978 resultados para Non-rigid image alignment for handshape recognition


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Handshape is a key articulatory parameter in sign language, and thus handshape recognition from signing video is essential for sign recognition and retrieval. Handshape transitions within monomorphemic lexical signs (the largest class of signs in signed languages) are governed by phonological rules. For example, such transitions normally involve either closing or opening of the hand (i.e., to exclusively use either folding or unfolding of the palm and one or more fingers). Furthermore, akin to allophonic variations in spoken languages, both inter- and intra- signer variations in the production of specific handshapes are observed. We propose a Bayesian network formulation to exploit handshape co-occurrence constraints, also utilizing information about allophonic variations to aid in handshape recognition. We propose a fast non-rigid image alignment method to gain improved robustness to handshape appearance variations during computation of observation likelihoods in the Bayesian network. We evaluate our handshape recognition approach on a large dataset of monomorphemic lexical signs. We demonstrate that leveraging linguistic constraints on handshapes results in improved handshape recognition accuracy. As part of the overall project, we are collecting and preparing for dissemination a large corpus (three thousand signs from three native signers) of American Sign Language (ASL) video. The video have been annotated using SignStream® [Neidle et al.] with labels for linguistic information such as glosses, morphological properties and variations, and start/end handshapes associated with each ASL sign.


