6 resultados para Nosode


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El presente trabajo se realizó en la finca Santa Ana Ana ubicada en las coordenadas de latitud Norte de 12º 47’longitud Oeste de 85º 07’y una altitud aproximada de 145.88 msnm en el Municipio de Paiwas, Departamento de la RAAS. Con el objetivo de evaluar un tratamiento homeopático (nosode de leche–mastitis-CH 7)contra mastitis bovina la cual es normalmente atendida por antibióticos, durante el trabajo de investigación se aplicaron tres tratamientos: I aplicación pliegue ano caudal, II aplicación sublingual y III tratamiento testigo con masticilina. Se seleccionaron 30 vacas con mastitis dividiéndolos en tres grupos de 10 cada uno donde las hembras se encontraban entre dos y tres meses de lactancia. Se encontró diferencia altamente significativa (P<0.01) para las variables fecha y vacas, y significativa (P<0.05), para las variables tratamiento y cuartos afectados. En los tratamientos el que controló mejor las afecciones en menos tiempo fue el químico, seguido del nosode de aplicación ano caudal, y el de menor control el nosode de aplicación sublingual, aunque este no difirió significativamente del nosode de aplicación ano caudal El cuarto que presentó la mayor afectación fue el cuarto trasero derecho (64%) seguido del cuarto delantero derecho (61%), el delantero izquierdo presentó la menor afectación con 49%, y el trasero izquierdo un porcentaje de afectación intermedia de 53%.


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Background. Salmonellosis is a common problem worldwide in commercially reared poultry. It is associated with human Salmonellosis. No fully satisfactory method of control is available.Method: Nosodes to an antibiotic-resistant strain of Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis in D30 (30X) potency were prepared. One day old chicks (N = 180) were divided into four groups: two control and two different preparations of the nosode. Treatments were administered in drinking water for 10 days. The birds were challenged by a broth culture of the same Salmonella, by mouth, on day 17. Cloacal swabs were taken twice weekly for Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis.Results: Birds receiving active treatment were less likely to grow the strain of Salmonella from cloacal swabs compared to control.Conclusion: Isopathy is low cost and non-toxic. It may have a role to play in the widespread problem of Salmonella in poultry. Further research should be conducted.


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In the search for natural herbicides for the management of the Cyperus rotundus L. in crops this work evaluated alternative methods to control weed, aiming at sustainability. The experiment was carried out in pots, in a greenhouse at the Experimental Station Lageado, FCA-UNESP-Botucatu, from april to may 2008. The experimental design was entirely randomized, with three repetitions, and treatments consisted of aqueous extract of Stilozobium aterrimum Piper & Tracy, residue of the green manure on the soil surface and incorporated into soil, homeopathic preparations and control treatment with no applications. The aqueous extract of green manure and homeophathic preparation provided both reduction in the development of C. rotundus. The fresh weight of the aerial part of S. aterrimun stimulated the growth of the weed both as cover and incorporated into the soil.


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A laboratory model system with the rosy apple aphid (Dysaphis plantaginea Pass.) on apple seedlings was developed to study the effects of homeopathic preparations on this apple pest. The assessment included the substance Lycopodium clavatum and a nosode of the rosy apple aphid. Each preparation was applied on the substrate surface as aqueous solution of granules (6c, 15c, or 30c). Controls were aqueous solutions of placebo granules or pure water. In eight independent, randomized, and blinded experiments under standardized conditions in growth chambers, the development of aphids on treated and untreated apple seedlings was observed over 17 days, each. Six experiments were determined to assess the effects of a strict therapeutic treatment; two experiments were designed to determine the effects of a combined preventative and therapeutic treatment. After application of the preparations, the number of juvenile offspring and the damage on apple seedlings were assessed after 7 and 17 days, respectively. In addition, after 17 days, the seedling weight was measured. In the final evaluation of the six strictly therapeutic trials after 17 days, the number of juvenile offspring was reduced after application of L. clavatum 15c (-17%, p = 0.002) and nosode 6c (-14%, p = 0.02) compared to the pure water control. No significant effects were observed for leaf damage or fresh weight for any application. In the two experiments with combined preventative and therapeutic treatment, no significant effects were observed in any measured parameter. Homeopathic remedies may be effective in plant-pest systems. The magnitude of observed effects seems to be larger than in models with healthy plants, which renders plant-pest systems promising candidates for homeopathic basic research. For successful application in agriculture, however, the effect is not yet sufficient. This calls for further optimization concerning homeopathic remedy selection, potency level, dosage, and application routes.


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Homeopathic basic research is still in the screening phase to identify promising model systems that are adapted to the needs and peculiarities of homeopathic medicine and pharmacy. We investigated the potential of a common plant-pathogen system, Arabidopsis thaliana infected with the virulent bacteria Pseudomonas syringae, regarding its response towards a homeopathic treatment. A. thaliana plants were treated with homeopathic preparations before and after infection. Outcome measure was the number of P. syringae bacteria in the leaves of A. thaliana, assessed in randomized and blinded experiments. After a screening of 30 homeopathic preparations, we investigated the effect of Carbo vegetabilis 30x, Magnesium phosphoricum 30x, Nosode 30x, Biplantol (a homeopathic complex remedy), and Biplantol 30x on the infection rate in five or six independent experiments in total. The screening yielded significant effects for four out of 30 tested preparations. In the repeated experimental series, only the homeopathic complex remedy Biplantol induced a significant reduction of the infection rate (p = 0.01; effect size, d = 0.38). None of the other four repeatedly tested preparations (Carbo vegetabilis 30x, Magnesium phosphoricum 30x, Nosode 30x, Biplantol 30x) yielded significant effects in the overall evaluation. This phytopathological model yielded a small to medium effect size and thus might be of interest for homeopathic basic research after further improvement. Compared to Bion (a common SAR inducer used as positive control), the magnitude of the treatment effect of Biplantol was about 50%. Thus, homeopathic formulations might have a potential for the treatment of plant diseases after further optimization. However, the ecological impact should be investigated more closely before widespread application.