783 resultados para Nursing Study and teaching
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
The purpose of this phenomenological study was to uncover the meaning of lifelong learning to nurses in an Academic Health Care setting. Six female pediatric nurses were interviewed and audiotaped in response to 2 main questions of interpretation and engagement in lifelong learning with respect to their nursing practice. Four additional probing questions elicited responses of further qualities and characteristics of the meaning of lifelong learning. The emergent themes uncovered the characteristics and nature of the journey of lifelong learning. The themes evolved into parallel characteristics developing into the concepts of personal empowerment and occupational authorship. The personal empowerment concept involved processes whereby the participants overcame or removed barriers to engage in personal lifelong learning. Participants utilized personal power and internal motivators to sustain their engagement in lifelong learning. The occupational authorship concept involved participants controlling their exploration into lifelong learning through collaboration and recognition of occupational demands to be met as a professional. The remaining themes revealed a seasoning journey. This journey entailed a process of mastery through the themes of engagement discord, discovery pilgrimage, transforming, and maturation. The engagement in this journey resulted in their lifelong learning to becoming more intuitive and a part oftheir being. The overall theme uncovered from the journeys was one of a vocation described as a call to thinking critically of nursing practice. The participants responded to lifelong learning as a call to be a good nurse by using critical thinking through reflection, transformative and constructionist learning processes. This study gave voice to the meaning of lifelong learning in their nursing practice as interpreted by -ao the nurse participants.
The goal ofthis research was to gain an understanding ofthe process ofprofessional socialization by accessing role meaning ofstudents engaged in a BScN program. Students from each ofthe four years and faculty members from the school ofnursing volunteered as participants. G. Kelly's (1955) Personal Construct Theory provided the framework to determine awareness and constructed meanings. A reflective tool, called LifeMapping, was adapted and utilized to relate student experiences within education that have attributed to nurse role meaning. Focus group interviews verified data interpretation. Students are informed oftheir choice to study nursing through part-time and volunteer work, secondary school cooperative placements. Descriptions reveal that choices are tested and both positive and negative aspects ofthe role observed. Bipolar images of good and bad nurses seem to be context-related. These images may establish biases in choices related to learning experiences. The person inside ofeach aspiring nurse interprets, revises and understands experiences to incorporate individual meaning into their value and belief structures. Students are aware ofchanges and descnbe them as developments that occur personally up to Year ill and role-image changes that begin in Year II. The major difficulty that students encountered was descnbed as negative attitudes towards their anticipated role. Humanistic-interactionist philosophies are echoed in student accounts of learning experiences. Growth and role development corresponds to process factors of small group, problem-base learning.
Sobre el nou títol d'Estudi de Grau d' Infermeria i de Salut Mental
A convenience sample of twenty registered nurses was recruited from two' general hospitals and two community college nursing schools. Kelly's (1955) Personal Construct Theory provided the theoretical framework to discover how nurses perceived themselves as educators. The nurses completed a self-administered Self-Perception Inventory (Soares, 1983) to determine their perception of self as nurse and ideal self as nurse. In an interview, each of the nurses constructed a rank-order repertory grid adapted from Kelly's (1955) Role Repertory Construct Test. Twelve constructs derived from the Self-Perception Inventory (Soares, 1983) were ranked according to a list of ten elements common to a teaching situation. Rank order correlations among the constructs were determined with Spearman's rho. Using a dependent samples t-test, significant differences were found between perceptions of current and ideal self for staff nurses. Significant differences were also found between nurse educators' perceptions of self and ideal self as nurse. No significant differences were determined in perceptions of self as nurse and ideal self as nurse between the staff nurse and nurse educator groups with an independent samples t-test. However, observations of single constructs revealed that although several constructs are shared between the groups in the perception of self in a teaching situation, both groups hold constructs that operate exclusively in their separate domains. The nature and strength of the relationships between the common and unique constructs are different for each group. Nurses I self-perceptions appear to be influenced by the historical development of nursing, role socialization during nursing education, social expectations and gender issues in the health care system.