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La planificación pre-operatoria se ha convertido en una tarea esencial en cirugías y terapias de marcada complejidad, especialmente aquellas relacionadas con órgano blando. Un ejemplo donde la planificación preoperatoria tiene gran interés es la cirugía hepática. Dicha planificación comprende la detección e identificación precisa de las lesiones individuales y vasos así como la correcta segmentación y estimación volumétrica del hígado funcional. Este proceso es muy importante porque determina tanto si el paciente es un candidato adecuado para terapia quirúrgica como la definición del abordaje a seguir en el procedimiento. La radioterapia de órgano blando es un segundo ejemplo donde la planificación se requiere tanto para la radioterapia externa convencional como para la radioterapia intraoperatoria. La planificación comprende la segmentación de tumor y órganos vulnerables y la estimación de la dosimetría. La segmentación de hígado funcional y la estimación volumétrica para planificación de la cirugía se estiman habitualmente a partir de imágenes de tomografía computarizada (TC). De igual modo, en la planificación de radioterapia, los objetivos de la radiación se delinean normalmente sobre TC. Sin embargo, los avances en las tecnologías de imagen de resonancia magnética (RM) están ofreciendo progresivamente ventajas adicionales. Por ejemplo, se ha visto que el ratio de detección de metástasis hepáticas es significativamente superior en RM con contraste Gd–EOB–DTPA que en TC. Por tanto, recientes estudios han destacado la importancia de combinar la información de TC y RM para conseguir el mayor nivel posible de precisión en radioterapia y para facilitar una descripción precisa de las lesiones del hígado. Con el objetivo de mejorar la planificación preoperatoria en ambos escenarios se precisa claramente de un algoritmo de registro no rígido de imagen. Sin embargo, la gran mayoría de sistemas comerciales solo proporcionan métodos de registro rígido. Las medidas de intensidad de voxel han demostrado ser criterios de similitud de imágenes robustos, y, entre ellas, la Información Mutua (IM) es siempre la primera elegida en registros multimodales. Sin embargo, uno de los principales problemas de la IM es la ausencia de información espacial y la asunción de que las relaciones estadísticas entre las imágenes son homogéneas a lo largo de su domino completo. La hipótesis de esta tesis es que la incorporación de información espacial de órganos al proceso de registro puede mejorar la robustez y calidad del mismo, beneficiándose de la disponibilidad de las segmentaciones clínicas. En este trabajo, se propone y valida un esquema de registro multimodal no rígido 3D usando una nueva métrica llamada Información Mutua Centrada en el Órgano (Organ-Focused Mutual Information metric (OF-MI)) y se compara con la formulación clásica de la Información Mutua. Esto permite mejorar los resultados del registro en áreas problemáticas incorporando información regional al criterio de similitud, beneficiándose de la disponibilidad real de segmentaciones en protocolos estándares clínicos, y permitiendo que la dependencia estadística entre las dos modalidades de imagen difiera entre órganos o regiones. El método propuesto se ha aplicado al registro de TC y RM con contraste Gd–EOB–DTPA así como al registro de imágenes de TC y MR para planificación de radioterapia intraoperatoria rectal. Adicionalmente, se ha desarrollado un algoritmo de apoyo de segmentación 3D basado en Level-Sets para la incorporación de la información de órgano en el registro. El algoritmo de segmentación se ha diseñado específicamente para la estimación volumétrica de hígado sano funcional y ha demostrado un buen funcionamiento en un conjunto de imágenes de TC abdominales. Los resultados muestran una mejora estadísticamente significativa de OF-MI comparada con la Información Mutua clásica en las medidas de calidad de los registros; tanto con datos simulados (p<0.001) como con datos reales en registro hepático de TC y RM con contraste Gd– EOB–DTPA y en registro para planificación de radioterapia rectal usando OF-MI multi-órgano (p<0.05). Adicionalmente, OF-MI presenta resultados más estables con menor dispersión que la Información Mutua y un comportamiento más robusto con respecto a cambios en la relación señal-ruido y a la variación de parámetros. La métrica OF-MI propuesta en esta tesis presenta siempre igual o mayor precisión que la clásica Información Mutua y consecuentemente puede ser una muy buena alternativa en aplicaciones donde la robustez del método y la facilidad en la elección de parámetros sean particularmente importantes. Abstract Pre-operative planning has become an essential task in complex surgeries and therapies, especially for those affecting soft tissue. One example where soft tissue preoperative planning is of high interest is liver surgery. It involves the accurate detection and identification of individual liver lesions and vessels as well as the proper functional liver segmentation and volume estimation. This process is very important because it determines whether the patient is a suitable candidate for surgical therapy and the type of procedure. Soft tissue radiation therapy is a second example where planning is required for both conventional external and intraoperative radiotherapy. It involves the segmentation of the tumor target and vulnerable organs and the estimation of the planned dose. Functional liver segmentations and volume estimations for surgery planning are commonly estimated from computed tomography (CT) images. Similarly, in radiation therapy planning, targets to be irradiated and healthy and vulnerable tissues to be protected from irradiation are commonly delineated on CT scans. However, developments in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technology are progressively offering advantages. For instance, the hepatic metastasis detection rate has been found to be significantly higher in Gd–EOB–DTPAenhanced MRI than in CT. Therefore, recent studies highlight the importance of combining the information from CT and MRI to achieve the highest level of accuracy in radiotherapy and to facilitate accurate liver lesion description. In order to improve those two soft tissue pre operative planning scenarios, an accurate nonrigid image registration algorithm is clearly required. However, the vast majority of commercial systems only provide rigid registration. Voxel intensity measures have been shown to be robust measures of image similarity, and among them, Mutual Information (MI) is always the first candidate in multimodal registrations. However, one of the main drawbacks of Mutual Information is the absence of spatial information and the assumption that statistical relationships between images are the same over the whole domain of the image. The hypothesis of the present thesis is that incorporating spatial organ information into the registration process may improve the registration robustness and quality, taking advantage of the clinical segmentations availability. In this work, a multimodal nonrigid 3D registration framework using a new Organ- Focused Mutual Information metric (OF-MI) is proposed, validated and compared to the classical formulation of the Mutual Information (MI). It allows improving registration results in problematic areas by adding regional information into the similitude criterion taking advantage of actual segmentations availability in standard clinical protocols and allowing the statistical dependence between the two modalities differ among organs or regions. The proposed method is applied to CT and T1 weighted delayed Gd–EOB–DTPA-enhanced MRI registration as well as to register CT and MRI images in rectal intraoperative radiotherapy planning. Additionally, a 3D support segmentation algorithm based on Level-Sets has been developed for the incorporation of the organ information into the registration. The segmentation algorithm has been specifically designed for the healthy and functional liver volume estimation demonstrating good performance in a set of abdominal CT studies. Results show a statistical significant improvement of registration quality measures with OF-MI compared to MI with both simulated data (p<0.001) and real data in liver applications registering CT and Gd–EOB–DTPA-enhanced MRI and in registration for rectal radiotherapy planning using multi-organ OF-MI (p<0.05). Additionally, OF-MI presents more stable results with smaller dispersion than MI and a more robust behavior with respect to SNR changes and parameters variation. The proposed OF-MI always presents equal or better accuracy than the classical MI and consequently can be a very convenient alternative within applications where the robustness of the method and the facility to choose the parameters are particularly important.


