, tantôt dans la sociologie du paysage, les résultats de cette thèse soulignent d’une part le poids des forces politiques et économiques dans le façonnement de ces paysages. Mais ils révèlent également le rôle des valorisations paysagères des agriculteurs dans la modulation de ces forces. Plus encore, l’étude des dynamiques socioculturelles révèle une diversité au sein des populations locales au plan des valorisations de ces paysages et des pratiques qui les façonnent qui vient renouveler l’image d’uniformité de ces territoires. Le maintien et l’accentuation de cette diversité apparaissent susceptibles de contribuer significativement à la réintroduction du caractère multifonctionnel des paysages au sein des zones d’intensification agricole. Des pistes concrètes pour l’aménagement concluent cette thèse.


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Ciutat, territori, paisatge és el nom d’un projecte educatiu que vol introduir els joves estudiants en els problemes del paisatge a partir de la selecció de dotze àmbits característics


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En este trabajo, se muestran las condiciones y las fases de un proyecto educativo interdisciplinar con un enfoque constructivista. Su fundamento epistemológico se establece en el conocimiento del territorio y en las nociones psicopedagógicas. El conocimiento del entorno promueve el análisis de los elementos integrantes del mismo, resaltando los valores del patrimonio. Además, los aprendizajes significativo y por descubrimiento son generadores del conocimiento autónomo y creativo con una destacada intervención del alumnado en su proceso de aprendizaje


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Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE


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Este artigo discute o gerenciamento da oferta hídrica, enfocando a gestão preventiva das águas e as ferramentas metodológicas necessárias à sua aplicação, neste caso o estudo da paisagem associado à análise prospectiva estratégica. Como área de enfoque optou-se pelo estado do Pará (bacia do rio Capim) drenado pelas principais regiões hidrográficas do país: a Amazônica e o Tocantins-Araguaia. O resultado da aplicação do método na bacia hidrográfica do rio Capim - PA mostrou que a definição de mecanismos de planejamento, voltados à gestão preventiva das águas, necessita de formas de modelamento apoiadas em processos que contemplem os diversos elementos da paisagem, seus indicadores de sensibilidade e atores envolvidos.


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This work came in response to the degradation of the landscape by mining. This is the landscape rehabilitation of a quarry off in the city of Laranjal Paulista, the state of São Paulo, which poses environmental and underutilization problems as the area abandonment of consequences. Based on regional diagnostics, urban and landscape study, the project in question is divided into three main areas: environmental recovery, offering public facilities and leisure proposition to adventure tourism. Thus, the Quarry Park - Tourist Complex is a degraded area rehabilitation project from the expansion of leisure options, sports and culture, lacking in the city and the structuring of adventure sports that already occur in the area by a regional public. Thus, one projetual attempt to become a reference in sustainable development


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Ocean acidification (OA) and its associated decline in calcium carbonate saturation states is one of the major threats that tropical coral reefs face this century. Previous studies of the effect of OA on coral reef calcifiers have described a wide variety of outcomes for studies using comparable partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) ranges, suggesting that key questions remain unresolved. One unresolved hypothesis posits that heterogeneity in the response of reef calcifiers to high pCO2 is a result of regional-scale variation in the responses to OA. To test this hypothesis, we incubated two coral taxa (Pocillopora damicornis and massive Porites) and two calcified algae (Porolithon onkodes and Halimeda macroloba) under 400, 700 and 1000 µatm pCO2 levels in experiments in Moorea (French Polynesia), Hawaii (USA) and Okinawa (Japan), where environmental conditions differ. Both corals and H. macroloba were insensitive to OA at all three locations, while the effects of OA on P. onkodes were location-specific. In Moorea and Hawaii, calcification of P. onkodes was depressed by high pCO2, but for specimens in Okinawa, there was no effect of OA. Using a study of large geographical scale, we show that resistance to OA of some reef species is a constitutive character expressed across the Pacific.