998 resultados para Nutrient bioavailability


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A soil sample was taken from the top 0-20cm at Jaboticabal county, São Paulo State, Brazil, air dried, sieved to 5mm, and placed into pots (2700g per pot). Sewage sludge was air-dried, ground to 2mm, and thoroughly mixed to the top 0-10cm soil of each pot, which were irrigated with distilled water in a total volume equivalent to the last 30years average rainfall in the region. Sorghum was sowed 120days after sewage sludge incorporation and then the irrigation was made according to the plants' requirement. When the plants were about 10 cm high, they were thinned to two per pot. Soil samples (0-10, 10-20, and 20-30 cm depth) were obtained immediately after the incorporation of sewage sludge and at 30, 60, 120, and 170 days after, air dried, sieved to 2 mm and analyzed for organic matter (OM), pH (0,01 mol L-1 CaCl2), extractable P (resin), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), and magnesium (Mg), amylase and cellulase activity. Sewage sludge increased soil OM, pH, extractable phosphorus (P), K. Ca. amylase and cellulase activity, especially at the rate 16 t ha(-1). Organic matter, extractable P, K, Ca, Mg. and amylase activity were higher in the top 0-10cm, while pH was higher in the 20-30cm layer. Amylase activity was not affected by sampling depth. Organic matter, pH, extractable P. K, Ca, and Mg decreased during the experimental period. Amylase activity decreased until sorghum was sowed and increased afterwards. Cellulase activity increased until 90 days after sewage sludge application and then decreased. Sewage sludge used in the experiment should already contain some amylase activity or a substance that was a soil enzyme activator and also a substance that was an inhibitor of soil cellulase inhibitor. Sonic of the plant nutrients contained in sewage sludge, mainly P, did not migrate down the soil column. an indication that sewage sludge should be incorporated into the soil to improve nutrient bioavailability. Sorghum roots increased amylase activity but did not affect cellulase activity.


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Toxic levels of Al and low availability of Ca have been shown to decrease root growth, which can also be affected by P availability. In the current experiment, initial plant growth and nutrition of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum var. Latifolia) were studied as related to its root growth in response to phosphorus and lime application. The experiment was conducted in Botucatu, Sao Paulo, Brazil, in pots containing a Dark Red Latosol (Acrortox, 20% clay, 72% sand). Lime was applied at 0.56, 1.12 and 1.68 g kg -1 and phosphorus was applied at 50, 100 and 150 mg kg -1. Two cotton (cv. IAC 22) plants were grown per pot for up to 42 days after plant emergence. There was no effect of liming on shoot dry weight, root dry matter yield, root surface and length, but root diameter was decreased with the increase in soil Ca. Shoot dry weight, as well as root length, surface and dry weight were increased with soil P levels up to 83 mg kg -1. Phosphorus concentration in the shoots was increased from 1.6 to 3.0 g kg -1 when soil P was increased from 14 to 34 mg kg -1. No further increases in P concentration were observed with higher P rates. The shoot/root ratio was also increased with P application as well as the amount of nutrients absorbed per unit of root surface. In low soil P soils the transport of the nutrient to the cotton root surface limits P uptake. In this case an increase in root growth rate due to P fertilisation does not compensate for the low P diffusion in the soil.


