1000 resultados para Nonlinear acoustics.


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This dissertation describes a model for acoustic propagation in inhomogeneous flu- ids, and explores the focusing by arrays onto targets under various conditions. The work explores the use of arrays, in particular the time reversal array, for underwater and biomedical applications. Aspects of propagation and phasing which can lead to reduced focusing effectiveness are described. An acoustic wave equation was derived for the propagation of finite-amplitude waves in lossy time-varying inhomogeneous fluid media. The equation was solved numerically in both Cartesian and cylindrical geometries using the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method. It was found that time reversal arrays are sensitive to several debilitating factors. Focusing ability was determined to be adequate in the presence of temporal jitter in the time reversed signal only up to about one-sixth of a period. Thermoviscous absorption also had a debilitating effect on focal pressure for both linear and nonlinear propagation. It was also found that nonlinearity leads to degradation of focal pressure through amplification of the received signal at the array, and enhanced absorption in the shocked waveforms. This dissertation also examined the heating effects of focused ultrasound in a tissue-like medium. The application considered is therapeutic heating for hyperther- mia. The acoustic model and a thermal model for tissue were coupled to solve for transient and steady temperature profiles in tissue-like media. The Pennes bioheat equation was solved using the FDTD method to calculate the temperature fields in tissue-like media from focused acoustic sources. It was found that the temperature-dependence of the medium's background prop- erties can play an important role in the temperature predictions. Finite-amplitude effects contributed excess heat when source conditions were provided for nonlinear ef- fects to manifest themselves. The effect of medium heterogeneity was also found to be important in redistributing the acoustic and temperature fields, creating regions with hotter and colder temperatures than the mean by local scattering and lensing action. These temperature excursions from the mean were found to increase monotonically with increasing contrast in the medium's properties.


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The sonic boom at a large distance from its source consists of a leading shock, a trailing shock and a one parameter family of nonlinear wavefronts in between these shocks. A new ray theoretical method using a shock ray theory and a weakly nonlinear lay theory has been used to obtain the shock fronts and wavefronts respectively, for a maneuvering aerofoil in a homogeneous medium. This method introduces a one parameter family of Cauchy problems to calculate the shock and wave fronts emerging from the surface of the aerofoil. These problems are solved numerically to obtain the leading shock front and the nonlinear wavefronts emerging from the front portion of the aerofoil.


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High-intensity focused ultrasound is a form of therapeutic ultrasound which uses high amplitude acoustic waves to heat and ablate tissue. HIFU employs acoustic amplitudes that are high enough that nonlinear propagation effects are important in the evolution of the sound field. A common model for HIFU beams is the Khokhlov-Zabolotskaya-Kuznetsov (KZK) equation which accounts for nonlinearity, diffraction, and absorption. The KZK equation models diffraction using the parabolic or paraxial approximation. Many HIFU sources have an aperture diameter similar to the focal length and the paraxial approximation may not be appropriate. Here, results obtained using the “Texas code,” a time-domain numerical solution to the KZK equation, were used to assess when the KZK equation can be employed. In a linear water case comparison with the O’Neil solution, the KZK equation accurately predicts the pressure field in the focal region. The KZK equation was also compared to simulations of the exact fluid dynamics equations (no paraxial approximation). The exact equations were solved using the Fourier-Continuation (FC) method to approximate derivatives in the equations. Results have been obtained for a focused HIFU source in tissue. For a low focusing gain transducer (focal length 50λ and radius 10λ), the KZK and FC models showed excellent agreement, however, as the source radius was increased to 30λ, discrepancies started to appear. Modeling was extended to the case of tissue with the appropriate power law using a relaxation model. The relaxation model resulted in a higher peak pressure and a shift in the location of the peak pressure, highlighting the importance of employing the correct attenuation model. Simulations from the code that were compared to experimental data in water showed good agreement through the focal plane.


