1000 resultados para Normal vector


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Two algorithms for finding the point on non-rational/rational Bezier curves of which the normal vector passes through a given external point are presented. The algorithms are based on Bezier curves generation algorithms of de Casteljau's algorithm for non-rational Bezier curve or Farin's recursion for rational Bezier curve, respectively. Orthogonal projections from the external point are used to guide the directional search used in the proposed iterative algorithms. Using Lyapunov's method, it is shown that each algorithm is able to converge to a local minimum for each case of non-rational/rational Bezier curves. It is also shown that on convergence the distance between the point on curves to the external point reaches a local minimum for both approaches. Illustrative examples are included to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approaches.


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We derive analytical solutions for the three-dimensional time-dependent buckling of a non-Newtonian viscous plate in a less viscous medium. For the plate we assume a power-law rheology. The principal, axes of the stretching D-ij in the homogeneously deformed ground state are parallel and orthogonal to the bounding surfaces of the plate in the flat state. In the model formulation the action of the less viscous medium is replaced by equivalent reaction forces. The reaction forces are assumed to be parallel to the normal vector of the deformed plate surfaces. As a consequence, the buckling process is driven by the differences between the in-plane stresses and out of plane stress, and not by the in-plane stresses alone as assumed in previous models. The governing differential equation is essentially an orthotropic plate equation for rate dependent material, under biaxial pre-stress, supported by a viscous medium. The differential problem is solved by means of Fourier transformation and largest growth coefficients and corresponding wavenumbers are evaluated. We discuss in detail fold evolutions for isotropic in-plane stretching (D-11 = D-22), uniaxial plane straining (D-22 = 0) and in-plane flattening (D-11 = -2D(22)). Three-dimensional plots illustrate the stages of fold evolution for random initial perturbations or initial embryonic folds with axes non-parallel to the maximum compression axis. For all situations, one dominant set of folds develops normal to D-11, although the dominant wavelength differs from the Biot dominant wavelength except when the plate has a purely Newtonian viscosity. However, in the direction parallel to D-22, there exist infinitely many modes in the vicinity of the dominant wavelength which grow only marginally slower than the one corresponding to the dominant wavelength. This means that, except for very special initial conditions, the appearance of a three-dimensional fold will always be governed by at least two wavelengths. The wavelength in the direction parallel to D-11 is the dominant wavelength, and the wavelength(s) in the direction parallel to D-22 is determined essentially by the statistics of the initial state. A comparable sensitivity to the initial geometry does not exist in the classic two-dimensional folding models. In conformity with tradition we have applied Kirchhoff's hypothesis to constrain the cross-sectional rotations of the plate. We investigate the validity of this hypothesis within the framework of Reissner's plate theory. We also include a discussion of the effects of adding elasticity into the constitutive relations and show that there exist critical ratios of the relaxation times of the plate and the embedding medium for which two dominant wavelengths develop, one at ca. 2.5 of the classical Biot dominant wavelength and the other at ca. 0.45 of this wavelength. We propose that herein lies the origin of parasitic folds well known in natural examples.


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A model for finely layered visco-elastic rock proposed by us in previous papers is revisited and generalized to include couple stresses. We begin with an outline of the governing equations for the standard continuum case and apply a computational simulation scheme suitable for problems involving very large deformations. We then consider buckling instabilities in a finite, rectangular domain. Embedded within this domain, parallel to the longer dimension we consider a stiff, layered beam under compression. We analyse folding up to 40% shortening. The standard continuum solution becomes unstable for extreme values of the shear/normal viscosity ratio. The instability is a consequence of the neglect of the bending stiffness/viscosity in the standard continuum model. We suggest considering these effects within the framework of a couple stress theory. Couple stress theories involve second order spatial derivatives of the velocities/displacements in the virtual work principle. To avoid C-1 continuity in the finite element formulation we introduce the spin of the cross sections of the individual layers as an independent variable and enforce equality to the spin of the unit normal vector to the layers (-the director of the layer system-) by means of a penalty method. We illustrate the convergence of the penalty method by means of numerical solutions of simple shears of an infinite layer for increasing values of the penalty parameter. For the shear problem we present solutions assuming that the internal layering is oriented orthogonal to the surfaces of the shear layer initially. For high values of the ratio of the normal-to the shear viscosity the deformation concentrates in thin bands around to the layer surfaces. The effect of couple stresses on the evolution of folds in layered structures is also investigated. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The paper presents a theory for modeling flow in anisotropic, viscous rock. This theory has originally been developed for the simulation of large deformation processes including the folding and kinking of multi-layered visco-elastic rock (Muhlhaus et al. [1,2]). The orientation of slip planes in the context of crystallographic slip is determined by the normal vector - the director - of these surfaces. The model is applied to simulate anisotropic mantle convection. We compare the evolution of flow patterns, Nusselt number and director orientations for isotropic and anisotropic rheologies. In the simulations we utilize two different finite element methodologies: The Lagrangian Integration Point Method Moresi et al [8] and an Eulerian formulation, which we implemented into the finite element based pde solver Fastflo (www.cmis.csiro.au/Fastflo/). The reason for utilizing two different finite element codes was firstly to study the influence of an anisotropic power law rheology which currently is not implemented into the Lagrangian Integration point scheme [8] and secondly to study the numerical performance of Eulerian (Fastflo)- and Lagrangian integration schemes [8]. It turned out that whereas in the Lagrangian method the Nusselt number vs time plot reached only a quasi steady state where the Nusselt number oscillates around a steady state value the Eulerian scheme reaches exact steady states and produces a high degree of alignment (director orientation locally orthogonal to velocity vector almost everywhere in the computational domain). In the simulations emergent anisotropy was strongest in terms of modulus contrast in the up and down-welling plumes. Mechanisms for anisotropic material behavior in the mantle dynamics context are discussed by Christensen [3]. The dominant mineral phases in the mantle generally do not exhibit strong elastic anisotropy but they still may be oriented by the convective flow. Thus viscous anisotropy (the main focus of this paper) may or may not correlate with elastic or seismic anisotropy.


