17 resultados para O30


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Epitaxial bilayered thin films consisting of La0.6Sr0.4MnO3 (LSMO) and 0.7Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3â0.3PbTiO3 (PMN-PT) layers of relatively different thicknesses were fabricated on LaNiO3 coated LaAlO3 (100) single crystal substrates by pulsed laser ablation technique. The crystallinity, ferroelectric, ferromagnetic, and magnetodielectric properties have been studied for all the bilayered heterostructures. Their microstructural analysis suggested possible StranskiâKrastanov type of growth mechanism in the present case. Ferroelectric and ferromagnetic characteristics of these bilayered heterostructures over a wide range of temperatures confirmed their biferroic nature. The magnetization and ferroelectric polarization of the bilayered heterostructures were enhanced with increasing PMN-PT layer thickness owing to the effect of lattice strain. In addition, evolution of the ferroelectric and ferromagnetic properties of these heterostructures with changing thicknesses of the PMN-PT and LSMO layers indicated possible influence of several interfacial effects such as space charge, depolarization field, domain wall pinning, and spin disorder on the observed properties. Dielectric properties of these heterostructures studied over a wide range of temperatures under different magnetic field strengths suggested a possible role of elastic strain mediated magnetoelectric coupling behind the observed magnetodielectric effect in addition to the influence of rearrangement of the interfacial charge carriers under an applied magnetic field.


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A set of symmetric and asymmetric superlattices with ferromagnetic La0.6Sr0.4MnO3 (LSMO) and ferroelectric 0.7Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3–0.3(PbTiO3) as the constituting layers was fabricated on LaNiO3 coated (100) oriented LaAlO3 substrates using pulsed laser ablation. The crystallinity, and magnetic and ferroelectric properties were studied for all the superlattices. All the superlattice structures exhibited a ferromagnetic behavior over a wide range of temperatures between 10 and 300 K, whereas only the asymmetric superlattices exhibited a reasonably good ferroelectric behavior. Strong influence of an applied magnetic field was observed on the ferroelectric properties of the asymmetric superlattices. Studies were conducted toward understanding the influence of conducting LSMO layers on the electrical responses of the heterostructures. The absence of ferroelectricity in the symmetric superlattice structures has been attributed to their high leakage characteristics. The effect of an applied magnetic field on the ferroelectric properties of the asymmetric superlattices indicated strong influence of the interfaces on the properties. The dominance of the interface on the dielectric response was confirmed by the observed Maxwell-Wagner-type dielectric relaxation in these heterostructures.


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Superlattices composed of ferromagnetic La0.6Sr0.4MnO3 and ferroelectric 0.7Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3–0.3(PbTiO3) layers were fabricated on (100) LaAlO3 substrates by pulsed laser deposition technique. The ferromagnetic and frequency independent ferroelectric hysteresis characteristics established the biferroic nature of the superlattices. Influence of magnetic field was observed in tuning the P-E characteristics of the superlattices. A similar effect was observed on application of a high dc electric field to the samples. The nature of the observed ferroelectric properties and their modulation by applied magnetic and electric fields were thus discussed in connection to the ferroelectric/ferromagnetic interfaces.


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This research aims to communicate new results of empirical investigations to learn about the relationship between determination of controlling an acquired firm’s capital, assets and brand versus its capability of innovation and ex post performance of the rising Vietnamese M&A industry in the 2005-2012 period. The analysis employs a categorical data sample, consisting of 212 M&A cases reported by various information sources, and performs a number of logistic regressions with significant results as follows. Firstly, the overall relationship between pre-M&A pursuit’s determination on acquiring resources and performance of the post-M&A performance is found significant. There exist profound effects of a ‘size matters’ strategy in M&A ex post performance. When there is an overwhelming ‘resources acquiring’ strategy, the innovation factor’s explanatory power becomes negligible. Secondly, for negative performance of post-M&A operations, the emphasis on both capital base and asset size, and the brand value at the time of the M&A pursuit is the major explanation in the post-M&A period. So does the absence of innovation as a goal in the pre-M&A period. These two insights together are useful in careful M&A planning. Lastly, expensive pre-M&A expenditures tend to adversely affect the post-M&A performance. As a general conclusion, this study shows that innovation can be an important factor to pursue in M&A transitions, together with the need to emphasize and find capable and willing human capital, rather than a capital base (equity or debt) and existing values of the acquired brands.


