992 resultados para Northern Ireland Cancer Waiting Times


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This statistics release gives details of the waiting times for patients accessing cancer services at hospitals in Northern Ireland during the month of March 2008. The data contained within this release reports on the performance of all Health and Social Care Trusts in Northern Ireland, measured against the three Priorities for Action (PfA) targets for 2007/08 relating to waiting times for cancer services in Northern Ireland during March 2008. åÊ


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Mission statement: åÊ To save lives of those at risk of developing cancer and enhance the quality of life of those living with cancer in Northern Ireland. åÊ Services include: - Women’s early detection service åÊ – mammography, cervical screening and breast awareness (including a mobile clinic) åÊ - Awareness campaigns on breast, cervical, prostate and testicular cancer åÊ - Counselling and complementary therapy for cancer patients and their families åÊ - Health promotion in schools, workplaces and communities åÊ - Funding for cancer research and the Regional Cancer Genetics Servic åÊ


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To download an Application Form, Guidance Notes and other information, please visit the website www.nichsa.com or contact Caoimhe Devlin, Research Assistant by email: cdevlin@nichsa.com or phone: 02890 266714 / 02890 320184 ext 248.


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Presents information on referrals for assessment, waiting times for assessment, and assessments commenced during the quarter.


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In May 2014, the Public Health Agency (the PHA) commissioned Social Market Research (www.socialmarketresearch.co.uk) to undertake a baseline survey on public awareness of the signs and symptoms of cancer. The survey is based on face-to-face interviews with a representative sample of 1,000 adults plus an additional booster sample (n=410) of men and women aged 50+.


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Le cancer du poumon a une incidence et une létalité parmi les plus hautes de tous les cancers diagnostiqués au Canada. En considérant la gravité du pronostic et des symptômes de la maladie, l’accès au traitement dans les plus brefs de délais est essentiel. Malgré l’engagement du gouvernement fédéral et les gouvernements provinciaux de réduire les délais de temps d’attente, des balises pour les temps d’attente pour le traitement d’un cancer ne sont toujours pas établis. En outre, le compte-rendu des indicateurs des temps d’attente n’est pas uniforme à travers les provinces. Une des solutions proposées pour la réduction des temps d’attente pour le traitement du cancer est les équipes interdisciplinaires. J’ai complété un audit du programme interdisciplinaire traitant le cancer du poumon à l’Hôpital général juif (l’HGJ) de 2004 à 2007. Les objectifs primaires de l’étude étaient : (1) de faire un audit de la performance de l’équipe interdisciplinaire à l’HGJ en ce qui concerne les temps d’attente pour les intervalles critiques et les sous-groupes de patients ; (2) de comparer les temps d’attente dans la trajectoire clinique des patients traités à l’HGJ avec les balises qui existent ; (3) de déterminer les facteurs associés aux délais plus longs dans cette population. Un objectif secondaire de l’étude était de suggérer des mesures visant à réduire les temps d’attente. Le service clinique à l’HGJ a été évalué selon les balises proposées par le British Thoracic Society, Cancer Care Ontario, et la balise pan-canadienne pour la radiothérapie. Les patients de l’HGJ ont subi un délai médian de 9 jours pour l’intervalle «Ready to treat to first treatment», et un délai médian de 30 jours pour l’intervalle entre le premier contact avec l’hôpital et le premier traitement. Les patients âgés de plus de 65 ans, les patients avec une capacité physique diminuée, et les patients avec un stade de tumeur limité étaient plus à risque d’échouer les balises pour les temps d’attente.


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Objectives: Since 1995, BRCA testing has identified 445 women in Northern Ireland who carry a pathogenic BRCA1/2 mutation, without breast cancer (bca) at testing. This study examined outcomes with reference to management, bca risk, and incidence following positive predictive testing. Methods: Patients were identified from the regional genetics database. Electronic clinical records were used to obtain management and outcome details. Median follow-up was to bca diagnosis, risk-reducing mastectomy (rrm), death, or last follow-up. Results: 169 women had a BRCA1 mutation, and 276 BRCA2. ■ BRCA1 cohort: Median follow-up post-testing was 3 years. 56 Women (33%) had rrm, and 12 are awaiting rrm (total 68, 40%) at a median age of 36 years. 12 Women (7%) developed bca, at a median of 2 years following testing. 4 Women were diagnosed with bcas incidentally at rrm. 7 Patients had bilateral mastectomies following a cancer diagnosis. 1 Woman developed bca following rrm (1.7%). Three deaths were reported: 1 breast cancer (1.7%), 1 ovarian cancer (1.7%), and 1 with no recorded breast/ovarian cancer diagnosis. ■ BRCA2 cohort: Median follow-up post-testing was 6 years. rrm was carried out in 75 women (27%), with 20 awaiting rrm (total 95, 35%); median age: 39 years. 16 Women developed bca (5.8%), at a median of 5 years from testing. 6 Women were diagnosed with cancer incidentally at rrm; 9 women had bilateral mastectomy following diagnosis, and 1 developed bca following rrm (1.3%). Five deaths were reported: 1 bca, 1 ovarian cancer, and 3 with no recorded breast/ovarian cancer diagnosis. Conclusions: The uptake of rrm following predictive BRCA testing in Northern Ireland is comparable with that reported elsewhere. The incidence of bca following rrm is low (<2%) in our cohort, with low breast and ovarian cancer–specific mortality following positive predictive testing.


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The number of deaths registered in Northern Ireland in 2008 was 14,900, a small increase on the 14,600 deaths registered in 2007. Cancer continues to be the most common cause of death with nearly 4,000 cancer deaths last year.These findings are contained in provisional 2008 mortality figures released by the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA).In 2008, over half of all deaths were caused by three main diseases; cancer (4,000 deaths), ischaemic heart disease (2,400 deaths) and stroke (1,300 deaths). Whilst ischaemic heart disease deaths halved from 4,800 in 1978 to 2,400 last year; cancer deaths have risen from 2,900 in 1978 to 4,000 last year.Over the last few years we have seen marked increases in deaths recorded due to Alzheimer's and other dementia related illnesses; conditions largely associated with the elderly. In 2008, there were 290 deaths due to Alzheimer's disease and a further 520 deaths due to other forms of dementia. Deaths related to healthcare-associated infection also increased last year.


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In June 2013, a representative sample of the public (n=1,012) responded to a survey about their attitudes towards organ donation. At the same time, a process of stakeholder engagement began, which involved 16 discussion groups with key stakeholders as requested by the Health Minister (including organ donation charities, those on the transplant waiting list, transplant recipients, donor families, and Health and Social Care staff). Discussion groups took place between June and August 2013 and proformas were also completed. The central purpose of this public and stakeholder engagement process was to inform the direction of a public information campaign that will be developed by the Public Health Agency (PHA).The�report highlights the findings from this programme of work.


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From January 2011, the Northern Ireland cervical screening programme no longer invited women aged under 25 to attend for screening. In addition, the screening interval for women aged 25-49 was reduced to every three years.This�booklet describes the rationale for the change in policy so that primary care staff and smear takers can provide appropriate and accurate advice to patients.


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This leaflet is used to support the Northern Ireland breast screening programme and help women decide whether to attend breast screening. Translations are of the 2014 version.This is also available in audio format by clicking�here.�


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This is a map of Genitourinary Medicine (GUM)/Sexual Health services across the five health trust areas. It gives contact details for the GUM/sexual health clinics and opening times.