This research explored the elements that contribute to staff nurses' commitment to lifelong professional development. This exploration has been undertaken to provide insights into those factors that motivate individuals to continue their education for professional development and for clinical practice improvement. This study was conducted in an acute care hospital in Southern Ontario, and investigated the thoughts and experiences ofhealth care staffworking within that setting. A qualitative case study was undertaken which involved the collection of interview, document, and class observation data. Two exemplary clinical nurse educators and two motivated, professionally committed staffnurses were interviewed during the study. Teaching document review and observation ofclasses involving the clinical nurse educators were conducted to facilitate triangulation of fmdingswith data sources and strategies. These participants provided rich data that were captured in field notes and coded for conceptual meaning. Emerging from the data were the identification ofthree major elements of influence that contribute to staffnurses' commitment to lifelong professional development. Identified within the three intersecting spheres of influence upon staff nurses' lifelong commitment to professionalleaming were the environment, the clinical nurse educator, and the staff nurse. This research explored the intersecting spheres of influence and the elements within the partnership model ofprofessional education for staff nurses.
The concept of self-directed learning was examined from the nurse educators' perspective. One structured interview, lasting between one and one-and-a half hours, was conducted with each of 14 nurse educators in two community college continuing education programs in nursing. One community college program encourages selfdirected learning; the other encourages self-study and active participation in the teaching/learning process. All 14 interviews were tape-recorded and transcribed verbatim. Verbatim transcripts were analyzed for themes, patterns, and relationships utilizing analyst-constructed typologies. six prerequisites or necessary conditions for facilitating self-directed learning in a community college continuing education program in nursing were identified. ~he crucial issue in facilitating self-directed learning was found to be the issue of teacher-control.
This qualitative study examined the perceived thoughts, feelings and experiences of seven public health nurses employed in a southern ontario health department, regarding the initial phase of the introduction of a self-directed orientation program in their place of employment. A desire to understand what factors facilitate public health nurses in the process of becoming self-directed learners was the purpose of this study. Data were gathered by three methods: 1) a standard open-ended interview was conducted by the researcher with each nurse for approximately one hour; 2) personal notes were kept by the researcher throughout the study; and 3) a review of all pertinent health department documents such as typed minutes of meetings and memos which referred to the introduction of the self-directed learning model was conducted. The meaning of the experience for the nurses provided some insights into what does and does not facilitate public health nurses in the process of becoming self-directed learners. Implications and recommendations for program planners, nurse administrators, facilitators of learning and researchers evolved from the findings of this study.
The study was undertaken to identify what motivates registered nurses to participate in continuing education activities. The primary questions were whether basic nursing education, employment status, clinical area, and position, as well as readiness for selfdirected learning influenced Canadian nurses' motivational orientations when deciding to participate in continuing education activities. Other individual differences (e.g., age) were also examined. The sample included 142 registered nurses employed at an urban community hospital. Three instruments were used for data collection: the Education Participation Scale, the Self-Directed Learning Readiness Scale, and a nursing survey consisting of demographic questions. Basic nursing education and employment status did not effect motivational orientation or self-directed learning readiness. Clinical area and level of position significantly influenced nurses' decisions to participate in continuing education activities. Motivational orientation had a significant relationship with selfdirected learning readiness. Implications for practice as a result of this study involves program planning and delivery. The identification of the motivational orientations of participants may assist in the development and delivery of continuing education programs that are beneficial, relevant, and address the identified learning needs of participants. Implications for future research also exist in relation to studying different groups of nurses, for example, registered nursing assistants, and investigating related issues, for example, what are the deterrents to participation in continuing education?
