858 resultados para Nursing Care - psychology 


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Spirituality addresses the need to give meaning to life events and is characterized by the relationship with oneself, others and the universe. This article aims to provide an overview of the empirical knowledge, and the prevailing thoughts about spirituality in nursing and suggest perspectives for future directions. The literature review was conducted using the main databases; 36 articles, published between 2008-2013, were selected. The themes covered include the definitions of the spirituality, the spiritual care and the spiritual well-being. Spirituality differs from, yet is not opposed to religion and takes different forms in multicultural and secular societies. Cancer incites existential questions and impacts quality of life, and spiritual well-being is recognized as a good indicator of quality of life for people living with cancer. Professional caregivers are concerned about the needs and spiritual well-being of their patients and often consider interventions to address them. This article reflects the depth of thought and research in nursing and touches on both discipline-specific and interdisciplinary issues.


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Introdução: A satisfação dos doentes constitui um indicador indispensável para a avaliação da qualidade dos cuidados e há evidência da sua correlação com os resultados em saúde. A satisfação com os cuidados de saúde é um conceito multidimensional que considera aspetos como acesso, organização e interação doente - profissional. Consideramos que os cuidados de enfermagem, em particular, são fundamentais no processo saúde/doença. Objetivos: Validar uma escala para avaliar a satisfação dos utentes face aos cuidados de enfermagem, adaptado do instrumento EUROPEP e avaliar a satisfação dos utentes dos cuidados de saúde primários da região centro de Portugal. Material e métodos: Estudo transversal, com uma amostra de 827 utentes adultos (maioria do sexo feminino 64,4%) com uma média de idade de 50,08±18,58 anos. Os dados foram recolhidos através de um questionário, constituído por variáveis sociodemográficas, o instrumento EUROPEP (Ferreira, 1995) para avaliar a satisfação com os cuidados de saúde primários e para avaliar a satisfação especificamente com a equipa de enfermagem elaboramos questões adaptadas do instrumento EUROPEP e agrupadas nas dimensões relação de ajuda, dimensão interpessoal e instrumental. A consistência interna, reprodutibilidade e análise de conteúdo foram avaliados com recurso ao SPSS 23.0; considerando a consistência aceitável para um de Cronbach > 0,70. O coeficiente para cada item é apresentado com um intervalo de confiança de 95%. Resultados: Em todas as dimensões do questionário EUROPEP, a maior percentagem de satisfação com os cuidados situou-se entre “boa” e “muito boa”. As dimensões criadas para avaliar especificamente os cuidados de enfermagem apresentaram um coeficiente de α de Cronbach total de 0,972. Conclusões: Estes resultados sugerem que as dimensões criadas para avaliar os cuidados de enfermagem serão úteis para a investigação na população Portuguesa. A satisfação do utente é decisiva para a qualidade e eficiência dos cuidados prestados, sendo necessário o compromisso de todos os prestadores na implementação de práticas sistemáticas de gestão que conduzam à satisfação, dando particular atenção à melhoria contínua dos processos organizacionais. Palavras-chave: Satisfação dos Utentes; cuidados de saúde primários, cuidados de enfermagem, adulto, Portugal


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Aim To describe the perceptions and attitudes of registered nurses (RNs) towards adverse events (AEs) in nursing care. Background The professionals` subjective perspectives should be taken into account for the prevention of AEs in care settings. Method Schutz`s social phenomenology was developed. Interviews were conducted with nine Intensive Care Unit RNs. Results The following five descriptive categories emerged: (1) the occurrence of AEs is inherent to the human condition but provokes a feeling of insecurity, (2) the occurrence of AEs indicates the existence of failures in health care systematization, (3) the professionals` attitudes towards AEs should be permeated by ethical principles; (4) the priority regarding AEs should be the mitigation of harm to patients, and (5) decisions regarding the communication of AEs were determined by the severity of the error. Conclusions The various subjective perspectives related to the occurrence of AEs requires a health care systematization with a focus on prevention. Ethical behaviour is essential for the patients` safety. Implications for nursing management Activities aimed at the prevention of AEs should be integrated jointly with both the professionals and the health care institution. A culture of safety, not punishment, and improvement in the quality of care provided to patients should be priorities.


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Hospital nursing may be better deployed to acute clinical patient care. The recruitment of family assistance will facilitate this process in patients in hospital awaiting placement and without acute care issues.


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ABSTRACT This study was conducted to assess mental health knowledge, attitude and practices among health care workers in Belize before and immediately after a competency based training program in mental health. A baseline Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices (KAP) survey was given to health personnel, mainly nurses, working primary and secondary care. The intervention was a 13-week face-to-face training course for health care professionals with the objective of increasing their competency in mental health and reducing stigma. After the training a post intervention KAP survey was conducted among the original respondents. 88 health care workers completed the baseline survey and 61 of those respondents completed the post-intervention questionnaire. The results showed that the level of knowledge of the participants had improved by the training intervention and that in general, the intervention was effective in correcting some misconceptions about mental illness and reducing stigmatizing attitudes among the participants.


