969 resultados para Nutritional intake
Background: Ulcerative colitis (UC) is often associated with nutritional deficiency, which appears to contribute to the progression of UC severity. The present study aimed to evaluate nutritional status and dietary intake in UC remission patients. Methods: The present study comprised a cross-sectional study in which variables such as extent of disease (distal colitis, left-sided colitis, pancolitis), remission period, sex and age were recorded. Extent of disease was assessed by the results of a colonoscopy and dietary intake was evaluated by using 3-day, 24-h recalls. A Kruskall-Wallis test was used to compare the intake of macro- and micronutrients among the three study groups. The analysis was complemented by the Mann-Whitney test. A logistic regression analysis was performed to identify predictive factors of extent of disease (pancolitis versus left-sided colitis versus distal colitis). Results: The median (range) age of the 59 patients was 49.0 (37.0-63.0) years and 53.3% were female. Twenty-six (44.1%) patients had distal colitis, 11 (18.6%) patients had left-sided colitis and 22 (37.3%) patients had pancolitis. A high probability of an inadequate intake of fibre (100%), fat soluble vitamins (>40% for vitamin A and >95% for vitamin E), vitamin C (>34%), calcium (>90%) and magnesium (>50%) was identified in the study group. Vitamin D intake (odds ratio = 0.60; 95% confidence interval = 0.39-0.94; P < 0.05) was significantly associated with increased intestinal damage. Conclusions: A large number of individuals showed an inadequate intake of nutrients. In addition, the consumption of vitamin D was significantly associated with extent of disease. © 2013 The British Dietetic Association Ltd.
Soccer participation worldwide is increasing and every club try to discover new talents. It is well know that there is an important correlation between body composition (BC) and talent detection (TD) and when coaches and selectors choose players, they tend to choose them with optimum BC.
BACKGROUND: Protein-energy wasting is a frequent and debilitating condition in maintenance dialysis. We randomly tested if an energy-dense, phosphate-restricted, renal-specific oral supplement could maintain adequate nutritional intake and prevent malnutrition in maintenance haemodialysis patients with insufficient intake. METHODS: Eighty-six patients were assigned to a standard care (CTRL) group or were prescribed two 125-ml packs of Renilon 7.5(R) daily for 3 months (SUPP). Dietary intake, serum (S) albumin, prealbumin, protein nitrogen appearance (nPNA), C-reactive protein, subjective global assessment (SGA) and quality of life (QOL) were recorded at baseline and after 3 months. RESULTS: While intention to treat analysis (ITT) did not reveal strong statistically significant changes in dietary intake between groups, per protocol (PP) analysis showed that the SUPP group increased protein (P < 0.01) and energy (P < 0.01) intakes. In contrast, protein and energy intakes further deteriorated in the CTRL group (PP). Although there was no difference in serum albumin and prealbumin changes between groups, in the total population serum albumin and prealbumin changes were positively associated with the increment in protein intake (r = 0.29, P = 0.01 and r = 0.27, P = 0.02, respectively). The SUPP group did not increase phosphate intake, phosphataemia remained unaffected, and the use of phosphate binders remained stable or decreased. The SUPP group exhibited improved SGA and QOL (P < 0.05). CONCLUSION: This study shows that providing maintenance haemodialysis patients with insufficient intake with a renal-specific oral supplement may prevent deterioration in nutritional indices and QOL without increasing the need for phosphate binders.