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The method of approximate approximations, introduced by Maz'ya [1], can also be used for the numerical solution of boundary integral equations. In this case, the matrix of the resulting algebraic system to compute an approximate source density depends only on the position of a finite number of boundary points and on the direction of the normal vector in these points (Boundary Point Method). We investigate this approach for the Stokes problem in the whole space and for the Stokes boundary value problem in a bounded convex domain G subset R^2, where the second part consists of three steps: In a first step the unknown potential density is replaced by a linear combination of exponentially decreasing basis functions concentrated near the boundary points. In a second step, integration over the boundary partial G is replaced by integration over the tangents at the boundary points such that even analytical expressions for the potential approximations can be obtained. In a third step, finally, the linear algebraic system is solved to determine an approximate density function and the resulting solution of the Stokes boundary value problem. Even not convergent the method leads to an efficient approximation of the form O(h^2) + epsilon, where epsilon can be chosen arbitrarily small.


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Das von Maz'ya eingeführte Approximationsverfahren, die Methode der näherungsweisen Näherungen (Approximate Approximations), kann auch zur numerischen Lösung von Randintegralgleichungen verwendet werden (Randpunktmethode). In diesem Fall hängen die Komponenten der Matrix des resultierenden Gleichungssystems zur Berechnung der Näherung für die Dichte nur von der Position der Randpunkte und der Richtung der äußeren Einheitsnormalen in diesen Punkten ab. Dieses numerisches Verfahren wird am Beispiel des Dirichlet Problems für die Laplace Gleichung und die Stokes Gleichungen in einem beschränkten zweidimensionalem Gebiet untersucht. Die Randpunktmethode umfasst drei Schritte: Im ersten Schritt wird die unbekannte Dichte durch eine Linearkombination von radialen, exponentiell abklingenden Basisfunktionen approximiert. Im zweiten Schritt wird die Integration über den Rand durch die Integration über die Tangenten in Randpunkten ersetzt. Für die auftretende Näherungspotentiale können sogar analytische Ausdrücke gewonnen werden. Im dritten Schritt wird das lineare Gleichungssystem gelöst, und eine Näherung für die unbekannte Dichte und damit auch für die Lösung der Randwertaufgabe konstruiert. Die Konvergenz dieses Verfahrens wird für glatte konvexe Gebiete nachgewiesen.


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This paper is turned to the advanced Monte Carlo methods for realistic image creation. It offers a new stratified approach for solving the rendering equation. We consider the numerical solution of the rendering equation by separation of integration domain. The hemispherical integration domain is symmetrically separated into 16 parts. First 9 sub-domains are equal size of orthogonal spherical triangles. They are symmetric each to other and grouped with a common vertex around the normal vector to the surface. The hemispherical integration domain is completed with more 8 sub-domains of equal size spherical quadrangles, also symmetric each to other. All sub-domains have fixed vertices and computable parameters. The bijections of unit square into an orthogonal spherical triangle and into a spherical quadrangle are derived and used to generate sampling points. Then, the symmetric sampling scheme is applied to generate the sampling points distributed over the hemispherical integration domain. The necessary transformations are made and the stratified Monte Carlo estimator is presented. The rate of convergence is obtained and one can see that the algorithm is of super-convergent type.


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We look at plane curve diagrams (f,alpha), which are given by a plane curve multigerm alpha : (R, S) -> R(2) and a function on it f : (R, S) -> R. We obtain a classification of all such diagrams, where alpha has e-codimension <= 2 and f has finite order. Then we define an equivalence between plane curves which we call Ah(alpha)-equivalence and which is determined by the class of the diagram (h(alpha), alpha). Here, h alpha denotes the height function of alpha with respect to its normal vector. This is an equivalence which not only takes into account the topology of the singularity of alpha, but also its flat geometry. Finally, we apply our results in order to obtain a classification of all the plane projections of a generic space curve gamma embedded in R(3).


