996 resultados para Nuclear type
Brevipalpus-transmitted viruses (BTV) cause chlorotic, necrotic and/or ringspot lesions in leaves and stems of orchids, citrus, coffee and several other plant species. There are two different types of BTVs, the nuclear and the cytoplasmic, based on maturation locale in the cell and particle morphology. The orchid fleck virus (OFV) is a BTV that infects orchids. Its short rodlike particles are 32-40 nm in diameter, 100-150 nm in length. OFV is found in the nucleus and is associated with intranuclear electronlucent viroplasms. In 1999, transmission electron microscopy analysis revealed a distinct type of virus causing orchid fleck symptoms. The bacilliform particles, 70-80 nm in diameter and 110-120 nm in length, induced electron-dense viroplasm inclusions in infected cells and resembled the cytoplasmic type associated with BTV, such as the citrus leprosis virus C. Our objective in the present study was to verify whether the cytoplasmic type virus found in orchids could be amplified using primers for other cytoplasmic BTVs, such as CiLV-C and Solanum violaefolium ringspot virus (SvRSV). Additionally, we aimed to differentiate the two BTVs found in orchids: the nuclear and the cytoplasmic types of OFV using microscopy and molecular and serological tools. This virus was not amplified by the CiLV-C and SvRSV primers, and neither the molecular nor the serological tools available to the OFV diagnosis reacted with it, demonstrating that they are definitely different viruses.
The anther smut fungus U stilago violacea has been developed as an important model organIsm for genetic, morphological and physiological studies. Valuable information on the nuclear genetics on U stilago violacea has been obtained in the last 20-25 years. However, in this organism almost nothing is known about mitochondria which make up an important aspect of the fungal genetic system. One fundamental aspect, mitochondrial inheritance, was addressed by this investigation. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) of U. violacea was purified and restriction fragments cloned. MtDNA restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) were identified among different isolates and were used as genetic markers for studying mitochondrial inheritance in crosses between polymorphic isolates. Matings of the yeast-like haploid cells of opposite mating types resulted in dikaryons containing mitochondria from both parents. The dikaryons were induced to form hyphae and then allowed to revert to haploid growth, resulting 1ll a colony that is bisectored for the two nuclear types. Both nuclear-type progeny of each cross were examined for parental mitochondrial type: Either mitochondrial type was observed 1ll the progeny. Thus, mitochondrial inheritance is biparental in this organism. The recovery of both mitochondrial types in the progeny was non-random. In progeny with the nuclear genotype of the al mating type parent mitochondria from both parents were inherited equally well. However, 1ll progeny with the a2 mating type, mitochondria were inherited almost exclusively (94%) from the a2 parent.
Éste documento tiene como objetivo caracterizar los hogares rurales y urbanos del departamento del Cauca, Colombia y clasificarlos según la tipología y el ciclo de vida del hogar, para establecer su relación con los niveles de gasto mínimo en bienes básicos, es decir, con los que definen los umbrales críticos de pobreza. Para tal efecto, se utiliza la Encuesta de Calidad de Vida de 2011 y se estiman modelos de análisis de varianza multifactoriales. Los resultados muestran, entre otros, que el tipo de hogar más frecuente, tanto en el área rural como la urbana, es el nuclear con hijos y los gastos mínimos básicos, en general, son en alimentos, vivienda y salud. Los rubros de educación y transporte presentan niveles más altos de consumo en los hogares urbanos que en los rurales..
This thesis includes several thermal hydraulic analyses related to the Loviisa WER 440 nuclear power plant units. The work consists of experimental studies, analysis of the experiments, analysis of some plant transits and development of a calculational model for calculation of boric acid concentrations in the reactor. In the first part of the thesis, in the case of won of boric acid solution behaviour during long term cooling period of LOCAs, experiments were performed in scaled down test facilities. The experimental data together with the results of RELAPS/MOD3 simulations were used to develop a model for calculations of boric acid concentrations in the reactor during LOCAs. The results of calculations showed that margins to critical concentrations that would lead to boric acid crystallization were large, both in the reactor core and in the lower plenum. This was mainly caused by the fact that water in the primary cooling circuit includes borax (Na)BsO,.IOHZO), which enters the reactor when ECC water is taken from the sump and greatly increases boric acid solubility in water. In the second part, in the case of simulation of horizontal steam generators, experiments were performed with PACTEL integral test loop to simulate loss of feedwater transients. The PACTEL experiments, as well as earlier REWET III natural circulation tests, were analyzed with RELAPS/MOD3 Version Sm5 code. The analysis showed that the code was capable of simulating the main events during the experiments. However, in the case of loss of secondary side feedwater the code was not completely capable to simulate steam superheating in the secondary side of the steam generators. The third part of the work consists of simulations of Loviisa VVER reactor pump trip transients with RELAPSlMODI Eur, RELAPS/MOD3 and CATHARE codes. All three codes were capable to simulate the two selected pump trip transients and no significant differences were found between the results of different codes. Comparison of the calculated results with the data measured in the Loviisa plant also showed good agreement.