Background: Poor nutritional status and worse health-related quality of life (QoL) have been reported in haemodialysis (HD) patients. The utilization of generic and disease specific QoL questionnaires in the same population may provide a better understanding of the significance of nutrition in QoL dimensions. Objective: To assess nutritional status by easy to use parameters and to evaluate the potential relationship with QoL measured by generic and disease specific questionnaires. Methods: Nutritional status was assessed by subjective global assessment adapted to renal patients (SGA), body mass index (BMI), nutritional intake and appetite. QoL was assessed by the generic EuroQoL and disease specific Kidney Disease Quality of Life-Short Form (KDQoL-SF) questionnaires. Results: The study comprised 130 patients of both genders, mean age 62.7 ± 14.7 years. The prevalence of undernutrition ranged from 3.1% by BMI ≤ 18.5 kg/m2 to 75.4% for patients below energy and protein intake recommendations. With the exception of BMI classification, undernourished patients had worse scores in nearly all QoL dimensions (EuroQoL and KDQoL-SF), a pattern which was dominantly maintained when adjusted for demographics and disease-related variables. Overweight/obese patients (BMI ≥ 25) also had worse scores in some QoL dimensions, but after adjustment the pattern was maintained only in the symptoms and problems dimension of KDQoL-SF (p = 0.011). Conclusion: Our study reveals that even in mildly undernourished HD patients, nutritional status has a significant impact in several QoL dimensions. The questionnaires used provided different, almost complementary perspectives, yet for daily practice EuroQoL is simpler. Assuring a good nutritional status, may positively influence QoL.
Backgroung - Bariatric surgery is indicated as the most effective treatment for morbid obesity; the Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) is considered the procedure of choice. However, nutritional deficiency may occur in the postoperative period as a result of reduced gastric capacity and change in nutrients absorption in the gastrointestinal tract. The prescription of vitamin and mineral supplementation is a common practice after RYGB; however, it may not be sufficient to prevent micronutrient deficiencies. The aim of this study was to quantify the micronutrient intake in patients undergoing RYGB and verify if the intake of supplementation would be enough to prevent nutritional deficiencies. Methods - The study was conducted on 60 patients submitted to RYGB. Anthropometric, analytical, and nutritional intake data were assessed preoperatively and 1 and 2 years postoperatively. The dietary intake was assessed using 24-h food recall; the values of micronutrients evaluated (vitamin B12, folic acid, iron, and calcium) were compared to the dietary reference intakes (DRI). Results - There were significant differences (p < 0.05) between excess weight loss at the first and second year (69.9 ± 15.3 vs 9.6 ± 62.9 %). In the first and second year after surgery, 93.3 and 94.1 % of the patients, respectively, took the supplements as prescribed. Micronutrient deficiencies were detected in the three evaluation periods. At the first year, there was a significant reduction (p < 0.05) of B12, folic acid, and iron intake. Conclusions - Despite taking vitamin and mineral supplementation, micronutrient deficiencies are common after RYGB. In the second year after surgery, micronutrient intake remains below the DRI.
Nutritional metabolic management, together with other treatment and support measures used, is one of the mainstays of the treatment of septic patients. Nutritional support should be started early, after initial life support measures, to avoid the consequences of malnutrition, to provide adequate nutritional intake and to prevent the development of secondary complications such as superinfection or multiorgan failure. As in other critically-ill patients, when the enteral route cannot be used to ensure calorie-protein requirements, the association of parenteral nutrition has been shown to be safe in this subgroup of patients. Studies evaluating the effect of specific pharmaconutrients in septic patients are scarce and are insufficient to allow recommendations to be made. To date, enteral diets with a mixture of substrates with distinct pharmaconutrient properties do not seem to be superior to standard diets in altering the course of sepsis, although equally there is no evidence that these diets are harmful. There is insufficient evidence to recommend the use of glutamine in septic patients receiving parenteral nutrition. However, given the good results and absence of glutamine-related adverse effects in the various studies performed in the general population of critically-ill patients, these patients could benefit from the use of this substance. Routine use of omega-3 fatty acids cannot be recommended until further evidence has been gathered, although the use of lipid emulsions with a high omega-6 fatty acid content should be avoided. Septic patients should receive an adequate supply of essential trace elements and vitamins. Further studies are required before the use of high-dose selenium can be recommended.
