997 resultados para Norman Malcolm


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Este artículo explora un tema central en la filosofía de la religión actual: la relación entre la razón y la fe, a partir de la controversia que genera la defensa de Norman Malcolm del argumento ontológico de San Anselmo. Dado que Malcolm es conocido por su postura fideísta, surge la cuestión de cómo es posible que defienda al mismo tiempo dos posiciones que parecen contrarias: por un lado, que las demostraciones racionales son irrelevantes para producir la fe y, por el otro, que haya un argumento a favor de la existencia de Dios que pueda ser considerado válido. Esta posición se puede entender a partir de la tesis propuesta en este trabajo que consiste en sostener que si bien la fe religiosa no se obtiene por argumentos, la argumentación racional tiene un lugar dentro de la fe, el cual consiste en ayudar a comprender por la razón aquello que se cree. Este trabajo intenta mostrar que la postura de Malcolm no es contradictoria en tanto que implica la diferencia entre la creencia "que Dios existe", la cual sería el objeto de los argumentos racionales y no supone ninguna práctica o devoción religiosa, y la creencia "en Dios", la cual a la vez que presupone que Dios existe, constituye el tipo de creencia propiamente religiosa que se entiende en términos de confianza, fe y devoción.


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O propósito deste trabalho é mostrar alguns aspectos que caracterizam a leitura que os filósofos analíticos dos anos 60/70, do século passado, fizeram do argumento do Proslogion de Santo Anselmo trazendo, deste modo, uma nova luz a esta problemática. Tiveram também o mérito de inscrever a questão da existência de Deus no âmago da filosofia analítica até aí dominada pelo ateísmo. Na Introdução salientamos as objecções analíticas mais frequentes feitas ao argumento – (i) a existência não é um predicado (ii) o conceito de Deus é incoerente (iii) a existência não é perfeição. Anscombe – uma excepção no contexto analítico – defendeu e demonstrou a tese de que o argumento não é ontológico. Malcom descobriu dois argumentos no Proslogion: um no Capítulo II que considerou inválido, outro no capítulo III que considerou válido e interpretou como modal. Plantinga foi um dos primeiros críticos desta prova modal porque o autor confundia entre necessidade de dicto e necessidade de re. Plantinga pensou que os dois argumentos se implicavam e\ou complementavam e desenvolveu uma teoria do realismo modal através da qual explica a natureza e a necessidade divinas em termos de mundos possíveis. Baseado neste conceito reelaborou uma nova prova modal que considerou “victoriosa” mas que veio mais tarde a ser refutada por Mackie, Tooley e David (entre outros) e acusada de circularidade. Plantinga não aceitou que a sua prova fosse reconhecida como falaciosa e Oppy também não aceitou a mesma reclamação expressa por Fergie. Contudo, Plantinga refez a sua prova e condensou-a numa única premissa: “a máxima grandeza é possivelmente instanciada”. Mais do que uma prova da existência de Deus trata-se de uma defesa da aceitação do teísmo, uma justificação da racionalidade da fé. E a possibilidade de existência de um ser metafisicamente necessário impõe-nos uma reflexão profunda donde se podem extrair todas as potencialidades cognoscitivas do labor do filósofo.


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Malcolm Shepherd Knowles was a key writer and theorist in the field of adult education in the United States. He died in 1997 and left a large legacy of books and journal articles. This thesis traced the development of his thinking over the 46-year period from 1950 to 1995. It examined the 25 works authored, co-authored, edited, reissued and revised by him during that period. The writings were scrutinised using a literature research methodology to expose the theoretical content, and a history of thought lens to identify and account for the development of major ideas. The methodology enabled a gradual unfolding of the history. A broadly-consistent and sequential pattern of thought focusing on the notion of andragogy emerged. The study revealed that after the initial phases of exploratory thinking, Knowles developed a practical-theoretical framework he believed could function as a comprehensive theory of adult learning. As his thinking progressed, his theory developed into a unified framework for human resource development and, later, into a model for the development of self-directed lifelong learners. The study traced the development of Knowles’ thinking through the phases of thought, identified the writings that belonged within each phase and produced a series of diagrammatic representations showing the evolution of his conceptual framework. The production of a history of the development of Knowles’ thought is the major outcome of the study. In addition to plotting the narrative sequence of thought-events, the history helps to explicate the factors and conditions that influenced Knowles’ thinking and to show the interrelationships between ideas. The study should help practitioners in their use and appreciation of Knowles’ works.


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This book traces the evolution of thinking of the American adult educator, Malcolm Knowles, and maps the development of his conceptual framework over the period 1950 to 1995. It constructs an overall narrative history of Knowles’ thought, and shows how andragogy provided him with both a label and a unifying theme for his practical-theoretical framework aimed at producing self-directed lifelong learners. Knowles died in 1997 and left a large legacy of books and journal articles. The book examines the writings that constitute Knowles' principal works. It identifies the major elements of his thought, shows the interrelationships between ideas and indicates the major phases through which his thinking passed. Importantly, the book establishes that Knowles’ theorising was traceable and that he possessed a clear and coherent conceptual framework.


