965 resultados para Nursing. Child Health. Growth Monitoring and Child Development


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The main objective of this PhD research study is to provide a perspective on the urban growth management and sustainable development in Palestine, and more specifically in Hebron district as a case study. Hebron is located 36 km south of Jerusalem, with an overall population size of around 600,000 people living in a total area around1246km2. Hebron is the biggest Palestinian district that has 16 municipalities and 154 localities. The research discusses and analyzes the urban planning system, economical and environmental policies and the solution required to manage and integrate the development elements to develop a sustainable development plan for Hebron. The research provides answers for fundamental questions such as what kind and definition of sustainable development are applicable to the Palestinian case?. What are the sustainability problems there and how the Israeli occupation and unstable political condition affect the sustainable development in Palestine? What are the urban growth management and sustainability policies and actions required from government, public and privets sector in Palestine? The fast urban growth in Palestine is facing many problems and challenges due to the increase in the population size and the resulting impact of this increase including, but not limited to, the demand of new houses, need for more infrastructure services, demands on new industrial, commercial, educational and health projects, which in turn reduces the area of agricultural lands and threatens the natural resources and environment. There are also other associated sustainability problems like the absence of effective plans or regulations that control urban expansion, the absence of sufficient sustainable development plans at the national levels for the district, new job requirements, Israeli restrictions and occupation for more than 60 years, existence of construction factories near residential areas, poor public awareness and poor governmental funds for service projects and development plans. The study consists of nine chapters. Chapter One includes an introduction, study objectives, problems and justifications, while Chapter Two has a theoretical background on sustainability topic and definitions of sustainability. The Palestinian urban planning laws and local government systems are discussed in Chapter Three and the methodology of research is detailed in Chapter Four. As for Chapter Five, it provides a general background on Hebron District including demographical and economical profiles, along with recommendations related to sustainable development for each profile Chapter Six addresses the urban environment, sustainability priorities and policies required. Chapter Seven discusses and analyzes infrastructure services including transportation, water and wastewater. As for Chapter Eight, it addresses the land use, housing and urban expansion beside the cultural heritage, natural heritage with relevant sustainable development polices and recommendations. Finally, Chapter Nine includes a conclusion and comprehensive recommendations integrating all of urban and sustainability event in one map. Hebron has a deep history including a rich cultural heritage aged by thousands of years, with 47% of Hebron district population under 14 years old. Being the biggest Palestinian district, Hebron has thousands of industrial and economical organizations beside a large agricultural sector at Palestine level. This gives Hebron a potential to play major roles in developing a national sustainability plan, as the current urban planning system in Palestine needs urgent reform and development to fulfill the sustainability requirement. The municipalities and ministers should find permanent financial aid for urban planning and development studies so as to face future challenges. The Palestinian government can benefit from available local human resources in development projects; hence Palestinian people have sufficient qualifications in most sectors. The Palestinian people also can invest in the privet sector in Palestine in case businessmen have been encouraged and clear investment laws and plans have been developed. The study provides recommendations associated to the sustainable development in Palestine in general and Hebron, as a case study, in specific. Recommendations include increasing the privet sector as well as the public involvement in urban growth management, and stopping unplanned urban expansion, subjecting granting building permits of new projects to the no-harm environmental impact assessment, increasing the coordination and cooperation between localities and central bodies, protection and renovation of old cites and green areas, increasing the quality and quantity of infrastructure services, establishing district urban planning department to coordinate and organize urban planning and sustainable development activities. Also, among recommendations come dividing Hebron into three planning and administrative areas (north, central and south), and dividing the sustainable development and implementation period (2010 to 2025) into three main phases. Finally, the study strongly recommends benefiting from the same urban development plans in similar districts at national and international levels, also to use new technologies and information systems in urban planning process.


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A recent issue of EuroChoices (7:1) was devoted to a discussion of comparative US-EU rural development policies. This article discusses the concept of growth coalitions, well developed in urban literature but less so in rural literature. Some light is shed on the different positions of rural and environmental issues in EU and US policies. The agricultural lobby is the dominant actor in agricultural growth coalitions because it perceives land in terms of its exchange value. Environmental and rural development actors perceive land in terms of its use value and its contributions to quality of life: they form a rural development coalition, seeing the need to balance growth with quality of life, but they have less political power than the agricultural growth coalition. In the European context, rural and environmental agendas are linked to a multi-functional agricultural agenda allowing common ground between these two coalitions and greater visibility in the policy arena. In the US, rural interests and environmental groups are more often in opposition to agriculture. This reduces their political visibility and clout. The challenge is how to link the power of the agricultural growth coalitions with rural development coalitions to achieve a broader balance of concerns and a more effective rural development policy.


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This paper discusses the application of a damage detection methodology to monitor the location and extent of partial structural damage. The methodology combines, in an iterative way, the model updating technique based on frequency response functions (FRF) with monitoring data aiming at identifying the damage area of the structure. After the updating procedure reaches a good correlation between the models, it compares the parameters of the damage structure with those of the undamaged one to find the deteriorated area. The influence of the FEM mesh size on the evaluation of the extent of the damage has also been discussed. The methodology is applied using real experimental data from a spatial frame structure.


