998 resultados para Numerical Site Calibration


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Esta dissertação descreve o desenvolvimento e avaliação de um procedimento de \Numerical Site Calibration" (NSC) para um Parque Eólico, situado a sul de Portugal, usando Dinâmica de Fluídos Computacional (CFD). O NSC encontra-se baseado no \Site Calibration" (SC), sendo este um método de medição padronizado pela Comissão Electrónica Internacional através da norma IEC 61400. Este método tem a finalidade de quantificar e reduzir os efeitos provocados pelo terreno e por possíveis obstáculos, na medição do desempenho energético das turbinas eólicas. Assim, no SC são realizadas medições em dois pontos, no mastro referência e no local da turbina (mastro temporário). No entanto, em Parques Eólicos já construídos, este método não é aplicável visto ser necessária a instalação de um mastro de medição no local da turbina e, por conseguinte, o procedimento adequado para estas circunstâncias é o NSC. O desenvolvimento deste método é feito por um código CFD, desenvolvido por uma equipa de investigação do Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, designado de WINDIETM, usado extensivamente pela empresa Megajoule Inovação, Lda em aplicações de energia eólica em todo mundo. Este código é uma ferramenta para simulação de escoamentos tridimensionais em terrenos complexos. As simulações do escoamento são realizadas no regime transiente utilizando as equações de Navier-Stokes médias de Reynolds com aproximação de Bussinesq e o modelo de turbulência TKE 1.5. As condições fronteira são provenientes dos resultados de uma simulação realizada com Weather Research and Forecasting, WRF. Estas simulações dividem-se em dois grupos, um dos conjuntos de simulações utiliza o esquema convectivo Upwind e o outro utiliza o esquema convectivo de 4aordem. A análise deste método é realizada a partir da comparação dos dados obtidos nas simulações realizadas no código WINDIETM e a coleta de dados medidos durante o processo SC. Em suma, conclui-se que o WINDIETM e as suas configurações reproduzem bons resultados de calibração, ja que produzem erros globais na ordem de dois pontos percentuais em relação ao SC realizado para o mesmo local em estudo.


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The formal calibration procedure of a phase fraction meter is based on registering the outputs resulting from imposed phase fractions at known flow regimes. This can be straightforwardly done in laboratory conditions, but is rarely the case in industrial conditions, and particularly for on-site applications. Thus, there is a clear need for less restrictive calibration methods regarding to the prior knowledge of the complete set of inlet conditions. A new procedure is proposed in this work for the on-site construction of the calibration curve from total flown mass values of the homogeneous dispersed phase. The solution is obtained by minimizing a convenient error functional, assembled with data from redundant tests to handle the intrinsic ill-conditioned nature of the problem. Numerical simulations performed for increasing error levels demonstrate that acceptable calibration curves can be reconstructed, even from total mass measured within a precision of up to 2%. Consequently, the method can readily be applied, especially in on-site calibration problems in which classical procedures fail due to the impossibility of having a strict control of all the input/output parameters.


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A numerical approach to simulate the behaviour of timber shear walls under both static and dynamic loading is proposed. Because the behaviour of timber shear walls hinges on the behaviour of the nail connections, the force-displacement behaviour of sheathing-to-framing nail connections are first determined and then used to define the hysteretic properties of finite elements representing these connections. The model nails are subsequently implemented into model walls. The model walls are verified using experimental results for both monotonic and cyclic loading. It is demonstrated that the complex hysteretic behaviour of timber shear walls can be reasonably represented using model shear walls in which nonlinear material failure is concentrated only at the sheathing-to-framing nail connections.


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Fibre Reinforced Concretes are innovative composite materials whose applications are growing considerably nowadays. Being composite materials, their performance depends on the mechanical properties of both components, fibre and matrix and, above all, on the interface. The variables to account for the mechanical characterization of the material, could be proper of the material itself, i.e. fibre and concrete type, or external factors, i.e. environmental conditions. The first part of the research presented is focused on the experimental and numerical characterization of the interface properties and short term response of fibre reinforced concretes with macro-synthetic fibers. The experimental database produced represents the starting point for numerical models calibration and validation with two principal purposes: the calibration of a local constitutive law and calibration and validation of a model predictive of the whole material response. In the perspective of the design of sustainable admixtures, the optimization of the matrix of cement-based fibre reinforced composites is realized with partial substitution of the cement amount. In the second part of the research, the effect of time dependent phenomena on MSFRCs response is studied. An extended experimental campaign of creep tests is performed analysing the effect of time and temperature variations in different loading conditions. On the results achieved, a numerical model able to account for the viscoelastic nature of both concrete and reinforcement, together with the environmental conditions, is calibrated with the LDPM theory. Different type of regression models are also elaborated correlating the mechanical properties investigated, bond strength and residual flexural behaviour, regarding the short term analysis and creep coefficient on time, for the time dependent behaviour, with the variable investigated. The experimental studies carried out emphasize the several aspects influencing the material mechanical performance allowing also the identification of those properties that the numerical approach should consider in order to be reliable.