Aquest article presenta els resultats del procés d’implementació del portafoli a primer curs dels estudis d’infermeria, en l’assignatura d’estructura i funcionament del cos humà. La justificació del recurs didàctic s’identifica en el paradigma del marc europeu d’educació superior, el qual es basa en l’aprenentatge responsable i constant de l’estudiant. El principal objectiu del portafoli es centra en guiar als estudiants en la seva activitat d’aprenentatge, afavorint l’autopercepció del procés, fomentar la creativitat per poder assolir els objectius i continguts des de la seva perspectiva i coneixement emprant una visió crítica individual. Aquest marc, facilita l’adquisició competencial i la construcció de l’aprenentatge significatiu aconseguint aproximar el coneixement a la clínica assistencial real. El resultat final permetrà aconseguir les estratègies determinants del conegut aprendre a aprendre d’una forma significativa. Durant el procés d’implementació del portafoli s’ha avaluat una mostra de 180 estudiants, els quals s’han repartit en 2 grups, 130 han elaborat el portafoli i 50 no l’han elaborat. Es realitza una avaluació quantitativa dels resultats acadèmics de l’estudiant i qualitativa on es recullen els indicis del resultat de la implementació de l’instrument a partir del registre dels estudiants i professors. Els resultats configuren els punts forts i febles que representa l’instrument. Amb l’anàlisi quantitativa, s’observa que el 83% d’estudiants que lliuren el portafoli aproven a la primera o segona convocatòria amb una nota mitjana de 6.63/10. Mentre que, el 27% d’estudiants que no elaboren el portafoli aproven l’assignatura en primera o segona convocatòria amb una nota mitjana de 5,03/10. Amb l’anàlisi qualitativa s’observa que el recurs ofereix una informació àmplia i detallada de l’instrument didàctic com a eina d’ajuda i suport en el procés d’aprenentatge. Per altra banda, es detecta que suposa una sobrecàrrega per l’estudiant. És un producte personalitzat i individual en què l’estudiant assoleix les competències, fomenta la creativitat. En virtut dels resultats i amb l’anàlisi estadística es confirma que l’estratègia metodològica és un element clau per l’adquisició i consolidació del coneixement que motiva a l’autodisciplina, a l’autoaprenentatge i a l’autoavaluació, percebre l’avanç formatiu i ajustar l’esforç en relació al resultat acadèmic
La enseñanza basada en las competencias es más compleja que la aplicación de saberes y la realización de casos prácticos específicos, puesto que es necesario ejecutar también las operaciones mentales abstractas que permitan al estudiante consolidar los conocimientos, y demostrar las habilidades y las actitudes necesarias para ser competente. Para que el alumno universitario aprenda este proceso debe, en primer lugar, ser consciente de esta necesidad y debe saber identificar las operaciones mentales implicadas y saber representarlas o expresarlas de forma manuscrita o esquematizada. Estas operaciones no son, según alumnos y profesores, tareas fáciles, pero si son, sin embargo, elementos que se perciben como muy necesarios para aprender estrategias de razonamiento y pensamiento crítico que repercutirán positivamente en la calidad de los cuidados de enfermería realizados en el paciente y en la comunidad en un futuro más o menos próximo. La asignatura optativa de tercer curso Resolución de casos desde un enfoque enfermero del Departamento de Enfermería Fundamental y Medico-quirúrgica de la Universidad de Barcelona nace con la intención de dar respuesta a la necesidad del estudiante de mejorar sus habilidades profesionales enseñando el marco teórico de estrategias de razonamiento clínicos para resolver casos simulados del entorno sanitario y profesional, de forma más efectiva y completa. La presente comunicación tiene por objetivos principales presentar el marco teórico que sustenta el proyecto docente implementado y exponer las características metodológicas desarrolladas