Background: During menopause occurs weight gain and bone loss occurs due to the hormone decline during this period and other factors such as nutrition. Magnesium deficiency suggests a risk factor for obesity and osteoporosis. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the clinical and nutritional magnesium status in a population of postmenopausal women, assessing intake and serum levels of magnesium in the study population and correlation with anthropometric parameters such as body mass index(BMI) and body fat, and biochemical parameters associated. SUBJECTS AND METHOD: The study involved 78 healthy women aged 44-76, with postmenopausal status, from the province of Grenade, Spain. The sample was divided into two age groups: group1, aged < 58, and group 2 aged >/= 58. Anthropometric parameters were recorded and nutritional intake was assessed by 72-hour recall, getting the RDAs through Nutriber(R) program. To assess the biochemical parameters was performed a blood sample was taken. Magnesium was analyzed by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry (FAAS) in erythrocyte and plasma wet-mineralized samples. RESULTS: Our results show that 37.85% of the total subjects have an overweight status. Magnesium intake found in our population is insufficient in 36% of women,while plasma magnesium deficiency corresponds to 23% of the population and 72% of women have deficient levels of magnesium in erythrocyte. Positive correlations were found between magnesium intake and dietary intake of calcium, of phosphorus,and with prealbumin plasma levels, as well as with a lower waist / hip ratio Magnesium levels in erythrocyte were correlated with lower triglycerides and urea values. CONCLUSION: It is important to control and monitor the nutritional status of magnesium in postmenopausal women to prevent nutritional alterations and possible clinical and chronic degenerative diseases associated with magnesium deficiency and with menopause.
Monitoring nutritional intake is an important aspect of the care of older people, particularly for those at risk of malnutrition. Current practice for monitoring food intake relies on hand written food charts that have several inadequacies. We describe the design and validation of a tool for computer-assisted visual assessment of patient food and nutrient intake. To estimate food consumption, the application compares the pixels the user rubbed out against predefined graphical masks. Weight of food consumed is calculated as a percentage of pixels rubbed out against pixels in the mask. Results suggest that the application may be a useful tool for the conservative assessment of nutritional intake in hospitals.
Background. Poor nutrition is an important factor in the onset of obesity which is a growing problem in the United States that disproportionately affects Mexican-Americans. In order to form recommendations and effectively target nutrition in interventions it is necessary to have valid epidemiological tools to better understand dietary trends. Purpose. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the validity of the nutritional intake questions from the Tu Salud, ¡Sí Cuenta! Questionnaire in an adult Mexican-American population. Methods. Fifty participants in the Cameron County Hispanic Cohort were recruited into the validity study, which consisted of completing the Tu Salud, ¡Sí Cuenta! questionnaire and the 24-hour recall with a 2 hour time period between administrations. Responses were analyzed to determine the percent agreement, kappa statistic and Spearman rank order correlation. Results: Five items had good validity (>0.6), three items had fair validity (>0.4), and three items had poor validity (<0.4). In general, items that had low validity were those that were reported in low frequencies by study subjects. Overall, the Tu Salud, ¡Sí Cuenta! questionnaire showed good validity, making this questionnaire a valuable tool to assess the dietary intake patterns of this Mexican-American adult population. ^