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Sonic boom propagation in a quiet) stratified) lossy atmosphere is the subject of this dissertation. Two questions are considered in detail: (1) Does waveform freezing occur? (2) Are sonic booms shocks in steady state? Both assumptions have been invoked in the past to predict sonic boom waveforms at the ground. A very general form of the Burgers equation is derived and used as the model for the problem. The derivation begins with the basic conservation equations. The effects of nonlinearity) attenuation and dispersion due to multiple relaxations) viscosity) and heat conduction) geometrical spreading) and stratification of the medium are included. When the absorption and dispersion terms are neglected) an analytical solution is available. The analytical solution is used to answer the first question. Geometrical spreading and stratification of the medium are found to slow down the nonlinear distortion of finite-amplitude waves. In certain cases the distortion reaches an absolute limit) a phenomenon called waveform freezing. Judging by the maturity of the distortion mechanism, sonic booms generated by aircraft at 18 km altitude are not frozen when they reach the ground. On the other hand, judging by the approach of the waveform to its asymptotic shape, N waves generated by aircraft at 18 km altitude are frozen when they reach the ground. To answer the second question we solve the full Burgers equation and for this purpose develop a new computer code, THOR. The code is based on an algorithm by Lee and Hamilton (J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 97, 906-917, 1995) and has the novel feature that all its calculations are done in the time domain, including absorption and dispersion. Results from the code compare very well with analytical solutions. In a NASA exercise to compare sonic boom computer programs, THOR gave results that agree well with those of other participants and ran faster. We show that sonic booms are not steady state waves because they travel through a varying medium, suffer spreading, and fail to approximate step shocks closely enough. Although developed to predict sonic boom propagation, THOR can solve other problems for which the extended Burgers equation is a good propagation model.


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La presente Tesis analiza y desarrolla metodología específica que permite la caracterización de sistemas de transmisión acústicos basados en el fenómeno del array paramétrico. Este tipo de estructuras es considerado como uno de los sistemas más representativos de la acústica no lineal con amplias posibilidades tecnológicas. Los arrays paramétricos aprovechan la no linealidad del medio aéreo para obtener en recepción señales en el margen sónico a partir de señales ultrasónicas en emisión. Por desgracia, este procedimiento implica que la señal transmitida y la recibida guardan una relación compleja, que incluye una fuerte ecualización así como una distorsión apreciable por el oyente. Este hecho reduce claramente la posibilidad de obtener sistemas acústicos de gran fidelidad. Hasta ahora, los esfuerzos tecnológicos dirigidos al diseño de sistemas comerciales han tratado de paliar esta falta de fidelidad mediante técnicas de preprocesado fuertemente dependientes de los modelos físicos teóricos. Estos están basados en la ecuación de propagación de onda no lineal. En esta Tesis se propone un nuevo enfoque: la obtención de una representación completa del sistema mediante series de Volterra que permita inferir un sistema de compensación computacionalmente ligero y fiable. La dificultad que entraña la correcta extracción de esta representación obliga a desarrollar una metodología completa de identificación adaptada a este tipo de estructuras. Así, a la hora de aplicar métodos de identificación se hace indispensable la determinación de ciertas características iniciales que favorezcan la parametrización del sistema. En esta Tesis se propone una metodología propia que extrae estas condiciones iniciales. Con estos datos, nos encontramos en disposición de plantear un sistema completo de identificación no lineal basado en señales pseudoaleatorias, que aumenta la fiabilidad de la descripción del sistema, posibilitando tanto la inferencia de la estructura basada en bloques subyacente, como el diseño de mecanismos de compensación adecuados. A su vez, en este escenario concreto en el que intervienen procesos de modulación, factores como el punto de trabajo o las características físicas del transductor, hacen inviables los algoritmos de caracterización habituales. Incluyendo el método de identificación propuesto. Con el fin de eliminar esta problemática se propone una serie de nuevos algoritmos de corrección que permiten la aplicación de la caracterización. Las capacidades de estos nuevos algoritmos se pondrán a prueba sobre un prototipo físico, diseñado a tal efecto. Para ello, se propondrán la metodología y los mecanismos de instrumentación necesarios para llevar a cabo el diseño, la identificación del sistema y su posible corrección, todo ello mediante técnicas de procesado digital previas al sistema de transducción. Los algoritmos se evaluarán en términos de error de modelado a partir de la señal de salida del sistema real frente a la salida sintetizada a partir del modelo estimado. Esta estrategia asegura la posibilidad de aplicar técnicas de compensación ya que éstas son sensibles a errores de estima en módulo y fase. La calidad del sistema final se evaluará en términos de fase, coloración y distorsión no lineal mediante un test propuesto a lo largo de este discurso, como paso previo a una futura evaluación subjetiva. ABSTRACT This Thesis presents a specific methodology for the characterization of acoustic transmission systems based on the parametric array phenomenon. These structures are well-known representatives of the nonlinear acoustics field and display large technological opportunities. Parametric arrays exploit the nonlinear behavior of air to obtain sonic signals at the receptors’side, which were generated within the ultrasonic range. The underlying physical process redunds in a complex relationship between the transmitted and received signals. This includes both a strong equalization and an appreciable distortion for a human listener. High fidelity, acoustic equipment based on this phenomenon is therefore difficult to design. Until recently, efforts devoted to this enterprise have focused in fidelity enhancement based on physically-informed, pre-processing schemes. These derive directly from the nonlinear form of the wave equation. However, online limited enhancement has been achieved. In this Thesis we propose a novel approach: the evaluation of a complete representation of the system through its projection onto the Volterra series, which allows the posterior inference of a computationally light and reliable compensation scheme. The main difficulty in the derivation of such representation strives from the need of a complete identification methodology, suitable for this particular type of structures. As an example, whenever identification techniques are involved, we require preliminary estimates on certain parameters that contribute to the correct parameterization of the system. In this Thesis we propose a methodology to derive such initial values from simple measures. Once these information is made available, a complete identification scheme is required for nonlinear systems based on pseudorandom signals. These contribute to the robustness and fidelity of the resulting model, and facilitate both the inference of the underlying structure, which we subdivide into a simple block-oriented construction, and the design of the corresponding compensation structure. In a scenario such as this where frequency modulations occur, one must control exogenous factors such as devices’ operation point and the physical properties of the transducer. These may conflict with the principia behind the standard identification procedures, as it is the case. With this idea in mind, the Thesis includes a series of novel correction algorithms that facilitate the application of the characterization results onto the system compensation. The proposed algorithms are tested on a prototype that was designed and built for this purpose. The methodology and instrumentation required for its design, the identification of the overall acoustic system and its correction are all based on signal processing techniques, focusing on the system front-end, i.e. prior to transduction. Results are evaluated in terms of input-output modelling error, considering a synthetic construction of the system. This criterion ensures that compensation techniques may actually be introduced, since these are highly sensible to estimation errors both on the envelope and the phase of the signals involved. Finally, the quality of the overall system will be evaluated in terms of phase, spectral color and nonlinear distortion; by means of a test protocol specifically devised for this Thesis, as a prior step for a future, subjective quality evaluation.