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The overall objective of this thesis was to study the effects of regular and high (super-) doses of phytase in the gut of broilers, with the aim of documenting the mechanism of their action leading to improvements in animal health. Phytase is often supplemented to commercial broiler diets to facilitate the hydrolysis of plant phytate and release of phosphorus for utilisation. Although not the original intention of its addition, phytase supplementation leads to improvements in growth performance parameters and enhanced nutrient utilisation. Further benefits have also been observed following the addition of super-doses of phytase which are not explained by an increase in phosphorus release, and thus have been termed ‘extra-phosphoric effects’. Using diets formulated to be adequate or marginally deficient in available phosphorus (aP; forming the negative control, NC), phytase was supplemented at 1,500 and 3,000 FTU/kg phytase in the first study (both super-doses) and the partitioning of nutrients within the body was investigated. It appeared that there were some metabolic changes between 1,500 and 3,000 FTU/kg, switching between protein and fat accretion, potentially as a consequence of nutrient availability, although these changes were not reflected by changes in growth performance parameters. However, the loss of the NC treatment without phytase on day 12 limits the comparison of the phytase within the NC treatment, but does allow for comparison of each dose at adequate or low dietary aP levels. As expected, a greater degree of phytate hydrolysis was achieved with 3,000 than with 1,500 FTU/kg phytase, but changes in carcass accretion characteristics were greater with 1,500 than 3,000 FTU/kg. Using these findings and the observation that there were no further changes in the parameters measured by increasing phytase from 1,500 to 3,000 FTU/kg (aside from phytate hydrolysis), 1,500 FTU/kg phytase was selected as the super-dose to be used in subsequent studies. The next study considered the influence of regular (500 FTU/kg) and super doses (1,500 FTU/kg) of phytase from within the gut. Overall, it was observed that changes were occurring to the gut environment, which ultimately would influence the absorptive capacity and conditions for further phytate hydrolysis. Dietary treatment influenced gut conditions such as pH, intestinal morphology and bacterial populations which can subsequently influence nutrient utilisation and potential for growth. The subsequent study was designed to investigate the effects within the gut in more detail. The release of nutrients from phytate hydrolysis and their bioavailability within the digesta can influence conditions within intestine, facilitating enhanced absorption. One of the parameters investigated was the expression of genes involved in the transport of nutrients in the intestine. Overall, there were few significant dietary treatment influences on gene expression in the intestine, however there was a dose-dependent response of phytase on the expression of the jejunual divalent mineral transporter. This indicates a change in divalent mineral bioavailability in the intestine, with correlations with inositol phosphate esters (IPs) being identified. This is likely explained by the IPs produced by phytase hydrolysis and accumulating in the digesta, differing between regular and high doses of phytase. It became apparent that interactions between the products of phytate hydrolysis (IP3, IP4) and minerals in the digesta had the potential to influence the gut environment and subsequent nutrient bioavailability and overall phytase action. The final study was designed to increase the content of the IPs, and investigate the influence of phytase under these conditions. As the complete hydrolysis of phytate to myo-inositol has been reported to be beneficial due to its proposed insulin mimetic effects, myo-inositol was also supplemented to one of the diets to see if any further benefits would be observed when supplemented alongside super-doses of phytase. Neither increased concentrations of the higher IP esters (IP6, IP5 and IP4) nor myo-inositol (myo-) had any effect on broiler growth performance, however there were still apparent beneficial influences of phytase supplementation. The results suggest considerable and important interactions between minerals and IP esters within the digesta, which ultimately have the potential to influence gut conditions and thus nutrient utilisation and growth performance. Reduced concentrations of blood glucose in the high IP ester diet with additional phytase supplementation suggest some insulin-like effects of myo- production. Additionally, the lack of effect of myo- supplementation on blood glucose and insulin concentrations suggests a difference between the structure of phytase-produced myo- and supplemented myo-. Although there were no improvements in growth performance by increasing phytase from 500 to 1,500 FTU/kg, there were changes occurring at the level of the gut and expression of genes in the intestine, influencing nutrient utilisation and the partitioning of nutrients within the body. There are many factors to be considered when supplementing phytase, with dietary nutrient content and nutrient release and IP production during phytate hydrolysis having an influence on phytase action, nutrient absorption and conditions within the gut. Super-doses of phytase may be beneficial for maintaining optimal gut conditions, clearing IP esters from the digesta, reducing their potential to form complexes with minerals and other nutrients, ultimately influencing the efficiency of production.


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For essential elements, such as copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn), the bioavailability in biosolids is important from a nutrient release and a potential contamination perspective. Most ecotoxicity studies are done using metal salts and it has been argued that the bioavailability of metals in biosolids can be different to that of metal salts. We compared the bioavailability of Cu and Zn in biosolids with those of metal salts in the same soils using twelve Australian field trials. Three different measures of bioavailability were assessed: soil solution extraction, CaCl2 extractable fractions and plant uptake. The results showed that bioavailability for Zn was similar in biosolid and salt treatments. For Cu, the results were inconclusive due to strong Cu homeostasis in plants and dissolved organic matter interference in extractable measures. We therefore recommend using isotope dilution methods to assess differences in Cu availability between biosolid and salt treatments.