OBJETIVO: Estimar o consumo de energia e de macronutrientes no domicílio e na escola em tempo integral em crianças de 2 a 6 anos e pesquisar diferenças no consumo entre as crianças de escolas públicas e particulares. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal realizado com 362 pré-escolares em Caxias do Sul (RS). O estado nutricional foi avaliado pela razão peso para estatura. O consumo na escola foi avaliado por meio do método de pesagem direta individual dos alimentos consumidos pelas crianças e, no domicílio, por meio do método de registro alimentar realizado pelos pais ou responsáveis. Para as análises estatísticas utilizou-se o teste U de Mann-Whitney (p < 0,05). RESULTADOS: Observou-se que 28 crianças (7,7 por cento) apresentaram excesso de peso, 92 (25,4 por cento), risco para excesso de peso e sete (1,9 por cento), baixo peso para a estatura. A avaliação da ingestão alimentar em 24 horas mostrou que 51,3 por cento da energia, 60,3 por cento dos lipídios e 51,6 por cento das proteínas foramconsumidos nos domicílios, apesar de as crianças permanecerem em período integral nas escolas. Observou-se maior ingestão de energia (p = 0,001), carboidratos (p < 0,001) e lipídios (p = 0,04) nos pré-escolares de escolas particulares em relação aos de escolas públicas, porém o consumo total diário se mostrou similar nas diferentes instituições. CONCLUSÕES: Os achados sugerem que as crianças consomem proporcionalmente mais energia, proteínas e lipídios nas refeições complementares dos domicílios em relação às refeições diárias nas escolas infantis. Apesar das diferenças de consumo entre as escolas públicas e particulares, a ingestão diária mostrou-se similar entre as crianças
Adipose tissue is no longer considered to be an inert tissue that stores fat. This tissue is capable of expanding to accommodate increased lipids through hypertrophy of existing adipocytes and by initiating differentiation of pre-adipocytes. Adipose tissue metabolism exerts an impact on whole-body metabolism. As an endocrine organ, adipose tissue is responsible for the synthesis and secretion of several hormones. These are active in a range of processes, such as control of nutritional intake (leptin, angiotensin), control of sensitivity to insulin and inflammatory process mediators (tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α), interleukin-6 (IL-6), resistin, visfatin, adiponectin, among others) and pathways (plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAI-1) and acylation stimulating protein (ASP) for example). This paper reviews some of the biochemical and metabolic aspects of adipose tissue and its relationship to inflammatory disease and insulin resistance.
Resumo: últimas décadas, sendo já considerada uma doença crónica. Ao longo dos anos, ainvestigação desenvolvida nessa área permitiu definir com maior rigor a sua forma de avaliação. Relativamente à avaliação do processo de ingestão alimentar no tratamento da obesidade, e com o objectivo de se obter uma perspectiva completa e contínua, não será suficiente avaliar apenas variáveis nutricionais, mas devem também constar variáveis relacionadas com o comportamento alimentar. O presente trabalho irá enquadrar as áreas fundamentais a avaliar nas componentes da ingestão nutricional e dos comportamentos alimentares associados, e, mais especificamente, apreciar a metodologia de avaliação usada nesse domínio, num programa de tratamento comportamental da obesidade, randomizado e controlado ‐ o programa PESO (Promoção do Exercício e Saúde na Obesidade). Embora este Programa não tenha sido especificamente concebido para avaliar as componentes acima referidas como variáveis‐alvo principais, os dados são relevantes para avaliar o impacte do Programa. Os principais resultados sugerem melhorias evidentes nas variáveis críticas na gestão do peso, tanto na componente da ingestão nutricional como no comportamento alimentar.-----------ABSTRACT: The prevalence of obesity has increased significantly in the last decades and is now considered a chronic disease. Over the years, the research undertaken in this area allowed to define more rigorous ways to assess it. To evaluate dietary intake process in the treatment of obesity, and to achieve a more complete and continuous measurement, it’s not enough to assess the nutritional variables, it’s also necessary to include eating behavior related variables. This work will focus in key areas to evaluate nutritional intake and eating behavior variables, and also in the methodology assessment used in this domain, in a behavioral treatment program of obesity, a randomized controlled trial, named PESO (Promotion of Exercise and Health in Obesity). Although this program was not specifically designed to assess the above components as variables main target, the data are relevant to assess the Program impact. The main results suggest an obvious improvement in weight management critical variables, both in nutritional intake component and eating behavior.