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A randomized controlled trial evaluated the effectiveness of a 4-wk extended theory of planned behavior (TPB) intervention to promote regular physical activity and healthy eating among older adults diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes or cardiovascular disease (N = 183). Participants completed TPB measures of attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control, and intention, as well as planning and behavior, at preintervention and 1 wk and 6 wk postintervention for each behavior. No significant time-by-condition effects emerged for healthy eating. For physical activity, significant time-by-condition effects were found for behavior, intention, planning, perceived behavioral control, and subjective norm. In particular, compared with control participants, the intervention group showed short-term improvements in physical activity and planning, with further analyses indicating that the effect of the intervention on behavior was mediated by planning. The results indicate that TPB-based interventions including planning strategies may encourage physical activity among older people with diabetes and cardiovascular disease.


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Synopsis and review of For the Term of His Natural Life (Norman Dawn, 1927). Includes cast and credits. For the Term of His Natural Life was one of the last Australian silent films, and also one of the most significant in the history of Australian cinema. At the time of its production, controversy raged over its depiction of convict life, its scale and cost (which was reported to be around 50,000 pounds at a time when most Australian films had budgets of less than 2,000 pounds1) and the fact that the director, several of the crew and the leading cast members were American. Australasian Films launched a publicity campaign of unprecedented scale to counter opposition to the film’s subject matter and the charge that they were “seeking to make capital out of the drab and sordid days of Australia”.2 The film’s expense was turned into a virtue: hundreds of unemployed men were used as extras, while the film also provided work for many within the Australian film industry and, according to Australasian, enabled the establishment of new production companies. The American imports who earlier had been accused of being “party to the slaughtering” of the Australian film industry, were feted for their artistic contributions, and the concerns raised in federal parliament about an American “invasion” were deflected by claims about what the local industry could learn from those with Hollywood experience.3 The publicity campaign was successful, as the film proved enormously popular at the Australian box office in its initial run. But the coming of sound film in 1928 had a considerable impact on audiences for silent films like For the Term, and its early local success was not repeated in subsequent seasons or in overseas markets...


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The concept of the American Dream was subject to a strong re-evaluation process in the 1960s, as counterculture became a prominent force in American society. A massive generation of young people, moved by the Vietnam War, the hippie movement, and psychedelic experimentation, created substantial social turbulence in their efforts to break out of conventional patterns and to create a new kind of society. This thesis outlines and analyses the concept of the American Dream in popular imagination through three works of new journalism. My primary data consists of Tom Wolfe’s The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test (1967), Hunter S. Thompson’s Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas: A Savage Journey to the Heart of the American Dream (1971), and Norman Mailer’s Armies of the Night: History as a Novel, the Novel as History (1968). In defining the American Dream, I discuss the history of the concept as well as its manifestations in popular culture. Because of its elusive and amorphous nature, the concept of the American Dream can only be examined in cultural texts that portray the values, sentiments, and customs of a certain era. I have divided the analytical section of my thesis into three parts. In the first part I examine how the authors discuss the American society of their time in relation to ideology, capitalism, and the media. In the second part I focus on the Vietnam War and the controversy it creates in relation to the notions of freedom and patriotism. In the third part I discuss how the authors portray the countercultural visions of a better America that challenged the traditional interpretations of the American Dream. I also discuss the dark side of the new dream: the problems and disillusions that came with the effort to change the world. This thesis is an effort to trace the relocation of the American Dream in the context of the 1960s counterculture and new journalism. It hopes to provide a valuable addition to the cultural history of the sixties and to the effort of conceptualizing the American Dream.


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Page 57 of the "American Jewish Cavalcade" scrapbook of Leo Baeck in New York found in ROS 10 Folder 3


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Antonio Duplá Ansuategui, Piedad Frías Nogales e Iban Zaldúa (editores)


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Rothwell, W., S. Gregory and David Trotter, Anglo-Norman Dictionary: revised edition, A-C; D-E (MHRA, 2005) RAE2008


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This document provides details of the transfer of the Norman Holme archive data held in the National Marine Biological Library onto a modern database, specifically Marine Recorder. A key part in the creation of the database was the retrieval of a large amount of information recorded in field notebooks and on loosely-bound sheets of paper. As this work involved amending, interpreting and updating the available information, it was felt that an accurate record of this process should exist to allow scientists of the future to be able to clearly link the modern database to the archive material. This document also provides details of external information sources that were used to enhance and qualify the historical interpretation, such as estimating volumes and species abundances.


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