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How does openness affect economic development? This question is answered in the context of a dynamic general equilibrium model of the world economy, where countries have technological differences that are both sector-neutral and specific to the investment goods sector. Relative to a benchmark case of trade in credit markets only, consider (i) a complete restriction of trade, and (ii) a full liberalization of trade. The first change decreases the cross-sectional dispersion of incomes only slightly, and produces a relatively small welfare loss. The second change, instead, decreases dispersion by a significant amount, and produces a very large welfare gain.


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We estimate firm–level idiosyncratic risk in the U.S. manufacturing sector. Our proxy for risk is the volatility of the portion of growth in sales or TFP which is not explained by either industry– or economy–wide factors, or firm characteristics systematically associated with growth itself. We find that idiosyncratic risk accounts for about 90% of the overall uncertainty faced by firms. The extent of cross–sectoral variation in idiosyncratic risk is remarkable. Firms in the most volatile sector are subject to at least three times as much uncertainty as firms in the least volatile. Our evidence indicates that idiosyncratic risk is higher in industries where the extent of creative destruction is likely to be greater.


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This paper proposes new error correction-based cointegration tests for panel data. The limiting distributions of the tests are derived and critical values provided. Our simulation results suggest that the tests have good small-sample properties with small size distortions and high power relative to other popular residual-based panel cointegration tests. In our empirical application, we present evidence suggesting that international healthcare expenditures and GDP are cointegrated once the possibility of an invalid common factor restriction has been accounted for. © 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.


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Microfinance institutions employ various kinds of incentive schemes but estimating the effect of each scheme is not easy due to endogeneity bias. We conducted field experiments in Vietnam to capture the role of joint liability, monitoring, cross-reporting, social sanctions, communication and group formation in borrowers’ repayment behavior. We find that joint liability contracts cause serious free-riding problems, inducing strategic default and lowering repayment rates. When group members observe each others’ investment returns, participants are more likely to choose strategic default. Even after introducing a cross-reporting system and/or penalties among borrowers, the default rates and the ratios of participants who chose strategic default under joint liability are still higher than those under individual lending. We also find that joint liability lending often failed to induce mutual insurance among borrowers. Those who had been helped or who had repaid a little in the previous round were more likely to default strategically and repay a little again in the current round and those who paid large amounts were always the same individuals.


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Following a Royal Edict to adopt universal suffrage in election for local government institutions, maiden elections were held in 199 gewogs (counties) in Bhutan in 2002 to elect their chief executives. This paper gives an account of this first time event in a country where most villagers had never seen secret ballots and poll booths. It synthesizes detailed data, mostly qualitative, collected soon after the election was over, and assesses aspects of electoral participation that His Majesty the King of Bhutan has introduced steadily to deepen democracy. Beginning with a glance at the territorial organization of the Bhutanese state within which the counties are embedded, the paper compares the electoral results with the relevant election rules.


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This report analyzes technology transfers and education for local engineers within overseas subsidiaries of Japanese and European companies that have advanced into China, and examines differences among them. Based on the assumption that if the quality of trained local engineers is different, the international division of labor is also different, I aim to clarify how they are different.


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1993年にアメリカのロチェスター大学でSergio Rebelo準教授(当時)の経済成長論を履修した。ある授業でRebelo教授に「しばしば人的資本と技術は混同されがちだけれども、両者は財の性質上、大きく異なっている。技術、中でも他人に簡単に伝達できるように文書や設計図に記されている知識は公共財的性質を持っているが、人的資本はむしろ通常の財に似ている。知識は他人に簡単に漏洩し盗用されやすいが、人的資本はその所有者が専有可能である。その上、人的資本はその所有者が死んでしまえば消失するが、知識は記録として残る。この意味で、人的資本蓄積は有限だが、知識の蓄積は無限に可能である」と教わった。自分はそれまで、新古典派成長理論で仮定される「労働に体化された技術進歩」ばかり勉強していたので、技術と人的資本を同一視していた。それだけにこの説明は非常に新鮮であった。(以下略)


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This paper investigates how innovation potential of a country contributes to avoid or escape the middle income trap. We measure innovation potentials of 77 countries from 1975 to 2010 from patent data. Then, we test whether indigenous innovative efforts or foreign ones help avoid and escape middle income traps


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This working paper explores human smuggling and human trafficking through international marriage. It focuses on Japan's criminal justice response, while examining the major stakeholders involved in this activity. The paper focuses on the time period from 2008-2013. International marriages, particularly commercially brokered arrangements, have rapidly increased throughout East and Southeast Asia, with more women from less developed countries moving to richer destinations. The increasing prevalence of brokered marriages, and the overall numbers of marriage migrants, provides cover for criminal organizations to smuggle labor migrants on false marriages, and to send some migrants into what are clearly human trafficking situations.