RESUMO: Ao longo das últimas décadas a redistribuição etária da população mundial tem vindo a apresentar um aumento do número de pessoas com 65 ou mais anos, integrando um grupo populacional comummente designado por população idosa. Importa aprofundar mecanismos fisiológicos que conduzem ao envelhecimento e de que forma podem condicionar não só aspetos clínicos, como também nutricionais, entre outros, com a perspetiva da sua origem no aparecimento de doenças crónicas. Com esse enfoque, a desnutrição na pessoa idosa é hoje considerada pela European Nutrition for Health Alliance(ENHA) um problema de saúde pública. Está descrito que a sua prevalência ronda os 60% a nível de instituições hospitalares, 40% em unidades residenciais e 5 a 10% na pessoa idosa a residir em domicílio próprio ou de familiares, e na sua maioria permanece por diagnosticar e tratar. Assim, foi objetivo deste estudo caracterizar e estimar a prevalência da desnutrição e do risco de desnutrição na pessoa idosa, nas primeiras 72 horas de admissão hospitalar. Aplicou-se um estudo observacional, analítico, transversal, quantitativo e correlacional, cujos dados foram recolhidos por entrevista ao próprio e por observação. O estudo desenvolveu-se em duas vertentes de investigação, uma focada na caracterização da desnutrição em pessoas idosas institucionalizadas em hospitais portugueses da zona centro e sul do Continente e Madeira, nos períodos de julho/agosto de 2009, abril/junho de 2010, maio/julho de 2011, através do MNA®. A outra, uma avaliação nutricional detalhada, efetuada no Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Central – Hospital de Santa Marta, EPE, entre o início de janeiro de 2009 e o fim de janeiro de 2010, sendo a amostra recrutada de entre os idosos de ambos os sexos, internados. Foram estudados dados sociodemográficos, de saúde e feita uma avaliação nutricional extensa. A avaliação nutricional constou de colheita de parâmetros laboratoriais (hematológicos e bioquímicos) e antropométricos (índice de massa corporal (IMC), prega cutânea tricipital(PCT), prega cutânea subescapular (PCSE), perímetro braquial (PB), adequação do perímetro braquial (APB), área muscular braquial (AMB) e perímetro Geminal (PG), análise da composição corporal (Massa Gorda Corporal (MGC), Massa Isenta de Gordura (MIG)),caracterização de um dia alimentar tipo e questionário Mini Nutritional Assessment Long Form®– MNA LF®. Dos dados obtidos em hospitais portugueses, destaca-se que dos 402 idosos avaliados, 53% eram do sexo masculino, tinham uma idade média de 75,8 + 6,52 (65 – 100) e segundo o MNA® 57,5% encontravam-se Desnutridos ou em Risco de Desnutrição.Na amostra, dos dados obtidos, a nível sociodemográfico salienta-se que 50% dos doentes eram do sexo masculino, a idade média rondava os 75,5 + 7,22 (65 – 100) anos, 55% eram naturais de Lisboa e 80% residiam em Lisboa e Vale do Tejo, 38% não tiveram estudos formais e 43% fizeram-no apenas até ao 4º ano de escolaridade. Em relação aos dados de saúde, a maioria dos doentes foi admitida através do Serviço de Urgência do Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Central – Hospital de São José e foram internados no Serviço de Medicina (38%) e no Serviço de Cardiologia (30%), por patologia médica (38%) e patologia do sistema circulatório (56%). Nos hábitos de vida, quanto à mobilidade, um terço dos doentes estavam acamados e os restantes deambulavam ou tinham uma mobilidade normal, 74% não apresentaram hábitos etanólicos regulares, 19% apresentavam um consumo elevado (> 30g de etanol/dia); 95% dos doentes não apresentavam hábitos tabágicos. Relativamente à caracterização nutricional, os valores médios encontrados em relação aos parâmetros laboratoriais revelaram-se inferiores aos valores padrão para a idade e sexo e eram inferiores no sexo feminino. Na caracterização antropométrica verificaram-se os seguintes achados: o cálculo do IMC mostrou-se pouco sensível na identificação de doentes desnutridos; a PCT e a PCSE revelaram valores de massa gorda dentro do intervalo considerado normal;segundo o PB, 88% não apresentavam valor indicativo de desnutrição e 8% estavam desnutridos; a APB identificou 50% de doentes desnutridos; a AMB, revelou que 97% dos homens e 95% das mulheres apresentavam deficit da massa magra e