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The primary goal of this dissertation is to develop point-based rigid and non-rigid image registration methods that have better accuracy than existing methods. We first present point-based PoIRe, which provides the framework for point-based global rigid registrations. It allows a choice of different search strategies including (a) branch-and-bound, (b) probabilistic hill-climbing, and (c) a novel hybrid method that takes advantage of the best characteristics of the other two methods. We use a robust similarity measure that is insensitive to noise, which is often introduced during feature extraction. We show the robustness of PoIRe using it to register images obtained with an electronic portal imaging device (EPID), which have large amounts of scatter and low contrast. To evaluate PoIRe we used (a) simulated images and (b) images with fiducial markers; PoIRe was extensively tested with 2D EPID images and images generated by 3D Computer Tomography (CT) and Magnetic Resonance (MR) images. PoIRe was also evaluated using benchmark data sets from the blind retrospective evaluation project (RIRE). We show that PoIRe is better than existing methods such as Iterative Closest Point (ICP) and methods based on mutual information. We also present a novel point-based local non-rigid shape registration algorithm. We extend the robust similarity measure used in PoIRe to non-rigid registrations adapting it to a free form deformation (FFD) model and making it robust to local minima, which is a drawback common to existing non-rigid point-based methods. For non-rigid registrations we show that it performs better than existing methods and that is less sensitive to starting conditions. We test our non-rigid registration method using available benchmark data sets for shape registration. Finally, we also explore the extraction of features invariant to changes in perspective and illumination, and explore how they can help improve the accuracy of multi-modal registration. For multimodal registration of EPID-DRR images we present a method based on a local descriptor defined by a vector of complex responses to a circular Gabor filter.


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The primary goal of this dissertation is to develop point-based rigid and non-rigid image registration methods that have better accuracy than existing methods. We first present point-based PoIRe, which provides the framework for point-based global rigid registrations. It allows a choice of different search strategies including (a) branch-and-bound, (b) probabilistic hill-climbing, and (c) a novel hybrid method that takes advantage of the best characteristics of the other two methods. We use a robust similarity measure that is insensitive to noise, which is often introduced during feature extraction. We show the robustness of PoIRe using it to register images obtained with an electronic portal imaging device (EPID), which have large amounts of scatter and low contrast. To evaluate PoIRe we used (a) simulated images and (b) images with fiducial markers; PoIRe was extensively tested with 2D EPID images and images generated by 3D Computer Tomography (CT) and Magnetic Resonance (MR) images. PoIRe was also evaluated using benchmark data sets from the blind retrospective evaluation project (RIRE). We show that PoIRe is better than existing methods such as Iterative Closest Point (ICP) and methods based on mutual information. We also present a novel point-based local non-rigid shape registration algorithm. We extend the robust similarity measure used in PoIRe to non-rigid registrations adapting it to a free form deformation (FFD) model and making it robust to local minima, which is a drawback common to existing non-rigid point-based methods. For non-rigid registrations we show that it performs better than existing methods and that is less sensitive to starting conditions. We test our non-rigid registration method using available benchmark data sets for shape registration. Finally, we also explore the extraction of features invariant to changes in perspective and illumination, and explore how they can help improve the accuracy of multi-modal registration. For multimodal registration of EPID-DRR images we present a method based on a local descriptor defined by a vector of complex responses to a circular Gabor filter.


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We address mid-level vision for the recognition of non-rigid objects. We align model and image using frame curves - which are object or "figure/ground" skeletons. Frame curves are computed, without discontinuities, using Curved Inertia Frames, a provably global scheme implemented on the Connection Machine, based on: non-cartisean networks; a definition of curved axis of inertia; and a ridge detector. I present evidence against frame alignment in human perception. This suggests: frame curves have a role in figure/ground segregation and in fuzzy boundaries; their outside/near/top/ incoming regions are more salient; and that perception begins by setting a reference frame (prior to early vision), and proceeds by processing convex structures.


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Trajectory basis Non-Rigid Structure From Motion (NRSFM) currently faces two problems: the limit of reconstructability and the need to tune the basis size for different sequences. This paper provides a novel theoretical bound on 3D reconstruction error, arguing that the existing definition of reconstructability is fundamentally flawed in that it fails to consider system condition. This insight motivates a novel strategy whereby the trajectory's response to a set of high-pass filters is minimised. The new approach eliminates the need to tune the basis size and is more efficient for long sequences. Additionally, the truncated DCT basis is shown to have a dual interpretation as a high-pass filter. The success of trajectory filter reconstruction is demonstrated quantitatively on synthetic projections of real motion capture sequences and qualitatively on real image sequences.