This report summarizes the work done by a consortium consisting of Lappeenranta University of Technology, Aalto University and VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland in the New Type Nuclear Reactors (NETNUC) project during 2008–2011. The project was part of the Sustainable Energy (SusEn) research programme of the Academy of Finland. A wide range of generation IV nuclear technologies were studied during the project and the research consisted of multiple tasks. This report contains short articles summarizing the results of the individual tasks. In addition, the publications produced and the persons involved in the project are listed in the appendices.
Affiliation: Zhujun Ao, Éric Cohen & Xiaojian Yao : Département de microbiologie et immunologie, Faculté de Médecine, Université de Montréal
Tree-ring series were collected for radiocarbon analyses from the vicinity of Paks nuclear power plant (NPP) and a background area (Dunaföldvár) for a 10-yr period (2000–2009). Samples of holocellulose were prepared from the wood and converted to graphite for accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) 14C measurement using the MICADAS at ETH Zürich. The 14C concentration data from these tree rings was compared to the background tree rings for each year. The global decreasing trend of atmospheric 14C activity concentration was observed in the annual tree rings both in the background area and in the area of the NPP. As an average of the past 10 yr, the excess 14C emitted by the pressurized-water reactor (PWR) NPP to the atmosphere shows only a slight systematic excess (~6‰) 14C in the annual rings. The highest 14C excess was 13‰ (in 2006); however, years with the same 14C level as the background were quite frequent in the tree-ring series.
Apolipoprotein B (apoB) mRNA editing catalyzed by apoB mRNA editing catalytic subunit 1 (APOBEC-1) has been proposed to be a nuclear process. To test this hypothesis, the subcellular distribution of hemagglutinin-(HA) tagged APOBEC-1 expressed in transiently transfected hepatoma cells was determined by indirect immunofluorescence microscopy. HA-APOBEC-1 was detected in both the nucleus and cytoplasm of rat and human hepatoma cells. Mutagenesis of APOBEC-1 demonstrated that the N-terminal 56 amino acids (1–56) were necessary for the nuclear distribution of APOBEC-1, but this region did not contain a functional nuclear localization signal (NLS). However, we identified a 24-amino acid domain in the C terminus of APOBEC-1 with characteristics of a cytoplasmic retention signal (CRS) or a nuclear export signal (NES). These data suggest, therefore, that the nuclear import of APOBEC-1 may not be mediated by a positive NLS; rather, it may be achieved by overcoming the effect of a CRS/NES. We also demonstrated that the nuclear distribution of APOBEC-1 occurred only in cell lines that were capable of editing apoB RNA. We propose that the cellular distribution of APOBEC-1 is determined by multiple domains within this protein, and a nuclear localization of the enzyme may be regulated by cell type-specific factors that render these cells uniquely editing competent.
Electron microscopy of human skin fibroblasts syringe-loaded with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 protease (HIV-1 PR) revealed several effects on nuclear architecture. The most dramatic is a change from a spherical nuclear morphology to one with multiple lobes or deep invaginations. The nuclear matrix collapses or remains only as a peripheral rudiment, with individual elements thicker than in control cells. Chromatin organization and distribution is also perturbed. Attempts to identify a major nuclear protein whose cleavage by the protease might be responsible for these alterations were unsuccessful. Similar changes were observed in SW 13 T3 M [vimentin+] cells, whereas no changes were observed in SW 13 [vimentin−] cells after microinjection of protease. Treatment of SW 13 [vimentin−] cells, preinjected with vimentin to establish an intermediate filament network, with HIV-1 PR resulted in alterations in chromatin staining and distribution, but not in nuclear shape. These same changes were produced in SW 13 [vimentin−] cells after the injection of a mixture of vimentin peptides, produced by the cleavage of vimentin to completion by HIV-1 PR in vitro. Similar experiments with 16 purified peptides derived from wild-type or mutant vimentin proteins and five synthetic peptides demonstrated that exclusively N-terminal peptides were capable of altering chromatin distribution. Furthermore, two separate regions of the N-terminal head domain are primarily responsible for perturbing nuclear architecture. The ability of HIV-1 to affect nuclear organization via the liberation of vimentin peptides may play an important role in HIV-1-associated cytopathogenesis and carcinogenesis.