segundo o PG, 18% apresentavam um valor inferior a 31cm descritor de desnutrição. Na análise da composição corporal verificou-se que ambos os sexos apresentavam uma percentagem de MGC classificada como demasiado alta e que esta era superior nas mulheres em relação aos homens. Ao analisar a ingestão nutricional verificou-se que esta era inferior às Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) para a ingestão hídrica (p=0,00), energética (p=0,00), proteica (p=0,00), lipídica (p=0,01), MUFA (p=0,00), PUFA (p=0,00), e glícidos (p=0,00), fibra (p=0,02), potássio (p=0,00), cálcio (p=0,00), magnésio (p=0,00), fósforo (p=0,00), zinco (p=0,00), vitamina D (p=0,00), vitamina E (p=0,00) e folato (p=0,00). No que diz respeito ao MNA®, a sua aplicação permitiu identificar 62% de situações de risco nutricional ou de desnutrição já instalada. Valores de MNA® indicativos de desnutrição ou risco estavam associados a níveis de escolaridade mais baixos (r=0,32; p=0,00). Verificou-se correlação entre o MNA® e a PCT (r=0,30;p=0,00), PCSE (r=0,19;p=0,03) e PG (r=0,27;p=0,00). Na análise da amostra por sexo e escalão etário, apenas se distinguiram as mulheres mais velhas, que apresentaram situação de IMC indicador de risco de desnutrição (IMC <23,5 + 2,9, (r=0,42;p=0,02)), e de valores médios de PB de 25,6+3,84cm (r=0,42;p=0,01), em situações de menor mobilidade caraterizados pelo MNA®. Os homens maisvelhos apresentaram correlação entre o MNA® e PCSE (r=0,41;p=0,02), APMB (r=0,57;p=0,00)e PG (r=0,55;p=0,00), e as mulheres mais velhas apenas com a PCT (r=0,39;p=0,02). A análise multivariada do MNA® em função do sexo e do escalão etário, revelou que estes são independentes. Os homens apresentaram valores médios de MNA® superiores às mulheres e à medida que a idade aumenta, os valores de MNA® em ambos os sexos diminuem, sendo indicativos de risco de desnutrição. Consideramos que, tendo em conta a natureza e objetivos do presente estudo, foi possível caracterizar e estimar a prevalência da desnutrição e do risco de desnutrição em pessoas idosas nas primeiras 72 horas de admissão hospitalar. Os resultados obtidos sinalizam a sua elevada prevalência e alertam para a necessidade de procedimentos protocolados de avaliação e intervenção nutricional da população idosa na admissão hospitalar. Para este efeito a aplicação do MNA® provou a sua aplicabilidade, assim como a medição e cálculo da AMB, que poderão ser muito precocemente aplicados e contribuir para potenciar melhorias do estado de saúde e diminuir o tempo de internamento, nomeadamente de pessoas idosas. Em relação ao padrão alimentar, este estudo contribuiu para uma chamada de atenção dos profissionais de saúde que a população idosa pode apresentar carências nutricionais na admissão, e que estas se não forem devidamente sinalizadas e colmatadas tendem a agravar-se durante o internamento podendo contribuir para o aumento da morbilidade.-------------ABSTRACT:Over the last decades the age redistribution group of the population worldwide has been presenting an increasing number of people aged 65 years or more, incorporating a population group commonly referred to as the elderly population. It´s important to further analyze the physiological mechanisms that lead to aging and how they might influence not only clinical aspects, but also nutritional, among others, with the perspective of their origin in the onset of chronic diseases. With this approach, malnutrition in the elderly is now considered by the European Nutrition for Health Alliance (ENHA) a public health problem. It is reported that its prevalence is around 60% at the level of hospital units, 40% in residential units and 5 to 10% in the elderly living in their own home or family's, and mostly remains to diagnose and treat. The aim of this study was to characterize and estimate the prevalence of malnutrition and risk of malnutrition in the elderly, in the first 72 hours of hospital admission. We applied an observational, analytical, cross-sectional and correlacional quantitative type of study and data were collected by interview and observation itself. The study was developed in two lines of research: one focused on the characterization of malnutrition in elderly institutionalized in Portuguese hospitals, in the central and southern mainland