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This thesis concentrates on bioavailability of organic soil contaminants in the context of bioremediation of soil contaminated with volatile or non-volatile hydrophobic pollutants. Bioavailability and biodegradation was studied from four viewpoints: (i) Improvement of bioavailability and biodegradation of volatile hydrocarbons in contained bioremediation systems at laboratory - and pilot-scale. (ii) Improvement of bioavailability of non-volatile, hydrophobic compounds in such systems. (iii) Biodegradation of a non-volatile hydrophobic compound in soil organic matter in microcosms. (iiii) Bioavailability of nitrogen in an open, full-scale bioremediation system. It was demonstrated that volatility of organic compounds can be controlled by amending the soil with adsorbents. The sorbed hydrocarbons were shown to be available to soil microbiota. As the result, biodegradation of the volatile hydrocarbons was greatly favored at the expense of volatilization. PAH compounds were shown to be mobilized and their bioavailability improved by a hydrophobic, non-toxic additive, vegetable oil. Bioavailability of the PAHs was recorded as an increased toxicity of the soil. In spite of the increased bioavailability, biodegradation of the PAHs decreased. In microcosms simulating boreal forest organic surface soil, PAH-compound (pyrene) was shown to be removed from soil biologically. Therefore hydrophobicity of the substrate does not necessarily mean low availability and biodegradation in organic soil. Finally, in this thesis it was demonstrated that an unsuitable source of nitrogen or its overdose resulted in wasteful spending of this nutrient and even harmful effects on soil microbes. Such events may inhibit rather than promote the bioremediation process in soil.


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Organic soils are widespread in Ireland and vulnerable to degradation via drainage for agriculture. The soil-landuse combination of pasture on organic soils may play a disproportionate role in regional C dynamics but is yet to receive study. Fluvial C fluxes and labile organic fractions were determined for two such sites at nested field (c.4 ha) and subcatchment scales (>40 ha); one relatively dry and nutrient rich, the other wetter and nutrient poor. Field scale flux from the nutrient poor site over 2 years was 38.9 ± 6.6 g C m−2 yr−1 with DIC > DOC > POC at 57, 32 and 11 % respectively, and 72 % DIC was comprised of above equilibrium CO2. At the nutrient rich site, which overlies limestone geology, field scale export over an individual year was 90.4 g C m−2 with DIC > DOC > POC at 49, 42 and 9 %, but with 90 % DIC as bicarbonate. By comparison with the nutrient poor site, the magnitude and composition of inorganic C exports from the nutrient rich site implied considerable export of soil-respiratory C as bicarbonate, and lower evasion losses due to carbonate system buffering. Labile DOC determined using dark incubations indicated small fractions (5–10 %) available for remineralisation over typical downstream transit times of days to weeks. These fractions are probably conservative as photolysis in the environment can increase the proportion of labile compounds via photocleavage and directly remineralise organic matter. This study demonstrates that monitoring at soil–water interfaces can aid capture of total landscape fluvial fluxes by precluding the need to incorporate prior C evasion, although rapid runoff responses at field scales can necessitate high resolution flow proportional, and hydrograph sampling to constrain uncertainty of flux estimates.


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Little is known concerning the effect of CO2 on phytoplankton ecophysiological processes under nutrient and trace element-limited conditions, because most CO2 manipulation experiments have been conducted under elements-replete conditions. To investigate the effects of CO2 and iron availability on phytoplankton ecophysiology, we conducted an experiment in September 2009 using a phytoplankton community in the iron limited, high-nutrient, low-chlorophyll (HNLC) region of the Bering Sea basin . Carbonate chemistry was controlled by the bubbling of the several levels of CO2 concentration (180, 380, 600, and 1000 ppm) controlled air, and two iron conditions were established, one with and one without the addition of inorganic iron. We demonstrated that in the iron-limited control conditions, the specific growth rate and the maximum photochemical quantum efficiency (Fv/Fm) of photosystem (PS) II decreased with increasing CO2 levels, suggesting a further decrease in iron bioavailability under the high-CO2 conditions. In addition, biogenic silica to particulate nitrogen and biogenic silica to particulate organic carbon ratios increased from 2.65 to 3.75 and 0.39 to 0.50, respectively, with an increase in the CO2 level in the iron-limited controls. By contrast, the specific growth rate, Fv/Fm values and elemental compositions in the iron-added treatments did not change in response to the CO2 variations, indicating that the addition of iron canceled out the effect of the modulation of iron bioavailability due to the change in carbonate chemistry. Our results suggest that high-CO2 conditions can alter the biogeochemical cycling of nutrients through decreasing iron bioavailability in the iron-limited HNLC regions in the future.