In bovine adrenal medullary cells synergistically acting type 1 and type 2 angiotensin II (AII) receptors activate the fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2) gene through a unique AII-responsive promoter element. Both the type 1 and type 2 AII receptors and the downstream cyclic adenosine 1′,3′-monophosphate- and protein kinase C-dependent signaling pathways activate the FGF-2 promoter through a novel signal-transducing mechanism. This mechanism, which we have named integrative nuclear FGF receptor-1 signaling, involves the nuclear translocation of FGF receptor-1 and its subsequent transactivation of the AII-responsive element in the FGF-2 promoter.
Tissue-specific transcription is regulated in part by cell type-restricted proteins that bind to defined sequences in target genes. The DNA-binding domain of these proteins is often evolutionarily conserved. On this basis, liver-enriched transcription factors were classified into five families. We describe here the mammalian prototype of a sixth family, which we therefore call hepatocyte nuclear factor 6 (HNF-6). It activates the promoter of a gene involved in the control of glucose metabolism. HNF-6 contains two different DNA-binding domains. One of these corresponds to a novel type of homeodomain. The other is homologous to the Drosophila cut domain. A similar bipartite sequence is coded by the genome of Caenorhabditis elegans.
The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) Rev protein is required for nuclear export of late HIV-1 mRNAs. This function is dependent on the mutationally defined Rev activation domain, which also forms a potent nuclear export signal. Transcription factor IIIA (TFIIIA) binds to 5S rRNA transcripts and this interaction has been proposed to play a role in the efficient nuclear export of 5S rRNA in amphibian oocytes. Here it is reported that amphibian TFIIIA proteins contain a sequence element with homology to the Rev activation domain that effectively substitutes for this domain in inducing the nuclear export of late HIV-1 mRNAs. It is further demonstrated that this TFIIIA sequence element functions as a protein nuclear export signal in both human cells and frog oocytes. Thus, this shared protein motif may play an analogous role in mediating the nuclear export of both late HIV-1 RNAs and 5S rRNA transcripts.
In the replication of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1), gag MA (matrix), a major structural protein of the virus, carries out opposing targeting functions. During virus assembly, gag MA is cotranslationally myristoylated, a modification required for membrane targeting of gag polyproteins. During virus infection, however, gag MA, by virtue of a nuclear targeting signal at its N terminus, facilitates the nuclear localization of viral DNA and establishment of the provirus. We now show that phosphorylation of gag MA on tyrosine and serine prior to and during virus infection facilitates its dissociation from the membrane, thus allowing it to translocate to the nucleus. Inhibition of gag MA phosphorylation either on tyrosine or on serine prevents gag MA-mediated nuclear targeting of viral nucleic acids and impairs virus infectivity. The requirement for gag MA phosphorylation in virus infection is underscored by our finding that a serine/threonine kinase is associated with virions of HIV-1. These results reveal a novel level of regulation of primate lentivirus infectivity.
In Drosophila the response to the hormone ecdysone is mediated in part by Ultraspiracle (USP) and ecdysone receptor (EcR), which are members of the nuclear receptor superfamily. Heterodimers of these proteins bind to ecdysone response elements (EcREs) and ecdysone to modulate transcription. Herein we describe Drosophila hormone receptor 38 (DHR38) and Bombyx hormone receptor 38 (BHR38), two insect homologues of rat nerve growth factor-induced protein B (NGFI-B). Although members of the NGFI-B family are thought to function exclusively as monomers, we show that DHR38 and BHR38 in fact interact strongly with USP and that this interaction is evolutionarily conserved. DHR38 can compete in vitro against EcR for dimerization with USP and consequently disrupt EcR-USP binding to an EcRE. Moreover, transfection experiments in Schneider cells show that DHR38 can affect ecdysone-dependent transcription. This suggests that DHR38 plays a role in the ecdysone response and that more generally NGFI-B type receptors may be able to function as heterodimers with retinoid X receptor type receptors in regulating transcription.
"Physics and Math. TID-4500 (15th Ed.)"--Title page.