En el marc de l’adaptació dels estudis universitaris a l’Espai Europeu d’Educació Superior i a partir del procés de Bolonya, es configura un disseny de canvi estratègic per crear un espai comú de reconeixement de l’ensenyament-aprenentatge, en què professors i alumnes participen i elaboren amb l’objectiu d’aconseguir respostes professionals a les demandes i necessitats socials del nostre entorn. Des d’aquesta perspectiva fa 4 anys l’escola d’infermeria va introduir l’aprenentatge basat en problemes (ABP o PBL) com a impuls per contemporaneitzar la metodologia tradicional aconseguint uns resultat excel·lents. En aquest punt i amb l’objectiu de desplegar, complementar i millorar l’estratègia didàctica es proposa implementar i avaluar la sessió plenària a fi i efecte d’incorporar un element addicional i finalista de l’ABP, en el qual estudiants i professors puguin objectivar i ser testimonis de la consecució dels objectius i el tractament dels continguts treballats en les sessions tutorials de cadascun del grups i cursos respectivament. La inclusió de la sessió plenària permetrà crear un context d’exposició comú, obert i interdisciplinari favorable per la discussió dels continguts treballats en cadascun dels objectius que integren el cas. Amb la sessió plenària, la construcció del coneixement és compartida pel grup, ja que s’ha adquirit en les sessions tutorials prèvies de l’ABP. La importància de la interacció no rau exclusivament en la dimensió comunicativa sinó que a més suposa la mediació per l’estructuració de la dimensió cognitiva. El total de la mostra d’estudiants correspon a 297 estudiants, 71 dels quals són de primer curs, 79 de segon curs i 147 de tercer curs . Cal incidir que el tercer curs ha participat en dues sessions plenàries al primer semestre i per tant s’han valorat les dues ( n=74, primera sessió i n=73, segona sessió). En quant a la mostra de professors assistents a la sessió plenària correspon a 15 professors, repartits en els 3 cursos acadèmics. En virtut dels resultats s’observa que l’experiència de la sessió plenària genera l’escenari idoni per la comunicació i expressió verbal dels i entre alumnes el que suposa una oportunitat excepcional per consolidar i incorporar nous coneixements aconseguint un aprenentatge significatiu i consistent. Com a conclusió, considerem convenient continuar apostant pel manteniment de la sessió plenària, ara bé, a fi d’optimitzar el seu resultat, cal valorar en profunditat els punts forts i febles detectats tant pels professors com pels estudiants i realitzar els canvis pertinents
El cine es una de las recreaciones humanas más extraordinarias que se conoce desde la perspectiva de la comunicación. En el contexto del cine como recurso formativo, se inscribe la asignatura optativa Metodología de la Investigación mediante el cine, que ya cuenta con seis ediciones en la Diplomatura de Enfermería (Universidad de Barcelona). En cada edición se ha escogido, como objeto (sujeto) de estudio, un problema de salud diferente: cáncer, trastornos de la nutrición, Violencia Contra la Mujer (VCM), etc. La VCM es la expresión de un orden social basado en la desigualdad, que deriva de la asignación de roles diferentes a los hombres y a las mujeres, en función de su sexo. El cine como ficción muestra la realidad de la VCM de diversas formas, pero hace falta trascender el simple visionado de las imágenes para escuchar y mirar la VCM científicamente. Este trabajo describe el plan docente de la optativa Metodología de la Investigación mediante el cine, que incluye el taller: Análisis cinematográfico aplicado a la VCM. Este taller se considera como la intervención correspondiente a un diseño preexperimental de comparación con grupo estático y cuyos resultados se presentan en este trabajo
El 17th Annual Meeting of the Florence Network (FN) va tenir lloc del 21 al 25 d’abril de 2009 a The Hague University of Applied Sciences (THU) Academy of Health-School of Nursing, sota el lema: “Patient/client centred healthcare”. The Ducht perspective with an international touch”, i es va centrar en l’actual situació dels drets dels pacients a Holanda aplicat en diferents camps de les cures infermeres. L’Escola d’Infermeria de la Universitat de Girona hi va participar amb l’assistència de dues professores i quatre estudiants. E nombre total d’estudiants que varen assistir a la FN es de 47. La procedència dels mateixos en total de 9 països diferents. De tots ells assistien per primer cop 18 persones 4 ho feien per segona vegada i 1 per tercera . Els objectius del treball que es presenta son els següents: 1, Conèixer l’opinió dels estudiants respecte a la seva participació a la Florence Network. 2, Saber quin perfil tenen els universitaris que hi assisteixen 3, Detectar els punts forts i els punts febles que destaquen els estudiants després de participar a la Florence Network