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The clear, shallow, oligotrophic waters of Florida Bay are characterized by low phytoplankton biomass, yet periodic cyanobacteria and diatom blooms do occur. We hypothesized that allochthonous dissolved organic matter (DOM) was providing a subsidy to the system in the form of bound nutrients. Water from four bay sites was incubated under natural light and dark conditions with enrichments of either DOM ( > 1 kD, 2×DOM) or inorganic nutrients (N+P). Samples were analyzed for bacterial numbers, bacterial production, phytoplankton biomass, phytoplankton community structure, and production, nutrients, and alkaline phosphatase (AP) activity. The influence of 2×DOM enrichment on phytoplankton biomass developed slowly during the incubations and was relatively small compared to nutrient additions. Inorganic nutrient additions resulted in an ephemeral bloom characterized initially as cyanobacterial and brown algae but which changed to dinoflagellate and/or brown algae by day six. The DIN:TP ratio decreased 10-fold in the N+P treatments as the system progressed towards N limitation. This ratio did not change significantly for 2×DOM treatments. In addition, these experiments indicated that both autotrophic and heterotrophic microbial populations in Florida Bay may fluctuate in their limitation by organic and inorganic nutrient availability. Both N+P and 2×DOM enrichments revealed significant and positive response in bioavailability of dissolved organic carbon (BDOC). Potential BDOC ranged from 1.1 to 35.5%, with the most labile forms occurring in Whipray Basin. BDOC at all sites was stimulated by the 2×DOM addition. Except for Duck Key, BDOC at all sites was also stimulated by the addition of N+P. BDOC was lower in the dry season than in the wet season (5.56% vs. 16.86%). This may be explained by the distinct chemical characteristics of the DOM produced at different times of year. Thus, both the heterotrophic and autotrophic microbial communities in Florida Bay are modulated by bioavailability of DOM. This has ramifications for the fate of DOM from the Everglades inputs, implicating DOM bioavailability as a contributing factor in regulating the onset, persistence, and composition of phytoplankton blooms.


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Introduction: Enteral nutrition (EN) provides calories, macronutrients and micronutrients in adequate quantity and quality to meet the patient's needs. Some drugs when crushed and diluted may have their properties altered, including the reduction of bioavailability causing the reduction of the serum concentration of the drug; tube obstruction; drug-drug interaction or drug-nutrient interaction. Methods: The study was conducted through review of submitted articles in the databases of the Virtual Health Library (VHL): MEDLINE (National Library of Medicine, USA), Lilacs (Latin American and Caribbean Literature on Health Sciences) PUBMED - NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information) and COCHRANE. Results: For this survey, 42 articles were identified during database searching. After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 08 articles were selected, obtained from the MEDLINE and Lilacs. Discussion: Some interactions were found such as the aluminium hydroxide and lactulose with the enteral nutrition, which may result in a precipitation and reduction of drug bioavailability. Mineral oil will alter the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and reduces the tube light. Others results were found as phenytoin, warfarin, captopril and furosemide with enteral nutrition may reduce the maximum serum concentration. Conclusion: Drug interactions are more common in day-to-day activities than health professionals may suppose. Knowledge on the matter may also assist in reducing cases of obstruction of tubes, through which enteral nutrition and medications are administered. Thus, the multidisciplinary team, acting together, may have more beneficial effects to the patient.


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The healing process for bone fractures is sensitive to mechanical stability and blood supply at the fracture site. Most currently available mechanobiological algorithms of bone healing are based solely on mechanical stimuli, while the explicit analysis of revascularization and its influences on the healing process have not been thoroughly investigated in the literature. In this paper, revascularization was described by two separate processes: angiogenesis and nutrition supply. The mathematical models for angiogenesis and nutrition supply have been proposed and integrated into an existing fuzzy algorithm of fracture healing. The computational algorithm of fracture healing, consisting of stress analysis, analyses of angiogenesis and nutrient supply, and tissue differentiation, has been tested on and compared with animal experimental results published previously. The simulation results showed that, for a small and medium-sized fracture gap, the nutrient supply is sufficient for bone healing, for a large fracture gap, non-union may be induced either by deficient nutrient supply or inadequate mechanical conditions. The comparisons with experimental results demonstrated that the improved computational algorithm is able to simulate a broad spectrum of fracture healing cases and to predict and explain delayed unions and non-union induced by large gap sizes and different mechanical conditions. The new algorithm will allow the simulation of more realistic clinical fracture healing cases with various fracture gaps and geometries and may be helpful to optimise implants and methods for fracture fixation.