and Madeira, in the periods between July - August 2009, April - June 2010, May - July 2011, through the MNA®; and the other: a detailed nutritional assessment, conducted in Hospital Lisbon Center - Hospital de Santa Marta, EPE, between early January 2009 and late January 2010, and the sample was recruited from among the elderly of both sexes at hospital admission. We studied intensively sociodemographic, health and nutritional assessment done extensive. Nutritional evaluation consisted of harvesting different parameters: hematological, biochemical and anthropometric (body mass index (BMI), triceps skinfold (TSF), sub-scapular skinfold (SSF), arm circumference (AC), arm muscle area (AMA), geminal perimeter (GP), analysis of body composition (Fat Mass (FM), Fat Free Mass (FFM)), characterization of a daily food type and Mini Nutritional Assessment Long Form® questionnaire - MNA LF®. Form the data obtained in Portuguese hospitals, it is noteworthy that of the 402 patients included, 53% were male, had a mean age of 75,8 + 6,52 (65 - 100) and, according to the MNA®, 57,5% were malnourished or at risk of malnutrition. In the sample, from the sociodemographic data obtained, we saw that 50% of patients were male, the average age was around 75,5 + 7,22 years (65-100), 55% were from Lisbon and 80 %lived in Lisbon, 38% had no formal education and 43% did so only until the 4th grade. Regarding health data, the majorities of patients were admitted through the ER of Hospital Lisbon Center - S. José Hospital - and were admitted to the Medicine Unit (38%) and to the Cardiology Unit (30%), by medical pathology (38%) and circulatory system disease (56%). In regard to lifestyle, and considering mobility, one third of patients were bedridden and the rest were ambulating or had a normal mobility. 74% had no regular ethanol habits, 19% had a high intake (> 30 g ethanol / day); 95% of the patients had no smoking habits. Regarding nutritional assessment, the mean values for laboratory parameters proved inferior to standard values for age and sex and were lower in females. In anthropometric assessment these were the findings: BMI calculation showed to be scarcely sensitive in the identification of undernourished patients; the TSF and SSF revealed values of fat mass within the normal range; in AC, 88% did not have an indicative value of malnutrition and 8% were malnourished; in AMA, 97% of men and 95% women had a deficit of lean mass and in GP, 18% had a value of less than the 31cm malnutrition descriptor. In body composition analysis found that both sexes showed a percentage of FM ranked too high and this was higher in women compared to men. By analyzing the nutritional intake was found that this was less than the Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) for water intake (p=0,00), energy (p=0,00), protein (p=0,00), lipid (p=0,01), MUFA (p=0,00), PUFA (p=0,00), carbohydrates (p=0,00), fiber (p=0,02), potassium (p=0,00), calcium (p=0,00), magnesium (p=0,00), phosphorus (p=0,00), zinc (p=0,00), vitamin D (p=0,00), vitamin E (p=0,00) and folate (p=0,00). Regarding MNA®, its application identified 62% of cases of nutritional risk or malnutrition already installed. MNA® values indicative of malnutrition or risk were associated with lower levels of education (r=0,32; p=0,00). There was a correlation between the MNA ® and TSF (r =0,30, p = 0,00), SFF (r = 0,19, p = 0,03) and GP (r=0,27, p = 0,00). In the analysis of the sample by gender and age group, the highlight was in older women who had BMI status indicator of malnutrition risk (BMI <23,5 + 2,9 (r=0,42;p=0,02)) and mean values of AC 25,6 +3,84cm (r=0,42; p=0,01), in situations characterized by low mobility MNA®. Older men showed a correlation between the MNA® and SFF (r = 0,41; p = 0,02), AMA (r = 0,57; p = 0,00) and GP (r=0,55;p=0,00), and in older women only TSF showed a correlation(r = 0,39; p =0,02). Multivariate analysis of the MNA® by gender and age group, revealed that they are independent. The men had MNA® mean superior to women, and as the age increases, the values of MNA® in both sexes declined, being indicative of risk of malnutrition. We believe that, given the nature and objectives of the present study, it allowed us to characterize and estimate the prevalence of risk of