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When a premixed flame is placed within a duct, acoustic waves induce velocity perturbations at the flame's base. These travel down the flame, distorting its surface and modulating its heat release. This can induce self-sustained thermoacoustic oscillations. Although the phase speed of these perturbations is often assumed to equal the mean flow speed, experiments conducted in other studies and Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) conducted in this study show that it varies with the acoustic frequency. In this paper, we examine how these variations affect the nonlinear thermoacoustic behaviour. We model the heat release with a nonlinear kinematic G-equation, in which the velocity perturbation is modelled on DNS results. The acoustics are governed by linearised momentum and energy equations. We calculate the flame describing function (FDF) using harmonic forcing at several frequencies and amplitudes. Then we calculate thermoacoustic limit cycles and explain their existence and stability by examining the amplitude-dependence of the gain and phase of the FDF. We find that, when the phase speed equals the mean flow speed, the system has only one stable state. When the phase speed does not equal the mean flow speed, however, the system supports multiple limit cycles because the phase of the FDF changes significantly with oscillation amplitude. This shows that the phase speed of velocity perturbations has a strong influence on the nonlinear thermoacoustic behaviour of ducted premixed flames. (C) 2013 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Nonlinear analysis of thermoacoustic instability is essential for prediction of frequencies, amplitudes and stability of limit cycles. Limit cycles in thermoacoustic systems are reached when the energy input from driving processes and energy losses from damping processes balance each other over a cycle of the oscillation. In this paper an integral relation for the rate of change of energy of a thermoacoustic system is derived. This relation is analogous to the well-known Rayleigh criterion in thermoacoustics, but can be used to calculate the amplitudes of limit cycles, as well as their stability. The relation is applied to a thermoacoustic system of a ducted slot-stabilized 2-D premixed flame. The flame is modelled using a nonlinear kinematic model based on the G-equation, while the acoustics of planar waves in the tube are governed by linearised momentum and energy equations. Using open-loop forced simulations, the flame describing function (FDF) is calculated. The gain and phase information from the FDF is used with the integral relation to construct a cyclic integral rate of change of energy (CIRCE) diagram that indicates the amplitude and stability of limit cycles. This diagram is also used to identify the types of bifurcation the system exhibits and to find the minimum amplitude of excitation needed to reach a stable limit cycle from another linearly stable state, for single- mode thermoacoustic systems. Furthermore, this diagram shows precisely how the choice of velocity model and the amplitudedependence of the gain and the phase of the FDF influence the nonlinear dynamics of the system. Time domain simulations of the coupled thermoacoustic system are performed with a Galerkin discretization for acoustic pressure and velocity. Limit cycle calculations using a single mode, as well as twenty modes, are compared against predictions from the CIRCE diagram. For the single mode system, the time domain calculations agree well with the frequency domain predictions. The heat release rate is highly nonlinear but, because there is only a single acoustic mode, this does not affect the limit cycle amplitude. For the twenty-mode system, however, the higher harmonics of the heat release rate and acoustic velocity interact resulting in a larger limit cycle amplitude. Multimode simulations show that in some situations the contribution from higher harmonics to the nonlinear dynamics can be significant and must be considered for an accurate and comprehensive analysis of thermoacoustic systems. Copyright © 2012 by ASME.


