5 resultados para Normativism


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[ES] Partiendo de la caracterización del ciclo gráfico mueble figurativo del Gravetiense peninsular (Morín, Antoliñako koba, El Castillo, Les Mallaetes y El Parpalló), se exploran las relaciones gráficas entre cada una de las piezas y los conjuntos rupestres. Se reflexiona sobre el orden cronológico y la dispersión espacial de las similitudes gráficas en el ámbito de la Península Ibérica. Se concluye que el ciclo gráfico gravetiense se caracteriza por un alto grado de normativismo gráfico, que las comparaciones permiten entender las tendencias gráficas como tradiciones de amplia distribución geográfica y que los datos actuales de índole cronológico no permiten discutir sobre bases concluyentes el desarrollo del ciclo gráfico gravetiense rupestre.


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Neste trabalho foram analisadas e comparadas as principais teorias da conduta. Com isso buscou-se não apenas aprofundar um debate frequentemente mediado pelos manuais, mas também, por meio do recurso aos aportes críticos da bibliografia latino-americana, verificar se a concepção ontológica de conduta é de fato a mais limitadora ao poder punitivo. Parte do eixo analítico deste trabalho passa pelo estudo da articulação entre o respeito à estrutura lógico-objetiva da conduta humana como base de sucessivas valorações e a função limitadora da conduta. Com isso, pretende-se debater se a minimização dessa estrutura lógico-objetiva, acarretando a um acréscimo potencial de uma normativização do direito penal, representaria uma maior exposição do sujeito ao poder punitivo. A partir do conceito de praxis, como desenvolvido por Lukács, busca-se paralelamente uma base filosófica que não se esgote na compartimentalização jurídica. Trata-se de uma corrente que reivindica criticamente a herança teórica das principais contribuições filosóficas ocidentais, desde proposições aristotélicas, passando pelos conceitos hegelianos, chegando ao debate sobre objetificação hegeliano-marxista.


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Le droit international prend de plus en plus d’expansion au sein de la société internationale. En fait, grâce à plusieurs acteurs, le droit international s’étend maintenant à de nombreux domaines tels que l’environnement, le droit humanitaire, l’énergie, etc. Or, parallèlement à cette expansion du droit international, on craint maintenant sa fragmentation. Face à ce nouveau phénomène, il y a lieu de se poser la question suivante : s’il y existe un phénomène de fragmentation du droit international, cela signifie-t-il qu’une unité, qui semblait exister a priori dans ce droit, est en train de disparaître, ou bien assistons-nous plutôt à un changement de paradigme? Pour répondre, à cette interrogation, l’auteur analyse tout d’abord les différents facteurs de fragmentation du droit international et observe que ce droit devient de plus en plus complexe, voire même désordonné. Le tout, à l’opposé de la vision traditionnelle d’unité que l’on a du droit. Quels éléments de solution peuvent alors être apportés pour réduire cette fragmentation? Pour le savoir, l’auteur analyse l’unité du droit en fonction de deux paradigmes : le normativisme et le pluralisme juridique. Dans le premier, c'est la hiérarchie des normes qui va donner lieu à un ordre et à une unité du droit. Dans le second, le droit est perçu comme une institution qui apporte la cohésion et il existe autant d’ordres juridiques qu’il y existe d’institutions. C'est dans ce contexte que naît une certaine unité générale grâce à divers types de rapports entre les différents ordres juridiques. Mais en droit international, l’idée d’organisation hiérarchique des normes ne pourrait englober toute la complexité grandissante de la société pluraliste internationale. C'est pourquoi, l’auteur conclu que la fragmentation du droit international signifie un changement de paradigme : ce n’est plus la théorie normativiste qui permet d’englober la toute la complexité naissante du droit international mais bien la théorie du pluralisme juridique.


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For decades, while approaching the ‘normativism/pragmatism’ divide and discussing the legitimacy of (and opportunity for) the judge to act as a ‘social engineer’, socio-legal scholars have tried to ascertain whether the jurist should also consider the impact of his/her activity on society at large, and if so, why and to what extent. The present contribution understands instead the law in terms of a structurally incomplete image (imago veritas falsa) which always needs the decisive intervention of the legal interpreter to exercise its performative instances. In particular, by adopting an unconventional theoretico-philosophical approach that transcends the classic boundaries of foundationalist metaphysics as expressed by the dichotomy of Western logic, this paper argues for the necessity of a tertium comparationis capable of explaining that the real essence of law, legal reasoning, and judging is neither that of normativism, nor of pragmatism, but rather of (post-)Schmittian decisionism.


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David Hume belonged to the consecuencialist philosophical tendency, in which is included utilitarianism. This tendency was opposed to the normativism philosophy, in which is enrolled contractualism. This article analyzes the critique made by David Hume, from the utilitarianism perspective, against contractualism. The major philosophers of contractualism are Thomas Hobbes, John Locke and Jean Jacques Rousseau. Hume implemented three arguments in opposition to them: 1) historic: the social contract does not have any practical testing. Therefore it could not be presented as the foundation of the state; 2) philosophical: it is not the duty, but the interest that moves men to seek the formation of the political authority; 3) social: in the consciousness of the people, there is no trace of the social contract.Utilitarianism was one of the philosophical tendencies that finished the theoretical hegemony that contractualism had during the XVII and the XVIII centuries. Nonetheless from the historical and social point of view, the liberalization movements in many parts of the world, at that time, were inspired by contractualism. It means that from the theoretical point of view, utilitarianism, certainly, stressed the empirical origins of the state but not the rational justification of the political Authority. Hume was unable to understand the normative force that contractualism owns, which inspires human action.