malnutrition and malnutrition in older people during the first 72 hours of hospital admission. The results indicate a high prevalence and point to the need for protocol procedures of nutritional assessment and intervention in the elderly population at hospital admission. For this purpose the application of MNA® has proved its applicability, as well as measuring and calculating AMA, which may be applied in early stages thus contributing to enhance health state improvements and to shorten the time of hospitalization, particularly in elderly people. In relation to dietary pattern, this study contributed to call of attention from health professionals that the elderly may have nutritional deficiencies on admission, and that these are not properly marked and addressed tend to worsen during hospitalization may contribute to increased morbidity.
The aims of the REACH programme were to: - Provide a quality whole-family healthy lifestyle programme that is accessible and equitable to support children aged 4-7 and 8-11years who are above the healthy weight range in maintaining or achieving a healthy weight; - Target areas of poor health and high prevalence of childhood obesity; Contribute towards the prevention and reduction of obesity prevalence in South Gloucestershire; - Be a resource for other health professionals and services in South Gloucestershire. As this was a pilot of a child weight management programme being developed from scratch the objectives of REACH were to: Provide a high quality service which meets the needs of the local health community; - Improve childrens diet and nutritional intake and promote a healthy weight; Encourage exercise and physical activity participation; - Develop a range of skills with participants in order to increase their confidence and self esteem; - Be participant centred but also use a whole family approach to deliver healthy lifestyle messages; - Develop appropriate referral protocols, resources and course plans; - Advertise and promote the programme locally liaising with communications and the Public Health Team in NHS South Gloucestershire, GPs and staff working in the community such as School Health Nurses (SHNs); - Successfully recruit families on to the programme; Enable eligible new participants referred to the service to take part; - Encourage participants to complete the programme; - Deliver a service that helps to address health inequalities; - Monitor participants weight and lifestyle changes as part of a follow up programme; - Provide continuous professional development of service staff; - Ensure individuals and families are signposted and supported to access other services such as after school clubs, local sports clubs and leisure centres; - Provide equitable access to the service and ensure equitable outcomes are achieved by the service; Ensure continuous quality improvement;
Sucrose solution is recommended as relevant pain relief management in neonates during acute painful procedures; however, only a few studies have analyzed the potentially adverse effects of sucrose administration to preterm neonates. The goal of this study was to examine the potential side effects of sucrose for pain relief in preterm infants, assessing feeding and weight gain during hospitalization and their feeding patterns postdischarge. The study sample consisted of 43 preterm neonates divided into two groups: a sucrose group (SG, n=18) and a control group (CG, n=25) in which no sucrose was administered. The SG received 0.5 mL/kg 25% oral sucrose for 2 min prior to all acute painful procedures during three consecutive days. A prospective review of medical charts was performed for all samples. The study was done prior to implementation of the institutional sucrose guidelines as a routine service, and followed all ethical requirements. There were no statistically significant differences between groups in terms of weight gain, length of stay with orogastric tubes, and parenteral feeding. Postdischarge, infant nutritional intake included feeding human milk to 67% of the SG and 74% of the CG. There were no statistically significant differences between groups regarding human milk feeding patterns postdischarge. Neonate feeding patterns and weight gain were unaffected following the short-term use of sucrose for pain relief.