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Background. The growth of solid tumors depends on establishing blood supply; thus, inhibiting tumor angiogenesis has been a long-term goal in cancer therapy. The SOX18 transcription factor is a key regulator of murine and human blood vessel formation. Methods: We established allograft melanoma tumors in wild-type mice, Sox18-null mice, and mice expressing a dominant-negative form of Sox18 (Sox18RaOp) (n = 4 per group) and measured tumor growth and microvessel density by immunohistochemical analysis with antibodies to the endothelial marker CD31 and the pericyte marker NG2. We also assessed the affects of disrupted SOX18 function on MCF-7 human breast cancer and human umbilical vein endothelial cell (HUVEC) proliferation by measuring BrdU incorporation and by MTS assay, cell migration using Boyden chamber assay, and capillary tube formation in vitro. All statistical tests were two-sided. Results: Allograft tumors in Sox18-null and Sox18RaOp mice grew more slowly than those in wild-type mice (tumor volume at day 14, Sox18 null, mean = 486 mm(3), 95% confidence interval [CI] = 345 mm(3) to 627 mm(3), p = .004; Sox18RaOp, mean = 233 mm(3), 95% CI = 73 mm(3) to 119 mm(3), p < .001; versus wild-type, mean = 817 mm(3), 95% CI = 643 mm(3) to 1001 mm(3)) and had fewer CD31- and NG2-expressing vessels. Expression of dominant-negative Sox18 reduced the proliferation of MCF-7 cells (BrdU incorporation: MCF-7(Ra) = 20%, 95% CI = 15% to 25% versus MCF-7 = 41%, 95% CI = 35% to 45%; P = .013) and HUVECs (optical density at 490 nm, empty vector, mean = 0.46 versus SOX18 mean = 0.29; difference = 0.17, 95% CI = 0.14 to 0.19; P = .001) compared with control subjects. Overexpression of wild-type SOX18 promoted capillary tube formation of HUVECs in vitro, whereas expression of dominant-negative SOX18 impaired tube formation of HUVECs and the migration of MCF-7 cells via the disruption of the actin cytoskeleton. Conclusions: SOX18 is a potential target for antiangiogenic therapy of human cancers.


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In a globalized economy, the use of natural resources is determined by the demand of modern production and consumption systems, and by infrastructure development. Sustainable natural resource use will require good governance and management based on sound scientific information, data and indicators. There is a rich literature on natural resource management, yet the national and global scale and macro-economic policy making has been underrepresented. We provide an overview of the scholarly literature on multi-scale governance of natural resources, focusing on the information required by relevant actors from local to global scale. Global natural resource use is largely determined by national, regional, and local policies. We observe that in recent decades, the development of public policies of natural resource use has been fostered by an “inspiration cycle” between the research, policy and statistics community, fostering social learning. Effective natural resource policies require adequate monitoring tools, in particular indicators for the use of materials, energy, land, and water as well as waste and GHG emissions of national economies. We summarize the state-of-the-art of the application of accounting methods and data sources for national material flow accounts and indicators, including territorial and product-life-cycle based approaches. We show how accounts on natural resource use can inform the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and argue that information on natural resource use, and in particular footprint indicators, will be indispensable for a consistent implementation of the SDGs. We recognize that improving the knowledge base for global natural resource use will require further institutional development including at national and international levels, for which we outline options.


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The nurses assistance in monitoring the growth and development of children has been characterized mostly a service based on the biological dimension of illness, when in reality, the actions should be combined in the reorientation of care model of the Family Health Strategy. Thus, the research aimed to examine the role of nurses in the growth and development of children. This is an exploratory and descriptive, qualitative approach. The project was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte under Opinion No. 191/2012. Data collection was developed in the Health Units from the city of Natal, RN, Brazil. Survey participants were nurses who worked in the Family Health Strategy for at least two years and who performed the monitoring of child growth and development in the health unit selected. Data were collected through an in-depth interview, and seized material from speeches was treated as categorical thematic analysis proposed by Bardin. This process revealed three themes, which were analyzed in the light of Relief Models and Process Work in Health and Nursing and discussed based on the findings literary. The results elucidated that nurses consider their performance satisfactory as it has favored the accession of mothers of children under one year nursing visits, contributing to the reduction of morbidity and mortality due to prevalent diseases, as well as the establishment of a connection between the professionals and mothers. It was shown that despite having a promotion and prevention with the use of lightweight technologies, the nurses also emphasized the care of mothers in complaints and signs and symptoms of children, followed by referrals to professionals in the unit or to other sectors. Furthermore, we found that the process of working nurses face challenges regarding the organizational structure of services and social situation of the family. Given these statements, it is observed that despite the strong interference from hegemonic health model in the performance of nurses, it is found that these professionals have been investing in promotion and prevention to injuries to children in care, with a focus on family context. Thus, nurses are embarking on making the reorientation of health care through the use of relational technologies, which has contributed to solving the integral care to the pediatric population