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Non-rigid face alignment is a very important task in a large range of applications but the existing tracking based non-rigid face alignment methods are either inaccurate or requiring person-specific model. This dissertation has developed simultaneous alignment algorithms that overcome these constraints and provide alignment with high accuracy, efficiency, robustness to varying image condition, and requirement of only generic model.


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We present a framework for estimating 3D relative structure (shape) and motion given objects undergoing nonrigid deformation as observed from a fixed camera, under perspective projection. Deforming surfaces are approximated as piece-wise planar, and piece-wise rigid. Robust registration methods allow tracking of corresponding image patches from view to view and recovery of 3D shape despite occlusions, discontinuities, and varying illumination conditions. Many relatively small planar/rigid image patch trackers are scattered throughout the image; resulting estimates of structure and motion at each patch are combined over local neighborhoods via an oriented particle systems formulation. Preliminary experiments have been conducted on real image sequences of deforming objects and on synthetic sequences where ground truth is known.


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We developed and validated a new method to create automated 3D parametric surface models of the lateral ventricles in brain MRI scans, providing an efficient approach to monitor degenerative disease in clinical studies and drug trials. First, we used a set of parameterized surfaces to represent the ventricles in four subjects' manually labeled brain MRI scans (atlases). We fluidly registered each atlas and mesh model to MRIs from 17 Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients and 13 age- and gender-matched healthy elderly control subjects, and 18 asymptomatic ApoE4-carriers and 18 age- and gender-matched non-carriers. We examined genotyped healthy subjects with the goal of detecting subtle effects of a gene that confers heightened risk for Alzheimer's disease. We averaged the meshes extracted for each 3D MR data set, and combined the automated segmentations with a radial mapping approach to localize ventricular shape differences in patients. Validation experiments comparing automated and expert manual segmentations showed that (1) the Hausdorff labeling error rapidly decreased, and (2) the power to detect disease- and gene-related alterations improved, as the number of atlases, N, was increased from 1 to 9. In surface-based statistical maps, we detected more widespread and intense anatomical deficits as we increased the number of atlases. We formulated a statistical stopping criterion to determine the optimal number of atlases to use. Healthy ApoE4-carriers and those with AD showed local ventricular abnormalities. This high-throughput method for morphometric studies further motivates the combination of genetic and neuroimaging strategies in predicting AD progression and treatment response. © 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Recovering the motion of a non-rigid body from a set of monocular images permits the analysis of dynamic scenes in uncontrolled environments. However, the extension of factorisation algorithms for rigid structure from motion to the low-rank non-rigid case has proved challenging. This stems from the comparatively hard problem of finding a linear “corrective transform” which recovers the projection and structure matrices from an ambiguous factorisation. We elucidate that this greater difficulty is due to the need to find multiple solutions to a non-trivial problem, casting a number of previous approaches as alleviating this issue by either a) introducing constraints on the basis, making the problems nonidentical, or b) incorporating heuristics to encourage a diverse set of solutions, making the problems inter-dependent. While it has previously been recognised that finding a single solution to this problem is sufficient to estimate cameras, we show that it is possible to bootstrap this partial solution to find the complete transform in closed-form. However, we acknowledge that our method minimises an algebraic error and is thus inherently sensitive to deviation from the low-rank model. We compare our closed-form solution for non-rigid structure with known cameras to the closed-form solution of Dai et al. [1], which we find to produce only coplanar reconstructions. We therefore make the recommendation that 3D reconstruction error always be measured relative to a trivial reconstruction such as a planar one.


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In order to reduce the motion artifacts in DSA, non-rigid image registration is commonly used before subtracting the mask from the contrast image. Since DSA registration requires a set of spatially non-uniform control points, a conventional MRF model is not very efficient. In this paper, we introduce the concept of pivotal and non-pivotal control points to address this, and propose a non-uniform MRF for DSA registration. We use quad-trees in a novel way to generate the non-uniform grid of control points. Our MRF formulation produces a smooth displacement field and therefore results in better artifact reduction than that of registering the control points independently. We achieve improved computational performance using pivotal control points without compromising on the artifact reduction. We have tested our approach using several clinical data sets, and have presented the results of quantitative analysis, clinical assessment and performance improvement on a GPU. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.