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This paper discusses the outcomes of a research project on nutrients build-up on urban road surfaces. Nutrient build-up was investigated on road sites belonging to residential, industrial and commercial land use. Collected build-up samples were separated into five particle size ranges and were tested for total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP) and sub species of nutrients, namely, NO2-, NO3-, TKN and PO43-. Multivariate analytical techniques were used to analyse the data and to develop detailed understanding on build-up. Data analysis revealed that the solids loads on urban road surfaces are highly influenced by factors such as land use, antecedent dry period and traffic volume. However, the nutrient build-up process was found to be independent of the type of land use. It was solely dependent on the particle size of solids build-up. Most of the nutrients were associated with the particle size range <150 μm. Therefore, the removal of particles below 150 µm from road surfaces is of importance for the removal of nitrogen and phosphorus from road surface solids build-up. It is also important to consider the differences in the composition of nitrogen and phosphorus build-up in the context of designing effective stormwater quality mitigation strategies.


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Background We have used serial visual analogue scores to demonstrate disturbances of the appetite profile in dialysis patients. This is potentially important as dialysis patients are prone to malnutrition yet have a lower nutrient intake than controls. Appetite disturbance may be influenced by accumulation of appetite inhibitors such as leptin and cholecystokinin (CCK) in dialysis patients. Methods Fasting blood samples were drawn from 43 controls, 50 haemodialysis (HD) and 39 peritoneal dialysis (PD) patients to measure leptin and CCK. Hunger and fullness scores were derived from profiles compiled using hourly visual analogue scores. Nutrient intake was derived from 3 day dietary records. Results Fasting CCK was elevated for PD (6.73 ± 4.42 ng/l vs control 4.99 ± 2.23 ng/l, P < 0.05; vs HD 4.43 ± 2.15 ng/l, P < 0.01). Fasting CCK correlated with the variability of the hunger (r = 0.426, P = 0.01) and fullness (r = 0.52, P = 0.002) scores for PD. There was a notable relationship with the increase in fullness after lunch for PD (r = 0.455, P = 0.006). When well nourished PD patients were compared with their malnourished counterparts, CCK was higher in the malnourished group (P = 0.004). Leptin levels were higher for the dialysis patients than controls (HD and PD, P < 0.001) with pronounced hyperleptinaemia evident in some PD patients. Control leptin levels demonstrated correlation with fullness scores (e.g. peak fullness, r = 0.45, P = 0.007) but the dialysis patients did not. PD nutrient intake (energy and protein intake, r = -0.56, P < 0.0001) demonstrated significant negative correlation with leptin. Conclusion Increased CCK levels appear to influence fullness and hunger perception in PD patients and thus may contribute to malnutrition. Leptin does not appear to affect perceived appetite in dialysis patients but it may influence nutrient intake in PD patients via central feeding centres.


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OBJECTIVE Malnutrition is common among peritoneal dialysis (PD) patients. Reduced nutrient intake contributes to this. It has long been assumed that this reflects disturbed appetite. We set out to define the appetite profiles of a group of PD patients using a novel technique. DESIGN Prospective, cross-sectional comparison of PD patients versus controls. SETTING Teaching hospital dialysis unit. PATIENTS 39 PD patients and 42 healthy controls. INTERVENTION Visual analog ratings were recorded at hourly intervals to generate daily profiles for hunger and fullness. Summary statistics were generated to compare the groups. Food intake was measured using 3-day dietary records. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES Hunger and fullness profiles. Derived hunger and fullness scores. RESULTS Controls demonstrated peaks of hunger before mealtimes, with fullness scores peaking after meals. The PD profiles had much reduced premeal hunger peaks. A postmeal reduction in hunger was evident, but the rest of the trace was flat. The PD fullness profile was also flatter than in the controls. Mean scores were similar despite the marked discrepancy in the profiles. The PD group had lower peak hunger and less diurnal variability in their hunger scores. They also demonstrated much less change in fullness rating around mealtimes, while the mean and peak fullness scores were little different. The reported nutrient intake was significantly lower for PD. CONCLUSION The data suggest that PD patients normalize their mean appetite perception at a lower level of nutrient intake than controls, suggesting that patient-reported appetite may be misleading in clinical practice. There is a loss of the usual daily variation for the PD group, which may contribute to their reduced food intake. The technique described here could be used to assess the impact of interventions upon the abnormal PD appetite profile.