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Standards to improve the nutritional care and food experience of patients in hospital.


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Cost of Residential and Nursing Care - Volume 1


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Cost of Residential and Nursing Care - Volume 2


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As atitudes que os enfermeiros adotam em relação à família condicionam o processo de cuidar. Nosso propósito com este estudo foi nesse sentido: dispor de um instrumento que nos permitisse conhecer esta variável. Assim, nossa proposta foi efetuar a adaptação transcultural e avaliar as propriedades psicométricas da versão portuguesa do instrumento Families' Importance in Nursing Care - Nurses Attitudes (FINC-NA), que visa avaliar as atitudes dos enfermeiros acerca da importância de envolver a família nos cuidados de enfermagem. Foi seguido o método preconizado pela literatura. A amostra foi constituída por 136 enfermeiros dos Cuidados de Saúde Primários. Os resultados obtidos nos testes de confiabilidade revelam uma boa consistência interna para o total dos itens (Alpha de Cronbach = 0,87). O estudo psicométrico permite-nos afirmar que a versão em português da FINC-NA, que denominamos A importância das famílias nos cuidados de enfermagem - atitudes dos enfermeiros (IFCE-AE), é um instrumento fidedigno e válido.


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Intimate partner violence is a growing problem in health care. The purpose of this thesis was to find ways of confronting a victim of intimate partner violence in nursing care and methods how nurses can encourage the victim to disclose the abuse. The aim of this thesis was to help the health care professionals to understand the issue and the need of the victims better, and that way provide a better care. This thesis is a literature review of previously made research articles about intimate partner violence. The research material consisted of 10 published articles, which were collected from different databases. The articles were published within 10 years. A content analysis method was used to examine the articles by making descriptive summary tables according to each questions. The results of this study showed multiple factors which the health care providers should take into consideration when caring the patients. Asking with a non-judgemental attitude, in a safe, confidential setting without the partner present and prioritizing the abuse was mentioned to be important for the victims. Routinely screening and different kind of brochures was considered as good methods to encourage the victims to disclose the abuse. The need for better training and counselling of the health care providers was also discovered. The results of this thesis, did answer to the chosen study questions and that way the purpose of the thesis was filled. Hopefully, in the future this problem can be minimized and prevented in advanced. Further studies are needed to examine whether these caring methods are actually being used in clinical settings and do they have any effect.


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The present investigation was a cross-sectional, quantitative research study analyzing incidents associated with nursing care using a root-cause methodological analysis. The study was conducted in a public hospital intensive care unit (ICU) in Santiago de Chile and investigated 18 incidents related to nursing care that occurred from January to March of 2012. The sample was composed of six cases involving medications and the self-removal of therapeutic devices. The contributing factors were related to the tasks and technology, the professional work team, the patients, and the environment. The analysis confirmed that the cases presented with similar contributing factors, thereby indicating that the vulnerable aspects of the system are primarily responsible for the incidence occurrence. We conclude that root-cause analysis facilitates the identification of these vulnerable points. Proactive management in system-error prevention is made possible by recommendations.


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When nine million foreigners visited Japan in 2013, the federal government set a goal to attract an additional two and a half million visitors including medical tourists by 2020. This research investigates the attitudes and concerns of Japanese nurses when they are in a situation dealing with foreign patients. The data were collected from March through September 2010, from 114 nurses at three hospitals, in close proximity to popular tourist destinations in Hiroshima. A questionnaire was developed for this research, named Mari Meter, which included a section to write answers to an open question for the nurses to express their opinions. These responses were examined statistically and by word analysis using Text Mining Studio. Japanese nurses expressed greatest concern about payment options, foreign language skills, and issues of informed consent, when dealing with foreigners. The results confirm that, in order to provide a high quality of patient care, extra preparation and a greater knowledge of international workers and visitors are required by nursing professionals in Japan.


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Objective:To identify the nursing care prescribed for patients in risk for pressure ulcer (PU) and to compare those with the Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC) interventions. Method: Cross mapping study conducted in a university hospital. The sample was composed of 219 adult patients hospitalized in clinical and surgical units. The inclusion criteria were: score ≤ 13 in the Braden Scale and one of the nursing diagnoses, Self-Care deficit syndrome, Impaired physical mobility, Impaired tissue integrity, Impaired skin integrity, Risk for impaired skin integrity. The data were collected retrospectively in a nursing prescription system and statistically analyzed by crossed mapping. Result: It was identified 32 different nursing cares to prevent PU, mapped in 17 different NIC interventions, within them: Skin surveillance, Pressure ulcer prevention and Positioning. Conclusion: The cross mapping showed similarities between the prescribed nursing care and the NIC interventions.