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We study stochastic billiards on general tables: a particle moves according to its constant velocity inside some domain D R(d) until it hits the boundary and bounces randomly inside, according to some reflection law. We assume that the boundary of the domain is locally Lipschitz and almost everywhere continuously differentiable. The angle of the outgoing velocity with the inner normal vector has a specified, absolutely continuous density. We construct the discrete time and the continuous time processes recording the sequence of hitting points on the boundary and the pair location/velocity. We mainly focus on the case of bounded domains. Then, we prove exponential ergodicity of these two Markov processes, we study their invariant distribution and their normal (Gaussian) fluctuations. Of particular interest is the case of the cosine reflection law: the stationary distributions for the two processes are uniform in this case, the discrete time chain is reversible though the continuous time process is quasi-reversible. Also in this case, we give a natural construction of a chord ""picked at random"" in D, and we study the angle of intersection of the process with a (d - 1) -dimensional manifold contained in D.


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D. Hoffman, R. Osserman e R. Schoen mostraram que se a aplicação de Gauss de uma superfície orientada completa de curvatura média constante M imersa em R³ está contida em um hemisfério fechado de S² (equivalentemente, a função não muda de sinal em M, onde n é um vetor unitário normal de M e v algum vetor não nulo de R³), então M é invariante por um subgrupo a um parâmetro de translações de R³ (aquele determinado por v). Neste trabalho obtemos uma extensão deste resultado para o caso em que o espaço ambiente é uma variedade riemanniana e M uma hipersuperfície em N requerendo que a função não mude de sinal em M, onde V é um campo de Killing em N. Na parte final deste trabalho consideramos uma variedade riemanniana Killing paralelizável N para definir uma translação Y: M -> Rn de uma hipersuperfície M de N que é uma extensão natural da aplicação de Gauss de uma hipersuperfície de Rn. Considerando as mesmas hipóteses para a imagem de y obtemos uma extensão do resultado original de Hoffman-Osserman-Schoen.


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This paper deals with an energy pumping that occurs in a (MEMS) Gyroscope nonlinear dynamical system, modeled with a proof mass constrained to move in a plane with two resonant modes, which are nominally orthogonal. The two modes are ideally coupled only by the rotation of the gyro about the plane's normal vector. We also developed a linear optimal control design for reducing the oscillatory movement of the nonlinear systems to a stable point.


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This paper analyzes the non-linear dynamics of a MEMS Gyroscope system, modeled with a proof mass constrained to move in a plane with two resonant modes, which are nominally orthogonal. The two modes are ideally coupled only by the rotation of the gyro about the plane's normal vector. We demonstrated that this model has an unstable behavior. Control problems consist of attempts to stabilize a system to an equilibrium point, a periodic orbit, or more general, about a given reference trajectory. We also developed a particle swarm optimization technique for reducing the oscillatory movement of the nonlinear system to a periodic orbit. © 2010 Springer-Verlag.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Images of an object under different illumination are known to provide strong cues about the object surface. A mathematical formalization of how to recover the normal map of such a surface leads to the so-called uncalibrated photometric stereo problem. In the simplest instance, this problem can be reduced to the task of identifying only three parameters: the so-called generalized bas-relief (GBR) ambiguity. The challenge is to find additional general assumptions about the object, that identify these parameters uniquely. Current approaches are not consistent, i.e., they provide different solutions when run multiple times on the same data. To address this limitation, we propose exploiting local diffuse reflectance (LDR) maxima, i.e., points in the scene where the normal vector is parallel to the illumination direction (see Fig. 1). We demonstrate several noteworthy properties of these maxima: a closed-form solution, computational efficiency and GBR consistency. An LDR maximum yields a simple closed-form solution corresponding to a semi-circle in the GBR parameters space (see Fig. 2); because as few as two diffuse maxima in different images identify a unique solution, the identification of the GBR parameters can be achieved very efficiently; finally, the algorithm is consistent as it always returns the same solution given the same data. Our algorithm is also remarkably robust: It can obtain an accurate estimate of the GBR parameters even with extremely high levels of outliers in the detected maxima (up to 80 % of the observations). The method is validated on real data and achieves state-of-the-art results.


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A novel class of nonlinear, visco-elastic rheologies has recently been developed by MUHLHAUS et al. (2002a, b). The theory was originally developed for the simulation of large deformation processes including folding and kinking in multi-layered visco-elastic rock. The orientation of the layer surfaces or slip planes in the context of crystallographic slip is determined by the normal vector the so-called director of these surfaces. Here the model (MUHLHAUS et al., 2002a, b) is generalized to include thermal effects; it is shown that in 2-D steady states the director is given by the gradient of the flow potential. The model is applied to anisotropic simple shear where the directors are initially parallel to the shear direction. The relative effects of textural hardening and thermal softening are demonstrated. We then turn to natural convection and compare the time evolution and approximately steady states of isotropic and anisotropic convection for a Rayleigh number Ra=5.64x10(5) for aspect ratios of the experimental domain of 1 and 2, respectively. The isotropic case has a simple steady-state solution, whereas in the orthotropic convection model patterns evolve continuously in the core of the convection cell, which makes only a near-steady condition possible. This near-steady state condition shows well aligned boundary layers, and the number of convection cells which develop appears to be reduced in the orthotropic case. At the moderate Rayleigh numbers explored here we found only minor influences in the change from aspect ratio one to two in the model domain.