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The purpose of the Rural Health Education, Training and Research Network is to support the education and training of rural health practitioners and research in rural health through the optimum use of appropriate information and communication technologies to link and inform all individuals and organisation involved in the teaching, planning and delivery of health care in rural and remote Queensland. The health care of people in rural areas has the potential to be enhanced, through providing the rural and remote health professionals in Queensland with the same access to educational and training opportunities as their metropolitan colleagues. This consultative, coordinated approach should be cost-effective through both increasing awareness and utilisation of existing and developing networks, and through more efficient and rational use of both the basic and sophisticated technologies which support them. Technological hardware, expertise and infrastructure are already in place in Queensland to support a Rural Health Education, Training and Research Network, but are not being used to their potential, more often due to a lack of awareness of their existence and utility than to their perceived costs. Development of the network has commenced through seeding funds provided by Queensland Health. Future expansion will ensure access by health professionals to existing networks within Queensland. This paper explores the issues and implications of a network for rural health professionals in Queensland and potentially throughout Australia, with a specific focus on the implications for rural and isolated health professional.


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Capoeira4Refugees is an NGO that uses the Afro-Brazilian art-form of Capoeira to promote psychosocial well-being in children affected by conflict and occupation. Capoeira4Refugees introduced the Most Significant Change (MSC) methodology to monitor and evaluate project implementation and impact across two locations in the Middle East. Analysis of interviews conducted with five field staff revealed that in line with, and building on previous research, MSC became an empowering tool that led to staff development. The potential for MSC to build staff reflexivity, independence and leadership has implications for other organisations working in conflict areas, particularly in situations of remote management.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This qualitative study was performed with 71 hypertensive patients, with the objectives to compare outpatient and home blood pressure monitoring (HBPM), to assess blood pressure control, and characterize white-coat hypertension. A nurse performed the outpatient blood pressure measurement. The home blood pressure monitoring was carried out over seven days. White-coat hypertension was quantified as a difference between the outpatient measurement and home blood pressure monitoring in the ranges from 1 to 5, 6 to 10 and > 10 mmHg. The outpatient blood pressure measurement was significantly higher (p<0.05) than the home blood pressure measurement. Pressure control corresponded to 9.9% in the outpatient measurement and 23.9% in the home blood pressure measurement. The white-coat effect > 10 mmHg was 57.7% for systolic and 32.4% for diastolic pressure, in the range from 6 to 10 mmHg. Home blood pressure measurement provided a better assessment of hypertensive patients' control.


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Hodgkin's disease (HD) is a cancer of the lymphatic system. Survivors of HD face varieties of consequent adverse effects, in which secondary primary tumors (SPT) is one of the most serious consequences. This dissertation is aimed to model time-to-SPT in the presence of death and HD relapses during follow-up.^ The model is designed to handle a mixture phenomenon of SPT and the influence of death. Relapses of HD are adjusted as a covariate. Proportional hazards framework is used to define SPT intensity function, which includes an exponential term to estimate explanatory variables. Death as a competing risk is considered according to different scenarios, depending on which terminal event comes first. Newton-Raphson method is used to estimate the parameter estimates in the end.^ The proposed method is applied to a real data set containing a group of HD patients. Several risk factors for the development of SPT are identified and the findings are noteworthy in the development of healthcare guidelines that may lead to the early detection or prevention of SPT.^


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The influence of feed form and energy concentration of the diet on growth performance and the development of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) was studied in brown-egg laying pullets. Diets formed a 2 x 5 factorial with 2 feed forms (mash vs. crumbles) and 5 levels of energy differing in 50 kcal AMEn/kg. For the entire study (0 to 17 wk of age) feeding crumbles increased ADFI (52.9 vs. 49.7 g; P < 0.001) and ADG (12.7 vs. 11.6 g; P < 0.001) and improved feed conversion ratio (FCR; 4.18 vs. 4.27; P < 0.001). An increase in the energy content of the diet decreased ADFI linearly (P < 0.001) and improved FCR quadratically (P < 0.01) but energy intake (kcal AMEn/d) was not affected. BW uniformity was higher (P < 0.05) in pullets fed crumbles than in those fed mash but was not affected (P > 0.05) by energy content of the diet. At 5, 10, and 17 wk of age, the relative weight (RW, % BW) of the GIT and the gizzard, and gizzard digesta content were lower (P < 0.05 to P < 0.001) and gizzard pH was higher (P < 0.05 to P < 0.001) in pullets fed crumbles than in pullets fed mash. Energy concentration of the diet did not affect any of the GIT variables studied. In summary, feeding crumbles improved pullet performance and reduced the RW of the GIT and gizzard, and increased gizzard pH at all ages. An increase in the energy content of the diet improved FCR from 0 to 17 wk of age. The use of crumbles and the increase in the AMEn content of the diet might be used adventageously when the objetive is to increase the BW of the pullets. However, crumbles affected the development and weight of the organs of the GIT, which might have negative effects on feed intake and egg production at the beginning of the egg laying cycle.