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Trabalho de Dissertação de natureza científica para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização em Estruturas


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Mestrado em Engenharia Civil – Ramo Estruturas


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The Department of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (DIMeC) of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia is developing a new type of small capacity HSDI 2-Stroke Diesel engine (called HSD2), featuring a specifically designed combustion system, aimed to reduce weight, size and manufacturing costs, and improving pollutant emissions at partial load. The present work is focused on the analysis of the combustion and the scavenging process, investigated by means of a version of the KIVA-3V code customized by the University of Chalmers and modified by DIMeC. The customization of the KIVA-3V code includes a detailed combustion chemistry approach, coupled with a comprehensive oxidation mechanism for diesel oil surrogate and the modeling of turbulence/chemistry interaction through the PaSR (Partially Stirred Reactor) model. A four stroke automobile Diesel engine featuring a very close bore size is taken as a reference, for both the numerical models calibration and for a comparison with the 2-Stroke engine. Analysis is carried out trough a comparison between HSD2 and FIAT 1300 MultiJet in several operating conditions, at full and partial load. Such a comparison clearly demonstrates the effectiveness of the two stroke concept in terms of emissions reduction and high power density. However, HSD2 is still a virtual engine, and experimental results are needed to assume the reliability of numerical results.


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Far-field stresses are those present in a volume of rock prior to excavations being created. Estimates of the orientation and magnitude of far-field stresses, often used in mine design, are generally obtained by single-point measurements of stress, or large-scale, regional trends. Point measurements can be a poor representation of far-field stresses as a result of excavation-induced stresses and geological structures. For these reasons, far-field stress estimates can be associated with high levels of uncertainty. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the practical feasibility, applications, and limitations of calibrating far-field stress estimates through tunnel deformation measurements captured using LiDAR imaging. A method that estimates the orientation and magnitude of excavation-induced principal stress changes through back-analysis of deformation measurements from LiDAR imaged tunnels was developed and tested using synthetic data. If excavation-induced stress change orientations and magnitudes can be accurately estimated, they can be used in the calibration of far-field stress input to numerical models. LiDAR point clouds have been proven to have a number of underground applications, thus it is desired to explore their use in numerical model calibration. The back-analysis method is founded on the superposition of stresses and requires a two-dimensional numerical model of the deforming tunnel. Principal stress changes of known orientation and magnitude are applied to the model to create calibration curves. Estimation can then be performed by minimizing squared differences between the measured tunnel and sets of calibration curve deformations. In addition to the back-analysis estimation method, a procedure consisting of previously existing techniques to measure tunnel deformation using LiDAR imaging was documented. Under ideal conditions, the back-analysis method estimated principal stress change orientations within ±5° and magnitudes within ±2 MPa. Results were comparable for four different tunnel profile shapes. Preliminary testing using plastic deformation, a rough tunnel profile, and profile occlusions suggests that the method can work under more realistic conditions. The results from this thesis set the groundwork for the continued development of a new, inexpensive, and efficient far-field stress estimate calibration method.


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Far-field stresses are those present in a volume of rock prior to excavations being created. Estimates of the orientation and magnitude of far-field stresses, often used in mine design, are generally obtained by single-point measurements of stress, or large-scale, regional trends. Point measurements can be a poor representation of far-field stresses as a result of excavation-induced stresses and geological structures. For these reasons, far-field stress estimates can be associated with high levels of uncertainty. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the practical feasibility, applications, and limitations of calibrating far-field stress estimates through tunnel deformation measurements captured using LiDAR imaging. A method that estimates the orientation and magnitude of excavation-induced principal stress changes through back-analysis of deformation measurements from LiDAR imaged tunnels was developed and tested using synthetic data. If excavation-induced stress change orientations and magnitudes can be accurately estimated, they can be used in the calibration of far-field stress input to numerical models. LiDAR point clouds have been proven to have a number of underground applications, thus it is desired to explore their use in numerical model calibration. The back-analysis method is founded on the superposition of stresses and requires a two-dimensional numerical model of the deforming tunnel. Principal stress changes of known orientation and magnitude are applied to the model to create calibration curves. Estimation can then be performed by minimizing squared differences between the measured tunnel and sets of calibration curve deformations. In addition to the back-analysis estimation method, a procedure consisting of previously existing techniques to measure tunnel deformation using LiDAR imaging was documented. Under ideal conditions, the back-analysis method estimated principal stress change orientations within ±5° and magnitudes within ±2 MPa. Results were comparable for four different tunnel profile shapes. Preliminary testing using plastic deformation, a rough tunnel profile, and profile occlusions suggests that the method can work under more realistic conditions. The results from this thesis set the groundwork for the continued development of a new, inexpensive, and efficient far-field stress estimate calibration method.