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When a premixed flame is placed within a duct, acoustic waves induce velocity perturbations at the flame's base. These travel down the flame, distorting its surface and modulating its heat release. This can induce self-sustained thermoacoustic oscillations. Although the phase speed of these perturbations is often assumed to equal the mean flow speed, experiments conducted in other studies and Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) conducted in this study show that it varies with the acoustic frequency. In this paper, we examine how these variations affect the nonlinear thermoacoustic behaviour. We model the heat release with a nonlinear kinematic G-equation, in which the velocity perturbation is modelled on DNS results. The acoustics are governed by linearised momentum and energy equations. We calculate the flame describing function (FDF) using harmonic forcing at several frequencies and amplitudes. Then we calculate thermoacoustic limit cycles and explain their existence and stability by examining the amplitude-dependence of the gain and phase of the FDF. We find that, when the phase speed equals the mean flow speed, the system has only one stable state. When the phase speed does not equal the mean flow speed, however, the system supports multiple limit cycles because the phase of the FDF changes significantly with oscillation amplitude. This shows that the phase speed of velocity perturbations has a strong influence on the nonlinear thermoacoustic behaviour of ducted premixed flames. © 2013 The Combustion Institute.


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Nonlinear interactions take place in most systems that arise in music acoustics, usually as a result of player-instrument coupling. Several time-stepping methods exist for the numerical simulation of such systems. These methods generally involve the discretization of the Newtonian description of the system. However, it is not always possible to prove the stability of the resulting algorithms, especially when dealing with systems where the underlying force is a non-analytic function of the phase space variables. On the other hand, if the discretization is carried out on the Hamiltonian description of the system, it is possible to prove the stability of the derived numerical schemes. This Hamiltonian approach is applied to a series of test models of single or multiple nonlinear collisions and the energetic properties of the derived schemes are discussed. After establishing that the schemes respect the principle of conservation of energy, a nonlinear single-reed model is formulated and coupled to a digital bore, in order to synthesize clarinet-like sounds.


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This article concerns the free vibration of a single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) system with three types of nonlinear damping. One system considered is where the spring and the damper are connected to the mass so that they are orthogonal, and the vibration is in the direction of the spring. It is shown that, provided the displacement is small, this system behaves in a similar way to the conventional SDOF system with cubic damping, in which the spring and the damper are connected so they act in the same direction. For completeness, these systems are compared with a conventional SDOF system with quadratic damping. By transforming all the equations of motion of the systems so that the damping force is proportional to the product of a displacement dependent term and velocity, then all the systems can be directly compared. It is seen that the system with cubic damping is worse than that with quadratic damping for the attenuation of free vibration. [DOI: 10.1115/1.4005010]


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Linear single-stage vibration isolation systems have a limitation on their performance, which can be overcome passively by using linear two-stage isolations systems. It has been demonstrated by several researchers that linear single-stage isolation systems can be improved upon by using nonlinear stiffness elements, especially for low-frequency vibrations. In this paper, an investigation is conducted into whether the same improvements can be made to a linear two-stage isolation system using the same methodology for both force and base excitation. The benefits of incorporating geometric stiffness nonlinearity in both upper and lower stages are studied. It is found that there are beneficial effects of using nonlinearity in the stiffness in both stages for both types of excitation. Further, it is found that this nonlinearity causes the transmissibility at the lower resonance frequency to bend to the right, but the transmissibility at the higher resonance frequency is not affected in the same way. Generally, it is found that a nonlinear two-stage system has superior isolation performance compared to that of a linear two-stage isolator.