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The use of computational fluid dynamics simulations for calibrating a flush air data system is described, In particular, the flush air data system of the HYFLEX hypersonic vehicle is used as a case study. The HYFLEX air data system consists of nine pressure ports located flush with the vehicle nose surface, connected to onboard pressure transducers, After appropriate processing, surface pressure measurements can he converted into useful air data parameters. The processing algorithm requires an accurate pressure model, which relates air data parameters to the measured pressures. In the past, such pressure models have been calibrated using combinations of flight data, ground-based experimental results, and numerical simulation. We perform a calibration of the HYFLEX flush air data system using computational fluid dynamics simulations exclusively, The simulations are used to build an empirical pressure model that accurately describes the HYFLEX nose pressure distribution ol cr a range of flight conditions. We believe that computational fluid dynamics provides a quick and inexpensive way to calibrate the air data system and is applicable to a broad range of flight conditions, When tested with HYFLEX flight data, the calibrated system is found to work well. It predicts vehicle angle of attack and angle of sideslip to accuracy levels that generally satisfy flight control requirements. Dynamic pressure is predicted to within the resolution of the onboard inertial measurement unit. We find that wind-tunnel experiments and flight data are not necessary to accurately calibrate the HYFLEX flush air data system for hypersonic flight.


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Relationships between porosity and hydraulic conductivity tend to be strongly scale- and site-dependent and are thus very difficult to establish. As a result, hydraulic conductivity distributions inferred from geophysically derived porosity models must be calibrated using some measurement of aquifer response. This type of calibration is potentially very valuable as it may allow for transport predictions within the considered hydrological unit at locations where only geophysical measurements are available, thus reducing the number of well tests required and thereby the costs of management and remediation. Here, we explore this concept through a series of numerical experiments. Considering the case of porosity characterization in saturated heterogeneous aquifers using crosshole ground-penetrating radar and borehole porosity log data, we use tracer test measurements to calibrate a relationship between porosity and hydraulic conductivity that allows the best prediction of the observed hydrological behavior. To examine the validity and effectiveness of the obtained relationship, we examine its performance at alternate locations not used in the calibration procedure. Our results indicate that this methodology allows us to obtain remarkably reliable hydrological predictions throughout the considered hydrological unit based on the geophysical data only. This was also found to be the case when significant uncertainty was considered in the underlying relationship between porosity and hydraulic conductivity.


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It took the solar polar passage of Ulysses in the early 1990s to establish the global structure of the solar wind speed during solar minimum. However, it remains unclear if the solar wind is composed of two distinct populations of solar wind from different sources (e.g., closed loops which open up to produce the slow solar wind) or if the fast and slow solar wind rely on the superradial expansion of the magnetic field to account for the observed solar wind speed variation. We investigate the solar wind in the inner corona using the Wang-Sheeley-Arge (WSA) coronal model incorporating a new empirical magnetic topology–velocity relationship calibrated for use at 0.1 AU. In this study the empirical solar wind speed relationship was determined by using Helios perihelion observations, along with results from Riley et al. (2003) and Schwadron et al. (2005) as constraints. The new relationship was tested by using it to drive the ENLIL 3-D MHD solar wind model and obtain solar wind parameters at Earth (1.0 AU) and Ulysses (1.4 AU). The improvements in speed, its variability, and the occurrence of high-speed enhancements provide confidence that the new velocity relationship better determines the solar wind speed in the outer corona (0.1 AU). An analysis of this improved velocity field within the WSA model suggests the existence of two distinct mechanisms of the solar wind generation, one for fast and one for slow solar wind, implying that a combination of present theories may be necessary to explain solar wind observations.


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The Gaia space mission is a major project for the European astronomical community. As challenging as it is, the processing and analysis of the huge data-flow incoming from Gaia is the subject of thorough study and preparatory work by the DPAC (Data Processing and Analysis Consortium), in charge of all aspects of the Gaia data reduction. This PhD Thesis was carried out in the framework of the DPAC, within the team based in Bologna. The task of the Bologna team is to define the calibration model and to build a grid of spectro-photometric standard stars (SPSS) suitable for the absolute flux calibration of the Gaia G-band photometry and the BP/RP spectrophotometry. Such a flux calibration can be performed by repeatedly observing each SPSS during the life-time of the Gaia mission and by comparing the observed Gaia spectra to the spectra obtained by our ground-based observations. Due to both the different observing sites involved and the huge amount of frames expected (≃100000), it is essential to maintain the maximum homogeneity in data quality, acquisition and treatment, and a particular care has to be used to test the capabilities of each telescope/instrument combination (through the “instrument familiarization plan”), to devise methods to keep under control, and eventually to correct for, the typical instrumental effects that can affect the high precision required for the Gaia SPSS grid (a few % with respect to Vega). I contributed to the ground-based survey of Gaia SPSS in many respects: with the observations, the instrument familiarization plan, the data reduction and analysis activities (both photometry and spectroscopy), and to the maintenance of the data archives. However, the field I was personally responsible for was photometry and in particular relative photometry for the production of short-term light curves. In this context I defined and tested a semi-automated pipeline which allows for the pre-reduction of imaging SPSS data and the production of aperture photometry catalogues ready to be used for further analysis. A series of semi-automated quality control criteria are included in the pipeline at various levels, from pre-reduction, to aperture photometry, to light curves production and analysis.